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Topic : Rotzooi zoals CD's, LP's en tapes te koop, of juist gezocht. (Deel 11) [Gevraagd/aangeboden] Vorige pagina | Volgende pagina
Usericon van Oldskoolcollector
Posted 13-09-2011 11:32 by Oldskoolcollector Profiel van Oldskoolcollector

Veel metal te koop, veel oldschool thrash/death/heavy metal, maar ook nieuwer spul!

CD's: Slayer, Accuser, Agent Steel, Iron Maiden, Anthrax, Benediction, Death, Mercyful Fate, Target, Defender, Cro-mags etc etc
Vinyl: Toxik, Twister Sister, LWS, God Dethroned, Judas Priest, Dark Angel, Dio, Battleaxe etc etc
T-shirts: Originele Shirts uit de jaren 80
Overige: patches, VHS, DVD, Boeken

PM of mail even voor de lijst!

De Demoon
Usericon van De Demoon
Posted 14-09-2011 11:29 by De Demoon Profiel van De Demoon

Mail: mart_kwakkel [at]

Abazagorath - Tenebrarum Cadent Exsurgemus [Elegy] €6
Bathory - Octagon [Black Mark] €6
Behemoth - Grom [Solistitium] €6
Behemoth - Sventevith [Pagan/Last Episode] €6
Behemoth - Thelema.6 DIGI CD [Avantgarde Music] €6
Besatt - Hail Lucifer CD [Hell Attacks Productions] €6
Cradle of Filth - Dusk and her Embrace [Music for Nations] €6
Crest of Darkness - The Ogress [Listenable] €6
Diaboli - Anthems Of Sorrow CD [Full Moon Productions] €6
Diabolicum - The Dark Blood Rising DIGI CD [Code666] €6
Dominion Caligula - A New Era Rises [No Fashion] €6
Enthroned - The Apocalypse Manifesto [Blackend] €6
Front Beast - Black Spells of the Damned CD [Isengard Productions] €6
Horna - Hiidentorni / Kothi.. / Perimä.. / Ordo.. 2CD [Woodcut Records] €12
Malign - Fireborn / Divine Facing [Norma Evangelium Diaboli] €6
N.I.L. (KRIEG!) - N.I.L. CD [Battle Kommand Records] €6
Naglfar - Ex Inferis CD [New Hawen Records] €6
Nav (Old Wainds) - Halls of Death CD [Miriquidi Productions] €6
Occult - Of Flesh and Blood [Massacre Records] €6
Pagan Rites - Pagan Rites [Warmaster] €6
Pagan Rites - Rites of the Pagan Warriors [Iron Pegasus] €6
Samael - Ceremony of the Opposites CD €6
Sammath - Dodengang [Folter Records] €6
Seth - The Excellence digi CD €6
Slayer - South of Heaven [American] €6
VA - Primitive Finland (Clandestine Blaze, etc) - kartonnen hoesje CD €4
Venom - Cast in Stone 2CD [Steamhammer] met gave voorkant! €9
Zyklon - World OV Worms CD €6
Zyklon - Aeon CD €6

Abigor - Fractal Possession DLP [End All Life] €13
Aosoth - Aosoth LP [Ajna Offensive] €10
Archenemy - Violent Harm LP - gold/white vinyl [Hells Headbangers] €8
Arckanum - Kostogher DLP - Picture discs in klaphoes [Hammer of Hate] €15
Arckanum - The 11 Year Anniversary Album LP [Blut & Eisen] €15
Baptism - Black Ceremony Pic EP [Faustian Distribution] €50
Baptism - The Beherial Midnight LP [Northern Heritage] €80
Baptism - Wisdom & Hate LP [Northern Heritage] €80
Devil Lee Rot - A Little Devil Ain't Enough LP [Miriquidi Productions] €8
Devil's Blood, The - The Graveyard Shuffle (red vinyl, 1st press) EP [Ván Records] €50
Einherjer - Far Far North PicLP [Century Media] €5
Emperor - Emperor [Back on Black] €12
Exordium - Nihil INRI EP [Northern Heritage] €4
Exorial - Auf Leben und Tod LP [Sombre Records] €5
Forgotten Woods - As the Wolves Gather (rerelease) LP (No Colours Records) €11
Funerary Pit - Winds of Hell EP [Nuclear War Now!/Dissident Records] €4
Haat - Factum Luctisonus LP [Painiac Records] €15
Haat - Recidivus in Obscurum LP [Painiac Records] €15
Heresi Psalm II - Infusco Ignis LP [End All Life] €13
Krieg - Rise of the Imperial Hordes LP [Zerstörungs Produktionen] €15
Krieg - Sono Lo Scherno LP [Zerstörungs Produktionen] €15
Krieg - Black plague LP [Zerstörungs Produktionen] €15
Legion of the Damned - Malevolent Rapture LP [Massacre Records] €15
Limbonic Art - The Ultimate Death Worship DLP GF [Displeased Records] €14
Maniac Butcher - Krvestreb LP [Mutilation Records] €15
Maniac Butcher - Invaze LP [Sombre Records] €25
Maniac Butcher - Cerná Krev LP [Sombre Records] €25
Maniac Butcher - Lucan - antikrist LP [Sombre Records] €21
Maniac Butcher/Inferno Metal From Hell/Chrám Nenávisti LP [Sombre Records] €21
Mekong Delta - Mekong Delta LP [Aaarrg Records] €5
Merrimack - Hellgium Raped EP [Hearse Records] €8
Morbosidad / Perversor - split LP - yellow, DIE HARD (2 patches, poster) [Nuclear War Now!] €21
Mortal Sin - An Abscence of Faith LP ltd. 250!![Night of the Vinyl Dead] €15
Mütiilation - Destroy your Life for Satan LP [Dark Adversary Productions, 2008] €30
Naglfar - Vittra PicLP [Wrong Again Records] €9
Nargaroth - Black Metal ist Krieg DLP 1e druk [No Colours Records] €16
Nifelheim - Servants of Darkness LP [Back on Black] €12
Omission - Thrash Metal Violence LP [Satanic Speed Records] €13
Omission/Old - Split LP [Satanic Speed Records] €15
Pogrom - Suicide Worship EP [Sombre Records] €3
Sabbat - Karisma LP white vinyl, rerelease [Iron Pegasus] €18
Samael - Rebellion PicLP [Century Media] €11 (straatwaarde is ca 25 euro, maar wit is beetje gelig verkleurd)
Satanic Warmaster - Opferblut [No Colours Records] €23 (origineel!, maar kleine! seamsplit aan bovenzijde)
Scorpions - Savage Amusement LP [EMI] €3
Terrorama - Omnipotence LP [Nuclear War Now!] €6
SVEST/Inkisitor - Split 10"EP [End All Life] €15
Thurisaz - Thurisaz EP [Sombre Records] €3
Thyrfing - Vansinnesvisor LP [Hammerheart Records] €13
Torrent - Between the Stones LP [No Colours Records] €13
Trimonium - Blow the horns GF LP [Folter Records] €10
Usurper - Threshold of the Usurper (2008 rerelease) GF LP [Primitive Reaction] €11
Wolfsmond - Tollwut LP [Blut & Eisen] €9

