IronGlory |
More Metal Than You |
Posted 24-06-2003 13:51 by IronGlory |
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Syron Vanes - The Revenge of the Bringers of Evil
Once in the dawn of time was the eighties and yours truly discovered heavy metal. In the seemingly constant flow of bands from England there was one named SYRON VANES. A band I first thought was English, being on the infamous Ebony Records label. And then there was silence until just recently when the kings of metal from Malmö returned with "Insane". Why should anyone notice them so many years later, what's with the new line-up and who came up with the name? Guitarist Rimbert Walstroem took a slight time out from family life to tell their story
Since SYRON VANES is a band with both a past and a future we better start with today. Why did you get back together after all theses years?
- Me and guitar player Anders Hahne never quit, says Rimbert (or Rimmy Hunter as he was called during the Ebony years). We kept on going and tried several new musicians but it just never clicked. Then the other year our old drummer Staffan Lindstedt announced his return. At once the pieces started coming back together.
The old happy-go-lucky -getting- back-together story, that usually works.
The New Album
Okay Rimmy, that one was easy, now I´d like to discuss the new album. What were you aiming at?
I'm told that they wanted a mid-tempo album with basically no soloing at all. That was a deliberate move away from the long flashy solos of yesterday. That seem to have been an issue for constant debate according to the front man in Skåne. But that is something he welcomes. Apparently they've checked meticulously with a sort of "panel" ages from appr. 20-45. And as any real metal band they are humble subjects to the audiences wishes. Changes are promised for the future, maybe they got a tad too close to nu-metal territory? That is up to you, the listener to have an opinion about.
Otherwise it's an album of twelve gritty rockers. No concept, no insane image or stage clothes, just the music SYRON VANES want to do at the moment.
The cover is part of the discussion, any bird would find it a suitable breakfast but the abundance of worms leaves no human being untouched. Rimmy reveals;
- That was thought up and conceived by the video guys. We have a video out for the title track in which some dudes are playing cards. Nothing whammy about that but the stakes are worms instead of money.
The band thought that the video crew were younger and had fresh ideas. If you live in Sweden you might have seen them on Z-TV?
The New Band
We were on the verge of this discussion earlier on so I let Rimmy go
Apparently Rimmy and Anders have spent 22-23 years in the same band. A considerable amount of time that probably has its impact on things. The first point Rimmy gets to is "new boy" Jacob Lagergren who's "only" been around since 1997. Rimmy have the highest thoughts of him but there's always a but. Rimmy and Anders seem to have worked out a formula on the road to perfection. He talks of the necessity of tightness and an even flow, a goal that causes many stops and hours in the studio. Still convinced that this wont stop their four-stringer my interviewee believes that Jacob will contribute with a lot of good new stuff to the next album.
Past times
I fear the times will never come when I can steer clear of a bands past. When it comes to SYRON VANES there's the name. I've spent a good many years with the English language without ever finding the source of the name.
Rimmy replies;
- The band name means nothing. A dude named Niklas invented it from out of nowhere.
Baah, 60 points in English to no use! From out of the blue...
You landed a contract with the since many years defunked Ebony Records, what was life like with them?
The answer is almost what I expected, there was no way to keep track on sales. "A service" they provided to many of their bands, the unlucky SAVAGE in particular. They never did SYRON VANES any good concerning media and touring either. That was totally the work of the bands previous manager Ola Nilsson, who apparently was a man of many useful connections. Touring and a LOT of letters were two of the results.
The Situation Today
What's different from the eighties, if we start from that angle?
The present situation is better concerning the sales side of things Not that Rimmy have checked but there will be monthly reports on sales from what I've told. There's obviously no astronomical sales in Sweden but they seem very pleased with their Dutch distribution and they seem to be making moves in the US
The rocker in the other end of the phone line also tells of a nice treatment in the tricky Swedish press. We both agree on the fact that they have to since hard rock is coming back with a vengeance.
Promotional-wise they are not in the same hands as before but Anders Ohlin at Carnival Records/Heavy Entertainment Management sure is trying.
- He's a hard worker building an impressive number of useful connections. He's so hell-bent on the task that he will make it, Rimmy declares.
That is my opinion too, not every PR-guy sticks to his promises like Anders.
The Tricky Last Question
Well, now Rimmy all good things must come to an end. When SYRON VANES reaches it's end and you all hang up your aspirations and instruments on the proverbial shelf, how do you want people to remember you?
- Whoops, that sure is a tricky one, Rimmy starts. We are happy if people will just listen to our records and smile. We really only want to make people happy.
That rounds off this interview and what a humble way to go. The rest is up to you. Remember that there's more than 20 years of guitarorizing experience in this band and it's so tight you can't put your fingers through the wall of sound! Be sure to tell the lads what you think of their effort, they appreciate it, not many bands seem to do so.
Too Much Of Your Lippstikk Is Too Much On My Dippstikk