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Topic : Rotzooi zoals CD\'s, LP\'s en tapes te koop, of juist gezocht. (Deel 9) [Gevraagd/aangeboden] Vorige pagina | Volgende pagina
Usericon van bastianus
Posted 09-06-2009 11:56 by bastianus Profiel van bastianus

Op 9 juni 2009 11:15 schreef Judge M. het volgende:
Idd! Wat is voor Zelthor het nut ervan zich hiermee te bemoeien?

Dat ook. En van mij natuurlijk.

Het radicale feminisme is niet eens een lachnummer meer: het is een karikatuur van een parodie op een klucht.

Usericon van ZelThoR
Posted 09-06-2009 12:06 by ZelThoR Profiel van ZelThoR

Op 9 juni 2009 11:51 schreef kwelgeest het volgende:
In Nederland is het zo dat jij niet verplicht bent om ongevraagd ontvangen artikelen te retouneren. Of dat gelijk is aan dat het jouw eigendom is ben ik even kwijt, denk het niet. Maar bij promo's bij zine'is het weer erg de vraag wat is 'ongevraagd'? Je vraagt zelden een label letterlijk om een bepaalde promo, aan de andere kant heeft bv zm een oproep op haar frontpage staan. Niet al te gemakkelijke materie als je mij vraagt.

Je krijgt het zonder condities waar jij mee hebt gestemd opgestuurd. Ik ga ervan uit dat de Nederlandse wetgeving/jurisprudentie ongeveer hetzelfde zegt over stickers als "not for (pre)sale" als de Amerikaanse, namelijk dat het geen kloot uitmaakt of ze dat erop zetten of niet.
Op 9 juni 2009 11:15 schreef Judge M. het volgende:
Idd! Wat is voor Zelthor het nut ervan zich hiermee te bemoeien?

Moeilijk hè, ergens inhoudelijk op ingaan Ohja, het nut voor mij is dat ik graag voorkom dat mensen in onzin gaan geloven.

Deze account is precies 8 jaar gebruikt, om precies 20.000 posts te maken en (uiteindelijk) precies 1 ban te krijgen.

Usericon van draz666
Posted 09-06-2009 12:17 by draz666 Profiel van draz666

Ik zoek cd`s van Nehëmah en dan vooral:
In Novembre Live
Requiem Tenebrae

Maar die andere 2 mogen ook.

en de ladyboys
Usericon van kwelgeest
Posted 09-06-2009 12:21 by kwelgeest Profiel van kwelgeest

Op 9 juni 2009 12:06 schreef ZelThoR het volgende:
Je krijgt het zonder condities waar jij mee hebt gestemd opgestuurd. Ik ga ervan uit dat de Nederlandse wetgeving/jurisprudentie ongeveer hetzelfde zegt over stickers als "not for (pre)sale" als de Amerikaanse, namelijk dat het geen kloot uitmaakt of ze dat erop zetten of niet.

Maar is dat wel zo als jij labels oproept, in een algemene oproep, die zooi naar jouw op te sturen?

Niet gehinderd door kennis over daklozen, alleenstaande moeders, minderheden en sociale achterstand.

Usericon van ZelThoR
Posted 09-06-2009 13:11 by ZelThoR Profiel van ZelThoR

Op 9 juni 2009 12:21 schreef kwelgeest het volgende:
Maar is dat wel zo als jij labels oproept, in een algemene oproep, die zooi naar jouw op te sturen?

Ik denk het wel, maar ik kan het niet met daadwerkelijke wetgeving/jurisprudentie aantonen

Vergelijk het met dat ik een specifieke CD aan jou vraag als verjaardagscadeau (dus dat is al scherper dan de algemene oproep op ZM) en jij geeft mij er één met de "not for (re)sale"-sticker. No way dat de rechter gaat zeggen dat ik die CD niet mag verkopen.

En dat een bedrijf iets maakt (een CD, koelkast of wat dan ook) geeft ze niet permanent eigendomsrecht, zodra jij het koopt zijn ze dat sowieso kwijt en dat is met weggeven evengoed zo (lijkt mij), wat de vergelijking met die CD die jij me cadeau gaat doen () valide maakt. Bedrijven willen je wel erg graag doen geloven dat jij allerlei dingen niet mag met hetgeen jij gekocht/gekregen hebt maar in een groot deel van de gevallen is het wettelijk gezien gewoon bullshit.

Deze account is precies 8 jaar gebruikt, om precies 20.000 posts te maken en (uiteindelijk) precies 1 ban te krijgen.

The power of the riff compels me
Usericon van Jenje
Posted 09-06-2009 13:25 by Jenje (Speciaal lid) Profiel van Jenje

Op 9 juni 2009 10:29 schreef ZelThoR het volgende:
In de US zijn promo's in ieder geval niet het eigendom van labels:

Dan mag hij ze dus gewoon verkopen. Als dat pre-release is, is dat erg flauw maar zolang je geen contract tekent niet illegaal. Als je het aan anderen verkoopt zonder dat je zegt dat het een promo is, is dat gewoon kut.

Als doorverkopen niet zou mogen, waarom zou in het publiek draaien wel mogen?
Typisch dat mensen dan om de juridische regels beginen te zeuren. Het gata hiermee meer om een stukje respect naar het genre waarin je ene zine runt. En naar de bands en de labels.

Usericon van ZelThoR
Posted 09-06-2009 13:30 by ZelThoR Profiel van ZelThoR

Op 9 juni 2009 13:25 schreef Jenje het volgende:
Typisch dat mensen dan om de juridische regels beginen te zeuren. Het gata hiermee meer om een stukje respect naar het genre waarin je ene zine runt. En naar de bands en de labels.

Daar heb ik het allang over gehad, niet interessant meer.

Deze account is precies 8 jaar gebruikt, om precies 20.000 posts te maken en (uiteindelijk) precies 1 ban te krijgen.

The power of the riff compels me
Usericon van Jenje
Posted 09-06-2009 13:33 by Jenje (Speciaal lid) Profiel van Jenje

Zie het in je gezeur hier anders niet staan.

Maar, zet het in het juiste topic zou ik zeggen.

Usericon van ZelThoR
Posted 09-06-2009 15:10 by ZelThoR Profiel van ZelThoR

Op 9 juni 2009 13:33 schreef Jenje het volgende:
Zie het in je terechte opmerkingen hier anders niet staan.

Beter opletten dan: "Als dat pre-release is, is dat erg flauw maar zolang je geen contract tekent niet illegaal. Als je het aan anderen verkoopt zonder dat je zegt dat het een promo is, is dat gewoon kut."

Voor de duidelijkheid, 'erg flauw' was een understatement en als reactie bedoeld op dat Judge vroeg wat de labels ervan vinden.
Maar, zet het in het juiste topic zou ik zeggen.

Nee, Judge heeft toch geen argumenten meer, ik ga niet nog meer moeite doen.

Deze account is precies 8 jaar gebruikt, om precies 20.000 posts te maken en (uiteindelijk) precies 1 ban te krijgen.

Judge M.
Lord of Metal
Usericon van Judge M.
Posted 09-06-2009 15:13 by Judge M. Profiel van Judge M.

The power of the riff compels me
Usericon van Jenje
Posted 09-06-2009 15:29 by Jenje (Speciaal lid) Profiel van Jenje

Op 9 juni 2009 15:10 schreef ZelThoR het volgende:
Beter opletten dan: "Als dat pre-release is, is dat erg flauw maar zolang je geen contract tekent niet illegaal. Als je het aan anderen verkoopt zonder dat je zegt dat het een promo is, is dat gewoon kut."

Voor de duidelijkheid, 'erg flauw' was een understatement en als reactie bedoeld op dat Judge vroeg wat de labels ervan vinden.

Nee, Judge heeft toch geen argumenten meer, ik ga niet nog meer moeite doen.

Doe maar niet meer mee, je vermaakt er niemand mee.

Usericon van ZelThoR
Posted 09-06-2009 15:39 by ZelThoR Profiel van ZelThoR

Op 9 juni 2009 15:29 schreef Jenje het volgende:
Doe maar niet meer mee, je vermaakt er niemand mee.

Dat was gelukkig niet mijn doel.
Op 9 juni 2009 15:13 schreef Judge M. het volgende:

Stoer hoor Je illustreert m'n punt des te meer.

Je bent bij deze gediskwalificeerd voor het vertellen van Greycloak dat hij niet kan discussiëren en oogkleppen op heeft.

Deze account is precies 8 jaar gebruikt, om precies 20.000 posts te maken en (uiteindelijk) precies 1 ban te krijgen.

The power of the riff compels me
Usericon van Jenje
Posted 09-06-2009 15:54 by Jenje (Speciaal lid) Profiel van Jenje

Usericon van ZelThoR
Posted 09-06-2009 16:17 by ZelThoR Profiel van ZelThoR

Op 9 juni 2009 15:54 schreef Jenje het volgende:
Hier graag verder

Op 9 juni 2009 15:54 schreef Jenje het volgende:

Niet terecht, werk eens aan je definitie van zeuren

Deze account is precies 8 jaar gebruikt, om precies 20.000 posts te maken en (uiteindelijk) precies 1 ban te krijgen.

Usericon van petelos
Posted 09-06-2009 21:23 by petelos Profiel van petelos

Op 8 juni 2009 19:21 schreef nuclearwarfare het volgende:
Als jouw achternaam begint met een S heb ik die mail wel beantwoord. Er is dan iets misgegaan, zal de mail nogmaals de deur uitdoen.

EDIT: En verstuurd.

ik heb vlak na jouw mail geantwoord en nog niets terug gekregen. mss weer een probleem met mail.
zijn die nog beschikbaar, die LPs of ben ik te laat?
plus status van die M.B. lp?


Usericon van JuronymouS
Posted 09-06-2009 21:37 by JuronymouS Profiel van JuronymouS

Op 9 juni 2009 21:23 schreef petelos het volgende:
ik heb vlak na jouw mail geantwoord en nog niets terug gekregen. mss weer een probleem met mail.
zijn die nog beschikbaar, die LPs of ben ik te laat?
plus status van die M.B. lp?


Kevin is niet altijd even snel met antwoorden, maar hij antwoord altijd wel. Wel even geduld. Bovendien zijn het niet zijn spullen die hij laatst te koop aanbood, maar spullen van iemand die hier niet zo veel meer komt (Kevin moet dus altijd even met diegene overleggen). Gun hem even de tijd, dan komt het wel goed.

Op je knie en pijp voor genade!

