Posted 06-01-2015 21:38 by MMM |
Mario’s Metal Mania Presents: RED DRAGON (NL, Farewell show) & AFTER CHAOS (NL)
RED DRAGON (NL): is a local band from Tilburg but these guys already formed in the early 80's!! After years of silence MMM managed to book the band already for a reunion show at the Tilburg Headbangers Fest in 2006 of which MMM was co-organiser during 2006/2007. Later on the band did a few other shows and also played the 7th (SOLD OUT) edition of Mario’s Metal Meeting with bands like Tygers of PanTang (UK) and Jaguar (UK).
Red Dragon started in 1982 (the eighties) by the Jacobs-brothers René, Kees and Huub. Although the bandmembers where influenced by Saxon, Scorpions, Black Sabbath, Rainbow, Uriah Heep, Deep Purple, Kansas etc.. ...the band has its own sound because everyone wants to put his favourite band-influences in the music. “Keep on rockin’, Keep on Dragon” was the slogan in the eighties.
The music is straigt-on and pure hardrock. Not too simple, not too symphonic but it rockes. The message is: don’t go worrying about social problems but live your life and enjoy the music.
Gigs were given in Nederland (especially Zeeland) en Belgium. They played as support act for Uriah Heep, Bodine and Vengeance and headlining some festivals.
Well, now nearly 35 years later the band decided to do a few farewell gigs and stop completely after these shows. One of the few farewell shows had to take place in their hometown Tilburg and as a longtime friend of bassplayer Huub Jacobs, MMM arranged this show @ Little Devil club! So dont miss this show; last time to witness these guys on stage with RED DRAGON!
AFTER CHAOS (NL): is a rock/metal coverband from Waalwijk with in their ranks RED DRAGON guitarplayer Rene Jacobs. The band plays mostly oldschool rock/metal covers and is a perfect band to warm up the audience! And a nice opportunity to wittnes Rene Jacobs in his “new” band!
Date: Friday 9 January 2015
Little Devil, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Doors: 19:00
Entrance; FREE !!!!