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Eindelijk is de 1e cd van GULAGGH vorige week uitbebracht door New Era Productions. Zoals sommige van jullie misschien weten is GULAGGH het vervolg op STALAGGH, de Nederlands/Belgische 'band' die sinds 2000 een totaal getikte mix van Black Metal, Noise, Ambient en het gekrijs van mentaal gestoorde patienten maakt. Voor meer info: STALAGGH link GULAGGH pakt het wat anders aan door alleen gebruik te maken van klassieke instrumenten zoals: violen, cello's, trompet, saxophone, fluiten en deze keer oa. het gekrijs van meer dan 30 kinderen uit een Jeugd inrichting voor geestelijk gehandicapten... Voor meer info zie: GULAGGH link ![]() En hier een recensie: GULAGGH - 'VORKUTA' -PROMO CD. THE REVIEW: ( by Johan, ominousrecordings.com, july 2008) Stalaggh is dead, the phenomenon has come to an end. But safety is still nowhere to be found, because another beast has taken its place – its name is Gulaggh. When I first heard of Stalaggh, I new that it would be out of this world. Since the first coming, the self-titled 7'', I have been unable to fully enjoy any other group performing similar audio terror. Because none of them have ever felt so real, so terrifyingly evil, so uneasy or so haunting as the sounds that Stalaggh have been able to unleash upon the poor souls of mankind. Now the saga has ended, and Stalaggh has transformed into the second beast. Gulaggh shows that the group is able to renew their own sound, each haunting release is worse than the one before. And if they haven't reached their peak now, I am not sure if I want to hear the next step. This Gulaggh promo-CD that has been handed to me by the members themselves starts with a sample of a Russian speech, then it becomes coated with grinding noises, brass instruments, it's easy to say that it's noiseier than the earlier records and the sound is more uneasy than ever before. But as the record goes on, spastic drums enter and disappear, enter and disappear, like promises of change but never keeping their promise. The use of brass instruments is magnificent, especially in this kind of noisy music and it brings a far more psychotic dimension to it than a more ordinary instrument could. From the first piercing scream of a child I feel sick, I heard that they used children's screams this time, but where unable to understand fully how disturbing it was going to be and I probably didn't believe it either. Now that I listen to it, it hits me that this may be the worst thing ever recorded. Associations the first time I heard it was rather biblical, as if all of the ten plagues were upon mankind at the same time, directed by a psychotic demon with a trumpet or saxophone, or sinners being cleansed of their sins in a none-redeeming purgatory, maybe even a hell gone very wrong, and children were the first to be consumed by fire and burned to dust. This is as sick as it gets, and I want it to be over. Still, I can't turn it off, I am too amazed, too horrified, too impressed, too much of a self-abuser to turn this off. But at the same time, if you think of what time we live in, in what kind of society we live in, this is more than a sick record. It's a soundtrack. When children are terrorized by domestic abuse, incest, isolation, sexual/physical/psychological abuse and eating disorders every day, this could as well be the soundtrack to a generation of children that society has abandoned. It's provoking art, psychotic culture, it's more than just sickness in audio. The mental health among children and teenagers in the western civilization is getting worse - which this record more or less proves – the possibility to find suitable help gets smaller and society tries to do as little as possible. Prescription on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs are handed out to them, just to get them off their hands. No wonder that the suicide rates are increasing amongst children and teenagers across the world. When it's finally over at 45:10, I feel empty, robbed of something, like Gulaggh has taken something from me, but I can't say what it is. My recommendation is that you let them take that from you as well. Let them break you, reach inside you and carve out that piece of you that they want. It's worth it! De cd is te bestellen bij: neweraproductions@email.com [capslockprobleem opgelost] [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Greycloak op 03-06-2009 7:33] ![]() |
Goelag? signature ![]() |
Goulash Collectively the Village People have sold 85 million albums and singles, and they regularly tour Australia. ![]() |
quote: Leuk om te lezen hoe je Gulaggh ervaarde. Na herhaald luisteren zul je steeds nieuwe dingen ontdekken. ![]() |
quote: Haha, fucking poppenkast. ![]() |
dit is weer zoiets waar metalheads naar kunnen luisteren als ze de noisescene willen vingeren. geen echte sex dus. IMA LETCHU GET A SHOT BUT IMA GO FIRRS PUT IN REVERSE LEMME SEE YUH FOOTWORK ![]() |
quote: Hehe, kun je je rommel weer niet verkopen zonder extreme stemmingmakerij? Met de vorige releases had je daar ook herhaaldelijk een handje van. Ik zal het wel weer niet 'begrijpen'.. [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door nuclearwarfare op 31-05-2009 21:21] ![]() |
quote: Het heeft Gulaggh zeer veel moeite gekost om dat voor elkaar te krijgen en het is nogal uniek dus waarom zou ik dat niet vermelden? Er staan op youtube 2 korte samples van Gulaggh, dus daar kun je horen dat het echt zo is. [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door newera666 op 31-05-2009 23:55] ![]() |
