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Usericon van karnivoor
Posted 28-04-2006 4:40 by karnivoor Profiel van karnivoor

haha goeie redenatie P:

dying fetus - skull fucked

lekker meedrummen zonder drumstel

heerlijke shit dit

Je moeder.

Man Is But a Worm
Usericon van ElitE
Posted 28-04-2006 4:42 by ElitE Profiel van ElitE

♂ <o((((>< <o((((>< <o((((><
♀<o(((>< <o(((><

Usericon van karnivoor
Posted 28-04-2006 4:54 by karnivoor Profiel van karnivoor

gelukkig niet in zwolle

np: frank zappa - willy the pimp

Je moeder.

Usericon van Heiden
Posted 28-04-2006 5:00 by Heiden Profiel van Heiden

Grand Belial's Key - Kosherat

Een Betekenisloos Bestaan in de Onmeetbare Enormiteit van Ruimte en Tijd.

Man Is But a Worm
Usericon van ElitE
Posted 28-04-2006 5:06 by ElitE Profiel van ElitE

Tchaikovsky - 1812 ouverture

♂ <o((((>< <o((((>< <o((((><
♀<o(((>< <o(((><

Usericon van karnivoor
Posted 28-04-2006 5:14 by karnivoor Profiel van karnivoor

göll - the ritual of seven

Je moeder.

Man Is But a Worm
Usericon van ElitE
Posted 28-04-2006 5:25 by ElitE Profiel van ElitE

meehemd - Funeral Fog

♂ <o((((>< <o((((>< <o((((><
♀<o(((>< <o(((><

Usericon van karnivoor
Posted 28-04-2006 5:31 by karnivoor Profiel van karnivoor

1. System of a Down - Spiders (3:36)
2. Slipknot-surfacing (3:34)
3. klimt 1918 - snow of 85 (4:39)
4. Mazzy Star - Blue Flower (3:35)
5. Pixies - Where Is My Mind (3:53)
6. Sunn O))) - Hell-O)))-Ween (14:11)
7. Frank Zappa - 02 - Willie The Pimp (9:16)
8. Motorhead - Hellraiser (4:38)
9. Motörhead - Ace of Spades (2:46)
10. Skrewdriver - Romper Stomper - Skinhead (2:08)
11. Type O Negative - My Girlfriend's Girlfriend (3:46)
12. Type O Negative - Everything Dies (7:43)
13. Type O Negative - Love You To Death (7:10)
14. Tool - Schism (6:47)
15. no artist - AudioTrack 01 (25:16)
16. Dying Fetus - Skull Fucked (2:54)
17. Deicide - Insineratehymn - 01 - BibleBasher (2:23)
18. Six Feet Under - War Is Coming (3:13)
19. Inhume - The Missing Limb (2:27)
20. Suppository - Retrieve (1:55)
21. System Of A Down - Aerials (6:11)
22. nifelheim - black evil (2:13)
23. ABORYM - 03. Hellraiser (4:16)
24. Fluisterwoud - Vazallen van de Schemering (4:12)
25. Göll - The Ritual of Seven (4:06)
26. Hekel - De eeuwige hekel (1:03)
27. Mayhem - DMDS - 05 - Life eternal (6:57)
28. Mayhem - The Freezing Moon (live) (7:05)
29. Mütiilation - That Night When I Died (6:46)
30. Blacklodge - T.A.O.S. [The Arrival Of Satan] (3:31)
31. Mary Bell - 1. Armageddon Jam (6:31)
32. Absurd - Gates of Heaven (3:13)

nu bij 29, fuck shuffle

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door karnivoor op 28-04-2006 5:31]

Je moeder.

Usericon van karnivoor
Posted 28-04-2006 5:47 by karnivoor Profiel van karnivoor


40 tracks in playlist, average track length: 5:15
Playlist length: 3 hours 30 minutes 25 seconds
Right-click here to save this HTML file.

Playlist files:

