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Usericon van ZelThoR
Posted 22-12-2008 12:28 by ZelThoR Wijzig reactieProfiel van ZelThoRQuote dit bericht

Als het een kutjaar was, wel.

Deze account is precies 8 jaar gebruikt, om precies 20.000 posts te maken en (uiteindelijk) precies 1 ban te krijgen.

Envy is the ulcer of the soul.
Usericon van MR. N
Posted 22-01-2009 8:39 by MR. N Wijzig reactieProfiel van MR. NQuote dit berichthttp://www.herrierecordsinc,com

Download: Faith No More, Bizkit and ZZ Top In The Pipeline?
terrybezer / News, Top Posts / 16/01/2009 16:56pm
Faith No More? Limp Bizkit? ZZ Top? Get the hottest Download rumours around, courtesy of Download Festival’s organizer, Andy Copping.

Metal Hammer sat down for an exclusive conversation with Download Festival Organizer, Andy Copping who revealed that they are attempting to get Faith No More, ZZ Top and a reunited Limp Bizkit onto the bill of this year’s festival. While keen to point out that no names have been officially confirmed for the festival as yet, there are plenty of names being thrown into the hat at this point.

“It’d be a special event if we got Faith No More to play or ZZ Top played on the back of a new album with Rick Rubin. It’d also be special to get Limp Bizkit to play as they’re back with Wes Borland. Half of people would think it would be shit and another half of the people would think “they were actually a decent band”.”

Wes Borland’s definitely back in Limp Bizkit?

“Yes. 100%. We tried to get (Black light Burns) to do a few different things last year but he’s definitely back in the band. There’s a lot of things to pluck out there. Wouldn’t it be great to get Limp Bizkit with Wes Borland, ZZ Top with a new album, Faith No More…fucking hell! But we might not get any of those but we’re trying really, really hard. I’m hopeful we shall have some news because we want to launch no later than the middle of February so I’ve got a month to get this together.”

Faith No More: Hammer heard that all the guys were up for it – even Patton - but that the band will need another European festival to make the trip over worth it. And this is proving harder than you might expect as FNM were never popular in mainland Europe as they were in the UK and the US.

“Basically, when an artist is coming over, they want a whole period to come over and play. You look at Metallica, AC/DC and Rage Against The Machine. There’s certain bands who can play any territory and they’re a huge act but there are others that are strong in some markets and not in others and that can be difficult when you want to get an artist over and you think that you’re offering them really good money but that doesn’t stack up because for them to be over here for 4-5 weeks and they’re getting a tenth or a twentieth of what I’m paying them, they can’t make it work. I think it’s a very valid case in point with Faith No More that they’re dipping their toe in the water and nothing is definite.”

“Faith No More haven’t managed to get that PR machine together (that RATM had) and they haven’t had people talk about what great albums ‘The Real Thing’ and ‘Angel Dust’ are and to the death they were a great live band. They haven’t got their first show at Coachella like RATM had and Tool had with their last album, when they came back at Coachella festival in the States and were getting everyone excited about them again and I think FNM haven’t done that. All of the band members haven’t agreed to do it.”

Many of the names and rumours we threw at Andy, he was unable to comment about as the process of booking bands and announcing them is a highly political one

Hmmmmmm, ik dacht dat ze best populair waren in NL. Hopen dat er een tour komt!


Usericon van Ralph
Posted 22-01-2009 8:43 by Ralph (Speciaal lid) Wijzig reactieProfiel van RalphQuote dit bericht

Zou mooi zijn, maar ik moet het nog zien. Tot nu toe is het allemaal weinig meer dan speculatie en wishful thinking. "GEICO does not cover Autobot Matrix of Leaderships."

Envy is the ulcer of the soul.
Usericon van MR. N
Posted 22-01-2009 8:44 by MR. N Wijzig reactieProfiel van MR. NQuote dit berichthttp://www.herrierecordsinc,com

Op 22 januari 2009 8:43 schreef Ralph het volgende:
Zou mooi zijn, maar ik moet het nog zien. Tot nu toe is het allemaal weinig meer dan speculatie en wishful thinking.

