NecroNoud |
Posted 16-11-2006 23:31 by NecroNoud |
Was zojuist nog eens de Enthroned website aan het bekijken en tot mijn verbazing zag ik dit nieuwsbericht. Vreemd dat ik het niet eerder ergens gehoord heb.
quote: 23.10.2006 - The End of an era…
On October 19th 2006, the decision was taken that long time vocalist Sabathan, won’t be a part of Enthroned anymore. It was time to choose whether we would go on like this and lead Enthroned to a certain death or whether it will continue in its original perspectives. I’ve been involved within this creation for almost 15 years and Sabathan has always been my war-brother within this journey, but some issues occurred between him and the rest of the band regarding several factors, but we prefer to keep those things in between ourselves, things that isn’t your business.
To make a long story short; Sabathan isn’t interested nor have conviction in our faith (Black metal here so to speak) anymore, and for the last two years we were not able to practice nor to write music in a descent way. Enthroned has always been an honest band, Enthroned is a feeling, a faith, a devotion to our belief and to ourselves and we can’t allow a member , who ever it is, to pretend to be something nor someone he isn’t especially being a front man and speaking in our name. Thus, “people who do not talk with each other for a year do not belong in the same band.” A statement which fits quite well the situation I must say.
The situation we had for the last two years couldn’t lead in another direction than this one, so for the good of the band this was the only solution. This news might sound shocking for most, but think further and realize that if the three of us (And especially me knowing Sabathan for more than 13 years) took this decision, there was a VERY good reason behind it. Now, for those who would wonder if Enthroned will continue without Sabathan, the answer is definitely: YES! I wrote 90% of the music and lyrics since “Towards the Skullthrone of Satan” and my devotions are still the same for all those years. We are working now on the next opus with a new member which will be presented in the next months.
Glaurung, Nguaroth
[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door NecroNoud op 16-11-2006 23:35]
don't mistake lack of talent for genius