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It's Official: STRATOVARIUS' TOLKKI Loses His Marbles - Feb. 21, 2004
STRATOVARIUS leader Timo Tolkki (photo) has posted the following statement on the band's official web site:
"I really need to share this with all of you.
"2 days ago I had a panic attack, I lied down and tried to relax.
"Then a voice in my head told me repeatedly: Kabbalah, Kabbalah, Kabbalah. I believe it was the voice of Jesus Christ. I felt warm waves through my body and I felt secure and happy. The voice told me to take a bloody picture of myself in honour of HIS memory. Then the voice told me to go to my library and one of the books fell into the floor before me. I didn't even remember I have that book.
"It was about the teachings of Kabbalah. I believe I have now found the complete and only Universal truth. I understand that none of the things in my life matters really. It is all an illusion anyway.
"I will use this webpage and also the future STRATOVARIUS recordings to celebrate the beauty of this ancient teaching.
"Here is the Part 1
"Classical kabbala identifies four levels of the soul - called nefesh, ruach, neshama and neshama l'neshama. Nefesh is the animating principle of the physical body and the senses ruach is the force vitalizing the emotions neshama is the vitality of intellect and neshama l'neshama is the essence of life of the human soul. The Arizal refers to this fourth level of soul as chaya, signifying its function as the essence of life. However, all these four aspects of the soul he regarded as mere extensions of the essence of the soul, which he called yechida.
"Between the Creator and the created (i.e., the aspect of spirituality1 in general) there is an intermediate level - regarding which it states, 'You are children of G-d your Lord.,' for our Sages have declared, 'the Patriarchs are the merkava.' The intention here is that a tiny spark of G-dliness, drawn from the lowest level of the Creator, clothes itself in a single spark of the created in potentia, which is an extremely ethereal soul. Within this soul-spark, called yechida, are the roots of all the other four levels of spirituality - nefesh, ruach, neshama and chaya.2
"In other words, the soul is both part of the Creator and at the same time it is created - its luminous essence is "a tiny spark of G-dliness,' and the sheath in which it is clothed is a created being, albeit a spiritual being and not physical. As the soul emanates from the Ein Sof - the Infinite One - eventually to be clothed in the physical body, the soul descends via the four worlds mentioned above, leaving a root in each of the worlds3 - chaya in the world of Atzilut, neshama in the world of Beria, ruach in the world of Yetzira, and nefesh in the spiritual dimension of Asiya.4 All of this is then enclothed within a physical body.
"The soul enclothed within the body is a reflection of the Divine Form, called the tzelem, or tzelem Elokim. This tzelem Elokim may be described as the human mold of man's physical form, linking his body and soul. This mold derives from the configuration of the sefirot, which form the structure of the worlds through which the soul descends on its journey down into the body.
"At the same time that the soul's outer dimension reflects the configuration of the sefirot, the inner dimension of the soul reflects the Infinite Light that illuminates the sefirot. This reflection is called the demut Elokim (the Image of God).5 Thus man includes all of creation within him, from the loftiest spirituality to the most mundane physicality.6
"From the perspective of man's service of G-d, these levels of soul may be described as five ascending levels of awareness of, and communion with, G-d. Regarding these levels of soul, Zohar7 states that when a person is born, he is given a nefesh from the world of Asiya, the lowest world, representing the greatest concealment of G-d. If, through his divine service and proper action, he makes himself worthy, he is then given ruach on the plane of Yetzira. With greater effort, he can earn the revelation of neshama, paralleling the world of Beria. If he purifies himself greatly, he may be able to attain the level of chaya paralleling Atzilut, and even yechida - the G-d-consciousness of the level of Adam Kadmon and beyond. ('Beyond,' because the level of soul called yechida in essence transcends all the worlds, since it is never separated from G-d. It is described as being 'truly part of G-d above,' 8 the 'spark of the Creator clothed within a spark of the created' described earlier.)
"This setup puts man in a unique position, for through his spiritual and physical composition (soul and body) he is bound up with all levels of creation. His actions and behavior are therefore capable of affecting all the worlds and all the sefirot. Thus man is a microcosm of creation and his actions have cosmic significance. He is able to affect the balance of the universe, both spiritual and physical, by his kavanot (mystical intentions) and yichudim (unifications of the sefirot). The Arizal revealed an elaborate system of kavanot and yichudim designed to achieve this very purpose.
"In Metal, Timo Tolkki"
geloof dat timo echt z'n verstand verloren heeft..die drummer van Hammerfall heeft ook al eerder verklaard dat timo z'n verstand verloren heeft..