Angelkunt (Krieg) - Satanic Inferno €4
Azaxul (Moonblood) - The Arrival of the Demonlord €6
Cantus Bestiae (Svest) - The Cult of Sterility (white cover) €6
Imperial (pre-Krieg) - Endless Path €9
Inkisitor - Inkisitor €4
Inkisitor - Promo 2005 CDr €4
Moonblood / Evil - Fuck Peace! We Are At War… €12
Nav (Old Wainds) - Iz Navi V Jav' €3
Nav (Old Wainds) - Hymn To Cold Silence €3
Old Wainds - Zdech Hukozda... €5
Perditor - Desecration of Recession Day Twothousandthree €3
Suicidal Winds - Aggression €4
Vothana - Chinh Sach Vu Luc Tan Bao - DEMO III €15
Vothana - Vua Quang Trung - DEMO IV €15
Weltmacht (Judas Iscariot, Krieg) - Ancient Hatred €4

Antaeus (Large, gedragen) Originele Noevdia €8
Aura Noir (Large, gedragen) Originele Neseblod €15
Clandestine Blaze (Large, gedragen), originele Northern Heritage €15
Dark Storm (Medium, vaak gedragen) €5
Hail of Bullets (Large, weinig gedragen) origineel van band €5
Judas Iscariot (Large, vaak gedragen) €5
Necrovation (Large, niet gedragen) origineel van band €19

Mail: mart_kwakkel [at]


TE KOOP: Dungeons and Dragons D&D 2nd edition

Alles is in zeer goede conditie, ik was van elk artikel de eerste eigenaar.
Transportkosten zijn voor rekening van de koper. Bij afname van meerdere artikelen valt te onderhandelen over de prijs.


Handboeken, donkerrode of donkerblauwe kaft:
- The Complete Priest's Handbook (slappe kaft) - 14.00 euro
- The Complete Book of Wizards (slappe kaft) - 14.00 euro

Monstrous Compendium (slappe kaft):
- Mystara Appendix [2501] - 15.00 euro
- MC Annual 1 [2145] - 15.00 euro
- MC Ravenloft Appendices 1 & 2 [2162] - 15.00 euro
- MC: Kara-Tur [2116] - 10.00 euro (losse bladen)
- MC: Greyhawk [2107] - 10.00 euro (losse bladen)

- Players Guide [9578] (slappe kaft) - 8.50 euro
- The Adventure Begins [9577] (Slappe kaft, Alles over de Greyhawk wereld) - 11.00 euro

- Tales of the Lance - Dragonlance Campaign Setting [1074] (boxed set) 25.00 euro
- Adventure: Dragon's Rest [9294] (slappe kaft) 7.50 euro

- Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Compendium 1 (vampires, werebeasts, the created; slappe kaft) - 14.00 euro

Forgotten Realms:
- Elminster's Ecologies (boxed set) [1111] - 12.50 euro
- Spellbound (Thay, Aglarond, Rashemen; boxed set) [1121] - 22.00 euro
- Lands of Intrigue (Tethyr, Amn, Erlkazar; boxed set) [1159] - 22.00 euro
- Prayers from the faithful (Priest Handbook; slappe kaft) [9545] - 14.00 euro
- The City of Ravens Bluff (slappe kaft) [9575] - 15.00 euro
- The Vilhon Reach (slappe kaft) [9520] - 14.00 euro
- Adventure (Maztica): City of Gold (slappe kaft) [9349] - 9.50 euro
- Adventure (Hordelands): Blood Charge (slappe kaft) [9304] - 7.50 euro

