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pfff, r'n'bi jat ook. dus waarom lebbis en jansen niet. Oud Vuil. ![]() |
ik vind het ook een geniaal lied, daar niet van, maar ik zag nu dus pas dat het gejat was I spy with my little and verrry evil eye..... ![]() |
quote: Dat is natuurlijk een vergelijking die niet echt opgaat. Lebbis en jansen is toch wel wat anders dan r'n'b. Je voelt de bas in je buik trappen, je voelt de hogen in je muil klappen ![]() |
quote: wel?? hmmzz...nooit over nagedacht eigenlijk ![]() ![]() I spy with my little and verrry evil eye..... ![]() |
quote: You might have to go to war Shoot a gun Kill a nun You might have to go to war When you get out of school It gets a lot worse> YEAH YEAH dat van kill a nun doet me denken aan dat nummer vd clash different glory met oa de zin: "he who fucks nuns will later go to church" die zin zit echt al een week in mijn hoofd, misschien is het een waarschuwing ofzo... And my marlboro light ![]() |
Limp Bizkit Think They're Black, But They're Just Gay Fred Durst is a fucking faggot He thinks he's black, but he's just gay He cancelled a show cuz he sprained his ankle He's also a fucking midget [Chorus:] You're not fucking black, you're just fucking gay (x2) You're fucking gay The guitarist wears a mask To hide the cum stains on his face They're the gayest band I've ever seen And I've seen the Culture Club live [Chorus] Fred wears a hat to hide his baldness I refuse to believe blacks think he's cool I wish he'd beaten and raped by some black guy And see if he still wants to be black Je voelt de bas in je buik trappen, je voelt de hogen in je muil klappen ![]() |
briljant, maar deze ook: It was the blackest night There was no moon in sight You know the stars ain't shinin' 'Cause the sky's too tight I heard the scarey wind I seen some ugly trees There was a werewolf honkin' 'Long the side of me I'm mean 'n I'm bad, y'know I ain't no sissy Got a big-titty girly by the name of Chrissy Talkin' about her 'n my bike 'n me... 'N this ride up the Mountain of Mystery, Mystery I noticed even the crickets Was actin' weird up here And So I figured I might Just drink a little beer I said, *"Gimme summa that what yer suckin' on..." But there was no reply 'Cause she was gone... *"Where's those titties that I like so well 'n my goddamn beer!"* Is what I started to yell, then I heard this noise Like a crunchin' twig, 'n up jumped the Devil...he's about this big... He had a red suit on An' a widow's peak An' then a pointed tail 'N like a sulphur reek Yes, it was him awright I sweared I knowed it was He had some human flesh Stuck underneath his claws You know it looked to me Like it was titty skin I said, *"You sonofabitch!"* 'Cause I was mad at him, Well he just got out his floss 'N started cleanin' his fang So I shot him with my shooter Said: BANG BANG BANG Then the sucker just laughed 'n said, *"Put it away... You know, I ate her all up...now what you gonna say?"* YOU ATE MY CHRISSY? *"Titties 'n all!"* WELL, WHAT ABOUT THE BEER THEN, BOY? *"Were the cans this tall?" EVEN HER BOOTS? *"Would I lie to you?"* SHIT, YOU MUSTA BEEN HUNGRY! *"Yes, this is true."* WELL DON'T THEY PAY YOU GOOD FOR THE STUFF THAT YOU DO? *"Well, you know, I can't complain when the checks come through..."* WELL I WANT MY CHRISSY, 'N I WANT MY BEER SO YOU JUST BARF IT BACK UP NOW, DEVIL, DO YOU HEAR? *"Blow it out your ass, motorcycle man! I mean, I am the Devil, Do you understand? Just what will you give me for your Titties and beer? I suppose you noticed this little contract here..."* YER GODDAM RIGHT, YOU SON-OF-A-WHORE, *"Don't call me that"* THAT'S ABOUT THE ONLY REASON ...GIMME THAT PAPER...BET YER ASS I'll SIGN... 'CAUSE I NEED A BEER, 'N IT'S TITTY- SQUEEZIN' TIME *"Man, You can't fool me...you ain't that bad... I mean you shoulda seen some of the souls I had... Why there was Milhous Nixon 'n Agnew, too... 'n both of those suckers was worse 'n you..."* WELL, LET'S MAKE A DEAL IF YOU THINK THAT'S TRUE I MEAN, YOU'RE THE DEVIL, SO WHATCHA GONNA DO? (improvised dialog) "Wait a minute...a tinge of doubt crosses my mind...when you say... that you want to make a deal with me..." "That's very, very true I'm only interested in two things *"Yeah?"