Usericon van petelos
Posted 09-06-2009 21:43 by petelos Profiel van petelos

Op 9 juni 2009 21:37 schreef JuronymouS het volgende:
Kevin is niet altijd even snel met antwoorden, maar hij antwoord altijd wel. Wel even geduld. Bovendien zijn het niet zijn spullen die hij laatst te koop aanbood, maar spullen van iemand die hier niet zo veel meer komt (Kevin moet dus altijd even met diegene overleggen). Gun hem even de tijd, dan komt het wel goed.

heb ik reeds gelezen op een ander forum. het enige probleem was, dat ik vorige keer ook geen mail van hem had gekregen wanneer hij blijkbaar reeds had geantwoord. kan dus zijn dat er een communicatieprobleem is tussen die 2 emailadressen. heb hetzelfde met mijn moeder. ik kan mails van haar ontvangen maar als ik naar haar mail komen die nooit aan. hoe het komt weet ik niet vandaar dat ik het even hier laat posten door hem, dan weet ik het tenminste zeker of ik nu nog op een mail moet wachten of dat ie reeds verzonden, maar niet aangekomen is

Usericon van soulseller
Posted 14-06-2009 10:54 by soulseller Profiel van soulseller

Bestial Holocaust – Temple of damnation Lp – 10
Bestil Holocaust/Nuclear Desecration – Split 7”ep - 3
Dodheimsgard – Kronet til konge Picture Lp + sleeve – 20
Folkstone – Folkstone Lp - 8
Kampfar – Kvass Lp (Green vinyl) – 22
Nargaroth/Sarvari Split Picture 7”ep + sleeve - 12
Necromantia/Acherontas – For the temple of the serpent skull Gatefold Split Lp (Red vinyl + poster) – 22
Nekrokrist SS – S/t Mcd - 7
Portal – Seepia Picture Lp + Gatefold sleeve – 12
Rotten – Thrash ‘n roll 7”ep - 3
Veritate – The rise of hatross Lp - 10

Few copies still available from:

Absu – The third storm of cythraul Pic.lp – 13
Absurd/Grand Belial's Key/Sigrblot cd - 8
Aura Noir – Black thrash attack Lp (Official re-release, black vinyl lim.300) - 15
Beherit – Engram cassette – 10
Beherit – Electric doom synthesis Gatefold 2Lp – 18
Beherit – H418ov21.C Lp – 15
Gorgoroth – The beginning cd (Demo ’93, Promo ’94, 7”ep ’96, Live in Germany ’96) - 10
Heretic - Gods over humans, slaves under Satan Gatefold Lp - 13
Horna - Haudankylmyyden Mailla Gatefold 2Lp – 18
Hypothermia – Rakbladsvalsen Gatefold 2Lp – 18
Hypothermia – Gratoner Lp - 15
Impiety – Funeralight Digipack mcd – 7
Infernal War – Conflagrator Digipack mcd – 7
Isengard – Hostmorke gatefold Lp (Official on moonfog, lim.1000) – 15
Krypt – I am god Mcd – 7
Judas Iscariot – Under the black sun cd - 10
Nyktalgia – Peisithanatos Gatefold LP + poster – 15
Portal – Demonstration ’98 7”ep - 3
Rok – This is satanic Lp – 13
Slagmaur – Skrekk lich kunstler Gatefold Lp - 15
Teitanblood – Black Putrescence of evil Cd – 7
The Black – The priest of Satan Digipack cd - 10
Throne Of Katarsis - An Eternal Dark Horizon Gatefold 2LP – 18
Unholy Archangel - Wrath of kosmosistis Mcd – 7
Vulpecula – In dusk apparition Lp + poster – 7

Last copies of:

Darkthrone - Total Death cd (Brazilian press) – 7
Enslaved – Isa (Brazilian press) - 7
Enslaved – Ruun (Brazilian press) – 7
Enslaved – Vertebrae (Brazilian press) – 7
Impaled Nazarene/Beherit – Day of darkness – 7
Isengard – Hostmorke (Brazilian press) – 7
Mayhem – War and Sodomy – 7
Storm – Nordavind (Brazilian press) – 7
Watain – Sworn to the dark (Brazilian press) – 7

Available Soulseller releases:

Alverg – Elde cd
Black Crucifixion – Promethean Gift cd
Black Crucifixion – Promethean Gift Gatefold Lp (Different artwork than cd)
Black Crucifixion – Faustian Dream cd
Darkcreed – Dark Regions Mcd
Maim – From the womb to the tomb cd
Ophthalamia – A journey in darkness Lp
Ophthalamia – Via Dolorosa gatefold 2Lp
Quadrivium – Adversus cd
Resurrected in Festering Slime (The truly sinister death metal comp.)
Stench – Reborn in morbidity 7”ep
Svartahrid – Malicious pride cd
Thornium – Mushroom clouds and dusk cd

Prices exclude postage.

Usericon van blackstar666
Posted 18-06-2009 14:00 by blackstar666 Profiel van blackstar666

Ruilen ook zeer prima, wil wel meer dan in mijn wantlist staat. wobbe_m AT

8 euro:
Abigor – Supreme Immortal Art
Aeternus - And so the Night Became... DIGI
Agathodaimon – Blacken the Angel
Algaion - Oimai Algeiou
Ammit – Mass Suicide / Steel Inferno
Ammit – Extreme Speed Satan
Ancient - Mad grandiose bloodfiends DIGI
Ancient Wisdom – Cometh Doom, Cometh Death
Astaroth - Christenfiend
Bile – The Shed
Blood Vengeance – Iron Warfare
Borknagar - Quintessence DIGI
Broken Hope - Loathing
Chiva - Oracle Morte
Cultus – A Seat in Valhalla
Darkthrone – Under a Funeral Moon DIGI
Darkthrone – Transilvanian Hunger DIGI
Darkthrone – Total Death
Darkwoods My Bethroted – Autumn Roars Thunder
Decoryah – Wisdom Floats
Depresy – Sighting DIGI
Deranged - Deranged
Deranged – Rated X
Deranged – Plainfield Cemetary
Diabolic - Supreme evil
Dimmu Borgir – Stormblast
Entombed- Same Difference
Hefenstos - Bilce Sjen DIGI
Lucifugum – Invade DIGI
Mephistopheles - Landscape Symphonies
Moonlore - The Spheres Beneath the Heavens
Mortician – Domain of Death
Motorhead - Collections
Nastrond – Conquering the Ages
Necrophagia – Holocausto de la Morte
Necrophagia – The devine art of Torture DIGI
Opeth - Orchid
Pungent Stench – Masters of Moral, Servants of Sin
Raise Hell – Holy Target
Satanic Funeral – Night of the Goat
Sepultura – Chaos AD DIGI
Six Feet Under – Alive and Dead
Taetre - Out of emotional disorder
Taetre - The art DIGI
The Darksend - Unsunned
Thirdmoon - Aquis submersus
Thornspawn - Empress from the realms of blasphemy
V/A – Contaminated 3.0 Relapse compilation 2CD
V/A – Contaminated 5.0 Relapse compilation 2CD
V/A – Corporate Death Relapse compilation (repulsion, suffocation, general surgery etc)
Venom - From heaven to the unknown 2CD
Vomitory - Redemption
Vomitory – Blood rapture
Withered Beauty - Withered Beauty

6 euro:
Absent Silence – Dawn Of A New Mourning
And you will know us by the trail of dead - Madonna
Autumnal Reaper – Of Pure Damnation
Bilox - World War III
Blood Cult – We Who Walk Behind the Rows
Carpe Tenebrum – Mirrored Hate Painting
Cianide - Divide and conquer
Consolation - Stahlplaat
Defleshed - Fast Forward
Dementor – Enslave The Weak
Doncker – demo
Earplugged – Earache sampler
Ethereal Pandemonium – Arcanum Lunae
Evemaster – Lacrimae Mundi
Face Down – The Twisted Rule The Wicked
Fear Factory – Dog Day Sunrise
Fuckemos - Black hellicopters
Ghremdrakk – Je M’exalte
Gutfuck – demo 2003
Hellspell – Devil’s Might
Impending Doom – Caedes Sacrilegae
Imperial Sodomy - Demolished
Inverted – There Can Be Only One
Leptotrichia/Amputated - SPLIT
Liar of golgotha - Vendetta
Mactatus - Suicide
Mangled - Most painfull ways
Metal church - Masterpeace
Mordhell – Cut yourself and Die
Mystic Circle - Drachenblut
Ninnghizhidda – Blasphemy
Nox mortis - Im schatten des hasses DIGI
Obscenity - The 3rd chapter DIGI
Obscenity - Demo-niac
Open – Long HIV The Pope
Rebaelliun - Bringer Of War
Salacious Gods - Sunnevot
Scrotum – Woodenshoe Penetration
Suffering Souls – Twilight Ripping Souls Apart
The Chosen – For the Glory of the Empire
Thromdarr – Northstorm Arrival
Tumulus - Wodureid
Ulver – Nattens Madrigal (Mystic Empire)
V/A - Blackend volume 2
V/A - To Magic ‘Prophecy Productions label comp’(empyrium, in the woods, etc.)
V/A - Smells Like Team Spirit III (Displeased records, with Cryptopsy, Manegarm etc)
Venom - The court of death

And Oceans – A.m.g.o.d.
Anorexia Nervosa - Drudenhaus
Archgoat – The Light Devouring Darkness
Astrofaes – Those Whose Past is Immortal
Baptism – Wisdom and Hate
Belphegor – Lucifer Incestus
Blood Red Throne – Altered Genesis
Blut Aus Nord – Fathers of the Icy Age
Fimbulwinter – Servants of Sorcery
Funeral Mist - Maranatha
Glorior Belli – Manifesting the Raging Beast
God Among Insects – Zombienomicon
Gorefest – Rise to Ruin
Hate Forest – To Twilight Thickets
Inhume – Chaos Dissection Order
Katharsis – 666
Keep of Kalessin – Through Times of War
Keep of Kalessin – Agnen ‘A Journey Throught The Dark’
Krisiun – Southern Storm
Nasum – Shift
Shining – Livets Andhallplats
Taake - Taake
Trelldom – Til Evighet
Trelldom – Til Minne
V/A - Crushing the Holy Trinity
V/A – Obscene Extreme 2006 DVD

Usericon van Oldskoolcollector
Posted 21-06-2009 17:43 by Oldskoolcollector Profiel van Oldskoolcollector

Te koop/te ruil:

