Beli Mawr |
Great god Cernunnos, return to Earth again! |
Posted 04-10-2005 13:01 by Beli Mawr (Moderator) |
Zag net dit op het Lugburz forum:
quote: Legatius schreef daer neder:
Tswaert der Duusternesse -
quite proudly presents / präsentiert ziemlich stolz
“D i e D o p p e l K ü l t P l a t t e”
or : “28 arrows pointed at those responsible for the dying of old school values”

This compilation should be seen as an overview of pure madness and filth gathered in the plague-infested surroundings of Tswaert der Duusternesse ‘zine throughout the past years. Perhaps not all bands share the same ideology, but this was not our goal. No, with this compilation, we wanted to honour the individuals, the maniacs behind these bands and projects. We wanted to pay tribute to their sincere way of breathing the true spirit of oldskool underground metal and promoting it through their musical and lyrical activities. Be that by resuscitating the ancient spirit of leather, boots and spikes; heathenism / rural subversion; anti-christianity; nihilism; satanism; bloodshed; cruelty; beer and / or total fucking destruction… We don’t care, what counts is that every single musician on this compilation has a dedicated heart that is cast in solid steel. In the future there will hopefully be more looting and massacre, as our regions hide more insanity than the already featured bands.
And yes, it’s a “shitty” cdr. We are a ‘zine, not a label, dammit. Feel free to copy this fucker and spread this piece of Flemish / Dutch underground DöppelKült Attakk!
- Legatius -,
on behalf of “Tswaert der Duusternesse”,
Flemish Underground Black / Death / Trüe Metal ‘zine since 1996, with a focus
on the fields of Flanders and the peat bogs of Holland; written in Dutch.
Platte eins.
1. “Pestilential slaughter (March of the CMOLH)”
2. Elfenbloed – Germaanse kracht
(< forthcoming demo, previously unreleased.)
3. Iconoclasm – Crush ya like a worm
(<”Iconoclastic warfare”, CD 2005.)
4. Northstar – Track I
(< demo 2004.)
5. Faustian Moon – Possessed by death’s faces
(< live track, previously unreleased.)
6. Grimfaug – Nacht und Nebel
(< “Blood upon the face of creation”, CD/LP 2004.)
7. Galgeras – Black metal desecrator
(< rehearsal I 2001.)
8. “Prelude to the reducing”
9. D.R.E.P. - Mensendamp
(< unreleased splitCD with Fluisterwoud.)
10. Gotmoor - I bleed for you
(< unreleased rehearsaltrack. 2002)
11. Grimm - Klughtspel der duyvelsbanders
(< “Lasterkwaad”, demoCD 2000.)
12. Dark Ages – Under the banner of death
(< forthcoming demoCD.)
13. Sanctified – The cold void of nihil
(< exclusively recorded for this compilation.)
14. Aguynguerran – Assyria
(< forthcoming splitEP with Hellmight (Br).)
15. Ketter - Beeldenstorm
(< never released “Beeldenstorm - Wie Neerlandtsch bloedt in d’ aader’n stroomt”, demo 1999.)
16. Malagant - Backbreaker
(< instrumental rehearsaltrack, previously unreleased.)

Platte zwo.
17/18. “4, 47 And thus He bangeth His heade.”
+ Heidenland – Kerkenbrand commando
(< previously unreleased.)
19. Urfaust – Geist ist Teufel nr III
(< “Geist ist Teufel“, demo / LP 2004.)
20. “Tribute to Natan”
21. Finsternis – Morbid vengeance
(< exclusively recorded for this compilation.)
22. D.R.E.P. / Fluisterwoud – DeathCrush
(< never released splitCD with Fluisterwoud.)
23. “Kenny X.”
24. Moortel 80 - Carnival of fools
(< “Catch you on the flip side”, demoCD 2004.)
25. Wapenspraak & Drinkgelag – Sakserwoede (live UvA 9/11/03)
(< live track, previously unreleased. Studio version on “Onder de banier van het gewei”, demoCD 2003.)
26. Verloren – Doelloos dwalen
(< demo 2004.)
27. Zwaardbroeder – Nihilistic vortex
(< exclusively recorded for this compilation.)
28. Garmenhord – In ’t heetst van den stryd (live UvA 9/11/03)
(< live track, previously unreleased. Studio version on “Langsch bosgheckweel ende tronckghecraeck”, demoCD 2003.)
29. Fluisterwoud - Vazallen van de schemering Deel II
(< live track recorded at Staddijk anno bastardi 2003, previously unreleased.)
30. “Last tour of the CMOLH”
31. Grauwsaem - Groen gravendal
(< previously unreleased.)
32. Urzamoth - Key to the earth
(< “Dragonchild“, demoCD 2002.)
33. Zwartketterij – The black heresy
(< live track, previously unreleased. Studio version on “The black heresy” demoCD 2002)
34. Evil and very ugly bonus track from hell
(< piss off!)
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Die zal ik me moeten aanschaffen  ¨ 
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