- Forgotten Realms: The Magehound (Counselors & Kings 1) - 3 euro
- Forgotten Realms - Hordelands: 'Horselords' en 'Dragonwall' (The Empires 1 en 2) - samen 6 euro
- Spelljammer: 'Beyond the Moons' en 'Into the Void' (The Cloakmasters Cycle 1 en 2) - samen 6 euro
- Ravenloft: Tapestry of Dark Souls - 3 euro
- Dark Sun: Prism Pentad serie COMPLEET deel 1 t/m 5 (Troy Denning) - totaal 25 euro
- Dragonlance: Raistlin etc. serie 7 delen (Chronicles trilogy, Dragons of Summer Flame, Legends trilogy) - totaal 28 euro
- Forgotten Realms: Drizzt series 9 delen (Dark Elf Trilogy, Icewind Dale trilogy, Legacy serie) - totaal 36 euro
- Forgotten Realms: Avatar serie 5 delen (Avatar trilogy + Prince of Lies + Crucible) - totaal 20 euro

Mail: mart_kwakkel [at]

Count Usher
"The Beige Sisters of Premenstrual Agony."
Usericon van Count Usher
Posted 18-09-2011 15:40 by Count Usher (Redacteur) Profiel van Count Usher

Anaal Nathrakh - The Codex Necro
Anaal Nathrakh - Total Fucking Necro
Anaal Nathrakh - When Fire Rains Down From the Sky, Mankind Will Reap As It Has Sown
Anaal Nathrakh - Domine Non Es Dignus
Anaal Nathrakh - Eschaton
Anaal Nathrakh - Hell is Empty and All the Devils are Here
Anaal Nathrakh - In The Constellation Of The Black Widow
Cobalt - Gin

€6/st. - excl. p&p

When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself.

Huiver ende beef
Usericon van Phygor
Posted 18-09-2011 17:22 by Phygor Profiel van Phygor

Gave dingen te koop, die ik helaas niet meer luister. Waarom weet niemand. 7 euro per stuk. Mail:

Blut aus Nord Ultima Thulée
Blut aus Nord Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age
Blut aus Nord The Mystical Beast of Rebellion
Blut aus Nord The Work Which Transforms God
Blut aus Nord Thematic Emanation of Archetypal Multiplicity (EP)
Blut aus Nord MoRT
Blut aus Nord Odinist - The Destruction of Reason by Illumination
Blut aus Nord Memoria Vetusta II: Dialogue with the Stars
Godflesh Godflesh (EP)
Godflesh Streetcleaner
Godflesh Slavestate
Godflesh Pure
Godflesh Selfless
Godflesh Crush My Soul (Single)
Godflesh Songs of Love and Hate
Godflesh Us and Them
Godflesh Messiah (EP)
Godflesh Hymns
Red Harvest Nomindsland
Red Harvest There's Beauty in the Purity of Sadness
Red Harvest HyBreed
Red Harvest Cold Dark Matter
Red Harvest New World Rage Music (EP)
Red Harvest Sick Transit Gloria Mundi
Red Harvest A Greater Darkness

Penumbra hoards ye, God of revulsion

alice in chains
Usericon van alice in chains
Posted 19-09-2011 21:30 by alice in chains Profiel van alice in chains


Heb je die pestilence cd nog te koop?

Groeten van erwin

Je kan me bereiken op
Op 12 juli 2011 22:15 schreef Lord Ibex het volgende:
CDs te koop.
Reageren via email aub
Prijzen zijn exclusief verzendkosten:
1, 2 cds = 1.84
3, 4 cds = 2.30
X.XX = bieden