1. ABORYM - 03. Hellraiser (4:16)
2. Absurd - Gates of Heaven (3:13)
3. Blacklodge - T.A.O.S. [The Arrival Of Satan] (3:31)
4. Deicide - Insineratehymn - 01 - BibleBasher (2:23)
5. Dying Fetus - Skull Fucked (2:54)
6. Fluisterwoud - Vazallen van de Schemering (4:12)
7. Frank Zappa - 02 - Willie The Pimp (9:16)
8. Göll - The Ritual of Seven (4:06)
9. haatstrijd - totheinnernull (5:17)
10. Hekel - De eeuwige hekel (1:03)
11. Hell Militia - Torture of the saints (4:14)
12. Inhume - The Missing Limb (2:27)
13. Joyless - Isn't It Nice (4:08)
14. Katatonia - Brave (10:16)
15. klimt 1918 - snow of 85 (4:39)
16. Mary Bell - 1. Armageddon Jam (6:31)
17. Mayhem - DMDS - 05 - Life eternal (6:57)
18. Mayhem - The Freezing Moon (live) (7:05)
19. Mazzy Star - Blue Flower (3:35)
20. Motorhead - Hellraiser (4:38)
21. Motörhead - Ace of Spades (2:46)
22. Mütiilation - That Night When I Died (6:46)
23. nifelheim - black evil (2:13)
24. no artist - AudioTrack 01 (25:16)
25. Pixies - Where Is My Mind (3:53)
26. Sigrblot - Ödesjord (4:43)
27. Six Feet Under - War Is Coming (3:13)
28. Skrewdriver - Romper Stomper - Skinhead (2:08)
29. Slipknot-surfacing (3:34)
30. Sunn O))) - Hell-O)))-Ween (14:11)
31. Suppository - Retrieve (1:55)
32. System Of A Down - Aerials (6:11)
33. System of a Down - Spiders (3:36)
34. Thesyre - deathcrush-01 (2:12)
35. thesyre - propagandart (2:09)
36. Tool - Schism (6:47)
37. Type O Negative - Everything Dies (7:43)
38. Type O Negative - Love You To Death (7:10)
39. Type O Negative - My Girlfriend's Girlfriend (3:46)
40. Vazal - Buried by Ignorance (5:32)

nr 40 spelende

Je moeder.

Farðu í rassgat andskotans auminginn þinn!
Usericon van Vikingblood
Posted 28-04-2006 7:53 by Vikingblood Profiel van Vikingblood

Amon Amarth- Death in Fire

Some people are like clouds! It will be a glorious day when they fuck off.

Usericon van Psychonaut
Posted 28-04-2006 7:58 by Psychonaut Profiel van Psychonaut

Arctic Monkeys - i bet you look good on the dancefloor

Usericon van Jebes
Posted 28-04-2006 8:20 by Jebes Profiel van Jebes

Scar Symmetry - The illusionist

Hobsbawm: 'However strong and sincere the belief that magic would turn machine-gun bullets aside, it worked too rarely to make much difference' - -

Usericon van varanus
Posted 28-04-2006 9:03 by varanus (Speciaal lid) Profiel van varanus

Celtic Frost - Emperor's Return

spelfout weggehaald...

Usericon van varanus
Posted 28-04-2006 9:46 by varanus (Speciaal lid) Profiel van varanus

Venom - Welcome To Hell

spelfout weggehaald...

Usericon van varanus
Posted 28-04-2006 10:02 by varanus (Speciaal lid) Profiel van varanus

Dark Angel - Darkness Descends

spelfout weggehaald...

Usericon van varanus
Posted 28-04-2006 10:33 by varanus (Speciaal lid) Profiel van varanus

Pestilence - Consuming Impulse

spelfout weggehaald...

venom rules
Usericon van venom rules
Posted 28-04-2006 11:41 by venom rules Profiel van venom ruleshttp://..

Michael Schenker - Armed and Ready


Ghislain Lambert
Usericon van Ghislain Lambert
Posted 28-04-2006 12:44 by Ghislain Lambert Profiel van Ghislain Lambert

Sheer Terror-Just can't hate enough

" When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro!"

Usericon van Rotzak
Posted 28-04-2006 13:22 by Rotzak Profiel van Rotzak

Pantheon - Ignis Naturae Renovatur Integra

Against God and Government

Usericon van Sargatanas
Posted 28-04-2006 13:42 by Sargatanas Profiel van Sargatanas

Aerosmith& Run DMC-Walk This Way

Usericon van spectre
Posted 28-04-2006 13:43 by spectre Profiel van spectre

Satyricon - To the Mountains

Usericon van spectre
Posted 28-04-2006 14:01 by spectre Profiel van spectre

Usericon van Schaep
Posted 28-04-2006 14:46 by Schaep Profiel van Schaep

Psycroptic - The Colour Of Sleep

Farðu í rassgat andskotans auminginn þinn!
Usericon van Vikingblood
Posted 28-04-2006 14:54 by Vikingblood Profiel van Vikingblood

Atrocity- Der mussolini

Some people are like clouds! It will be a glorious day when they fuck off.

Usericon van spectre
Posted 28-04-2006 15:10 by spectre Profiel van spectre

ongeëvenaarde hoes trouwens

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door spectre op 28-04-2006 15:11]

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