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Usericon van faalhaas
Posted 15-04-2014 18:19 by faalhaas Wijzig reactieProfiel van faalhaasQuote dit bericht

... hoe de hazen lopen ...

Nieuwe spellin, aude spelling, coronaspelling....
Usericon van nark
Posted 15-04-2014 23:36 by nark Wijzig reactieProfiel van narkQuote dit bericht

According to, AC/DC "insiders" have shot down as false the rumor that the band is on the verge of announcing its retirement due to one member's — presumably guitarist Malcolm Young's — serious illness.

The source of the original retirement rumor was an e-mail sent to Perth radio station 6PR from an anonymous tipster using the handle Thunderstruck. The station subsequently spread the word, setting off a flurry of reports first throughout Australia and then worldwide.

It should be noted, however, that the group's management and Columbia Records, its current label, have chosen not to comment on the matter, according to

Nieuwe spellin, aude spelling, coronaspelling....

Nieuwe spellin, aude spelling, coronaspelling....
Usericon van nark
Posted 15-04-2014 23:42 by nark Wijzig reactieProfiel van narkQuote dit bericht

Brothers Malcolm Young, George Young and Angus Young, 2012 (photo from Facebook)
By Darryl Mason

AC/DC are ending their 41 year career on a terribly sad note.

Plans were underway for a new studio album, their first since 2008's monumental Black Ice, and a '40th Anniversary' world tour, 40 huge shows across the globe.

More than a month ago, founding member, rhythm guitarist, co-producer and co-songwriter Malcolm Young had a stroke, which left a blood clot on his brain.

When AC/DC reunited at the start of April to begin a month of rehearsals, in the lead-up to new album recording sessions, Malcolm discovered he couldn't play. At least, he couldn't play like he used to play.

Nothing has been officially confirmed, as of this writing, but friends and family members have been discussing what happened to Malcolm for the past couple of weeks. The blood clot, resulting from the stroke, is believed to be why Malcolm couldn't keep working.

Although friends have described Malcolm's condition as serious, it doesn't mean he won't recover. People do get better after strokes, and people do recover lost skills.

But friends and family of band members believe the decision was made last week to call it quits.

Media in Australia have gone ballistic today on rumours of The End Of AC/DC, and it appears the news got out ahead of a planned official announcement from the band and management.

Right now, that announcement is expected Wednesday, April 16, and a press conference has been scheduled.

AC/DC won't continue playing and recording without Malcolm. It can't be done.

While Angus Young is the more famous, and more recognisable, AC/DC is most definitely Malcolm Young's band, he started AC/DC, under the guidance of big brother George Young (ex-Easybeats, and co-producer) and encouraged his younger brother Angus to join him, and take on the world.

Malcolm Young has been the quiet motivator and boss of the band for four decades, co-writing nearly all of AC/DC's classics, and making sure nothing happened to harm or damage the band's reputation, or disappoint the fans who've stuck by them for decades.

His passion for the band and its music, and integrity, were so intense, back in the 1970s he used to have fistfights with his younger brother, Angus, in the studio, when disagreements about a sound or riff couldn't be resolved. Proper punch-ups, teeth were lost, blood was drawn.

So that's it. AC/DC are coming to an end.

But what a career. AC/DC set out to conquer the world, and they did it, multiple times. Even the death of singer Bon Scott barely slowed them down, and only slightly delayed recording sessions for Back In Black.

Back In Black is still one of the biggest-selling albums in rock history, and AC/DC have easily sold more than 180 million albums, and probably half as many singles and DVDs and videos and special edition packages. They've influenced pretty much every hard rock, heavy rock and heavy metal band that has followed in their wake, including Nirvana, Metallica, you name them, they probably grew up loving AC/DC. And AC/DC are still in the record books for one of the biggest live audiences in rock history, playing to more than 1.6 million people in Moscow, in 1991. They were invited to play by the youth of Russia, who grew up on AC/DC bootlegs, after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The band have been written off by critics, numerous times, but they stuck to their guns and beliefs and never compromised their sound. They were rarely, almost never, tempted by the musical fads that came and went over the decades. They dabbled in glam rock at the start of their career, but that barely lasted through the recording sessions of their debut album. Their fans wanted rock n roll, heavy rock, they could rely on, and that's what AC/DC delivered, across more than 14 albums, and numerous live-in-concert releases.

Malcolm Young never gave up on his belief that 1950s and 1960s rock n roll was rarely bettered, and he used the riffs and rhythms of black blues players as the basis for AC/DC's sound. He's also cited The Rolling Stones' Keith Richards as a key influence, and talks about that influence in the below interview.