4.00 - 324 - rebelgrind
GERESERVEERD - Absu - the sun of tiphareth
6.00 - Akercocke - the goat of mendes
4.00 - Alastis - the other side
4.00 - Alastis - revenge
6.00 - All Shall Perish - hate malice revenge
4.00 - All That Remains - behind silence and solitude (geperforeerde inlay)
6.00 - Amorphis - tales from the thousand lakes
6.00 - Anathema - serenades (slipcase)
6.00 - Anathema - the silent enigma (slipcase)
6.00 - Anathema - alternative 4 (digipack + 4 bonus tracks)
GERESERVEERD - Anathema - a natural disaster (digipack)
6.00 - Angmar - zuruck in die unterwelt
6.00 - Antigama - resonance
4.00 - Antigama + Third Degree + Herman Rarebell - split
4.00 - Antigama + Drugs Of Faith - split (slipcase)
4.00 - Antigama + Nyia - split
4.00 - As Eden Burns - the great celestial delusion
4.00 - Atomizer - the only weapon of choice
8.00 - Autopsy - acts of the unspeakable
6.00 - Awaiting The Autopsy - couldn't tell the bodies apart
6.00 - Axis Of Advance - obey
6.00 - Axis Of Advance - the list
6.00 - Benea Reach - monument bineothan (digipack)
8.00 - Berzerker, The - world of lies (cddvd dualdisk)
8.00 - Biomechanical - cannibalised (+4 bonus tracks)
X.XX - Blasphemy - gods of war (1st press)
4.00 - Bloodjinn - this machine runs on empty
4.00 - Bodies In The Gears Of The Apparatus - simian hybrid prototype
4.00 - Bodies In The Gears Of The Apparatus + Despised Icon - split
X.XX - Bolt Thrower - those once loyal (digipack)
4.00 - Burning Skies - greed filth abuse corruption
GERESERVEERD - Callisto - true nature unfolds (1ste uitgave)
6.00 - Car Bomb - centralia
8.00 - Carcass - necroticism
4.00 - Co-Exist - surgical removal of the teeth
6.00 - Comecon - fable frolic
4.00 - Culted - of death and ritual (digipack)
6.00 - Darkane - insanity
6.00 - Darkane - rusted angel (1ste uitgave)
4.00 - Dead Man In Reno - dead man in reno
4.00 - Dead Shape Figure - the grand karoshi (digipack)
6.00 - December Wolves - completely dehumanized
6.00 - Deicide - scars of the crucifix
4.00 - Demonized - demonized
4.00 - Despised Icon + Bodies In The Gears Of The Apparatus - split
6.00 - Disbelief - disbelief + infected (2cd)
4.00 - Dreams Of Sanity - the game
8.00 - Drowning The Light - an alignment of dead stars
8.00 - Dying Fetus - killing on adrenaline
4.00 - Dying Humanity - fallen paradise
6.00 - Dysentery - from past suffering comes new flesh
6.00 - Edenbeast - passivity causes genocide
4.00 - Eisregen - blutbahnen
6.00 - Enemy Soil - smashes the state (2cd)
6.00 - Enmity - vomit forth intestinal excrement
4.00 - Ewigkeit - land of fog (geperforeerde inlay)
4.00 - Ewigkeit - starscape
4.00 - Exmortem - pestilence empire
6.00 - Fate Of Icarus - cut your throat before they do (inlay heeft licht waterschade)
6.00 - Faust - from glory to infinity
6.00 - Fear Factory - archetype
6.00 - Fear My Thoughts - sapere aude
4.00 - Fear My Thoughts - isolation (+ bonus track)
6.00 - Flesh Parade - kill whitey
4.00 - Fleshgrind - murder without end
4.00 - Forced To Decay - perkussive perlokution
6.00 - Forest Of Shadows - where dreams turn to dust (+bonus tracks)
6.00 - Forest Of Shadows - departure (+bonus track)
4.00 - Forsaken, The - arts of desolation
6.00 - Gangrenator - tales from a thousand graves
4.00 - Gardenian - soulburner
6.00 - Gathering, The - how to measure a planet (2cd)
6.00 - Gathering, The - if then else (digipack)
6.00 - Gorerotted - mutilated in minutes
6.00 - Gorerotted - only tools and corpses
6.00 - Gorgasm - masticate to dominate
X.XX - Grave - soulless (1st press)
4.00 - Grief Of Emerald - malformed seed
4.00 - Grievance - the phantom novels
6.00 - Halo - guattari
6.00 - Halo - bosy of light
6.00 - Hate Eternal - conquering the throne
6.00 - Hateplow - everybody dies
6.00 - Helengard - helengard
4.00 - Heresy Of Thieves - the code
8.00 - Hjarnidaudi - pain noise march (digipack)
6.00 - Hyems - antinomie
4.00 - Illdisposed - burn me wicked
8.00 - Infestdead - hellf*ck (+killing christ)
X.XX - Intronaut - void (limited tin box)
6.00 - Ion Dissonance - solace
6.00 - Katatonia - tonight's decision (digipack, +2 bonus tracks)
4.00 - Katatonia - my twin (digipack)
4.00 - Katatonia - deliberation (digipack)
4.00 - Koldborn - the uncanny valley
4.00 - Laethora - march of the parasite
6.00 - Leviathan + Sapthuran - split
4.00 - Locust, The - plague soundscapes
6.00 - Lucifugum - the supreme art of genocide
6.00 - Lucifugum - sectane satani
6.00 - Lucifugum - acme adeptum (digipack+sleeve)
6.00 - Lux Occulta - forever alone immortal (digipack + 5 bonus tracks)
6.00 - Lux Occulta - dionysos (digipack + bonus track)
4.00 - Machine Head - burn my eyes
4.00 - Machine Head - the more things change (digipack + 3 bonus tracks)
6.00 - Malignancy - cross species transmutation
4.00 - Marionette - spite
6.00 - Maruta - in narcosis
X.XX - Master - on the seventh day god created... master (1st press)
6.00 - Mayhem Tribute - originators of the northern darkness
6.00 - Mercenary - 11 dreams
8.00 - Mercenary - the hours that remain (cd+dvd)
6.00 - Mercenary - architect of lies
6.00 - Misery Index - retaliate
6.00 - Morbid Angel Tribute - tyrants from the abyss
4.00 - My Shameful - of dust (geperforeerde inlay)
6.00 - Napalm Death - the code is red... long live the code (digipack)
6.00 - Neaera - let the tempest come (+gratis to armamentaium (kras))
6.00 - Neuraxis - truth / imagery / passage (2cd)
6.00 - Panchrysia - in obscure depths
6.00 - Panchrysia + Iconoclasm - the ultimate crescendo of hell
6.00 - Pelican - pelican
6.00 - Pelican - march into the sea (maxi)
6.00 - Pessimist - evolution unto evil
6.00 - Pestilence - spheres
6.00 - Pestilence - chronicles of the scourge
6.00 - Pleurisy - seizure
6.00 - Prejudice - megalomanic infest
4.00 - Provenance, The - still at arms length (digipack)
4.00 - Ravager - storm of sin
4.00 - Ravager - naxzgul rising
6.00 - Red Harvest - the red line archives (+gratis cold dark matter promo)
8.00 - Red Harvest - there's beauty in the purity of sadness (+gratis cold dark matter promo)
4.00 - Relevant Few - the art of today
6.00 - Remembrance - fall, oblivion night (digipack)
4.00 - Ritual Carnage - the birth of tragedy (digipack)
4.00 - Ritual Carnage - i, infidel (digipack)
6.00 - Rune - rune
6.00 - Rune - the end of nothing
8.00 - Sadistik ExeKution - k.a.o.s.
8.00 - Sadistik ExeKution - fukk
4.00 - Scarve - translucence
4.00 - Sengaia - maelstrom
6.00 - Severe Torture - sworn vengeance (+2 bonus tracks)
4.00 - She Said Destroy - time like vines (slipcase)
GERESERVEERD - Six Feet Under - warpath (cutup digipack)
4.00 - Skyfire - timeless departure
3.00 - Soilent Green - a string of lies
6.00 - Tangorodrim - unholy metal way
6.00 - Tangorodrim - those who unleashed
4.00 - Terminal Function - measuring the abstract
4.00 - Terror 2000 - faster disaster
6.00 - Theatre Of Tragedy - theatre of tragedy
6.00 - Theatre Of Tragedy - a rose for the dead (digipack)
4.00 - Ticket To Hell - man made paradise
4.00 - Ton - blind follower / point of view
6.00 - VA - swedish assault (Sayyadina/Gadget/Disfear enz)
6.00 - VA - this comp kills fascists vol 1
4.00 - Venom - a tribute to venom - in the name of satan (cutup digipack)
6.00 - Venom - cast in stone (2cd)
6.00 - Venom - resurrection
4.00 - Viking Crown - innocence from hell
6.00 - Viral Load - backwoods bludgeoning
6.00 - Viral Load - brutalized beyond belief (+ bonus tracks)
6.00 - Viral Load - practitioners of perversion (+ bonus tracks)
GERESERVEERD - Vital Remains - dechristianize
GERESERVEERD - Vital Remains - icons of evil
4.00 - Voivod - kronik
8.00 - Waltari - space avenue + yeah yeah die die death metal symphony in deep c
4.00 - Winds - of entity and mind
6.00 - Woods Of Belial - deimos xiii (+bonus tracks)


