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Thin out the numbers!
Usericon van FRNK
Posted 20-04-2006 1:27 by FRNK Profiel van FRNK

That's not yoghurt

Usericon van Burzum
Posted 20-04-2006 1:27 by Burzum Profiel van Burzum


Man Is But a Worm
Usericon van ElitE
Posted 20-04-2006 2:54 by ElitE Profiel van ElitE

FOrgotten tomnnddnb = Sunway Apathy

♂ <o((((>< <o((((>< <o((((><
♀<o(((>< <o(((><

Man Is But a Worm
Usericon van ElitE
Posted 20-04-2006 2:56 by ElitE Profiel van ElitE

Verdi - Dies Irae

♂ <o((((>< <o((((>< <o((((><
♀<o(((>< <o(((><

Usericon van Argh
Posted 20-04-2006 3:17 by Argh Profiel van Argh

TOOL - Jambi


Over Pagan/Viking metal en aanverwanten: "Kan je wel janken over je voorvaderen die draaien zich 2x om in het graf als ze die tyfus fluit horen" - © Burzum 2010

Usericon van Rotzak
Posted 20-04-2006 9:31 by Rotzak Profiel van Rotzak

Motorhead - Inferno

Against God and Government

1,2,3,4... Rugmergtering!
Usericon van Snoodaerdt
Posted 20-04-2006 9:37 by Snoodaerdt Profiel van Snoodaerdt


Member of the iso-betawuste crew!!

Usericon van Jebes
Posted 20-04-2006 9:41 by Jebes Profiel van Jebes

Nevermore - This godless endeavor

Hobsbawm: 'However strong and sincere the belief that magic would turn machine-gun bullets aside, it worked too rarely to make much difference' - -

Murdering Monk
For a nihilist nothing is at least something...
Usericon van Murdering Monk
Posted 20-04-2006 9:47 by Murdering Monk Profiel van Murdering Monk

Sabbat - Mourning has broken

True as steel, fake as hell!!

Usericon van SaWtHrOaT
Posted 20-04-2006 10:50 by SaWtHrOaT Profiel van SaWtHrOaT

Old Lady Drivers - Colostomy Grab Bag

Later days, Willy Mays

Usericon van Krijst
Posted 20-04-2006 10:55 by Krijst Profiel van Krijst

Xasthur - Conjuration of terror

The Fist in the Face of god

Thin out the numbers!
Usericon van FRNK
Posted 20-04-2006 10:56 by FRNK Profiel van FRNK

george baker

Usericon van Metalhead22
Posted 20-04-2006 11:03 by Metalhead22 Profiel van Metalhead22

Burzum - Det Som En Gang Var

...the thin texture between wrong and right, mostly broken by those who saw the light...

1,2,3,4... Rugmergtering!
Usericon van Snoodaerdt
Posted 20-04-2006 11:07 by Snoodaerdt Profiel van Snoodaerdt


Member of the iso-betawuste crew!!

Usericon van spectre
Posted 20-04-2006 11:34 by spectre Profiel van spectre

Usericon van skullfuck
Posted 20-04-2006 12:18 by skullfuck Profiel van skullfuckhttp://

Noize Punishment - social phobic

Suck my piss

Usericon van Schaep
Posted 20-04-2006 12:31 by Schaep Profiel van Schaep

Arctic Monkeys - I bet you look good on the dancefloor

Usericon van spectre
Posted 20-04-2006 12:32 by spectre Profiel van spectre

Usericon van Schaep
Posted 20-04-2006 12:38 by Schaep Profiel van Schaep

Arctic Monkeys - You problably couldn't see for the lights but you were staring straight at me

Usericon van spectre
Posted 20-04-2006 12:44 by spectre Profiel van spectre

Usericon van skullfuck
Posted 20-04-2006 12:55 by skullfuck Profiel van skullfuckhttp://

Meaning no one can burn or toss and turn me
Cuz, Ooh I be the super sperm
Chim chimmeny chim chim cherie
Freak a flow and flow fancy free

Suck my piss

1,2,3,4... Rugmergtering!
Usericon van Snoodaerdt
Posted 20-04-2006 14:29 by Snoodaerdt Profiel van Snoodaerdt

Nile - Annihilation of the wicked

Member of the iso-betawuste crew!!

Usericon van Digerdoden
Posted 20-04-2006 14:31 by Digerdoden Profiel van Digerdoden

Forgotten Tomb - Springtime depression

"Martyrdom is the only way a man can become famous without ability. " Arthur Schopenhauer

Krek wat!
Usericon van NecRobert
Posted 20-04-2006 14:36 by NecRobert (Hoofdredacteur) Profiel van NecRobert

Zelfmoord plegen is wel het laatste wat ik zou doen.

Sleephoer Kiezelmeppers, Dood Hoofd e.a.
Usericon van Kurk
Posted 20-04-2006 16:06 by Kurk Profiel van Kurk

Mozart's Requim

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