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Topic : Speech Collin Powel (bewijzen VS Iraq) Vorige pagina | Volgende pagina
good person but bad musician....
Usericon van attila_de_hun
Posted 07-02-2003 15:35 by attila_de_hun Wijzig reactieProfiel van attila_de_hunQuote dit bericht

Op FOK staat dat de "bewijzen" , die door Powell zijn geleverd dateren uit de jaren ´90. Ongelooflijk, wat een debielen.

Usericon van Oebe
Posted 07-02-2003 19:21 by Oebe Wijzig reactieProfiel van OebeQuote dit bericht

Bij de "bewijzen" van Powell moesten de (anti-Saddam) Koerden die wonen vlakbij de "terroristentrainingskamp/ gifstokerij/ explosievenfabriek in Kuhrmal van Abu Musaab al-Zarqawi (Colin's nieuwste fixatie) wel even achter hun oren krabben:

Usericon van ZwaarMetaal
Posted 07-02-2003 19:22 by ZwaarMetaal Wijzig reactieProfiel van ZwaarMetaalQuote dit bericht

Op 7 februari 2003 19:21 schreef Oebe het volgende:
Bij de "bewijzen" van Powell moesten de (anti-Saddam) Koerden die wonen vlakbij de "terroristentrainingskamp/ gifstokerij/ explosievenfabriek in Kuhrmal van Abu Musaab al-Zarqawi (Colin's nieuwste fixatie) wel even achter hun oren krabben:

daar moet ik registreren ofz

Usericon van Oebe
Posted 07-02-2003 19:29 by Oebe Wijzig reactieProfiel van OebeQuote dit bericht

Goed, dan zal ik het hier even pasten (registratie is gratis by the way)

February 6, 2003
Kurds Puzzled by Report of Terror Camp

ERBIL, Iraq, Feb. 5 — Secretary of State Colin L. Powell's assertion today that Islamic extremists were operating a poisons training camp and factory in northern Iraq appeared to surprise Kurdish officials, who greeted the claim with a mix of satisfaction and confusion.
The officials were pleased to hear an American effort to discredit their Islamist enemies, and to sense momentum toward war to unseat Saddam Hussein. But some also wondered if the intelligence Mr. Powell presented to the United Nations Security Council was imprecise.
As part of his presentation to the Security Council, Mr. Powell said a terrorist network run by Abu Musaab al-Zarqawi, an operative of Al Qaeda, had "helped establish another poison and explosive training center camp, and this camp is located in northeastern Iraq."
As he spoke, a monitor displayed a photograph with the caption: "Terrorist Poison and Explosives Factory, Khurmal."
The network that Mr. Powell referred to appeared to be Ansar al-Islam, an extremist group controlling a small area of northern Iraq. Ansar has been accused of dispatching assassins and suicide bombers, of harboring Qaeda fighters from Afghanistan and of training several hundred local fighters.
The secular Kurdish government has been battling the group since 2001, and, since December, there have been indications that Mr. Zarqawi may have spent time in Ansar's territory last year.
But no Western officials had gone as far with claims of Ansar's danger as Mr. Powell did when he showed a photograph of the Khurmal factory. Mr. Powell also said that Baghdad has a senior official in the "most senior levels" of Ansar, a claim apparently intended to build a case that Baghdad is collaborating with Al Qaeda and, by extension, in a chemical factory.
Some here quickly seconded Mr. Powell's opinion. "We have some information about this lab from agents and from prisoners," Kamal Fuad, the Parliament speaker, said.
But Mr. Powell's assertion also produced confusion tonight. One senior Kurdish official, a member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan who is familiar with the intelligence on Ansar, said he had not heard of the laboratory Mr. Powell displayed.
"I don't know anything about this compound," he said.
Kurds also questioned whether Mr. Powell was mistaken, or had mislabeled the photograph. Khurmal, the village named on the photo, is controlled not by Ansar al-Islam but by Komala Islami Kurdistan, a more moderate Islamic group.
The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, which is allied with Washington and has been hosting an American intelligence team in northern Iraq for several months, maintains relations with Komala. It has been paying $200,000 to $300,000 in aid to the party each month, in an effort to lure Komala's leaders away from Ansar.
So Mr. Powell's photograph raised a question: Is the laboratory in Komala's area, meaning the Kurdish opposition might have inadvertently helped pay for it, or has the United States made a mistake?
"My sources say it is in Beyara," one Kurdish official said. "Not in Khurmal." Ansar has a headquarters in Beyara, a village several miles from Khurmal.
Abu Bari Syan, an administrator for Komal Islami Kurdistan, the party that controls Khurmal, took an even stronger stand about Mr. Powell's claim. "All of it is not true," he said.