6.00 - 108 - a new beat from a dead heart
4.00 - A Case Of Grenada - the evidence
4.00 - Abominable Iron Sloth, The - st
4.00 - Adamantium - when it rains, it pours
4.00 - Agony Scene, The - the darkest red
4.00 - All Else Failed - this never happened
6.00 - Backstabbers Incorporated - bare as bones
3.00 - Bird Of Ill Omen - self dare you still breathe
3.00 - Bird Of Ill Omen - when love would've shown interest in us both
6.00 - Blood Has Been Shed - novella of uriel
4.00 - Bloodlet - eclectic
4.00 - Bloodlet - entheogen
4.00 - Bloodlet - the seraphim fall
10.00 - Botch - 061502 (cd+dvd)
6.00 - Catharsis + Newspeak - split
4.00 - Century - black ocean
6.00 - Chokebore - a taste for bitters
4.00 - Coalfield, The - transmitter
6.00 - Course Of Action - no redeeming the sunlit path of bliss
4.00 - Crestfallen - streaks of terror
4.00 - Crestfallen - crestfallen (digipack)
6.00 - Crowpath - red on chrome
GERESERVEERD - Crowpath - old cuts and blunt knives
4.00 - Crydebris - the severing
4.00 - Dead And Gone - tv baby
4.00 - Dead To Fall - everything i touch falls to pieces (geperforeerde inlay)
4.00 - Dead To Fall - the phoenix throne (geperforeerde inlay)
3.00 - Deadly, The + Disgrazia Legend, The - split
3.00 - Denied Reality - leviathan
4.00 - Destiny Program, The - subversive blueprint (slipcase)
6.00 - Ed Gein - it's a shame (digipack)
4.00 - Error - error
6.00 - Fall Of Troy, The - doppelganger (digipack)
4.00 - Fall Silent - superstructure
4.00 - Final Sigh, The - if you're not part of the solution...
6.00 - Focused - bow
GERESERVEERD - From A Second Story Window - not one word has been omitted
6.00 - Gantz + Cleaner - split (digipack)
4.00 - Hamartia - to play the part (geperforeerde inlay)
4.00 - Haram - haram (digipack)
4.00 - Hope And Suicide - razorblade smile
3.00 - Incoming Cerebral Overdrive - demo 2003
4.00 - Indecision - a hard rain's gonna fall (+gratis to live and die in new york city (kras))
6.00 - Kylesa - no ending a 100 heat index
4.00 - Martyr AD - the human condition in twelve fractions
4.00 - Mass Movement Of The Moth - finale
6.00 - Norma Jean - bless the martyr and kiss the child
6.00 - Norma Jean - o god, the aftermath
4.00 - Number Twelve Looks Like You, The - put on your rosy red glasses
4.00 - Number Twelve Looks Like You, The - nuclear. sad. nuclear.
3.00 - Planes Mistaken For Stars - knife in the marathon
4.00 - Psyke Project, The - daikini
6.00 - Psyke Project, The - samara
6.00 - Raised Fist - dedication
4.00 - Rapider Than Horsepower - rapider than horsepower
4.00 - Rapider Than Horsepower - stage fright, stage fright
4.00 - Rapider Than Horsepower - this is my big night (geperforeerde inlay)
4.00 - Remains Of The Day - an underlying frequency
GERESERVEERD - Rorschach - autopsy
6.00 - Saddest Landscape, The - the sound of the spectacle
6.00 - Saddest Landscape, The - lift your burdens high for this is where we cross (digipack)
9.00 - Scarlet - cult classic (japanese edition)
3.00 - Shorebreak + Hopeful - demos
3.00 - Shorebreak - path of survival
3.00 - Spirit Of Youth - colors that bleed
6.00 - Starkweather - into the wire
3.00 - Steel Pole Bath Tub - some cocktail suggestions
4.00 - Stella Dawes - contrasts (marked as promo)
6.00 - Suicide Nation - a requiem for all that ever mattered
6.00 - Thema Eleven - choose your beast
3.00 - Transistor Transistor - st (digipack)
3.00 - Ultra Dolphins - mar (digipack)
3.00 - Ultra Dolphins - why are you laugh
3.00 - VA - amsterdam hardcore compilation 1997 (Driven-Retch e.a.)
3.00 - VA - godmoney (Strife-Pennywise-Afi-Blink 182-Descendents e.a.)
X.XX - Welcome The Plague Year - welcome the plague year (booklet is verknipt, vraag naar staat)
3.00 - Where Fear And Weapons Meet - st
3.00 - Where Fear And Weapons Meet - the weapon
4.00 - Zao - legendary
4.00 - Zao - the fear is what keeps us here