Band - Album - Label Year - Format
Absu - The Sun Of Tiphareth - Osmose 1995 - CD
AC/DC - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap - Atlantic 1976 - CD
AC/DC - Highway To Hell - Atlantic 1979 - CD
Accept - Objection Overruled - BMG 1993 - CD
Acheron - Rites Of The Black Mass - Metalage 1992 - CD
Aerosmith - Get a Grip - Geffen 1993 - CD
Agent Steel - Skeptics Apocalypse - Century Media 1998 - CD
Agent Steel - Unstoppable Force - Century Media 1999 - CD
Agharta - Shades Of Secret - Black 'n White 1992 - CD
AION - Midian - Massacre 1997 - CD
Al Di Meola - Electric Rendezvous - CBS 1982 - CD
Alcatrazz - Disturbing The Peace (Original Japan + OBI) - Capitol/Toshiba 1985 - CD
Alice Cooper - Raise Your Fist And Yell - MCA 1987 - CD
Alice In Chains - Dirt - Columbia 1992 - CD
Almighty, The - Blood, Fire & LIVE - Polydor 1989 - CD
Almighty, The - Blood, Fire & Love - Polydor 1989 - CD
Amorphis - The Karelian Isthmus - Relapse/Nuclear Blast 1993 - CD
Anathema - Pentecrost III - Peaceville 1995 - CD
Ancient - The Halls Of Eternity - Metal Blade 1999 - CD
Anesthesy - Exaltation Of The Eclipse - Tessa Records (First Label!) 1994 - CD
Anesthesy - The Fifth Season - SMP 1998 - CD
Angkor Wat - Corpus Christi - Music For Nations 1990 - CD
Annihilator - Bag Of Tricks - Roadrunner 1994 - CD
Annihilator - Carnival Diablos - SPV 2001 - CD
Annihilator - Never, Neverland - Roadrunner 1990 - CD
Annihilator - Refresh The Demon - Music For Nations 1996 - CD
Annihilator - Alice In Hell - Roadrunner 1989 - CD
Anthem - Hunting Time - Music For Nations 1989 - CD
Anthrax - Attack Of The Killer B`s - Island 1989 - CD
Anthrax - In My World / Keep It In The Family - Island 1990 - CD
Anthrax - Persistence Of Time - Megaforce/Island 1990 - CD
Anthrax - Sound Of White Noise - Elektra 1993 - CD
Anthrax - Spreading The Disease - Island 1985 - CD
Anthrax - State Of Euphoria - Island 1988 - CD
Anthrax - Stomp 442 - Elektra 1995 - CD
Anthrax - Spreading The Disease - Island 1985 - CD
Antidote - Total (Rare!) - Shark Records 1994 - CD
Antimatter - Saviour (Ex-Anathema Duncan Patterson) - Icon 2000 - CD
Armored Saint - Nod To The School - Metal Blade 2001 - CD
Armored Saint - Saints Will Conquer Live - Roadrunner 1988 - CD
Armored Saint - Symbol Of Salvation - Metal Blade 1991 - CD
Asphyx - Crush The Cenotaph - Century Media 1992 - CD
Asphyx - Last One On Earth - Century Media 1992 - CD
At The Gates - With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness - Peaceville 2001 - CD
Atheist - Piece Of Time - Active 1990 - CD
Atheist - Unquestionable Presence - Active 1991 - CD
Aura - Shattered Dawnbreak (Dutch band!) - Hammerheart 1996 - CD
Autopsy - Acs Of The Unspeakable - Peaceville 1992 - CD
Autopsy - Mental Funeral (In Digipack) - Peaceville 1991 - CD
Autopsy - Mental Funeral (In Jewelcase) - Peaceville 1991 - CD
Autopsy - Shitfun - Peaceville 1995 - CD
Axe - Nemesis - Atlantic/Axepertise 1997 - CD
Babylon Sad - Kyrie - Massacre 1993 - CD
Backfire! - All Bets Are Off - Kingfisher 1997 - CD
Bad Religion - Generator - Epitaph 1992 - CD
Baphomet - Trust - Massacre 1994 - CD
Bathory - Requiem - Black Mark 1994 - CD
Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods (3 Tracks, Limited Edition) - Blackmark 1991 - CD
Believer - Sanity Obscure - R/C / Rex 1990 - CD
Benediction - The Grand Leveller - Nuclear Blast 1991 - CD
Benediction - The Grotesque / Ashen Epitaph - Nuclear Blast 1994 - CD
Biohazard - Biohazard - Maze!! 1990 - CD
Biohazard - Biohazard - Magnetic Air 1992 - CD
Biohazard - Mata Leao - Warner Bros 1996 - CD
Biohazard - Mata Leao (Special Edition) - Warner Bros 1996 - CD
Biohazard - Urban Discipline - Roadrunner 1992 - CD
Black Sabbath Tribute - Nativity In Black (Megadeth, COC, Sepultura etc.) - Columbia 1994 - CD
Blind Guardian - Imaginations From The Other Side - Virgin 1995 - CD
Blind Guardian - Nightfall In Middle-Earth - Virgin 1998 - CD
Blood Feast - Chopping Block Blues - Restless 1989 - CD
Blood Feast - Chopping Block Blues - Flametrader! 1989 - CD
Bloodhound Gang - Use Your Fingers - Columbia 1995 - CD
Body Count - Born Dead - Virgin 1994 - CD
Bolt Thrower - Warmaster (Rare Combat Pressing) - COMBAT!!! 1991 - CD
Borknagar - The Olden Domain - Century Media 1997 - CD
Broken Hope - Swamped In Gore - Metal Blade 1995 - CD
Broken Hope - The Bowels Of Repugnance - Metal Blade 1993 - CD
Brujeria - Raza Odiada - Roadrunner 1995 - CD
Brutal Obscenity - Dream Out Load - Prophecy!! 1991 - CD
Brutal Truth - Perpetual Conversion (Single) - Earache 1993 - CD
B-Thong - Skinned - Mascot 1994 - CD
Burial - Relinquished Souls (Punch Hole Through booktlet) - WVR/Morbid 1993 - CD
C.I.A. - Attitude - Under One Flag 1992 - CD
C.I.A. - In The Red - Under One Flag 1990 - CD
C.O.C. - Blind - Relativity 1991 - CD
C.O.C. - Deliverance - Columbia 1994 - CD
C.O.C. - Vote With A Bullet (Digi) - Relativity 1992 - CD
Candiru - Unloved And Weeded Out - Relapse 1992 - CD
Candlemass - Ancient Dreams - Active 1988 - CD
Candlemass - Live - Metal Blade 1990 - CD
Cannibal Corpse - Eaten Back To Life - Metal Blade 1990 - CD
Cannibal Corpse - Gore Obsessed - Metal Blade Records 2002 - CD
Cannibal Corpse - Vile - Metal Blade 1996 - CD
Carcass - Heartwork - Earache 1993 - CD
Carcass - Necroticism - Descanting The Insalubrious - Earache 1991 - CD
Carnivore - Carnivore - Pricekiller 1985 - CD
Carnivore - Retaliation - Pricekiller 1987 - CD
Cathedral - Forest of Equilibrium - Earache 1991 - CD
Cathedral - Statik Majik - Earache 1993 - CD
Cathedral - The Carnival Bizarre - Earache 1995 - CD
Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales - Noise 1999 - CD
Channel Zero - Black Fuel - Play It Again Sam Records 1996 - CD
Channel Zero - Stigmatized… - Shark Records 1993 - CD
Channel Zero - Unsafe (2CD) - Bias 1994 - CD
Chastain - Mystery Of Illusion (Pricekiller) - Roadracer 1990 - CD
Children Of Bodom - Something Wild (Original Pressing + Hidden Track) - Nuclear Blast 1998 - CD
Circle Of Soul - One Man's Poison - IRS 1993 - CD
Clawfinger - Deaf Dumb Blind - WEA 1993 - CD
Clawfinger - Use Your Brain - WEA 1995 - CD
Coal Chamber - Chamber Music - Roadrunner 1999 - CD
Coal Chamber - Coal Chamber - Roadrunner 1997 - CD
Conception - The Last Sunset - Noise 1993 - CD
Confessor - Condemned - Earache 1991 - CD
Cradle Of Filth - Cruelty And The Beast - Music For Nations 1998 - CD
Crimson Glory - Strange And Beautiful - Roadrunner 1991 - CD
Crimson Glory - Transcendence - Roadrunner 1988 - CD
Crossfire - See You In Hell / Second Attack - Mausoleum 2002 - CD
Crossfire - Sharpshooter / Live Attack - Mausoleum 2002 - CD
Cryhavoc - Sweetbriers - Nuclear Blast 1998 - CD
D.B.C. - Universe + Dead Brain Cells (Very Rare!!) - Rough Justice!! 1989 - CD
D.R.I. - Dirty Rotten LP - Roadrunner 1988 - CD
D.R.I. - Four Of A Kind - Metal Blade 1988 - CD
Danzig - 4p - American Recordings 1994 - CD
Dark Angel - Leave Scars - Under One Flag 1988 - CD
Dark Angel - Live Scars - Under One Flag 1990 - CD
Dark Angel - Time Does Not Heal - Under One Flag 1991 - CD
Dark Angel - Time Does Not Heal - Century Media 1999 - CD
Dark Funeral - The Secrets Of The Black Arts - No Fashion 1996 - CD
Dark Funeral - Vobiscum Satanas (Digi) - No Fashion 1998 - CD
Dark Millennium - Diana Read Peace - Massacre 1993 - CD
Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon - Peaceville 1993 - CD
De Heideroosjes - Choice For A Lost Generation?! - Fairytale 1994 - CD
Dead Head - The Feast Begins At Dawn - Bad Taste Recordings! 1991 - CD
Dearly Beheaded - Temptation - Music For Nations 1996 - CD
Death - Human - R/C 1991 - CD
Death - Individual Thought Patterns - Relativity 1993 - CD
Death - Live in L.A. - Nuclear Blast 2001 - CD
Death - Spiritual Healing - Under One Flag 1990 - CD
Death - Symbolic - Roadrunner 1995 - CD
Death Angel - Act III - Geffen 1990 - CD
Decadence - Gangs And Victims (Pre Cyclone, Original Pressing) - Justice! 1989 - CD
Defiance - Void Terra Firma - Roadracer 1990 - CD
Defleshed - Fast Forward (+2 live bonustracks) - Crash Music 2002 - CD
Deftones - Adrenaline - Maverick / Warner Bros 1995 - CD
Deicide - Legion - R/C 1992 - CD
Deicide - Once Upon The Cross - Roadrunner 1995 - CD
Demolition Hammer - Epidemic Of Violence - Century Media 1992 - CD
Demolition Hammer - Epidemic Of Violence (Punch Hole through Booklet) - Century Media 1992 - CD
Demolition Hammer - Time Bomb - Century Media 1994 - CD
Destruction - Live Without Sense - SPV 1989 - CD
Destruction - Sentence Of Death - SPV 1988 - CD
Devastation - Signs Of Life - Century Media 1999 - CD
Devastation - Signs Of Life - Under One Flag 1989 - CD
Deviated Instinct - Deviated Instinct (Very Rare) - Peaceville 1990 - CD
Dismal Euphony - All Little Devils - Nuclear Blast 1999 - CD
Dismal Euphony - Autumn Leaves (Digi) - Napalm 1997 - CD
Dismal Euphony - Soria Moria Slott (Limited Edition) - Napalm 1996 - CD
Dismember - Death Metal - Nuclear Blast 1997 - CD
Dismember - Indecent & Obscene - Nuclear Blast 1993 - CD
Dismember - Like An Ever Flowing Stream - Nuclear Blast 1991 - CD
Dismember - Massive Killing Capacity - Nuclear Blast 1995 - CD
Divine Eve - As The Angels Weed - Nuclear Blast 1993 - CD
Downset - Downset - Mercury 1994 - CD
Dumpster Juice - That Not So Fresh Feeling - Roadrunner 1993 - CD
Edge Of Sanity - Nothing But Death Remains - Black Mark 1991 - CD
Edge Of Sanity - The Spectral Sorrows - Black Mark 1993 - CD
End Amen - Your Last Orison - Institute Of Art 1992 - CD
Entombed - Clandestine - Earache 1991 - CD
Entombed - DCLXVI To Ride, Shoot Straight And Speak The Truth - Music For Nations 1997 - CD
Entombed - Entombed (Promo) - Earache 1997 - CD
Entombed - Left Hand Path - Earache 1989 - CD
Entombed - Uprising - Music For Nations 2000 - CD
Entombed - Wolverine Blues - Earache 1993 - CD
Eternal Ryte - World Requiem - Pure Metal 1990 - CD
Eternal Solstice - The Wish Is Father To The Thought - PRIVATE / Muziekfabriek 1995 - CD
Eviction - The World Is Hours Away - Metal Blade 1990 - CD
Excalibur - One Strange Night (Very Rare) - Active 1990 - CD
Excel - The Joke's On You - Rotten 2001 - CD
Exciter - Better Live Than Dead - Bleeding Hearts 1993 - CD
Exciter - Better Live Than Dead (Tour 1991) - NMC 2002 - CD
EXE - Sicker Than I Thought (Bootleg) - Barricade 1990 - CD
Exhorder - The Law - Roadracer 1992 - CD
Exodus - Bonded By Blood - Music For Nations 1989 - CD
Exodus - Fabulous Disaster - Music For Nations 1988 - CD
Exodus - Impact Is Imminent - Capitol 1990 - CD
Exodus - Pleasure Of The Flesh - Music For Nations 1987 - CD
Exoto - A Thousand Dreams Ago (Belgian Thrash/Death) - Black Mark 1995 - CD
Extreme II - Pornograffitti - A&M 1990 - CD
Eyepatch - You'll Never Know What Hit You (Perfect mix of Death/Thrash/Hardcore) - Mieze 2003 - CD
Face Down - Mindfield - Roadrunner 1995 - CD
Fear Factory - Demanufacture - Roadrunner 1995 - CD
Fear Factory - Digimortal - Roadrunner 2001 - CD
Fear Factory - Soul Of A New Machine - Roadrunner 1992 - CD
Fetish 69 - Brute Force (Original EP) - Intellectual Convulsion/Revolver 1993 - CD
Fight - War Of Words - Epic 1993 - CD
Flotsam And Jetsam - Doomsday For The Deceiver - Roadrunner 1987 - CD
Flotsam And Jetsam - Drift - MCA 1995 - CD
Flotsam And Jetsam - High - Metal Blade 1997 - CD
Flotsam And Jetsam - No Place For Disgrace - Roadrunner 1988 - CD
Flotsam And Jetsam - Saturday Night's… All Right For Fighting (Very Rare Single) - Roadrunner 1988 - CD
Flotsam And Jetsam - When The Storm Comes Down - MCA 1990 - CD
Forbidden - Forbidden Evil (Org. First Pressing, Copy Of The Backcover) - COMBAT! 1988 - CD
Forbidden - Twisted Into Form - Under One Flag 1990 - CD
Forbidden - Forbidden Evil - COMBAT! 1988 - CD
Frozen Sun - Headtrips - Rough Trade 1998 - CD
G/N/K - Plastic Planet - TVT 1995 - CD
Gang Green - Can't LIVE Without It - Roadrunner 1990 - CD
Gang Green - Older… Budweiser - Emergo/Roadrunner 1989 - CD
Gary Moore - Rockin' Every Night - Gary Moore Live In Japan - 10 Records 1986 - CD
Gathering, The - Always… - Foundation2000 1992 - CD