* See if you can guess what they are" "I would think...uh...let's see, maybe Stravinsky..." "I'll give you two clues. Let go of your pickle" "What?" "Let go of your pickle!" "I'm not holding my pickle" "Well, who's holding your pickle then?" "I don't know...she's out in the audience... Hey Dale, would you like to come up here and hold my pickle to satisfy this weird man out on the stage?" "I'm only interested in two things, and that's titties and beer you know what I mean? *"What?"* titties and beer titties and beer titties and beer titties and beer titties and beer titties and beer titties and beer!" titties and beer!" *"I don't know if you're the right guy?"* titties and beer!" titties and beer!" *"No! Don't sign it! Give me time to think... I mean hold on a second boy, 'cause that's magic ink!" And then the devil let go of his pickle and out come my girl, there was her titties flop-floppin'...all around the world She said "I got me three beers and a fistful of downs and I'm gonna get ripped, so fuck, you clowns!" Then she gave us the finger, it was rigid and stiff That's when the devil, he farted and she went right over the cliff! The devil was mad, I took off to my pad I swear I do declare, how did she get back there? I swear I do declare, how did she get back there? I swear I do declare, how did she get back there? I swear I do declare, how did she get back there? I swear I do declare, how did she get back there ![]() ![]() ![]() And my marlboro light ![]() |
I Respect Your Feelings As A Woman And A Human I was watering my rose garden and you walked by my place I almost ran up to you in a lustful, unsensitive haste I almost cried cause I acted so insensitive But I wanted you to know about the feather-soft warmth I could give I respect your feelings I respect your gender I respect your existence I'll always be tender Cause I respect your feelings As a woman and a human I'll be the pansy-growing gardener of our bouquet of love A flower-wielding soldier with the grace of a dove I'll love you all, heart, mind and soul, I'd never think of anything cheap I'll read you some of my poems before you go to sleep I respect your feelings I respect your gender I respect your existence I'll always be tender Cause I respect your feelings As a woman and a human Je voelt de bas in je buik trappen, je voelt de hogen in je muil klappen ![]() |
een tekst die voor mij geschreven leken te zijn? Lost & Found van Judas Priest... Lost And Found [G. Tipton, K.K. Downing] I always used to be afraid That I was going to lose my way I never used to walk in line but stray I never thought I'd see it through That I could deal with losing you But suddenly I see the light of day Leading me in From out of the night Staying on course - I'm still alive I had to confess I never thought I would ever survive I was lost and found I had run aground I was lost but now I'm found Focused on my altered state I would just disorientate Suffering alone amongst the crowd Drifting on a sea of doubt And no one ever heard me shout That I was lost and couldn't find my way No one at hand Having no plan Stumbled through a barren land After so long Of going wrong I found the road I was lost and found I had run aground I was lost but now I'm found I was lost and found I had hit the ground I was lost but now I found That I don't need no one To survive You've got to believe alone You'll rise Starting to run Shedding the load Now I can see I'm close to home After so long Of going wrong I found the road I was lost and found I had run aground I was lost but now I'm found Dit gaat eerder over het heden... heb er wel nog eentje over de tijd net na de relatie... maar die heb ik zelf geschreven, weet niet of jullie het willen lezen. Booze 'n Metal ![]() |
'How you gonna see me now'van Alice Cooper. Hello-hooray-let the show begin-I've been ready ![]() |
Amorphis Black Winter Day This is how the lucky feel How the blessed think Like daybreak in spring The sun on a spring morning But how do I feel In my gloomy depths? Like the flat brink of a cloud Like a dark night in autumn A black winter day No, darker than that Gloomier than an autumn night So I went to the dentist. He said "Say Aaah." I said "Why?" He said "My dog's died" ![]() |