3.00 - Burn Season - burn season
3.00 - Cold - give (maxi single)
3.00 - Deadlights, The - the deadlights
3.00 - Far - water and solutions
3.00 - From First To Last - heroine (slipcase)
3.00 - Girls Against Boys - freak on ica
3.00 - Green Lizard - the nine ep
3.00 - Hopesfall - A types
3.00 - Kilgore - a search for reason
3.00 - Nothingface - everyday atrocity
3.00 - Rubik - bad conscience patrol
6.00 - Seemless -seemless
3.00 - Ultraspank - ultraspank
3.00 - Vanna - curses

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door alice in chains op 19-09-2011 21:31]

Iron Maiden's gonna get you
Usericon van altx
Posted 19-09-2011 23:04 by altx Profiel van altx

Op 19 september 2011 21:30 schreef alice in chains het volgende:

Heb je die pestilence cd nog te koop?


Ik denk dat het sneller gaat als je hem gewoon even een mailtje stuurt.

(Tenminste bij mij wel...)

Scream for mercy // He laughs as he's watching you bleed // Killer behind you // His blood lust defies all his needs // Look out I'm coming for you!

Usericon van Gruis
Posted 20-09-2011 22:06 by Gruis Profiel van Gruis

10 euro:

Legion of the Damned - Descent into Chaos Digipack + DVD

6 euro:
Devildriver - The Last Kind Words
Lord Belial - The Black Curse
The Night and the Fog Compilation III

3 euro:
Lost Life - Odium (The Downfall of Bleeding Hearts)
Heiden - Potomkum Pozemskeho Soumraku
Benighted in Sodom - Hybrid Parasite Evangelistica
Benighted in Sodom - Plateau E - The Harrowing
Arthemesia - a.O.a
Dysperium - S/T
Todestoss - Speigel der Urangste / Sehnsucht
Wolfthorn - Towards Ipsissimus
Venom - Welcome to Hell Digipack
Night of Suicide - Desire
Ishtar - Krig
Pestroyer - Inquisiteurs des Temps Modernes
Twilight is Mine - Wreakling Overrun
Svart Crown - Promo Copy
Morrigu - ...blood shall be spilled...
Nebunam - S/T
Vredehammer - 4.September
Myrkr - Offspring of Gatherd Foulness
Revelations of Rain - Russian
Netra - Melancolie Urbaine
Styxian Industries - Salvation Through Deterioration
The Foetal Mind - The Grand Contradiction
Weltschmerz - Demo
Hanging Garden - How will you live your life today?
Amber Tears - The key to December
Who Dies in Siberian Slush - Bitterness of the Years that are lost
HellLight: ...and then, the light of consciousness became hell..
Mournful Gust - She's my Grief... Decade
Dekadent Aesthetix - S/T
Astral Sleep - Angel
As Light Dies - Ars Subtilior from within the cage
Dawn ov Hate - Death D'Hivern
Septic Mind - The Beginning
Ishtar - Among the Ruins
Unhuman Disease - Into Satan's Kingdom


Horna - Logo - M - 6 euro
Nyktalgia - Peisithanatos- M - 8 euro
Ataraxie - Logo - M - 4 euro

Mailen naar:

gekke koei
Usericon van gekke koei
Posted 20-09-2011 23:41 by gekke koei Profiel van gekke koei

The Codex Necro,
is dat de Mordgrimm Records - 2001 versie ?
Mail even anders ...