Gathering, The - Always… - Foundation2000 1994 - CD
Gorefest - False - Nuclear Blast 1992 - CD
Gorefest - Fear EP - Nuclear Blast 1994 - CD
Gorefest - La Muerta (2CD) - Nuclear Blast 2001 - CD
Gorefest - Soul Survivor - Nuclear Blast 1996 - CD
Gorefest - The Eindhoven Insanity - Nuclear Blast 1993 - CD
Gothic Slam - Just A Face In The Crowd - RARE - Roadracer 1989 - CD
Grave - Into The Grave - Century Media 1991 - CD
Grave - Soulless - Century Media 1994 - CD
Grave - You'll Never See… - Century Media 1992 - CD
Grave - Into The Grave (+Bonus) - Century Media 2001 - CD
Grave Digger - The Best Of The Eighties - Noise 1993 - CD
Green Day - Insomniac - Reprise 1995 - CD
Grip Inc. - Power Of The Inner Strenght - SPV 1995 - CD
Gunjah - Heredity - Noise 1993 - CD
Guns N' Roses - Use Your Illusion 1 - Geffen 1991 - CD
Guns N' Roses - Use Your Illusion 2 - Geffen 1991 - CD
Gwar - America Must Be Destroyed - Metal Blade 1991 - CD
Gwar - We Kill Everything - Metal Blade 1999 - CD
Hades - … Again Shall Be (Original Cover) - Fullmoon 1994 - CD
Halford - Resurrection - Metal-Is 2000 - CD
Hallows Eve - Monument (Classic Serie) - Metal Blade 1988 - CD
Hammerhawk - The Future (Written In The Past) - NMF (Self-produced) 2000 - CD
Harter Attack - Human Hell - Metalcore !! 1989 - CD
Hate Squad - IX-Zero - Gun Records 1995 - CD
Hate Squad - Theatre Of Hate - Gun Records 1994 - CD
Helloise - A Time & A Place For Everything - Transmission 1998 - CD
Helloise - Cosmogony - Pseudonym 1996 - CD
Helloween - Keeper Of The Seven Keys - Part I - Noise 1987 - CD
Helloween - Keeper Of The Seven Keys - Part II - Noise 1988 - CD
Helloween - The Best - The Rest - The Rare - Noise 1991 - CD
Helloween - The Time Of The Oath - Raw 1996 - CD
Helloween - Walls Of Jericho (Incl. Mini-LP Judas) - Noise 1988 - CD
Helmet - Betty (Limited Edition) - Interscope 1994 - CD
Hexx - Morbid Reality - Century Media 1991 - CD
Holy Moses - Too Drunk To Fuck - WVR 1993 - CD
Hypocrisy - The Fourth Dimension (In Jewelcase) - Nuclear Blast 1994 - CD
Iced Earth - Days Of Purgatory - Century Media 1997 - CD
Ignorance - The Confident Rat - Metal Blade 1991 - CD
Immolation - Dawn Of Possession - R/C 1991 - CD
Immortalis - Indicium De Mortuis - Morbid 1991 - CD
Impellitteri - Stand In Line - Relativity 1988 - CD
Imperium - Too Short A Reason - Mascot 1993 - CD
Incubator - Mc Gillroy The Housefly - WVR 1992 - CD
Iron Maiden - Brave New World - EMI 2000 - CD
Iron Maiden - Live After Death (Live 2CD) - EMI 1985 - CD
Iron Maiden - No Prayer For The Dying (Only CD - Booklets Missing) - EMI 1990 - CD
Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time - EMI 1986 - CD
Iron Savior - Iron Savior - Noise 1997 - CD
Judas Priest - Jugulator - SPV 1997 - CD
Judas Priest - Painkiller - Columbia 1990 - CD
Judas Priest - Turbo - Columbia 1986 - CD
Judas Priest Tribute - A Tribute to Judas Priest - Helloween, Saxon, Testament, Rage - Century Media 1996 - CD
Jumpin Jesus - The Art Of Crucifying - MORBID! 1991 - CD
K.A.T. (The Great KAT) - Beethoven On Speed - Roadracer 1990 - CD
Keel - Larger Than Live - SPV 1995 - CD
Killer - Ready For Hell / Wall Of Sound + Bonus Track - Mausoleum 2002 - CD
Killer - Shock Waves + Bonus Tracks - Mausoleum 2002 - CD
King Diamond - In Concert 1987 Abigail (Spine is missing) - Roadrunner 1991 - CD
Konkhra - Weed Out The Weak - Diehard Music Worldwide 1997 - CD
Korn - Follow The Leader - Immortal/Epic 1998 - CD
Kovenant, The - Animatronic - Nuclear Blast 1999 - CD
Kreator - Cause Of Conflict - Noise 1995 - CD
Kreator - Coma Of Souls - Noise 1991 - CD
Kreator - Extreme Aggression - Epic/CBS 1989 - CD
Kreator - Out Of The Dark… Into The Light - Noise 1988 - CD
Laaz Rockit - Annihilation Principle - Roadrunner 1989 - CD
Laaz Rockit - Know Your Enemy - Enigma 1987 - CD
Laaz Rockit - Nothing$ $acred - Japan Pressing, Inclusive Poster - Pony Canyon 1991 - CD
Lake Of Tears - Greater Art - Black Mark 1994 - CD
Lard - The Last Temptation Of Reid - Alternative Tentacles! 1990 - CD
Last Breath Denied - Defeatism (Dutch Metalcore) - Private 20-- - CD
Lavatory - To Protect And To Serve - Massacre/IRS 1993 - CD
Leather - Shock Waves - Massacre 1999 - CD
Lemming Project - Hate And Despise - Noise 1992 - CD
Life Of Agony - Soul Searching Sun - Roadrunner 1997 - CD
Lizzy Borden - Best Of Lizzy Borden - Metal Blade 1994 - CD
Loudness - Soldier Of Fortune (Rare!) - Atlantic 1989 - CD
M.O.D. - Gross Misconduct - Noise 1989 - CD
M.O.D. - Rhytm Of Fear - Megaforce 1992 - CD
M.O.D. - Surfin' M.O.D. / Rhythm Of Fear (2CD) Incl. Orig. Booklets - SPV 1999 - CD
Machine Head - Supercharger - Roadrunner 2001 - CD
Mad Capsule Markets, The - OSC-DIS Oscillator In Distortion (+Mini DVD) - Palm 2001 - CD
Madball - Set It Off - Roadrunner 1994 - CD
Man Must Die - The Human Condition (Punch Hole) - Relapse 2007 - CD
Mandatory - Mandatory - Pschic Scream 1999 - CD
Manic Movement - Discipline - Asterion 1997 - CD
Manifold - Transformed (2CD) - Private Label 19-- - CD
Manowar - Fighting The World - Atco 1987 - CD
Manowar - Kings Of Metal - Atlantic 1988 - CD
Marilyn Manson - Antichrist Superstar - Interscope 1996 - CD
Marilyn Manson - Hollywood - Interscope 2000 - CD
Martyr - Resurrection Of Our Prophecies - Private/3Istinctive Design 1999 - CD
Masi, Alex - Attack Of The Neon Shark - Roadracer 1989 - CD
Masi, Alex - Vertical Invader - Metal Blade 1990 - CD
Massacre - Promise (Promo) - Earache 1996 - CD
Master - Master - Nuclear Blast 1990 - CD
Master - On The Seventh Day God Created… Master - Nuclear Blast/SPV 1991 - CD
Megadeth - Countdown To Extinction - Capitol 1992 - CD
Megadeth - Cryptic Writings - Capitol 1997 - CD
Megadeth - Risk - Capitol 1999 - CD
Megadeth - Youthanasia (Special Edition) - Capitol 1994 - CD
Mekong Delta - The Music Of Erich Zann - Zardoz 19-- - CD
Mekong Delta - The Principle Of Doubt - Zardoz 19-- - CD
Messiah - Extreme Cold Weather (Incl. Hymn To Abramelin) - Nuclear Blast/SPV 1990 - CD
Messiah - Rotten Perish - Noise 1992 - CD
Metal Church - Blessing In Disguise - Elektra 1989 - CD
Metal Church - Hanging In The Balance - SPV 1993 - CD
Metal Church - Metal Church - Elektra 1985 - CD
Metal Church - Blessing In Disguise - Elektra/Asylum 1989 - CD
Metallica - …And Justice For All - Phonogram/Vertigo 1988 - CD
Metallica - Creeping Death / Jump In The Fire - Music For Nations 1984 - CD
Metallica - Kill 'Em All - Elektra 1989 - CD
Metallica - Master Of Puppets - Phonogram/Vertigo 1989 - CD
Metallica - One (single) - Phonogram 1989 - CD
Metallica - The $5.98 E.P. Garage Days Re-revisited - Mercury 1987 - CD
Metallica - The Black Album - Vertigo 1991 - CD
Metallica - At Den Bosch Brabanthallen 7-12-92 Vol 2. - Sirius 1993 - CD
Metallica - Creeping Death/Jump In The Fire - Phonogram 1983 - CD
Metallica - Master Of Puppets - Phonogram/Vertigo 1989 - CD
Mezzoforte - Surprise, Surprise (Very Rare!) - Polydor 1983 - CD
Midvinter - At The Sight Of The Apocalypse Dragon - IRS 1997 - CD
Mind Funk - Touch You - Epic 1991 - CD
Mind Over Four - Half Way Down - Roadrunner 1993 - CD
Ministry - Psalm 69: The Way To Succeed And The Way To Suck Eggs - Sire/Warner 1992 - CD
Ministry - The Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Taste - Warner Bros 1989 - CD
Misfits - Beyond Evil - Demo's + Outtakes 1977-1980 - Halloween 1980 - CD
Misfits - Heros Of Danzig - L.A. Live Life 1981 1991 - CD
Moby - Animal Rights (2CD) - Mute 1996 - CD
Moonspell - Irreliqious - Century Media 1996 - CD
Morbid Angel - Abominations Of Desolation - Earache 1991 - CD
Morbid Angel - Altars Of Madness - Earache 1989 - CD
Morbid Angel - Blessed Are The Sick - Earache 1991 - CD
Mordred - Falling Away - Noise 1991 - CD
Mordred - The Next Room - Noise 1994 - CD
Mordred - Vision - Noise 1992 - CD
Morgana Lefay - Sanctified - Black Mark 1995 - CD
Morgoth - Odium - Century Media 1993 - CD
Morgoth - The Eternal Fall / Resurrection Absurd - Century Media 1990 - CD
Morta Skuld - As Humanity Fades - Deaf!! 1994 - CD
Mortal Sin - Every Dog Has It´s Day (Booklet damage very badly!) - Under One Flag 1991 - CD
Mortal Sin - Every Dog Has It's Day - Under One Flag 1991 - CD
Motorhead - Anthology - Castle 1986 - CD
Motorhead - Bliztkreig On Birmingham '77 - Merlin 1993 - CD
Motorhead - March Or Die - Epic 1992 - CD
Motorhead - Plugged In! - GFS 19-- - CD
Mr. Big - Mr. Big - Atlantic 1989 - CD
Mucky Pup - A Boy In A Man's World - Roadracer 1989 - CD
My Dying Bride - As The Flowers Withers - Peaceville 1992 - CD
My Dying Bride - Like Gods Of The Sun - Peaceville 1996 - CD
My Dying Bride - Meisterwerk II (In Special Digipack) - Peaceville 2001 - CD
My Dying Bride - The Angel And The Dark River - Peaceville 1995 - CD
My Dying Bride - The Dreadful Hours - Peaceville 2001 - CD
My Dying Bride - The Light At The End Of The World - Peaceville 1999 - CD
Mystrez - The Indictment (Dutch!) - Bad Taste Recordings 1990 - CD
Napalm Death - Diatribes - Earache 1995 - CD
Napalm Death - Fear, Emptiness, Despair - Earache 1994 - CD
Napalm Death - From Enslavement To Obliteration - Earache 1994 - CD
Napalm Death - Harmony Corruption - Earache 1990 - CD
Napalm Death - Utopia Banished - Earache 1992 - CD
Napalm Death - Words From The Exit Wound - Earache 1998 - CD
Nasty Savage - Nasty Savage - Metal Blade 1994 - CD
Nasty Savage - Penetration Point - Crook'D Records 1999 - CD
Nasty Savage - Penetration Point - Roadracer/Rotten 1989 - CD
Nasum - Doombringer (Live) NEW! - Relapse 2008 - CD
Necrosanct - Desolate - Black Mark 1993 - CD
Neurotic - Down The Drain: Live 03 '99 - LWO 1999 - CD
Night In Gales - Thunderbeast - Nuclear Blast 1998 - CD
Night In Gales - Towards The Twilight - Nuclear Blast 1997 - CD
Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral - TVT 1994 - CD
No Return - Psychological Torment - Semetary!! 1990 - CD
Nokturnel - Nothing But Hatred - JL America 1993 - CD
Nuclear Assault - Handle With Care - Under One Flag 1989 - CD
Nuclear Assault - Out Of Order - Under One Flag 1991 - CD
Nuclear Assault - Survive - Combat 1988 - CD
Nuclear Assault - Survive - Under One Flag 1988 - CD
Obituary - Cause Of Death - Roadracer 1990 - CD
Obituary - The End Complete - R/C 1992 - CD
Obituary - Slowly We Rot - Roadracer 1989 - CD
Obituary - The End Complete (Digi) - R/C 1992 - CD
Occult - The Enemy Within - Foundation2000 1996 - CD
Octinomos - On the Demiurge (Original first pressing Old Logo, Black Cover) - Infortunium Productions! 1995 - CD
Overkill - Horrorscope - Megaforce/Atlantic 1991 - CD
Overkill - I Hear Black - Atlantic 1993 - CD
Overkill - Necroshine - SPV 1999 - CD
Overkill - Taking Over - Noise/SPV 1987 - CD
Overkill - The Killing Kind - Edel/Concrete 1996 - CD
Overkill - The Years Of Decay - Megaforce 1989 - CD
Overkill - Under The Influence - Megaforce/Atlantic 1988 - CD
Overkill - W.F.O. - Atlantic 1994 - CD
Overkill - Wrecking Your Neck LIVE 2 CD - Concrete / Edel 1995 - CD
Ozzy Osbourne - The Ultimate Sin - Remaster - Epic 1995 - CD
Pagan Winter - The Cult Of Flesh - Death Gasm 2002 - CD
Panic - Epidemic - Metal Blade 1991 - CD
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell - Atco 1990 - CD
Pantera - Far Beyond Driven - Eastwest Records 1994 - CD
Pantera - Official Live: 101 Proof - Elektra 1997 - CD
Pantera - The Great Southern Trendkill - Atlantic 1996 - CD
Pantera - Vulgar Display Of Power - Atco 1992 - CD
Pantera - Reinventing The Steel - Elektra 2000 - CD
Paradise Lost - Draconian Times - Music For Nations 1995 - CD
Paradise Lost - Icon - Music For Nations 1993 - CD
Paradise Lost - Lost Paradise - Peaceville 1990 - CD
Paradise Lost - One Second - Music For Nations 1997 - CD
Paradise Lost - Shades Of God - Music For Nations 1992 - CD
Pestilence - Consuming Impulse - Roadracer 1989 - CD
Pestilence - Spheres - Roadrunner 1993 - CD
Poison Idea - Record Collectors (Very Rare!!) - Roadrunner/Taangi 1991 - CD
Possessed - Seven Churches - Century Media 1998 - CD
Primus - Frizzle Fry - Caroline (Original!) 1990 - CD
Project Hate, The - MCMXCIX - Massacre 2000 - CD
