attila_de_hun |
good person but bad musician.... |
Posted 23-05-2003 18:50 by attila_de_hun |
gekopieerd van een ander board. zou de briefopsteller het serieus menen of is dit een of ander onzinnig geintje.
From: "Boycot Displeased / From Beyond !"
Subject: ATTENTION: Displeased / From Beyond WARNING
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 19:45:32 +0000
Boycott Displeased / From Beyond!
This is a letter to inform, and most of all, warn you about the capitalist frauds of Displeased Records, and their pseudo-underground sub-label From Beyond Productions. Bear in mind that this is not a direct attack against the people that have ever done business with the labels we just mentioned! We are well aware of the fact that most labels, magazines and underground metalfans outside of the Netherlands aren’t familiar with the situation over here concerning these scumbags. We can’t blame anyone for buying great releases of kult bands such as Blasphemy, Necro Schizma, and Maniac Butcher, but we want to let true underground supporters know about the people who release their albums.
About Displeased Records: they have never been a real underground label and they never will be. Inside the Netherlands they’ve never hidden their goals to earn as much money as possible, from whatever style of music. They love to sell whatever they can to earn a quick buck. One of the worst examples is the horrible band Unlord. This “secret project of elite, anonymous Black Metal all-stars” (sic) turned out to be a ‘funny side project’ of members of the stupid grindcore band Consolation.
Some other nice details about Displeased Records include the fact that they sell every possible shitty piece of merchandise of traitors such as Cradle Of Filth, Dimmu Borgir and such, and they don’t care about selling Nu-metal, hardcore and fag-gothic crap as well. Many underground fans aren’t aware of the fact that the people behind Displeased Records, being Ron Veltkamp and Lars Eikema, are nothing but slick businessmen, who don’t give a fuck about ideals and ideology put to music, which has always been a key characteristic of the Black Metal scene. Actually, they have even claimed to be against paganism and Satanism, because they are “religions”, which means they are just fucking atheists.
Another ‘nice’ detail is that they have absolutely NO objections to sell and support bands of the new, small generation of ‘Christian Black Metal’ (sic) bands that are nowadays popping up in the Netherlands. The band Slechtvalk is the worst example of this, and Displeased sells all three of their available CD’s. In the past, Christian bands like the well known Mortification and Horde were also included on their mail-order lists.
However, this isn’t all. Things get even worse when the words nationalism and Nazism pop up. These capitalist bastards have shown the ultimate hypocrisy, in selling bands with clear N.S.-sympathies, such as Graveland (but they don’t mention them in their catalogue), Burzum, Grand Belial’s Key, Hate Forest, Arghoslent, and tons of others, while at the same time claiming to be hardcore anti-nazi. Their hypocrisy becomes even clearer in them selling N.S.B.M. bands without hesitation, as long as there are no visible N.S.-related symbols on it. For example, they don’t mind selling Burzum shirts, because hey, “they sell damn well”, but they don’t sell the one on which you can see a few tiny sunwheels. Things get worse. In their battle for political-correctness in metal music they say that they cannot be blamed for selling “politically-incorrect” bands, because the girlfriend of Lars is jewish (yes, you’ve read it well). This kind of reasoning is not only extremely weak and illogical (the bands, the label, and the girlfriend are in no way actively related), but it also shows that Displeased is willing to exploit the racial backgrounds of those close to them to ‘clear’ their name to the outside world, and at the same earn them even more money than would have been the case when acting in total honesty. Using your jewish girlfriend as an argument in order to freely sell extremist bands means sinking to the lowest levels of decency.
To make clear that the frauds of Displeased Records really are businessmen in the worst possible way, is to expose how they treat ‘competition’ from other Dutch labels. Without mentioning names we will describe some examples: They really love to accuse other labels of selling ‘nazi bands’ and being ‘nazi labels’, even when everybody knows this is total bullshit. When a label gets a little bit too big for their taste they start to spread shitty rumors and blackmail them. In the Netherlands, none of the underground labels really gets along with them. In one of the worst cases, Displeased contacted the Dutch tax-office to start an investigation against a label that didn’t pay enough taxes in their eyes. This really got the label in question into a lot of problems; a label which was truly considered to be part of the Undergound scene… We can get deeper into this topic, but I think you’ve got the point of how they treat real and dedicated underground labels over here.
Lately, the obscure and extreme Underground scene is unfortunately getting more and more popular. Of course, the greedy bastards of Displeased noticed this, and wanted to ca$h in on it. But hey, too bad for them, no one in this scene was interested in their shitty humanist releases, and also many in the underground noticed that they’re in it ‘for the money’. So, in order to get involved in the neo-underground, they started a sub-label called From Beyond Productions. The unfortunate Roman Buschman, who is considered an honest and dedicated person, ran this label, until the folks from Displeased made him an interesting offer: they offered to finance the items he wanted to release, and also take over the promotion and distribution. Of course, this sounds like a tempting offer, but it is nothing more than a camouflaged take-over of a potential business threat, downgrading Roman from label owner to some sort of ‘underground talent scout’. And taking in account that most people in the Netherlands know the reputation of Displeased Records, the deal isn’t that tempting anymore!.
So, in a very slick and filthy way, these greedy capitalist bastards earn a lot of money by selling releases from extreme and dedicated underground labels such as Sombre, No Colours, Christhunt, Drakkar, Northern Heritage, Selbstmord Services, and many others. And most of the time they are not selling it to people who are worthy of such elitist and extremist releases. We must admit that From Beyond Productions releases some great CD’s and LP’s, from bands that are probably unaware of the motives from the people behind this label. The same goes for the labels From Beyond arranges its trades with, because who doesn’t worship acts such as old Sathanas, Blasphemy and Necro Schizma?
Right now, it is essential to boycott both Displeased Records and From Beyond Productions. Show your solidarity with the people in the Netherlands, who have been active in the Underground scene for years and gained a lot of problems because of the dirty blackmailing and blacklisting done by these assholes. Because of scum like this, it becomes even clearer that we must form ‘an underground below the underground’. It is important to bear in mind that the Displeased guys are NOT interested in the Underground scene; they are merely PARASITES, leeches who suck the REAL scene dry. They are politically correct humanists and atheists and their only aim is to earn money. Take a look at their ‘funny and entertaining’ website
We don’t have any problems with Roman of From Beyond as a person, but with the fact that he is prostituting himself for the benefit of the traitor frauds of Displeased Records. Our scene should stay closed and inaccessible to trend labels like Displeased Records, SO BOYCOTT THEM!
We would like to ask everyone to spread this message. Most importantly: get these words across to the true labels and fanzines out there. Show your support to the real underground scene by boycotting the parasites! Keep the cult alive!
Black Metal Maffia.– Dutch Department, May 2003 C.E.
Stronghold of Dutch Black Metal extremism
[edit: titel-spelling]
[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Fire op 23-05-2003 19:57]