Satyricon - Angstridden Born into a field of flowers, to slowly wilt away Sheltered by wings, delicately smothered by blindness Released among the wolves, thus molded by resistance Ridden by the clawed hoofs of tyrants The fruit of other worlds, but grown by loneliness Concealing a black soul, and but sensing the beyond Uniquely grown from within Shimmered by a darker night, but left to solitude How can one disclose a darker night, if one but rests? Or evidence the suffering, by wordly gauge? Or comprehend the long-drawn agony When pain and evil never trod one down Like a warring sun, from a better kingdom Beautiful, free, of different steel! Dearly prized, and equally broken He should have gone free of you! An emotional tumour, gnaws from inside Of heartless, spineless treason The darkest night now weaves its loom Soon to release its spawn ![]() |
Een tekst van Henk Westbroek: Vriendschap is een illusie Vriendschap is een droom Een pakketje schroot... ...met een dun laagje chroom Hub de Gallier RIP 17-03-2013 ![]() |
ouch... "Toen hij, in plaats van groenteman, besloot bakker te worden, waren de gevolgen niet te aubergine" ![]() |
Ik heb weer een paar beauties! De eerste 2 komen van een band genaamd The Butcher: Every now and then I get a monster in my head. Telling me to fight and kill. It seems it's only for the thrill. You're gonna end up dead. I got no explanation for this strange appreciation for violence and hate. You're gonna die, it is your fate. Your pain is my salvation. Everybody's dead now. DEAD! Triggered by the ignorance. Unleashing brutal violence. Apologies and cries. The time has come, everyone dies. Now I enjoy the silence. I hold up my sweaty forehead. As I wake up in my own bed. It was just a dream, but I feel pissed and mean. Nobody is dead yet. --------------------------------------------- Too many morons walk this earth. They should've all been shot at birth. It's out of control, just drop the bomb. Fire in the hole. Too many morons walk this earth. There're breathing air they don't deserve. It's a disease, it's spreading worldwide. Time to die. Too many morons in too high positions. Ruling the world and making decisions. Too many morons, out for the kill. For power, religion or just for the thrill. Too many morons, it's like a disease. Spreading around, bring the world to it's knees. Too many morons, one thing's sure. Killing them all is the only cure. Mean mad moron massacre, it's a great reduction of the world population. Mean mad moron massacre, It takes some destruction, we'll have a celebration. Mean mad moron massacre, it's about time we draw the line. Mean mad moron massacre, remember motherfuckers, moron murder ain't no crime. --------------------------------------------- Deze laatste is van No turning back: Show your face, disgrace. You'll never put me in my place. I sever love - from fucking hate. Play the messed up game. You fucked up! Locked inside a cage. Too drugged up! Nothing left - So try to turn back now. You've lost somehow. Pain so unreal. Just fucking feel. You lost it all. Tried to stand tall. This life of sin. Shattered again. I just can't believe those words you said. I wonder why they left me so upset. I loved and always tried to care for you. You fucked your life through and through. Pain from inside! - Bring the yearning. Lifetime of greed! - This is what you need. Live for them now! - Cause you won't see me. Suffer you bitch! - Life ain't what it seems. SUFFER YOU BITCH!!!!!! I know it’s cold, but I will keep us warm with all the hate I radiate. We’ll be walking hand in hand in hell. ![]() |
HATESONG (Porcupine Tree) This is a hate song just meant for you I thought that I'd write it down while I still could I hope when you hear this you'll want to sue Oh it's a lonely life in my empty bed And it's a quiet life that leaks from my head These are the last rites The line is dead Yes, I'm hearing voices too And I'm more cut up than you ![]() ![]() |
Lijkt een beetje op de laatste tekst die ik uit heb getypt. Maar die van mij is wat agressiever. Zie ik dat juist? I know it’s cold, but I will keep us warm with all the hate I radiate. We’ll be walking hand in hand in hell. ![]() |