Pro-Pain - Contents Under Pressure - Metal Mind 1996 - CD
Pro-Pain - Foul Taste Of Freedom - Great HC album! - Roadrunner 1993 - CD
Pro-Pain - Pro-Pain - High Gain 1998 - CD
Prophecy Of Doom/Axegrinder - Acknowledge The Confusion Master/The Rise Of The Serpent Men - Deaf!! 1990 - CD
Psychic Pawn - Decadent Delirium - Cacaphonous 1994 - CD
Psychotic Waltz - Into The Everflow - IRS 1992 - CD
Pungent Stench - Been Caught Buttering - Nuclear Blast 1991 - CD
Pungent Stench - Club Mondo Bizarre - For Members Only - Nuclear Blast 1994 - CD
Q-squad - Psyched - Noise 1995 - CD
Queensryche - Rage For Order - EMI 1986 - CD
Queensryche - The Warning - EMI 1984 - CD
Rage To Live - Blame The Victims - Bar/None Records 1989 - CD
Ramones - Iadios Amigos! - Chrysalis 1995 - CD
Random Damage - Random Damage (Ex-Annihilator - Ray Hartmann) - Mascot 1995 - CD
Ratt - Detonator - Atlantic 1990 - CD
Raven - Everything Louder - SPV 1997 - CD
Raven - Rock Until You Drop - Castle 1992 - CD
Raven - Wiped Out - Neat Records 2002 - CD
Razor - Violent Restitution - SPV 1988 - CD
Reason To Kill - Renewing The Chapter - Private 20-- - CD
Reverend - World Won't Miss You - Charisma 1990 - CD
Riot - The Privilege Of Power - Collectables 2003 - CD
Risk - Hell's Animals - Steamhammer 1989 - CD
Rollings Band - The End Of Silence - Imago 1992 - CD
Rumble Militia - Stop Violence And Madness - Century Media 1991 - CD
Running Wild - Gates To Purgatory - Noise 1988 - CD
S.O.D. - Live At Budokan - Steamhammer 1998 - CD
S.O.D. - Speak English Or Die - Steamhammer 1998 - CD
Sacramentum - The Coming Of Chaos - Century Media 1997 - CD
Sacred Reich - Alive At The Dynamo - Roadracer 1989 - CD
Sacred Reich - Independent - Metal Blade 1993 - CD
Sacred Reich - Surf Nicaragua - Metal Blade 1988 - CD
Sacred Reich - The American Way - Roadracer 1990 - CD
Sacred Reich - Surf Nicaragua - Roadrunner 1988 - CD
Sadus - Chemical Exposure - R/C 1991 - CD
Sadus - Chronicles Of Chaos - Mascot 1997 - CD
Sadus - Swallowed In Black - Roadracer 1990 - CD
Saigon Kick - The Lizard - Third Stone 1992 - CD
Salem - Kaddish - Morbid Records 1994 - CD
Samael - 1987/1992 Blood Ritual/Worship Him (2CD) - Century Media 1994 - CD
Samael - Blood Ritual (Booklet is missing) - Century Media 1992 - CD
Saraya - When The Blackbird Sings… - Polydor 1991 - CD
Sarcofago - Rotting - Under One Flag 1989 - CD
Sarcofago - Rotting - Kraze/Maze 1991 - CD
Savage Steel - Begins With A Nightmare,Number Edition 749-First CD Pressing - New Renaissance Records 2002 - CD
Savatage - Gutter Ballet - Atlantic 1989 - CD
Savatage - Handful Of Rain - Bullet Proof 1994 - CD
Savatage - The Wake Of Magellan - Edel 1997 - CD
Saxon - Dogs Of War - Virgin 1995 - CD
Saxon - Forever Free - Virgin 1992 - CD
Saxon - Denim Of Leather - EMI 1981 - CD
Scam Luiz - Heading For The Dream - Polydor 1992 - CD
Scanner - Ball Of The Damned (Promo) - Massacre 1997 - CD
Scorpions - Alien Nation (Single) - Mercury 1993 - CD
Scorpions - Crazy World - Mercury 1990 - CD
Scorpions - World Wide Live - EMI 1985 - CD
Sempiternal Deathreign - The Spooky Gloom (ORIGINAL FIRST PRESSING) - Foundation2000 1989 - CD
Sepultura - Arise - Roadracer 1991 - CD
Sepultura - Beneath The Remains - Roadracer 1989 - CD
Sepultura - Blood-Rooted - Roadrunner 1997 - CD
Sepultura - Chaos A.D. - Roadrunner 1993 - CD
Sepultura - Roots - Roadrunner 1996 - CD
Sepultura - Schizophrenia - Roadracer 1987 - CD
Sepultura - Slave New World - Roadrunner 1994 - CD
Sepultura - Under The Siege (Single) - Roadracer 1991 - CD
Setherial - Lords Of The Nightrealm - Napalm 1998 - CD
Setherial - Nord - Napalm 1996 - CD
Seventh, The - Cursed Earth Wasteland - Shiver 2007 - CD
Shah - Beware (RUSSIAN THRASH!) - Teichiku/JAPAN Pressing 1990 - CD
Sick Of It All - Live In A World Full Of Hate - Lost And Found 1993 - CD
Sinergy - Beware The Heavens (Neat purple jewel case) - Nuclear Blast 1999 - CD
Sinergy - Suicide By My Side - Nuclear Blast 2002 - CD
Sinister - Bastard Saints (EP) - Nuclear Blast 1996 - CD
Sinister - Cross The Styx - Nuclear Blast 1992 - CD
Sinister - Hate - Nuclear Blast 1995 - CD
Sisters Of Mercy, The - A Slight Case Of Overbombing - Warner Music 1993 - CD
Skid Row - Skid Row - Atlantic 1989 - CD
Skid Row - Slave To The Grind - Atlantic 1991 - CD
Skid Row - Skid Row B-Sides Ourselves - Atlantic 1992 - CD
Skrew - Burning In Water, Drowning In Flame - Metal Blade 1992 - CD
Skrew - Dusted - Music For Nations 1993 - CD
Skyclad - The Wayward Sons Of Mother Earth - Noise 1991 - CD
Slaughter House - Face Reality - Metal Blade 1991 - CD
Slaughter House - Slaughter House - Metal Blade 1990 - CD
Slayer - Captors Of Sin 1985 Belgium & Germany (Rare Bootleg) - Golden Stars 1990 - CD
Slayer - Decade Of Aggression (LIVE 2CD) - American Recordings 1994 - CD
Slayer - Decade Of Aggression (LIVE 2CD) - Def American 1991 - CD
Slayer - Divine Intervention - American 1994 - CD
Slayer - Hell Awaits - Metal Blade 1995 - CD
Slayer - Hell Awaits (Original First Pressing) - Metal Blade 1985 - CD
Slayer - Reign In Blood - Def Jam 1986 - CD
Slayer - Reign In Blood - American Recordings 1994 - CD
Slayer - Seasons In The Abyss - Def American 1990 - CD
Slayer - Undisputed Attitude - American Recordings 1996 - CD
Slayer - God Hates Us All - American 2001 - CD
Slayer - Show No Mercy - Metal Blade 1984 - CD
Slayer - South Of Heaven - Def Jam 1988 - CD
Slayer - Undisputed Attitude - American 1996 - CD
Sleeze Beez - Screwed Blued 'n Tattooed - Red Bullet (First pressing)! 1989 - CD
Sodom - Agent Orange - Steamhammer 1989 - CD
Sodom - Mortal Way Of Live - Steamhammer 1988 - CD
Soilwork - A Predator's Portrait - Nuclear Blast 2001 - CD
Solitude - From Within - Red Light 1994 - CD
Solitude Aeturnus - Beyond The Crimson Horizon - Roadracer 1992 - CD
Soul Asylum - Grave Dancers Union - Columbia 1992 - CD
Souls At Zero - A Taste For The Perverse - Concrete Records 1995 - CD
Soulstorm - Darkness Visible - Metal Blade 1993 - CD
Soundgarden - Badmotorfinger - A&M 1991 - CD
Spineshank - The Height Of Callousness - Roadrunner 2000 - CD
Steeler - Strike Back - Steamhammer 1986 - CD
Storm - Nordavind (Original!!) - Moonfog! 1995 - CD
Stratovarius - Episode - T&T 1996 - CD
Stratovarius - Fourth Dimension - T&T 1995 - CD
Stressball - Stressball - Pavement/IRS 1993 - CD
Suicidal Tendencies - Free Your Soul… And Save My Mind - Suicidal Records 2000 - CD
Suicidal Tendencies - How Will I Laugh Tomorrow… - Virgin 1988 - CD
Suicidal Tendencies - Lights… Camera… Revolution - Epic 1990 - CD
Sundown - Design 19 - Century Media 1997 - CD
Sword - Sweet Dreams - Roadracer 1988 - CD
Tankard - Alien - Noise 1989 - CD
Tankard - Chemical Invasion - Noise 1988 - CD
Tankard - Stone Cold Sober (+ 3 Live Bonustracks) - Noise 2005 - CD
Tankard - The Meaning Of Life - Noise 1990 - CD
Tankard - The Morning After - Noise 1988 - CD
Tankard - Zombie Attack - Noise 1988 - CD
Temperance - Krapakalja (Limited to 1000) - Shiver 1995 - CD
Terrorizer - World Downfall - Millenium Records/Earache 1989 - CD
Terrorizer - World Downfall - Earache !! 1989 - CD
Testament - Live At The Fillmore - Music For Nations 1995 - CD
Testament - Low - Atlantic 1994 - CD
Testament - Practice What You Preach - Megaforce/Atlantic 1989 - CD
Testament - Return To The Apocalyptic City - Atlantic 1993 - CD
Testament - The New Order - Megaforce/Atlantic 1988 - CD
Thanatos - Angelic Encounters - Hammerheart 2000 - CD
Thanatos - Realm Of Ecstacy (+4 bonus) Punch hole - HUW008 1992 - CD
Theatre of Tragedy - Velvet Darkness The Fear - Massacre 1996 - CD
Thergothon - Fhatagn-nagh Yog-Sothoth - Eibon 1999 - CD
Therion - Crowning of Atlantis - Nuclear Blast 1999 - CD
Thorn Eleven - Thorn Eleven - SPV 2001 - CD
Threnody - As The Heavens Fall - Massacre 1993 - CD
Thunderhead - Behind The Eight-ball (Cut-out) - Enigma 1990 - CD
Thurisaz - Circadian Rhythm - Shiver 2007 - CD
Tom Angelripper - Ein Tröpfchen voller Glück - Gun Records 1998 - CD
Tool - Opiate - Zoo 1992 - CD
Tool - Anima - Zoo 1996 - CD
Toxik - World Circus - Roadrunner 1988 - CD
Toy Dolls, The - Idle Gossip - Receiver Records 1992 - CD
Toy Dolls, The - Twenty Two Tunes Live From Tokyo - Receiver Records 1990 - CD
Trouble - Palm 9 / The Skull - Music For Nations 1991 - CD
Tungsten - 183.85 - Pavement/IRS 1993 - CD
Tura Satana - Relief Through Release - Noise 1997 - CD
Twisted Sister - Come Out And Play - Atlantic 1985 - CD
Type O Negative - The Origin Of The Feces - Roadrunner 1994 - CD
Unlord - Schwarzwald - Displeased 1997 - CD
Urban Dance Squad - Planet Ultra - Virgin 19-- - CD
V/A - Chries Of The Unborn - Jumpin'Jesus, Holy Moses, Warpath - WVR 1992 - CD
V/A - Death Is Just The Beginning 2 - Nuclear Blast 1992 - CD
V/A - Earplugged - Entombed, Bolt Thrower, Carcass, Cathedral - Earache 1994 - CD
V/A - Hotter Than Hell - Seance, Invocator, Rain, Cemetary - Black Mark 1993 - CD
V/A - Masters Of Brutality II - Napalm Death, Nocturnus, Asphyx, Cadaver - Fnac Music Production 1992 - CD
V/A - Metal In Rocks, Vol. III - Chalise, Dealen, Flyer - Berdu 1990 - CD
V/A - Stainless - Dutch Metalcore - Facewreck, Dominator, Drainlife - Tocado 2007 - CD
V/A - Stars On Thrash (Paradox,Toxik,KAT,Atrophy,Hades,SOD etc.) - Roadrunner 1988 - CD
V/A - TMF, Wet&Wild - Deftones, Korn, Fear Factory, Madball - Roughtrade 1998 - CD
V/A (Death/Grindcore/Metal/Industrial/Rock/Hardcore/Punk/Leftfield - A Headbanger's Companion, 6 CD Boxset, 100+ Tracks - Earache 2007 - CD
Vader - The Darkest Age - Live '93 - Pavement Music 1999 - CD
Van Halen - Balance - Warner Bros 1995 - CD
Van Halen - Women And Children First - Warner Bros 1980 - CD
Vengeance - Arabia - CBS 1989 - CD
Vengeance - Arabia + Arabia Archives + Demo Tracks 2CD - Pseudonym 1998 - CD
Vengeance Rising - Destruction Comes - Intense 1991 - CD
Venom - At War With Satan (+Bonus Tracks) - Sanctuary 2002 - CD
Venom - At War With Satan (SLIMLINE!!!) - Not in Original Jewel Case - Roadrunner 1985 - CD
Venom - Leave Me In Hell - Original Recordings Success 1993 - CD
Venom - Metalpunk - Soundwings 19-- - CD
Venom - Prime Evil - Under One Flag 1989 - CD
Venom - Skeletons In The Closet - Castle Records 2002 - CD
Venom - The Waste Lands - Under One Flag! 1992 - CD
Venom - Welcome To Hell - Neat Records 2002 - CD
Venom - Cast In Stone (2 CD) - SPV 1997 - CD
Venom: Tribute To Venom - In The Name Of Satan (Sodom, Kreator, Anathema etc.) - Gun Records 1994 - CD
Vernon Reid - Mistaken Identity - Epic 1996 - CD
Vicious Rumors - Cyberchrist - Massacre 1998 - CD
Vicious Rumors - Welcome To The Ball - Atlantic 1991 - CD
Vicious Rumors - Soldiers Of The Night - Pricekiller!! 1985 - CD
Vicious Rumors - Welcome To The Ball - Atlantic 1991 - CD
Vim Patior - Magni Nominis Umbra - Blackend 1999 - CD
Viper (Brazil) - Evolution - Massacre 1992 - CD
Viper (Brazil) - Vipera Sapiens (Japanese Pressing) - Victor 1993 - CD
Vital Remains - Into Cold Darkness (Digi) - Peaceville 2004 - CD
Vixen - Vixen - EMI 1988 - CD
Voivod - Negatron - Hypnatic 1995 - CD
Wargasm - Suicide Notes - Transmission 1995 - CD
Wargasm - Ugly - Massacre 1993 - CD
WASP - Live Animal… Fuck Like A Beast (Rare Single) - Music For Nations 1988 - CD
WASP - The Headless Children / Inside The Electric Circus (2CD) - Snapper Music 2003 - CD
Wasteland - Mare Tranquillitatis (Only 300 Made) - Desire 1995 - CD
White Devil - Reincarnation - Lost And Found 1995 - CD
Winter - Into Darkness - Nuclear Blast 1992 - CD
Wolfsbane - Wolfsbane (Limited Edition + 6 Bonus Tracks) - Castle 1994 - CD
Wrathchild America - 3-D - Atlantic 1991 - CD
Xentrix - Dilute To Taste - Roadracer 1991 - CD
Xentrix - Kin - Roadracer 1992 - CD
Yngwie Malmsteen - Marching Out - Polydor 1985 - CD
Yngwie Malmsteen - Trial By Fire - Live In Leningrad - Polydor 1989 - CD
Young Gods, The - Only Heaven - Bias 1995 - CD
Zed Yago - Pilgrimage - BMG 1989 - CD
Zinatra - The Great Escape (Very Rare!) - Mercury 1990 - CD
Zinatra - Zinatra - NT Records 1988 - CD
Zoetrope - Mind Over Splatter - Red Light 1993 - CD