Copyright 2003 The New York Times Company

Usericon van Oebe
Posted 07-02-2003 19:34 by Oebe Wijzig reactieProfiel van OebeQuote dit bericht

And another case to be added to the legacy:

On the turning away
Usericon van arrebar
Posted 07-02-2003 20:56 by arrebar (Speciaal lid) Wijzig reactieProfiel van arrebarQuote dit bericht

jij post veel hier

"Een vrouw als jou, heb ik nooit gekend. Sterker nog, ik zou niet weten wie je bent" Herman Finkers

Just one out of seventy-two
Usericon van Astaroth
Posted 07-02-2003 21:10 by Astaroth Wijzig reactieProfiel van AstarothQuote dit bericht

[qoute]Pellnas said he hopes that nations of the European Union make it their responsibility to build their own intelligence agency which has the capability to act as a counterbalance to the US. "It would be great indeed if the EU could act as a balance to the world's only true superpower, which acts alone these days."[/quote]

Hier ben ik het dus wel helemaal mee eens. Het nadeel van die foto's is dat de EU (en de VN) geen mogelijkheid hebben om het zelf te verifieren.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

Usericon van Oebe
Posted 07-02-2003 21:37 by Oebe Wijzig reactieProfiel van OebeQuote dit bericht

Ben ik het ook mee eens, maar laten ze dan geen Comverse apparatuur meer gebruiken.

Een aantla journalisten zijn wezen kijken op zo'n Powell foto:

Iraq Shows Off Missile Site to Rebut U.S. Charges
Fri February 7, 2003 08:03 AM ET
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq took international journalists to a missile engine testing site north of Baghdad on Friday in an attempt to rebut U.S. charges that it was developing long-range missiles in violation of a U.N. ban.
Secretary of State Colin Powell, during a presentation to the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday, produced a satellite picture of two engine test stands at Falluja. One of the stands, Powell said, was designed to test engines of missiles with a range of 1,200 km (750 miles).

Under U.N. resolutions, Iraq is allowed to have missiles with a maximum range of 150 km (95 miles). Iraq's Information Ministry took journalists to the site, run by the government's Al Rafah company.

Ali Jassem, an official at the site, said the facility was the first visited by U.N. weapons inspectors when they resumed work in Iraq on November 27.

"The inspectors visited this site and searched it. They found that everything inside falls under permitted activities," Jassem said.

He said the inspectors had returned to the site several times since, the last of which was on February 4, a day before Powell's presentation.

The official said the experts, who have attended four static tests for the al-Samoud missile with a range of 150 km, had looked at the stand and found it consistent with permitted activities.

Reporters were taken to tour inside the facility and shown the two stands. Jassem said the larger stand had not been put into operation yet but, like Powell said, a roof had been built over it.

Powell said the picture that he produced for the Security Council had been taken in April 2002.

"Since then, the test stand has been finished and a roof has been put over it so it will be harder for satellites to see what's going on underneath," Powell said, adding that the stand was designed for long-range missiles that can fly 1,200 km.

en dan:

Rusland en Frankrijk worden gewaarschuwd: (Turkije is afgeperst door het IMF en vervolgens omgekocht met ca. 4 miljard dollar)

Usericon van Oebe
Posted 08-02-2003 10:30 by Oebe Wijzig reactieProfiel van OebeQuote dit bericht

Powell Presents Evidence That Iraq Has Oil
6 Feb 2003

The United States yesterday produced "clear and conclusive evidence" to the UN Security Council that Iraq has oil and that it is making "active and systematic efforts" to hide it. Secretary of State Colin Powell showed a special sitting of the Council tapes, documents and photographs that he said proved Iraq was in breach of several key resolutions about owning oil.

"Leaving Saddam Hussein in possession of oil for a few more months or years is not an option," he argued. Then, producing satellite photographs of oil tankers travelling along a road escorted by armed vehicles, he added: "We don't know precisely what Iraq was moving here, but whatever it is I am in no doubt that they shouldn't have it and we should take it off them."

The British Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, backed Secretary Powell's case against Iraq. "Let's be clear about this, and this really is an important point, this is a powerful and authoritative case against Saddam Hussein," he said. "I am totally convinced that Iraq has oil and this Council must now face up to its responsibilities and send troops in to get it."

Mr Straw later added that he was not impressed with Iraq for having so much oil. Speaking to journalists after the meeting had closed, he said forcefully: "I am not impressed."

Other members of the Security Council were not as easily convinced as Mr Straw, however. The French Foreign Minister, Dominique de Villepin, said that France was "not certain" that the tankers Colin Powell showed pictures of were carrying oil, or even that they were travelling anywhere. "In France it is common for trucks to block roads but not actually carry anything anywhere," he said. "Perhaps the drivers were just on strike."