Op 18 september 2011 15:40 schreef Count Usher het volgende:
Anaal Nathrakh - The Codex Necro
Anaal Nathrakh - Total Fucking Necro
Anaal Nathrakh - When Fire Rains Down From the Sky, Mankind Will Reap As It Has Sown
Anaal Nathrakh - Domine Non Es Dignus
Anaal Nathrakh - Eschaton
Anaal Nathrakh - Hell is Empty and All the Devils are Here
Anaal Nathrakh - In The Constellation Of The Black Widow
Cobalt - Gin

€6/st. - excl. p&p

Usericon van Oldskoolcollector
Posted 27-09-2011 14:02 by Oldskoolcollector Profiel van Oldskoolcollector

Veel metal te koop, veel oldschool thrash/death/heavy metal, maar ook nieuwer spul!

CD's: Slayer, Accuser, Agent Steel, Iron Maiden, Anthrax, Benediction, Death, Mercyful Fate, Target, Defender, Cro-mags etc etc
Vinyl: Toxik, Twister Sister, LWS, God Dethroned, Judas Priest, Dark Angel, Dio, Battleaxe etc etc
T-shirts: Originele Shirts uit de jaren 80
Overige: patches, VHS, DVD, Boeken

PM of mail even voor de lijst!

Vet Ziek
Usericon van Retardo
Posted 27-09-2011 14:26 by Retardo Profiel van Retardo |

Op 27 september 2011 14:02 schreef Oldskoolcollector het volgende:
PM even voor de lijst!

Lord Ibex
Usericon van Lord Ibex
Posted 27-09-2011 17:03 by Lord Ibex Profiel van Lord Ibex

CDs te koop.
Prijzen zijn exclusief verzendkosten:
1, 2 cds = 1.84
3, 4 cds = 2.30
X.XX = bieden