Daarom hoop ik ook, hehehe. Zal mij wel benieuwen wie er als gitarist zou spelen mocht het doorgaan.


Our fate is written in the web. Woven by the Norns
Usericon van Argus
Posted 22-01-2009 8:46 by Argus Wijzig reactieProfiel van ArgusQuote dit bericht

Toevallig deze week de Bill en Ted films aan de ega laten zien. Altijd leuk Big Jim weer eens te zien lopen

Born to bleed. Fighting to succeed. Build to endure what this world throws at me.. Mag ik u verder een boeketje haagsche bloemen aanbieden?

Usericon van Staalman
Posted 22-01-2009 8:52 by Staalman Wijzig reactieProfiel van StaalmanQuote dit bericht

Op 22 januari 2009 8:44 schreef MR. N het volgende:
Daarom hoop ik ook, hehehe. Zal mij wel benieuwen wie er als gitarist zou spelen mocht het doorgaan.

Persoonlijk is Jim Martin denk ik de hoofdoptie.. Epic en Angeldust zijn volgens mij toch wel de FnM platen.

"Life Is Much More Beautiful, When It Means Nothing At All"

Envy is the ulcer of the soul.
Usericon van MR. N
Posted 22-01-2009 8:54 by MR. N Wijzig reactieProfiel van MR. NQuote dit berichthttp://www.herrierecordsinc,com

Op 22 januari 2009 8:52 schreef Staalman het volgende:
Persoonlijk is Jim Martin denk ik de hoofdoptie.. Epic en Angeldust zijn volgens mij toch wel de FnM platen.

Epic? The Real Thing bedoel je denk ik.

Qua gitaarwerk en gitaarsound was Big Jim wel erg vet ja.


Usericon van Staalman
Posted 22-01-2009 9:07 by Staalman Wijzig reactieProfiel van StaalmanQuote dit bericht

Op 22 januari 2009 8:54 schreef MR. N het volgende:
Epic? The Real Thing bedoel je denk ik.

Qua gitaarwerk en gitaarsound was Big Jim wel erg vet ja.

Idd, foutje... KUT!!!! Damn, daar gaan mijn scenepoints.

"Life Is Much More Beautiful, When It Means Nothing At All"

Envy is the ulcer of the soul.
Usericon van MR. N
Posted 22-01-2009 9:17 by MR. N Wijzig reactieProfiel van MR. NQuote dit berichthttp://www.herrierecordsinc,com

Op 22 januari 2009 9:07 schreef Staalman het volgende:
Idd, foutje... KUT!!!! Damn, daar gaan mijn scenepoints.

Na Na NaNaaaaaanNa


Usericon van Staalman
Posted 22-01-2009 9:23 by Staalman Wijzig reactieProfiel van StaalmanQuote dit bericht

"Life Is Much More Beautiful, When It Means Nothing At All"

Usericon van Ralph
Posted 22-01-2009 9:30 by Ralph (Speciaal lid) Wijzig reactieProfiel van RalphQuote dit bericht

Op 22 januari 2009 9:07 schreef Staalman het volgende:
Idd, foutje... KUT!!!! Damn, daar gaan mijn scenepoints.

Had jij scenepoints? Dat heb je mij nooit verteld! "GEICO does not cover Autobot Matrix of Leaderships."

Usericon van Staalman
Posted 18-02-2009 10:02 by Staalman Wijzig reactieProfiel van StaalmanQuote dit bericht

Dit gaat de goede kant op...

Guitarist JIM MARTIN Not Taking Part In Rumored FAITH NO MORE Reunion - Feb. 18, 2009

Rumors are gaining momentum that the hugely infuential '90s alt-metal band FAITH NO MORE is planning to reunite for a number of European festival appearances this summer. A source close to guitarist Jim Martin, who was in the group from 1983 until 1993, has told BLABBERMOUTH.NET that the axeman expressed interest in taking part in the reunion after being recently contacted by keyboardist Roddy Bottum and a member of FAITH NO MORE's management team, but that the band inexplicably decided to utilize a different guitarist — believed to be one of several musicians that were in FAITH NO MORE following Martin's exit from the group — for the upcoming dates.