Iraq has meanwhile strenuously denied any suggestion that it has oil. Speaking to our man at an Iraqi petrol station as he filled up the tank of his 120-litre gas-guzzling car almost to the point of it overflowing, presidential adviser Amer al-Saadi said that Colin Powell had "manufactured" evidence of Iraq having vast quantities of oil. "In fact, we hardly have any oil at all," he protested. "And any oil you do find here, for example in oil wells or bunkers, will be so insignificant we probably forgot about it."

Copyright ©2001-2003 DeadBrain

Just one out of seventy-two
Usericon van Astaroth
Posted 08-02-2003 11:22 by Astaroth Wijzig reactieProfiel van AstarothQuote dit bericht

Op 8 februari 2003 10:30 schreef Oebe het volgende:
Powell Presents Evidence That Iraq Has Oil
6 Feb 2003

The United States yesterday produced "clear and conclusive evidence" to the UN Security Council that Iraq has oil and that it is making "active and systematic efforts" to hide it. Secretary of State Colin Powell showed a special sitting of the Council tapes, documents and photographs that he said proved Iraq was in breach of several key resolutions about owning oil.

"Leaving Saddam Hussein in possession of oil for a few more months or years is not an option," he argued. Then, producing satellite photographs of oil tankers travelling along a road escorted by armed vehicles, he added: "We don't know precisely what Iraq was moving here, but whatever it is I am in no doubt that they shouldn't have it and we should take it off them."

The British Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, backed Secretary Powell's case against Iraq. "Let's be clear about this, and this really is an important point, this is a powerful and authoritative case against Saddam Hussein," he said. "I am totally convinced that Iraq has oil and this Council must now face up to its responsibilities and send troops in to get it."

Mr Straw later added that he was not impressed with Iraq for having so much oil. Speaking to journalists after the meeting had closed, he said forcefully: "I am not impressed."

Other members of the Security Council were not as easily convinced as Mr Straw, however. The French Foreign Minister, Dominique de Villepin, said that France was "not certain" that the tankers Colin Powell showed pictures of were carrying oil, or even that they were travelling anywhere. "In France it is common for trucks to block roads but not actually carry anything anywhere," he said. "Perhaps the drivers were just on strike."

Iraq has meanwhile strenuously denied any suggestion that it has oil. Speaking to our man at an Iraqi petrol station as he filled up the tank of his 120-litre gas-guzzling car almost to the point of it overflowing, presidential adviser Amer al-Saadi said that Colin Powell had "manufactured" evidence of Iraq having vast quantities of oil. "In fact, we hardly have any oil at all," he protested. "And any oil you do find here, for example in oil wells or bunkers, will be so insignificant we probably forgot about it."

Copyright ©2001-2003 DeadBrain

(De stijl van schrijven doet me denken aan die krant artikelen uit SimCity vroeger )

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

Usericon van Oebe
Posted 08-02-2003 19:38 by Oebe Wijzig reactieProfiel van OebeQuote dit bericht

Dekmantel aanvang oorlog?

Koerden eisen overgave extremisten
Gepubliceerd op zaterdag 8 februari 2003 18:13

SULEIMANIYAH (ANP) - De Patriottische Unie van Koerdistan (PUK) dreigt een extremistische moslimorganisatie in het noorden van Irak met militaire aanvallen. De PUK geeft de militie Ansar al-Islam nog enkele dagen de tijd om zich over te geven.
De PUK, die een deel van noordelijk Irak beheerst, stelt dat zaterdag in een verklaring. De organisatie zegt dat Ansar al-Islam banden heeft met het netwerk al-Qaeda van de voorvluchtige Saudische terrorist Osama bin Laden. Er zijn circa achthonderd strijders van Ansar al-Islam actief in noordoostelijk Irak, in het grensgebied met Iran.

De strijders van de PUK, de Peshmergas, bereiden volgens ooggetuigen met Amerikaanse hulp een groot offensief voor tegen de militie.

De Iraakse regering heeft ondertussen extra troepen gestuurd naar het noorden dat zij beheerst. De Irakezen vrezen dat Amerikaanse troepen bij een aanval zullen proberen zich snel meester te maken van Kirkuk en Mosul, steden in het olierijke Noord-Irak.

Copyright 2003 ANP

Usericon van Jebes
Posted 08-02-2003 19:42 by Jebes Wijzig reactieProfiel van JebesQuote dit bericht

Amerika is weer smerig bezig... andere groeperingen ondersteunen om zelf doden te beperken en toch Irak aanvallen onder een dekmantel zoals je zegt.

Hobsbawm: 'However strong and sincere the belief that magic would turn machine-gun bullets aside, it worked too rarely to make much difference' - -

Usericon van Snaack
Posted 08-02-2003 19:58 by Snaack Wijzig reactieProfiel van SnaackQuote dit bericht

bwargh bwargh bwargh!!