quote: Het is stomweg enorm trieste bagger.. volgensmij is deze muziek 100% door die mentaal gehandicapte kinderen gemaakt. ![]() |
quote: [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door R. op 01-06-2009 0:00] ![]() |
Wat is er zo speciaal aan gekrijs van mentaal gehandicapten kinderen? Kan je aan het gekrijs horen dat ze mentaal gehandicapt zijn? Beetje... ![]() ![]() |
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In de woorden van Socrates: "Nou en ?" [Deze realiteit is gemodereerd door Illusione op 28 juni 2009] 'I'm sorry, Wendy, but I just don't trust anything that bleeds for four days and doesn't die.' ![]() |
Correctie. Ik heb net even de moeite genomen om te luisteren naar de samples op de website, en zou graag nu de schrijver Ovidius willen aanhalen: "Wat een verspilling van m'n tijd." [Deze realiteit is gemodereerd door Illusione op 28 juni 2009] 'I'm sorry, Wendy, but I just don't trust anything that bleeds for four days and doesn't die.' ![]() |
ik had verwacht dat er een spectucalairder eind aan stalaggh zou zitten dit nieuwe project veroorzaakt zonder te luisteren al lachstuipen en kromme tenen bij me ![]() |
Jammer dat jullie tegen zo'n uniek project als Stalaggh/Gulaggh zo tekeer gaan zonder het echt goed beluisterd te hebben...Ze zijn al sinds 2000 zeer serieus en gedisciplineerd met dit project bezig. En het is nog wel een Nederlands project wat vooral in Amerika en Japan zeer gewaardeerd wordt en daar vele duizenden cd's worden verkocht en ook zeer positieve recensies krijgt. ![]() |
Je vergeet 'lekker puh'. ![]() |
Dit is eigenlijk gewoon troep...en dat duizenden cd's in Japan en Amerika verkocht zijn, neem ik maar met een hele grote korrel zout... Oh, no I did, but I spent most of my time occupying various administration buildings... smoking a lot of thai stick... breaking into the ROTC... and bowling. To tell you the truth Brandt, I don't remember most of it. ![]() |
quote: Jij vindt het gewoon troep, dat is iets heel anders dan het 'is eigenlijk gewoon troep'. En jouw mening respecteer ik. Heb jij enig inzicht in de cd verkoop??? Nee, tuurlijk niet, dus lul dan ook niet. Hier een aantal recensies uit Amerika die het gelukkig geen troep vinden: How does one define the work of the mysterious entity known as Stalaggh? Is it black metal? Is it industrial noise? Maybe just extreme metal stripped of all semblance of rational composing? Forget all that shit, this is the soundtrack to human torment. Stalaggh’s “final masterwerk” (as described in Autopsy Kitchen’s info sheet), Projekt Misanthropia is one of those horrifically frightening works of dissonant sound experimentation that somehow ends up as much more than the work of a cloistered artist fucking around for the sake of fucking around. Its purpose and worthiness is in the ear of the beholder, as only a smattering of brave souls across the globe will ever grasp its point. One 35-minute track of swirling machine-like sounds and noise terror, and including for the first time the use of conventional instruments like guitar (heard only at certain points as a foundation of sorts for the aural rape that hovers ominously above), “nightmarish” isn’t descriptive enough. Left alone in the dark with the disc blaring, the images conjured bring to mind the portrayals of Hell seen in a host of horror movies. Scenes of eternal torture with no semblance of reason, contorted faces and howls of human suffering beyond the comprehension of mortal man, and feelings that transcend mere dread begin to capture the album’s essence. Be careful with this one and for Christ’s sake check out some samples before making a purchase decision. Projekt Misanthropia defies statements like “not for everyone” and moves into terrain inhabited by the few truly disaffected worshippers of extremity. Scott Alisoglu / Metal Maniacs Stalaggh's Projekt Misanthropia is by no means a conventional album, and as such, there is no way I can possibly analyze it in any conventional fashion. I've heard nervous whispers and frightened conversations about this act for some time now, and having heard it myself, the one conclusion I've made is that never before this album has fear been properly conveyed in an album. The thirty-five minutes of recording featured on this disc are nothing short of aural torture. There is not even another phrase for it! Never before have I heard such exquisite agony, such hopeless despair! Projekt Misanthropia as a disc almost writes its own press release; the number of sick and perverted methods used to require a sound this soul-crushingly harsh are many indeed. First and foremost, the members of Stalaggh (long rumored to be a cabal of the Dutch/Belgian BM scene's finest) are sworn to absolute secrecy. This complete masking allows the various "members" to engage in acts so unwholesome, foul, and outright wrong no music has ever been made like it before. Such horrors are best manifested in the band's legitimate take on misanthropy---describing their sound as the only true representation of the depravity, hatred, and sickness of Earth, the band have stooped to unfathomable lows in crafting their music. Extreme music lore has it that Stalaggh manipulate the vocals of the mentally-ill and convicted murderers in an effort to add realism to their chaotic hatred