Although Kerrang! magazine reported in November that a number of U.K. concert venues had been placed on hold for FAITH NO MORE dates next spring, bassist Billy Gould downplayed the speculation, saying, "If anything like this were to happen, it would have to come from the band, and I haven't spoken with any of them in over a year."

Meanwhile, U.K. promoter Andy Copping also said FAITH NO MORE's return this year was unlikely, telling Metal Hammer, "FAITH NO MORE haven't managed to get that PR machine together ... All of the band members haven't agreed to do it."

Martin left FAITH NO MORE in 1993 due to "internal conflicts" and was replaced by FNM singer Mike Patton's MR. BUNGLE bandmate Trey Spruance. Trey also exited soon after recording 1995's "King for a Day... Fool for a Lifetime", just before the band was to begin a world tour. Spruance was replaced by Dean Menta, the band's guitar roadie. FAITH NO MORE's final studio CD, "Album of the Year", was released in 1997 and featured yet another new guitarist, Jon Hudson, who was a former roommate of Billy Gould.

"Life Is Much More Beautiful, When It Means Nothing At All"

Gebroeders Grey
Usericon van Greycloak
Posted 18-02-2009 10:46 by Greycloak (Speciaal lid) Wijzig reactieProfiel van GreycloakQuote dit bericht


What a day, what a day If you can look it in the face and hold your vomit

Usericon van bastianus
Posted 18-02-2009 11:02 by bastianus Wijzig reactieProfiel van bastianusQuote dit bericht

Was te verwachten. Zo zwart als Jim gemaakt is door zijn voormalige bandleden in latere interviews. Ik had niet verwacht dat het goed zou komen. Volgens mij zijn Billy en Mike ook niet echt makkelijk in de omgang, zoals veel genieën.

Het radicale feminisme is niet eens een lachnummer meer: het is een karikatuur van een parodie op een klucht.

Usericon van Staalman
Posted 18-02-2009 11:04 by Staalman Wijzig reactieProfiel van StaalmanQuote dit bericht

Waar is Illusione nou als je hem depri kunt krijgen....

"Life Is Much More Beautiful, When It Means Nothing At All"

Usericon van Illusione
Posted 18-02-2009 11:35 by Illusione (Speciaal lid) Wijzig reactieProfiel van IllusioneQuote dit bericht

Op 18 februari 2009 11:04 schreef Staalman het volgende:
Waar is Illusione nou als je hem depri kunt krijgen....

Hier! Ik hoor de lokroep van de depressie!

[Deze realiteit is gemodereerd door Illusione op 28 juni 2009] 'I'm sorry, Wendy, but I just don't trust anything that bleeds for four days and doesn't die.'

Gebroeders Grey
Usericon van Greycloak
Posted 18-02-2009 11:53 by Greycloak (Speciaal lid) Wijzig reactieProfiel van GreycloakQuote dit bericht

Op 18 februari 2009 11:35 schreef Illusione het volgende:
Hier! Ik hoor de lokroep van de depressie!
Ik neem het bier mee, gaan we samen.

What a day, what a day If you can look it in the face and hold your vomit

Usericon van Ralph
Posted 18-02-2009 11:57 by Ralph (Speciaal lid) Wijzig reactieProfiel van RalphQuote dit bericht

Dat kon je op je vingers natellen, dat is er niet bij zou zijn. Ik gok op Spruance. "GEICO does not cover Autobot Matrix of Leaderships."

Usericon van bastianus
Posted 18-02-2009 12:18 by bastianus Wijzig reactieProfiel van bastianusQuote dit bericht

Op 18 februari 2009 11:57 schreef Ralph het volgende:
Dat kon je op je vingers natellen, dat is er niet bij zou zijn. Ik gok op Spruance.

Ook mooi..

Het radicale feminisme is niet eens een lachnummer meer: het is een karikatuur van een parodie op een klucht.

Usericon van ZelThoR
Posted 18-02-2009 12:27 by ZelThoR Wijzig reactieProfiel van ZelThoRQuote dit bericht

Ik denk dat het überhaupt wel genieten wordt mocht dit ooit werkelijkheid worden.