Jep, dat zie je volgens mij wel juist, die van mij is wat apathischer ofzo... ![]() |
In dat geval voel ik keihard met je mee. Sterkte. I know it’s cold, but I will keep us warm with all the hate I radiate. We’ll be walking hand in hand in hell. ![]() |
Dankjewel. Jij ook hé. [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Asherah op 16-03-2003 14:29] ![]() |
she's got her eyes open wide, she's got the dirt and spit of the world her mouth on the metal, the lips of a scared little girl i've got an angel in the lobby, he's waiting to put me in line i won't ask forgiveness, my faith has gone dry she's got her christian prescriptures and death has crawled in her ear like elevator music of songs that she shouldn't hear and it spins around, 1, 2, 3 and we all lay down, 4, 5, 6 some do it fast, some do it better in smaller amounts and it spins around, 1, 2, 3 and we all lay down, 4, 5, 6 some do it fast, some do it better in smaller amounts ![]() |
Kill the sound and hit the lights I've had about enough tonight I've been tried and I've been true Ten years on - am I trough? Why the hell I'm asking you ?!? I don't really give a damn Whether or not you understand I don't have patience left to lend I never felt for your 'cause' But always pointed out your flaws So don't you try to come off as a friend Never have I ever met So many fucking morons But you suck it up just like you should Because you've been told that it's good So go and sing their favorite song You wouldn't want to not belong It's still shit, no matter how they serve it It's another blast from the past And they stick it right up your ass You've been raped and boy, do you deserve it I want you to take this the wrong way I'm not here for you but for me I took this misadventure to see what I could do And no one rides for free I never promised anything and I never asked for much I only grabbed what I could, and it crumbles at the touch I still don't have what I want, and humility's nothing to flaunt But there's nary a day that I regret When reality comes crashing in, I sometimes feel like cashing in I'm close, but not just yet I'm not waving I'm drowning, I'm not laughing I'm frowning I'm not singing I'm screaming Please tell me I'm dreaming Iron Maiden! Is coming to get you! Wherever you are! ![]() |
Driven Like The Snow Still night, nothing for miles, White curtain come down, Kill the lights in the middle of the road And take a look around..... It don't help to be one of the chosen One of the few, to be sure When the wheels are spinning around And the ground is frozen through, and you're Driven, like the snow Pure in heart Driven together And given Away to the west A white dress ? Til the river don't run A black dress Looking like mine ? Til the sun don't shine no more Where the sky meet the ground Where the street fold round Where the voice you hold don't make no sound, look Snow on the river and two by two Took a lot to live a lot like you, I don't Go there now, but I hear they sung Their "Fuck Me And Marry Me Young? Some wild idea and a big white bed, now You know better than that, I said, Like a voice in the wind blow little crystals down Like brittle things will break before they turn Like lipstick on my cigarette And the ice get harder overhead Like think it twice but never never learn... And the mist will wrap around us And the crystal, if you touch it... And the cars Lost in the drift Are there And the people that drive Lost in the drift Are there And the cares I've Lost in the drift Are there Theirs, ours, Lost in the drift Are.. Driven Driven together And driven Apart Wiegen Meister ! ![]() |
God gives and always taketh away But the solace and the doom remain On my knees and alone I await the grave Bleeding out my veins No one knows the weight of sorrow Bears down and breaks my clavicles Too far from both the beginning and the end The seasons change without me Few things can compair to the weather in April And nothing is real See the mirror, it reminds me that I hate myself And I always will Misery needs no other company Seasons change Despair still remains Moment opname. I know it’s cold, but I will keep us warm with all the hate I radiate. We’ll be walking hand in hand in hell. ![]() |
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