Net het nieuws gezien, ik moet weer kotsen van Amerika

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Snaack op 08-02-2003 19:58]

good person but bad musician....
Usericon van attila_de_hun
Posted 08-02-2003 20:10 by attila_de_hun Wijzig reactieProfiel van attila_de_hunQuote dit bericht

Op 8 februari 2003 19:58 schreef Snaack het volgende:
bwargh bwargh bwargh!!

Net het nieuws gezien, ik moet weer kotsen van Amerika

Ik heb het nieuws niet gezien (snookeren op BBC heeft prioriteit) was er iets speciaals dan ?

Usericon van Jebes
Posted 08-02-2003 20:17 by Jebes Wijzig reactieProfiel van JebesQuote dit bericht

Op 8 februari 2003 20:10 schreef attila_de_hun het volgende:
Ik heb het nieuws niet gezien (snookeren op BBC heeft prioriteit) was er iets speciaals dan ?

Nee niks speciaals.... wat oorlogspropaganda van Rumsfeld (of hoe je dat ook schrijft)

Hobsbawm: 'However strong and sincere the belief that magic would turn machine-gun bullets aside, it worked too rarely to make much difference' - -

Usericon van Snaack
Posted 08-02-2003 20:32 by Snaack Wijzig reactieProfiel van SnaackQuote dit bericht

Nou.. iets speciaals.. Ik kan me vaag iets herinneren dat de VS als Europa niet aan een bepaalde vrijwillig verplichte voorwaarde voldoet, de VS de visumplicht weer in gaat stellen.

De VS wil namelijk toegang tot privégegevens van passagiers op Europese vluchten naar de VS toe. Het gaat dan om gegevens als welk reisbureau de vlucht geboekt is, of de reisdatum verandert is, of de passagier speciale maaltijdwensen heeft e.d. Zaken die ze geen fuck aangaan dus!

De EU-woordvoerder zei al dat de eis van de VS belachelijk is, dat wij in onze democratie bepaalde waarden hebben en dat recht op privacy er daar een van is. Als de VS de visumplicht weer instelt voor Europese passagiers, stelt Europa het omgekeerde weer in..

Amerika conservatief? Drammerig? Kinderachtig? Zomaar wat associaties die in me opkwamen toen ik dit op het nieuws zag..

Usericon van Jebes
Posted 08-02-2003 20:44 by Jebes Wijzig reactieProfiel van JebesQuote dit bericht

Amerika is inderdaad kinderachtig, ze zetten ook Duitse bedrijven onder druk zodat die tegen de politiek gaan zeuren waardoor Duitsland misschien toch overstag gaat. Het is niet normaal meer, Amerika doet zo ongeveer alles om maar oorlog te kunnen voeren.

Hobsbawm: 'However strong and sincere the belief that magic would turn machine-gun bullets aside, it worked too rarely to make much difference' - -

good person but bad musician....
Usericon van attila_de_hun
Posted 08-02-2003 20:56 by attila_de_hun Wijzig reactieProfiel van attila_de_hunQuote dit bericht

Zeer irritante lui, die republikeinen. Nu ook nog Europa een beetje in tweeen verdelen.

Usericon van Snaack
Posted 08-02-2003 21:45 by Snaack Wijzig reactieProfiel van SnaackQuote dit bericht

Ik wil Clinton terug

Bush en Powel mogen anaal gespietst worden

Usericon van SQT
Posted 08-02-2003 23:31 by SQT Wijzig reactieProfiel van SQTQuote dit bericht

Colin - George - Saddam

like this?

Sommige mensen praten maar zeggen niks
Usericon van gummibeer
Posted 08-02-2003 23:34 by gummibeer Wijzig reactieProfiel van gummibeerQuote dit bericht


Usericon van Oebe
Posted 09-02-2003 11:17 by Oebe Wijzig reactieProfiel van OebeQuote dit bericht

Iraq: The war against the people (30 min video)

Usericon van Triple-Dan
Posted 09-02-2003 11:24 by Triple-Dan Wijzig reactieProfiel van Triple-DanQuote dit bericht

Ik wordt wakker en er is nog steeds geen oorlog


Usericon van SQT
Posted 09-02-2003 21:20 by SQT Wijzig reactieProfiel van SQTQuote dit bericht

Gaat er iemand nog demonstreren zaterdag?

On the turning away
Usericon van arrebar
Posted 09-02-2003 21:23 by arrebar (Speciaal lid) Wijzig reactieProfiel van arrebarQuote dit bericht

kzou wel willen maar ik moet werken. en ik denk niet dat protesteren zin heeft, bush intreseert het geen fuck of die 100den mensen doodmaait zonder rede. laat staan dat het hem iets zou intreseren dat een paar mensen uit dat kleine landje met hun rare drugsbeleid zouden demonstreren

"Een vrouw als jou, heb ik nooit gekend. Sterker nog, ik zou niet weten wie je bent" Herman Finkers

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