Band - Album - Label Year - Format
220 Volt - Mind Over Muscle - CBS 1985 - VINYL
AC/DC - If You Want Blood - Atlantic 1978 - VINYL
AC/DC - For Those About To Rock - Atlantic 1981 - VINYL
AC/DC - Powerage - Warner Communications 1978 - VINYL
Accuser - Double Talk (Excl. Poster) - Atom H 1990 - VINYL
Acid - Acid (In Perfect Condition) VERY RARE! - Giant 1983 - VINYL
Acridity - For Freedom I Cry (Punch Hole) - Prophecy!! 1991 - VINYL
Aftermath - Don't Cheer Me Up - Moshroom 1988 - VINYL
Annihilator - Alice In Hell - Roadrunner 1989 - VINYL
Anthrax - I'm The Man - Island 1987 - VINYL
Anthrax - Among The Living - Island 1987 - VINYL
Anvil - Backwaxed - Roadrunner 1985 - VINYL
Anvil - Hard 'N' Heavy - Attic 1981 - VINYL
Anvil - Metal On Metal (Pic LP) - SPI 1983 - VINYL
Anvil - Strength Of Steel (Promo) - Roadrunner 1987 - VINYL
Asphyx - The Rack (In Special Edition) - Century Media 1991 - VINYL
Axel Rudi Pell - (Don't Trust The) Promised Dreams - SIGNED! (Promo - No Cardboard) - Steamhammer 1989 - VINYL
Banshee - Cry In The Night - Metal Blade/Roadrunner 1988 - VINYL
Bathory - Blood Fire Death - Under One Flag 1988 - VINYL
Batlleaxe - Power From The Universe - Roadrunner 1984 - VINYL
Blackfoot - Tomcattin - Atco 1980 - VINYL
Blood Feast - Chopping Block Blues (Punch Hole) - Flametrader 1990 - VINYL
Bloodcum - Death By A.. Clothes Hanger (With Textsheet) - Wild Rags 1988 - VINYL
Bolt Thrower - Real Of Chaos (Complete With Illustrate 8 Page Lyric Booklet) - Earache 1989 - VINYL
Calhoun Conquer - Lost In Oneself - Aaarrg 1989 - VINYL
Cancer - Death Shall Rise - Flametrader 1991 - VINYL
Carcass - Symphonies Of Sickness (Special Edition) - Earache 1989 - VINYL
Celtic Frost - Emperor's Return - Noise 1985 - VINYL
Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales (Limited Edition On Black Vinyl! No Poster) - Noise 1984 - VINYL
Cities - Annihilation Absolute (Promo) - Metal Blade 1986 - VINYL
Cloven Hoof - Cloven Hoof (Rare!) - Roadrunner 1984 - VINYL
Cockney Rejects - Lethal - Roadracer 1990 - VINYL
Coroner - R.I.P. - Noise 1987 - VINYL
Coven - Blessed Is The Black - Ever Rat 1988 - VINYL
Crossfire - Second Attack - Mausoleum 1985 - VINYL
D.A.M. - Inside Oud (White Labels) - Noise 1991 - VINYL
Dark Angel - Live Scars - Under One Flag 1990 - VINYL
Dark Wizard - Reign Of Evil - Mausoleum 1985 - VINYL
Death - Scream Blood Gore - Under One Flag 1987 - VINYL
Death Angel - Frolic Through The Park - Enigma 1988 - VINYL
Deathrow - Deception Ignored - Noise 1988 - VINYL
Destruction - Sentence Of Death - Steamhammer 1984 - VINYL
Disillusion - Loudness - Roadrunner 1984 - VINYL
Doro - Force Majeure - Phonogram 1989 - VINYL
Dr. Know - Wreckage In Flesh (Promo) - Roadrunner 1988 - VINYL
Excructation - Last Judgement - Chainsaw Murder 1986 - VINYL
Exodus - Pleasure Of The Flesh (PICTURE DISC!) - Music For Nations 1987 - VINYL
Exorcist - Nightmare Theatre - Roadrunner 1986 - VINYL
Fates Warning - Night On Brocken - Roadrunner 1984 - VINYL
Forbidden (LP) - Forbidden Evil - Combat 1988 - VINYL
Gammacide - Victims Of Science - Wild Rags 1989 - VINYL
Gary Moore - Parisienne Walkways - MCA 1987 - VINYL
Glory Bells - Century Rendezvous - SOS Recording 1983 - VINYL
God Dethroned - Bloody Blasphemy - Metal Blade 1999 - VINYL
God Dethroned - Ravenous - Metal Blade 2001 - VINYL
Godflesh - Slavestate - Earache 1991 - VINYL
Grave Digger - With Hunter - Noise 1985 - VINYL
Hades - If At First You Don't Succeed - Roadrunner 1988 - VINYL
Hades - Resisting Succes - Roadrunner 1984 - VINYL
Hallows Eve - Death & Insanity - Metal Blade 1986 - VINYL
Hammerhawk - War (Dutch Speed Metal!) - Stormbringer Productions 2000 - VINYL
Hawaii - One Nation Underground (With Marty Friedman) - Shrapnel 1983 - VINYL
Hawaii - The Natives Are Restless (Very Rare!) - Axe Killer 1985 - VINYL
Heathens Rage - Heathens Rage (Megarare Private Pressing !!!) - Rock Dream 1986 - VINYL
Hellion - Screams In The Night - Music For Nations 1987 - VINYL
Helloween - Helloween - SPV 1985 - VINYL
Hellwitch - Syzygial Miscreancy (Punch Hole) - Wild Rags 1990 - VINYL
Helstar - Remants Of War - Noise 1986 - VINYL
Heretic - Burnt At The Stake (RARE!) - Thunder 1984 - VINYL
Holy Moses - Terminal Terror - West Virginia 1991 - VINYL
Iron Angel - Winds Of War - Steamhammer 1986 - VINYL
Iron Maiden - Maiden Japan - Electrola 1981 - VINYL
Iron Maiden - Run To The Hill (mlp) - Emi 1982 - VINYL
Iron Maiden - Sanctuary/Prowler/Drifter/I've Got The Fire - Emi 1980 - VINYL
Jaguar - Power Games - Roadrunner 1983 - VINYL
Jimi Hendrix - Superstar (Armondo Curcio Editore, Very Special Edition) - Valentine 19-- - VINYL
King Diamond - No Present For Christmas 12" - Roadrunner 1985 - VINYL
King Diamond - The Dark Sides (Promo) - Roadrunner 1988 - VINYL
King Diamond - Them - Roadrunner 1988 - VINYL
Kiss - Dynasty - Casablanca 1979 - VINYL
Kiss - Alive II (No Cardboard, Only 2LP) - Casablanca 1977 - VINYL
Kreator - Pleasure To Kill - Noise 1986 - VINYL
Krokus - Hardware - Ariola 1981 - VINYL
L.W.S. - Welcome To The Asylum - Aaarrg 1989 - VINYL
Liege Lord - Burn To My Touch (Promo) - Roadrunner 1987 - VINYL
M.O.D. - Gross Misconduct - Megaforce/Caroline 1989 - VINYL
M.O.D. - USA For MOD - Caroline 1987 - VINYL
Mad Axeman - Mad Axeman - Mausoleum 1984 - VINYL
Mad Butcher - Metal Lightning Attack - Earth Shaker 1985 - VINYL
Mandator - Perfect Progeny - Disaster 1989 - VINYL
Martyr - For The Universe - Megaton 1984 - VINYL
Meat Loaf - Take A Number (Shaped Motor) - Arista 1984 - VINYL
Metallica - Bang A Gong (Red Vinyl) Bootleg - Bradford 1988 - VINYL
Metallica - Harvester Of Sorrow - Phonogram 1988 - VINYL
Metallica - Jump In The Fire (VERY VERY RARE RED VINYL!!) In Perfect Condition! - Music For Nations 1983 - VINYL
Morbid Angel - Altars Of Madness - Earache 1989 - VINYL
Motorhead - Beer Drinkers (Pic LP) - Big Beat 1982 - VINYL
Motorhead - No Remorse - Pro 1984 - VINYL
Napalm Death - Mass Appeal Madness - Earache 1991 - VINYL
Nasty Savage - Indulgence - Roadrunner 1987 - VINYL
Nausea - Crime Against Humanity (Punch Hole) - Wild Rags 1991 - VINYL
Nuclear Assault - Handle With Care - Under One Flag 1989 - VINYL
Onslaught - Power From Hell - Under One Flag 1985 - VINYL
Overkill - Under The Influence (small Cut-out) - Megaforce 1988 - VINYL
Ozzy Osbourne - Bark At The Moon - CBS 1983 - VINYL
Possessed - Beyond The Gates (Huge Fold Out Cover!!) - Under One Flag 1986 - VINYL
Possessed - Seven Churches - Roadrunner 1985 - VINYL
Possessed - The Eyes Of Horror - Under One Flag 1987 - VINYL
Quiet Riot - Wild Young And Crazee - Castle Communications 1984 - VINYL
Rage - Invisible Horizons - Noise 1989 - VINYL
Rainbow - Rising - Polydor 1976 - VINYL
Ratos De Porao - Brasil - Roadracer 1989 - VINYL
Raven - Live At The Inferno (2 LP) - Neat Records 1984 - VINYL
Raven - Mad - Atlantic 1986 - VINYL
Razor - Evil Invaders - Roadrunner 1985 - VINYL
Realm - Endless War - Roadrunner 1988 - VINYL
Realm - Endless War (Promo) - Roadrunner 1988 - VINYL
Recipients Of Death - Final Flight (Punch Hole) - Wild Rags 1990 - VINYL
Riot - The Privilege Of Power - CBS 1990 - VINYL
Rose Tattoo - Scarred For Life - Albert Productions 1982 - VINYL
Rumble Militia - Stop Violence And Madness - Century Media 1991 - VINYL
Sabbat - Dreamweaver - Noise 1989 - VINYL
Sacred Reich - Ignorance - Metal Blade 1987 - VINYL
Sad Iron - Total Damnation - Universe 1984 - VINYL
Saxon - Strong Arm Of The Law - Carrere 1980 - VINYL
Saxon - Wheels Of Steel - Carrere 1980 - VINYL
Sempiternal Deathreign - The Spooky Gloom - Foundation2000 1989 - VINYL
Slayer - Live Undead (Side One Recorded Live/Side two Studio) - Roadrunner 1985 - VINYL
Slayer - Show No Mercy - Roadrunner 1983 - VINYL
Slayer - Hell Awaits - Roadrunner 1985 - VINYL
Sodom - Persecution Mania - Steamhammer 1987 - VINYL
Ted Nungent - Cat Scratch Fever - CBS 1977 - VINYL
Ted Nungent - Great Gonzos! The Best Of - CBS 1981 - VINYL
Testament - Practice What You Preach - Atlantic 1989 - VINYL
Testament - Practise What You Preace - Megaforce 1989 - VINYL
Tiamat - Sumerian Cry (Very Rare!) - Metal Core 1991 - VINYL
Torch - Warlock (Special Edition) - Zyx Metal 1983 - VINYL
Toxik - World Circus - Roadrunner 1987 - VINYL
Toxodeth - Mysteries About Life & Death (Punch Hole) - Wild Rags 1990 - VINYL
Turbo - Dead End - Under One Flag 1990 - VINYL
Twister Sister - Interview Disc Limited Edition 1984 (Pic LP) - Red Door 1984 - VINYL
Tyrant - Legions Of The Dead - Roadrunner 1985 - VINYL
V/A - Axe Attack - Port 1985 - VINYL
V/A - Dark Passages - Rise Above 1991 - VINYL
V/A - Death…. Is Just Beginning - Nuclear Blast 1990 - VINYL
V/A - Doomsday News III - Noise 1990 - VINYL
V/A - Hard Attack Heavy Metal - EMI 1985 - VINYL
V/A - Holland Heavy Metal Vol. 2 - Heavy Metal Records 1982 - VINYL
V/A - Metal Battle - Roadrunner 1983 - VINYL
V/A - Metal Massacre V - SPV 1984 - VINYL
V/A - Speed Kills III - Death, Heathen, Onslaught, Dark Angel - Under One Flag 1987 - VINYL
V/A - The New Gladiator - Epic 1985 - VINYL
V/A - Thrash Metal Attack - Anvil Bitch, Defcon, Necrophagia - New Renaissance 1986 - VINYL
V/A - Stars On Thrash (Toxik, DRI,Znowhite,KAT,Paradox etc.) - Roadrunner 1988 - VINYL
V/A (PERFECT CONDITION!!) - Raging Death - Betrayel, Xecutioner, Sadus, Lethal Presence, Ravage - Godly 1987 - VINYL
Van Den Berg - Heading For A Storm - Atlantic 1983 - VINYL
Van Halen - Van Halen - Warner Bros 1978 - VINYL
Van Halen - Van Halen II - Warner Bros 1979 - VINYL
Van Halen - Women And Children First - Warner Bros 1980 - VINYL
Venom - At War With Satan - Roadrunner 1984 - VINYL
Vulcano - Ratrace - Metalcore 1991 - VINYL
Waysted - Vices - Chrysalis 1983 - VINYL
Whiplash - Ticket To Mayhem - Roadrunner 1987 - VINYL
Whitesnake - Is This Love - EMI 1987 - VINYL
Wrath - Fit Of Anger - Megaton 1986 - VINYL
ZZ Top - Eliminator - Warner Bros 1983 - VINYL
ZZ Top - Sleeping Bag/Party On The Patio (Shaped LP) - WEA 1985 - VINYL