The secret to Malcolm's playing, as Guitar Magazine explained, was open chords with the amps turned down, not up, and mics shoved right up close to capture all the details. He didn't churn out huge rock riffs through blasting amplifiers, his playing, and magic, is much more subtle than that, despite the rawness of the early studio albums.

I still reckon AC/DC's 2008 album Black Ice was amongst the best they made, right up their with Back In Back and Highway To Hell (their last album with Bon Scott), it's absolutely killer, and filled with excellent playing, classic AC/DC songs about rock n roll and some of Brian Johnson's better vocal performances. It's also pretty much a live-in-the-studio album, with minimal overdubs, just like they did it back in the Alberts Studio days in the mid-1970s.

Malcolm's work on Black Ice, in particular, is superb, not just the detail of his playing, but also his songwriting with brother Angus. They worked on the writing of the Black Ice songs for five years, and gave themselves the time to get it right. They nailed every single one, and Black Ice became the 2nd highest selling album of 2008.

 Rock N Roll Dream, from Black Ice, is everything AC/DC was about. They wanted the rock n' roll dream, they got it, then they lived it.

"And it could be the very last time..."

Malcolm Young and his family have now returned to Australia. Everyone is hoping he makes a recovery, but close friends are saying the situation is not looking good, right now. Things may change. We can hope they change, and Malcolm recovers.

Instead of linking to an AC/DC classic, most of which you've probably heard a thousand times already, here's a rare treat instead - Malcolm Young's rhythm guitar from Let There Be Rock, way back in 1976.

Nieuwe spellin, aude spelling, coronaspelling....

voorheen attematic
Usericon van attema
Posted 16-04-2014 9:22 by attema Wijzig reactieProfiel van attemaQuote dit bericht

Vandaag maar eens afwachten. Televaag, AD, 3FM melden het ook al, zie o.a.:

10.10.1942 - 20.11.2011

Usericon van Daops
Posted 16-04-2014 11:53 by Daops Wijzig reactieProfiel van DaopsQuote dit bericht

Komt allemaal uitermate vaag over dit. "De zoon van de zanger van 41 jaar geleden zegt.. ". Verbazingwekkend hoeveel mensen het meteen als waarheid beschouwen. Eerst maar eens een officiele statement afwachten. "Ik woon zelf buitenaf maar van mensen uit plaatsen waar wel Moslims wonen proef je de angst. Sommigen durven geen karbonade of schnitzel op de BBQ te gooien uit angst voor ruzies."

Usericon van Mr.Nobody
Posted 16-04-2014 12:02 by Mr.Nobody Wijzig reactieProfiel van Mr.NobodyQuote dit bericht

Het zou wel jammer zijn als ze er de brui aan geven.
Jammer dat de gezondheid van eentje slecht is, maar waarom vervangen ze die dan niet gewoon? Er zijn zoveel bands die doorploeteren na een verlies (bijv Alice in Chains)

Uitgebluste Bejaarde
Usericon van Sgeiterdt
Posted 16-04-2014 12:04 by Sgeiterdt Wijzig reactieProfiel van SgeiterdtQuote dit bericht

Nou misschien omdat hij de oprichter en ook nog eens de belangrijkste componist van de band is?

5 Euro's? Op je muil!!

Usericon van Metal-D
Posted 16-04-2014 12:20 by Metal-D (Speciaal lid) Wijzig reactieProfiel van Metal-DQuote dit bericht

Op 16 april 2014 11:53 schreef Daops het volgende:
Komt allemaal uitermate vaag over dit. "De zoon van de zanger van 41 jaar geleden zegt.. ". Verbazingwekkend hoeveel mensen het meteen als waarheid beschouwen. Eerst maar eens een officiele statement afwachten.

Inderdaad. Eerst maar eens rustig afwachten.

En als ze ermee kappen: respect. De oude platen evenaren ze toch niet meer en (heel egoistisch) ik heb ze al een keer live gezien, wat erg indrukwekkend was.

Usericon van faalhaas
Posted 16-04-2014 12:27 by faalhaas Wijzig reactieProfiel van faalhaasQuote dit bericht

Op 16 april 2014 12:04 schreef Sgeiterdt het volgende:
Nou misschien omdat hij de oprichter en ook nog eens de belangrijkste componist van de band is?

Malcom is al eens een periode vervangen door hun neefje Stevie Young. Namelijk tijdens de Blow Up Your Video tournee toen Malcolm ook gezondheidsproblemen had.

Neemt niet weg dat het ze siert als ze stoppen aangezien hij een erg belangrijk bandlid is. Had Slayer bijv. ook moeten doen toen Hanneman wegviel..