and despair. Something so violently counter-culture in my first opinion could be naught but shocking hype; after hearing the finished work, there is no doubt in my mind concerning the truth in the band's various media outputs. With all this in mind, what to do with Projekt Misanthropia now? Digesting the CD, can a reviewer like me laud it for its daring originality, or is it better to condemn for its unyielding isolationism? The answer, I think, is a little of both. Projekt Misanthropia is easily one of the most polarizing, strange, and raw albums I've heard. I'd even dare say it is years ahead of its time. The horrendous, frightening, and even sad howls of people utterly consumed by illness of the mind and soul is beyond anything I've ever heard in terms of blatant extremity, yet in some perverted way it makes sense. Stalaggh have taken these surprisingly varied moans, wails, and shrieks of anguished hatred and turned them into a sort of cacophony symphony, replete with passages of thundering percussion, abrasive noise, and hypnotic guitar chords. The most frightening aspect of this work is not the fact that honest human suffering was used to craft it, but rather that it can be so memorable, even catchy, in places. Finding one’s self humming a slithering chord briefly interspersed amongst the cries of the damned is exceedingly unnerving, and raises issues of personal ethics. So manic and chaotic is the sound, the mere thirty-five minutes will warp into and around itself, feeling infinitely longer. I have never used the phrase deprivation of the senses in a review before, but this is a sound place to start. Even by listening to something like this, I wonder if enough is enough. After mulling it over, I think he answer is a resounding no. The spirit of music in my opinion has (and will always be) the complete destruction of convention and tradition in some form or the other. Such rebellion and danger is essential to solid songcraft in this or any era, and Stalaggh are merely the product of an age where that much more annihilation of current thought is required. I'm also inclined to see a twist of irony here in the band's mantra. By giving the mentally-ill, the deranged murderer, or the self-mutilating misanthrope a chance to voice their very real, very personal hatred/sadness, Stalaggh are finding a sort of twisted beauty in the very humanity they seemingly seek to destroy. Yes, such pain in another human is both terrible and godless, yet we as listeners can find something higher in it too. I have a feeling I'm simply interpreting the disc in a much more positive light than was intended by its authors, but I'm going to conclude with a single thought. A disc like Projekt Misanthropia is essential insofar as it makes us realize how low we as human beings can sink. The work is not always pretty, and surely never fun, but one might learn something along the way. Projekt Misanthropia is truly out of this world, and must be experienced firsthand. I guarantee you won't enjoy most of it, but the suffering of others won't have been for naught and there is a strange comfort in that if nothing else. Much like the events of say the Holocaust, the sounds on offer here give us realistic and honest human suffering so that we can step back and respect it, understand it, maybe even cure it. After this, maybe we at last have a start. www.rocknworld.com ![]() |
De recensies zijn inderdaad evenredig aan het project, saai, onbegrijpelijk, langdradig..... don't mistake lack of talent for genius ![]() |
Oh, dacht aan de titel te zien dat dit weer zo'n obscuur topic was van Hypnos. My bad. Due to recent budget cuts and the continued decline of the economy, please note that The Light at the End of the Tunnel has been turned off. ![]() |
quote: Ach, ik heb een blauwe maandag bij een platenlabel/distributeur gewerkt en ik weet uit ervaring dat dit soort projecten populair zijn onder een kleine groep liefhebbers. Daarom lijkt het me stug dat deze muziek duizenden stuks verkopen. Mocht dat namelijk wel het geval zijn, dan had je niet zo stekelig gereageerd en had je me de mond kunnen snoeren met een stel klinkende verkoopcijfers... ![]() [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Taets van Avezaete op 02-06-2009 11:17] Oh, no I did, but I spent most of my time occupying various administration buildings... smoking a lot of thai stick... breaking into the ROTC... and bowling. To tell you the truth Brandt, I don't remember most of it. ![]() |
Ik hou van extreme poep, maar echt, hier zit wat mij betreft geen muzikaliteit in of enige vorm van vermaak. Daarnaast, zo uniek is het niet, ooit eens onethirtyeight moeten luisteren, die doen in principe hetzelfde, at random geluiden bij elkaar flikkeren en dan net doen of het kunst is. Veel plezier toegewenst aan de mensen die dit wel waarderen, maar ga nou niet doen alsof dit zo geweldig en zo uniek is .. ![]() |
quote: Tegenwoordig spreekt men liever van verstandelijk gehandicapten. Lijkt me trouwens sterk dat die in een Jeugdinrichting zitten, zoiets komt in deze moderne tijden nauwelijks meer voor. De kans dat je hebt zitten overdubben en met helium hebt gespeeld lijkt me groter.. Het radicale feminisme is niet eens een lachnummer meer: het is een karikatuur van een parodie op een klucht. ![]() |
31 kinderen uit een inrichting die krijsen, dát is vet, 30? Pffff. ![]() |
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