Al zet iemand 5 veelvuldig geplakte opblaaspoppen op het podium en een rotte boombox met gekraste FNM-CD's achter de pishokken!

Deze account is precies 8 jaar gebruikt, om precies 20.000 posts te maken en (uiteindelijk) precies 1 ban te krijgen.

Usericon van Illusione
Posted 18-02-2009 12:30 by Illusione (Speciaal lid) Wijzig reactieProfiel van IllusioneQuote dit bericht

Op 18 februari 2009 11:53 schreef Greycloak het volgende:
Ik neem het bier mee, gaan we samen.

De wreedheid van het alles..

[Deze realiteit is gemodereerd door Illusione op 28 juni 2009] 'I'm sorry, Wendy, but I just don't trust anything that bleeds for four days and doesn't die.'

Spirit In Black
Usericon van Spirit In Black
Posted 18-02-2009 12:37 by Spirit In Black Wijzig reactieProfiel van Spirit In BlackQuote dit bericht

ik zeg, Goffert?

Usericon van Staalman
Posted 18-02-2009 13:59 by Staalman Wijzig reactieProfiel van StaalmanQuote dit bericht

Op 18 februari 2009 11:35 schreef Illusione het volgende:
Hier! Ik hoor de lokroep van de depressie!

No More Faith?

"Life Is Much More Beautiful, When It Means Nothing At All"

Usericon van Staalman
Posted 24-02-2009 22:41 by Staalman Wijzig reactieProfiel van StaalmanQuote dit bericht

Hoor ik daar in de verte Illu en Grey klaarkomen?????

FAITH NO MORE Reunion 'Confirmed' By MIKE PATTON's Publicist - Feb. 24, 2009

Former FAITH NO MORE singer Mike Patton's publicist has confirmed that the hugely influential '90s alt-metal band will reunite for a summer tour. At the moment, it appears that the group will only perform in Europe and there are absolutely no plans to tour the States.

The news was broken in the final line of a press release sent late Monday night (February 23) promoting Patton's involvement in the "major motion film 'Crank 2: High Voltage', which listed Patton's upcoming performance schedule, including a stop at the Coachella festival and "the highly anticipated reunion tour with FAITH NO MORE in Europe this summer."

As previously reported, a source close to guitarist Jim Martin, who was in FAITH NO MORE from 1983 until 1993, has told BLABBERMOUTH.NET that the axeman expressed interest in taking part in the reunion after being recently contacted by keyboardist Roddy Bottum and a member of FAITH NO MORE's management team, but that the band inexplicably decided to utilize a different guitarist — believed to be one of several musicians that were in FAITH NO MORE following Martin's exit from the group — for the upcoming dates.

Although Kerrang! magazine reported in November that a number of U.K. concert venues had been placed on hold for FAITH NO MORE dates next spring, bassist Billy Gould downplayed the speculation, saying, "If anything like this were to happen, it would have to come from the band, and I haven't spoken with any of them in over a year."

Meanwhile, U.K. promoter Andy Copping also said FAITH NO MORE's return this year was unlikely, telling Metal Hammer, "FAITH NO MORE haven't managed to get that PR machine together ... All of the band members haven't agreed to do it."

Martin left FAITH NO MORE in 1993 due to "internal conflicts" and was replaced by FNM singer Mike Patton's MR. BUNGLE bandmate Trey Spruance. Trey also exited soon after recording 1995's "King for a Day... Fool for a Lifetime", just before the band was to begin a world tour. Spruance was replaced by Dean Menta, the band's guitar roadie. FAITH NO MORE's final studio CD, "Album of the Year", was released in 1997 and featured yet another new guitarist, Jon Hudson, who was a former roommate of Billy Gould.

"Life Is Much More Beautiful, When It Means Nothing At All"

Usericon van Ralph
Posted 24-02-2009 22:43 by Ralph (Speciaal lid) Wijzig reactieProfiel van RalphQuote dit bericht "GEICO does not cover Autobot Matrix of Leaderships."

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