Band - Title - Size Color
Abuso Sonoro - Mad Capitalismo! - T-Shirt Size XL White
Agathocles - Extinction - T-Shirt Size XL Red
Annihilator - Carnival Diablos Europe Tour 2001 - T-Shirt Size XL Black
Burnt By The Sun - Logo, Soundtrack To The Personal Revolution, 2002 - Long Sleeve XL Black
Cannibal Corpse - Logo, Tourshirt 1999 - Long Sleeve XL Black
Celtic Frost - Into The Pandemonium, Silver Artwork, Special Artwork!! - T-Shirt L Black
Centinex - Hellbrigade, A Neverending Night Has Conquered The Throne - Long Sleeve XL Black
Crytopsy - The Pain Cometh, European Tour 2001 - T-Shirt XL Black
DBC (DEAD BRAIN CELLS!) - Dead Brain Cells - Original Band merchandise 2005 - T-Shirt Size XL - Fit like XXL Black
Destruction/Sodom/Kreator - Hell Comes To Your Town Part II, Original Tourshirt - T-Shirt XL Black
Disinter - Logo, With Backcover - T-Shirt XL Black
Fleshcrawl - Logo, Let's Go Fucking Die!! - T-Shirt XL Black
Flotsam And Jetsam - All Over Print - Original 198? - T- Shirt L Brown
Fury - The Only Rock Lifstyle Magazine With Attitude - T-Shirt L Black
Gorefest - False Tour shirt 1990, Very used, Some Big Holes - T-Shirt XL Black
Graspop Metal Meeting - 2003 - T-Shirt XL Black
Gride - Gride With Backprint - T-Shirt Size XL Blue
Incantation - Entrantment Of Evil, With Logo - T-Shirt XL Black
Incantation - Summer Of Blasphemy, North American Tour 2002 - T-Shirt XL Black
Incantation - Loge, With Backcover - T-Shirt L Black
Iron Maiden - With Backprint - T-Shirt Size M Black
Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast - Hoody M Black
Kill II This - Another Cross II Bare European Tour 1996/1997 - Long Sleeve XL Black
Kiss - Four Faces, Original - Long Sleeve XL Black
Kreator - Original 1993 - With Bandmembers On The Back - Long Sleeve XL Grey
Kruiz - KPYN3 - Kruize Original Tour 1989! Some Very small holes - T-Shirt Size L Black
Maroon - The Cold Heart Of The Sun - T-Shirt XL Black
Megadeth - Youthanasia - ORIGINAL! - T-Shirt Size XL Black
Megadeth - Youthanasia - With Vic - Rare ORIGINAL! 1992 - T-Shirt Size XL Black
Megadeth - DR. Vic Is In 1993 - T-Shirt Size XL Black
Metal Age Productions - 15th Anniversary, Save The World Kill People - T-Shirt L Black
MindFunk - Mind Funk - Original 1991 - Cut-off Sleeves Shirt L Black
Morbid Angel - Altars Of Madness (Original) - T-Shirt L Black
Motorhead - Everything Louder Than Everything Else 2003 - T-Shirt XL Black
Napalm Death - European Tour 1998 - T-shirt XL Black
Nuclear Blast - The World Of Nuclear Blast, With Bandlist, Blind Guardian, Dimmu Borgir, Immortal, Death Angel and Many More - T-Shirt XL Black
Obituary - Slowly We Rot - Original 1990 - T-Shirt Size XL Black
Occult - Rage To Revenge…Tour 2002 - Long Sleeve XL Black
Profanity - Hatered Hell Within - T-Shirt XL Black
Slayer - Undisputed Attitude - T-Shirt Size XL - Fit like XXL Black
Slayer - Divine Intervention Tour 1994 - T-Shirt Size XL Black
Slayer - Slaytanic Wehrmach, Original 1988 - T-Shirt XL Black
Slayer - Special Shirt, ORIGINAL 1994!, Huge Print - T-Shirt Size XL Black
Soulfly - Worldwide, One World, One Tribe (1999) - T-Shirt Size XL Black
Testament - The Legacy Tour 1987 - Fan Club Limited To 200 - Ultra Rare - Sweater Size Xl Black
Throneaeon - Godhate, Satans World Is Mine, In Blasphemy 2003 - T-Shirt XL Black
Vader - The Ultimate Incantation - T-Shirt XL Black
Venom - Welcome To Hell - Alive In 1995 - European Tour - Long Sleeve XL, Fit Like L Black
Venom - Black Metal - Alive In 1995 - European Tour - Long Sleeve L Black
Vile - Logo, Stench Of The Deceased - T-Shirt XL Black
Warsore - Warsore Logo - T-Shirt Size L Black