... hoe de hazen lopen ...

Nieuwe spellin, aude spelling, coronaspelling....
Usericon van nark
Posted 16-04-2014 16:33 by nark Wijzig reactieProfiel van narkQuote dit bericht

AC/DC singer Brian Johnson has shot down reports that the band is retiring, telling U.K.'s Telegraph that the band is about to begin work on its 16th studio album. "We are definitely getting together in May in Vancouver," he said. "We're going to pick up some guitars, have a plonk, and see if anybody has got any tunes or ideas. If anything happens, we'll record it."

Johnson also confirmed that one member of the band — believed to be rhythm guitarist Malcolm Young, the older brother of lead guitarist Angus Young — has been suffering from ill health, but denied that this will result in the group's demise.

"I wouldn't like to say anything either way about the future," he said. "I'm not ruling anything out. One of the boys has a debilitating illness, but I don't want to say too much about it. He is very proud and private, a wonderful chap. We've been pals for 35 years and I look up to him very much."

Johnson told a Florida radio station in February that AC/DC is planning to embark on a 40th-anniversary tour involving 40 concerts in 40 different venues. "That would be a wonderful way to say bye bye," said Johnson. "We would love to do it. But it's all up in the air at the moment.

"AC/DC is such a tight family. We've stuck to our guns through the Eighties and Nineties when people were saying we should change our clothes and our style. But we didn't and people got it that we are the real deal."

Asked about the prospect of retiring one day, Johnson previously told The Pulse Of Radio that he would know when the time had come. "You know, retirement is like anything," he said. "A good football or a good ice hockey player, they don't want to retire. But unfortunately, sometimes there's a time when you have to call it quits. I don't want to do it, and if we can get out another album and do another little short tour or something, and have a bit of fun, well. I'm your man. I'll be right there."

AC/DC's last album was 2008's "Black Ice", one of the group's most successful later albums, which was followed by a nearly two-year world tour.


Zo, klaar nu.......................

Nieuwe spellin, aude spelling, coronaspelling....

Usericon van Buried
Posted 16-04-2014 16:57 by Buried (Speciaal lid) Wijzig reactieProfiel van BuriedQuote dit bericht

"After forty years of life dedicated to AC/DC, guitarist and founding member Malcolm Young is taking a break from the band due to ill health. Malcolm would like to thank the group’s diehard legions of fans worldwide for their never-ending love and support.

In light of this news, AC/DC asks that Malcolm and his family’s privacy be respected during this time. The band will continue to make music."

Toch verder zonder Malcolm Young dus.


[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Buried op 16-04-2014 17:30]

Usericon van faalhaas
Posted 16-04-2014 16:58 by faalhaas Wijzig reactieProfiel van faalhaasQuote dit bericht

Ja? Het is maar hoe je het bekijkt. Hij heeft iig toegegeven dat er een bandlid ziek is.

Edit: @nark dus

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door faalhaas op 16-04-2014 16:59]

... hoe de hazen lopen ...

Usericon van faalhaas
Posted 16-04-2014 17:02 by faalhaas Wijzig reactieProfiel van faalhaasQuote dit bericht

Op 16 april 2014 16:57 schreef Buried het volgende:
"In light of this news, AC/DC asks that Malcolm and his family’s privacy be respected."

Ja zonder hem verder gaan is ook lekker respectvol..

... hoe de hazen lopen ...

Usericon van Ralph
Posted 16-04-2014 17:31 by Ralph (Speciaal lid) Wijzig reactieProfiel van RalphQuote dit bericht

Op 16 april 2014 17:02 schreef faalhaas het volgende:
Ja zonder hem verder gaan is ook lekker respectvol..

Daar zal onderling wel een ei over gelegd zijn, denk je niet? "GEICO does not cover Autobot Matrix of Leaderships."

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 16-04-2014 19:52 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Mooi zo, de rock n' roll train dendert door. Binnenkort dus alweer 40 jaar

En Faalhaas, hier speelt geen disrespect, daar hebben de bandleden teveel klasse voor.

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Ascendant Grotesque
Usericon van Ascendant Grotesque
Posted 16-04-2014 20:02 by Ascendant Grotesque (Speciaal lid) Wijzig reactieProfiel van Ascendant GrotesqueQuote dit bericht

Op 16 april 2014 19:52 schreef Mutilator het volgende:
Mooi zo, de rock n' roll train dendert door. Binnenkort dus alweer 40 jaar

Is sinds november al 40 jaar, zelfs
En Faalhaas, hier speelt geen disrespect, daar hebben de bandleden teveel klasse voor.