Band - Title - Size Color
Death Angel - Logo - Girly Size S Black
Destruction - Logo (Metal Discharge) - Girly Size S Black
Laaz Rockit - Holiday In Combodia (With Backprint "Laaz Rockit") - Girly Size XS Black
Nuclear Assault - Logo - Girly Size S Black
Overkill - Logo - Girly Size S Black
Sabbat - Return Of The Sabbat - Girly Size S Black
Slayer - Logo - Girly Size S Black
Toxik - World Circus (With Backprint, Bandmembers) - Girly Size XS Black
Tankard - Logo (Thrash Metal Since 1982) - Short Girly Size S Black

Band - Title - Format Color
Metallica - Home Vid, Cliff 'Em All - Polygram 1988 VHS
Destruction - Metal Discharge - Backpatch Black

Usericon van ODCLAN
Posted 21-06-2009 21:53 by ODCLAN Profiel van ODCLAN

Slayer T-shirt te koop! Nog iets minder dan 24 uur bieden via ebay.


Usericon van Macabre
Posted 23-06-2009 1:06 by Macabre Profiel van Macabre


CD € 7,-
MCD € 4,-
2CD €10,-
3CD €12,- (forgotten woods box)
LP € 8,-

Antaeus - De Principii Evangelikum
Bestial Warlust - Vengeance War Til Death
Craft - Terror Propaganda
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - Nocturnal March
Dark Funeral - The Secrets Of The Black Arts
Darkthrone - A Blaze In The Northern Sky
Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
Dimmu Borgir - For All Tid
Dimmu Borgir - Stormblast
Dimmu Borgir - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
Dissection - The Somberlain
Emit - A Sword Of Death For The Prince
Emit/Vrolok - Divine Eye/Pesten 1440 _split
Entombed - Clandestine
Forgotten Tomb - Songs To Leave
Forgotten Woods - Baklengs Mot Stupet 3CD
Gorgoroth - Under The Sign Of Hell
Grimfaug - Rex Draconis demo
Grimfaug - Blood Upon The Face Of Creation
Horna - Haudankylmyyden Mailla
Horna - Sudentaival
Infinity - The Birth Of Death
Marduk - Panzer Division Marduk
Mayhem - Live in Leipzig
Mayhem - Wolf's Lair Abyss MCD
Morbid Angel - Altars Of Madness
Nachtmystium - Eulogy IV
Samael - Ceremony Of Opposites
Sauron - Universe Of Filth
Sauron - For A Dead Race
Slayer - Seasons In The Abyss
Slayer - God Hates Us All
Throneum - Old Death's Lair
Triumphator - Wings Of Antichrist
Tsjuder - Kill For Satan
Unlord - Gladiator
Unlord - Lord Of Beneath


Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Bunkur - Bludgeon DLP
Destruction - All Hell Breaks Loose
Emptyness - Emptyness
Endstille - Dominanz
Endstille - Endstilles Reich
Goetia - Hail Satan
Inner Helvete - Total Bloodshedding Devastation
Kratornas - The Onslaught Of Battledemons 10"
Nunslaugter - Hells Unholy Fire PicLP
Sargatanas - Knights Of the Southern Cross
Stalaggh - Project Nihil

prijzen exclusief P&P, graag mailtje naar

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on the human face...forever!

Usericon van Devotee
Posted 24-06-2009 9:56 by Devotee Profiel van Devotee


Aeternus - Burning the Shroud
Gheestenland - Terdor / Gheestenland split tape, #036/250
Den Saakaldte - Øl, Mørke og Depresjon CD, lim. 1000
Impious Havoc - The Great Day Of Wrath tape
Malveillance - Just Fuck Off CD
Nihil Nocturne - Wahnsinn.Tod.Verrat CD

Arckanum - Anti-Cosmic Chaos Assault t-shirt, dames M
Baptism - Logo t-shirt, dames M
Burzum - Hviss Lyset Tar Oss hoodie, heren XL
Dissection - Reinkaos t-shirt, dames M
Down - Face hooded zip, heren M
Marduk - Cherub girlie, dames S/M
Marduk - Warschau t-shirt, dames M/L
Nachtmystium - Nachtdemon t-shirt, dames M/L
Never Stop The Madness t-shirt, dames M
Shining - Do Me A Favour And Kill Yourself hemdje, dames L/XL
Shining - Submit To Self Destruction t-shirt, dames M
Skitliv - Tour '07 t-shirt, heren L
Solstáfir t-shirt, heren S

Finse vlag patch

Denial Of God button
Fondlecorpse button
Grimfaug button
Kill button
Mayhem pin
Morte Incardescente button

Skitliv tourposter
Gallhammer tourposter

Nepleren damesjasje met logo's van Watain en Shining er op geschilderd

Legerkisten maat 43
20 gaats Sheffield Ranger boots maat 43

Nightshade & devil root. Wolfsbane & eye of newt. Round and round and round and round we go

Usericon van Gruis
Posted 24-06-2009 17:27 by Gruis Profiel van Gruis


Patches en buttons van black metal bands.
Geen Marduk, Dimmu Borgir etc, als dat nog onder black metal gerekend word tegenwoordig.

Usericon van ghoulliette
Posted 24-06-2009 17:31 by ghoulliette Profiel van ghoulliette

net zo min als patches kopen via internet als blackmetal is denk ik

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