Lijkt mij ook. Erg speculatief, dat disrespect vermoeden.

No dogs, no masters.

Sadistic Sinner
Usericon van Sadistic Sinner
Posted 16-04-2014 21:43 by Sadistic Sinner Wijzig reactieProfiel van Sadistic SinnerQuote dit bericht

Op 16 april 2014 12:27 schreef faalhaas het volgende:

Neemt niet weg dat het ze siert als ze stoppen aangezien hij een erg belangrijk bandlid is. Had Slayer bijv. ook moeten doen toen Hanneman wegviel..

De Malcolm Young bij Slayer is Kerry King en niet Hanneman. Kerry richtte weliswaar Slayer samen met Jeff op maar het startende brein was en is Kerry King.
Op de laatste Slayer platen speelt Kerry alle gitaarpartijen in. Dus ook die van Jeff, de rol van Jeff in Slayer was niet meer zo groot als vroeger.

Usericon van faalhaas
Posted 16-04-2014 23:30 by faalhaas Wijzig reactieProfiel van faalhaasQuote dit bericht

Op 16 april 2014 21:43 schreef Sadistic Sinner het volgende:
De Malcolm Young bij Slayer is Kerry King en niet Hanneman. Kerry richtte weliswaar Slayer samen met Jeff op maar het startende brein was en is Kerry King.
Op de laatste Slayer platen speelt Kerry alle gitaarpartijen in. Dus ook die van Jeff, de rol van Jeff in Slayer was niet meer zo groot als vroeger.

De laatste Slayer platen zijn dan ook volkomen ruk. Alle Slayer krakers komen van Hanneman.

Wat betreft speculaties over disrespect, dat de beslissing om door te gaan met volledig wederzijds goedkeuren is gebeurd, is net zo speculatief.

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door faalhaas op 16-04-2014 23:31]

... hoe de hazen lopen ...

Die by the Fjørd
Usericon van powertieke
Posted 16-04-2014 23:50 by powertieke Wijzig reactieProfiel van powertiekeQuote dit bericht

Misschien moeten ze Gary Holt meenemen.

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -- Retribution ( ) -- The Assault ( )

Usericon van Buried
Posted 17-04-2014 1:03 by Buried (Speciaal lid) Wijzig reactieProfiel van BuriedQuote dit bericht

Op 16 april 2014 23:50 schreef powertieke het volgende:
Misschien moeten ze Gary Holt meenemen.

Man :')

Natural Disaster
The Dude
Usericon van Natural Disaster
Posted 07-08-2014 18:22 by Natural Disaster Wijzig reactieProfiel van Natural DisasterQuote dit bericht

Rule #6 | Op 13 augustus 2021 22:26 schreef Eindbaas het volgende: "Het stelletje dwazen dat klakkeloos alles overneemt uit boekjes en dan denken te weten hoe de wereld in elkaar zit."

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 24-09-2014 23:35 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Op 24 september 2014 20:49 schreef The Ghostwriter het volgende:
De nieuwe AC/DC blijkt er opeens heel snel te komen: Rock Or Bust verschijnt in december. Zonder Malcolm Young. Ik ben erg benieuwd naar het resultaat want Malcolm is wel de stille motor van deze band. Kan dat eigenlijk wel, AC/DC zonder Malcolm?

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

De Tegenpartij
Usericon van De Tegenpartij
Posted 26-09-2014 20:19 by De Tegenpartij Wijzig reactieProfiel van De TegenpartijQuote dit bericht

En dat, als ik 'em dan in m'n mond stop en ik bijt, doorbijt, dattie dan zo ineens bwehlehlee whe. Zo loopt, in m'n mond. Dus dat het nat wordt en zoet, in m'n mond. Dát wil ik.

Usericon van Mythics
Posted 26-09-2014 20:54 by Mythics Wijzig reactieProfiel van MythicsQuote dit bericht

Op 26 september 2014 20:19 schreef De Tegenpartij het volgende:


Alsof het zo moeilijk is het gemiddelde AC/DC nummer te onthouden :v

I didn't want any flowers, I only wanted to lie with my hands turned up and be utterly empty. How free it is, you have no idea how free. The peacefulness is so big it dazes you. - Sylvia Plath

The Ghostwriter
Usericon van The Ghostwriter
Posted 28-09-2014 0:03 by The Ghostwriter (Hoofdredacteur) Wijzig reactieProfiel van The GhostwriterQuote dit bericht

Aiaiai, 61 en dan al volledige behandeling? Die zien we dus nooit meer terug.

Ghouls attack the church! Crush the holy priest! Turning the cross towards hell! Writhe in Satan's flames!

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