6.00 - 324 - customized circle
4.00 - 324 - rebelgrind
6.00 - Agaures - un-virtue vitae
6.00 - Akercocke - the goat of mendes
4.00 - Alastis - the other side
4.00 - Alastis - revenge
6.00 - Anathema - serenades (slipcase)
6.00 - Anathema - the silent enigma (slipcase)
6.00 - Anathema - alternative 4 (digipack + 4 bonus tracks)
6.00 - Antigama - resonance
4.00 - Antigama + Third Degree + Herman Rarebell - split
4.00 - Antigama + Drugs Of Faith - split (slipcase)
4.00 - Antigama + Nyia - split
4.00 - Atomizer - the only weapon of choice
4.00 - Aura - shattered dawnbreak
8.00 - Autopsy - acts of the unspeakable
6.00 - Avulsion - the crimson foliage hit
6.00 - Axis Of Advance - obey
6.00 - Axis Of Advance - the list
4.00 - Belzabet - before night fall
6.00 - Benea Reach - monument bineothan (digipack)
6.00 - Bergthron - jagdheim
8.00 - Berzerker, The - world of lies (cddvd dualdisk)
4.00 - Bethzaida - nine worlds
8.00 - Bile - the shed
6.00 - Blood Duster - yeest
6.00 - Blood Duster - str8outtanorthcote (+bonus tracks)
6.00 - Blood Duster - cunt
6.00 - Blood Duster - blood duster (+bonus tracks)
8.00 - Blood Duster - lyden na (2cd)
4.00 - Bloodjinn - this machine runs on empty
6.00 - Bloodthrone - storms of apocalypse
4.00 - Bodies In The Gears Of The Apparatus - simian hybrid prototype
8.00 - Brutal Truth - extreme conditions
6.00 - Burial - enlightened with pain
4.00 - Calvary - across the river of life
4.00 - Cantara - fields of everlasting serenity
6.00 - Car Bomb - centralia
6.00 - Catheter + Fubar - split cd
6.00 - Cliteater - clit'em all
6.00 - Cliteater + Suppository - split cd
4.00 - Co-Exist - surgical removal of the teeth
6.00 - Comecon - fable frolic
6.00 - Cryptopsy - whisper supremacy
4.00 - Culted - of death and ritual (digipack)
4.00 - Dead Emotions - gates to the unseen
4.00 - Dead Man In Reno - dead man in reno
4.00 - Dead Shape Figure - the grand karoshi (digipack)
4.00 - December - praying hoping nothing (digipack)
6.00 - December Wolves - completely dehumanized
X.XX - Decomposed - hope finally died...
6.00 - Dehumanized - prophecies foretold
6.00 - Deicide - scars of the crucifix
X.XX - Demilich - nespithe
4.00 - Demonized - demonized
2.00 - Dimaeon - i, mortal (ep cdr)
4.00 - Divine Syndrome - pulsatory paradigm
4.00 - Dreams Of Sanity - the game
8.00 - Dying Fetus - killing on adrenaline
4.00 - Dying Humanity - fallen paradise
6.00 - Edge Of Sanity - cryptic
6.00 - Edge Of Sanity - infernal
4.00 - Enchantment - dance the marble naked
6.00 - Enemy Soil - smashes the state (2cd)
4.00 - Enshadowed - intensity (marked as promo)
4.00 - Epiphora - into the silent lands of eternity
4.00 - Estuary Of Calamity - the sentencing (hoek uit inlay geknipt)
4.00 - Evil Incarnate - blackest hymns of god's disgrace
4.00 - Evoke - the fury written
4.00 - Ewigkeit - land of fog (geperforeerde inlay)
4.00 - Ewigkeit - starscape
8.00 - Exhumed - gore metal
4.00 - Exmortem - pestilence empire
6.00 - Fate Of Icarus - cut your throat before they do (inlay heeft licht waterschade)
6.00 - Faust - from glory to infinity
6.00 - Fear Factory - demanufacture (digipack + 4 bonus tracks)
6.00 - Fear My Thoughts - sapere aude
4.00 - Fear My Thoughts - isolation (+ bonus track)
6.00 - Flesh Parade - kill whitey
4.00 - Fleshgrind - murder without end
4.00 - Forced To Decay - perkussive perlokution
6.00 - Forefather - legends untold
6.00 - Forest Of Shadows - departure (+bonus track)
4.00 - Forsaken, The - arts of desolation
6.00 - Gangrenator - tales from a thousand graves
4.00 - Gardenian - soulburner
6.00 - Gorerotted - mutilated in minutes
6.00 - Gorerotted - only tools and corpses
8.00 - Grave - soulless (1st press)
4.00 - Grief Of Emerald - malformed seed
4.00 - Grievance - the phantom novels
6.00 - Halo - guattari
6.00 - Halo - bosy of light
6.00 - Hateplow - everybody dies
4.00 - Helengard - helengard
4.00 - Heresy Of Thieves - the code
6.00 - Hyems - antinomie
6.00 - Inhume - chaos dissection order
4.00 - Illdisposed - burn me wicked
GERESERVEERD - Into The Sunless Meridian - into the sunless meridian
2.00 - Izah - finite horizon / crevice (cardboard)
6.00 - Katatonia - tonight's decision (digipack, +2 bonus tracks)
4.00 - Katatonia - my twin (digipack)
4.00 - Katatonia - deliberation (digipack)
4.00 - Koldborn - the uncanny valley
4.00 - Laethora - march of the parasite
6.00 - Leviathan + Sapthuran - split
6.00 - Lucifugum - the supreme art of genocide
6.00 - Lucifugum - sectane satani
6.00 - Lucifugum - acme adeptum (digipack+sleeve)
4.00 - Lunarsea - route code selector
6.00 - Lux Occulta - forever alone immortal (digipack + 5 bonus tracks)
6.00 - Lux Occulta - dionysos (digipack + bonus track)
6.00 - Malevolent Creation - in cold blood
6.00 - Malignancy - cross species transmutation
6.00 - Mangled - ancient times
4.00 - Marionette - spite
6.00 - Maruta - in narcosis
X.XX - Master - on the seventh day (first press, krassen maar speelt goed af)
6.00 - Mayhem Tribute - originators of the northern darkness
6.00 - Mental Horror - proclaiming vengeance
X.XX - Metallica - live usa
X.XX - Metallica - naughty vol 1 live in canada'92
6.00 - Misery Index - retaliate
6.00 - Misery's Omen - misery's omen
6.00 - Morbid Angel Tribute - tyrants from the abyss
4.00 - My Shameful - of dust (geperforeerde inlay)
4.00 - Naer Mataron - river at dash scalding (marked as promo)
8.00 - Nasum - inhale / exhale
X.XX - Necromass - mysteria mystica zofiriana
6.00 - Neuraxis - truth / imagery / passage (2cd)
4.00 - Nocturnal Majesty - orgiastic trilogy
6.00 - Nomad - the devilish whirl
6.00 - Panchrysia - in obscure depths
6.00 - Panchrysia + Iconoclasm - the ultimate crescendo of hell
6.00 - Pelican - march into the sea (maxi)
6.00 - Pessimist - evolution unto evil
6.00 - Phantom Limb Management - let's talk about you...
6.00 - Phazm - hate at first seed
6.00 - Pleurisy - seizure
6.00 - Prejudice - megalomanic infest
4.00 - Provenance, The - still at arms length (digipack)
4.00 - Relevant Few - the art of today
6.00 - Remembrance - fall, oblivion night (digipack)
X.XX - Ripping Corpse - dreaming with the dead (cutout en licht beschadigde inlay)
4.00 - Ritual Carnage - the birth of tragedy (digipack)
4.00 - Ritual Carnage - i, infidel (digipack)
4.00 - Rudra - rudra
6.00 - Rune - the end of nothing
8.00 - Sadistik ExeKution - k.a.o.s.
8.00 - Sadistik ExeKution - fukk
4.00 - Scholomance - a treatise on love
4.00 - Sengaia - maelstrom
4.00 - She Said Destroy - time like vines (slipcase)
3.00 - Soilent Green - a string of lies
6.00 - Suppository + Grot - split cd
6.00 - Suppository - punching out reality
6.00 - Tangorodrim - unholy metal way
6.00 - Tangorodrim - those who unleashed
4.00 - Terminal Function - measuring the abstract
4.00 - Terror 2000 - faster disaster
6.00 - Theatre Of Tragedy - theatre of tragedy
6.00 - Theatre Of Tragedy - a rose for the dead (digipack)
6.00 - Thyestean Feast - cycles of worldburn
4.00 - Ticket To Hell - man made paradise
4.00 - Ton - blind follower / point of view
4.00 - Torquemada - sevenfold
6.00 - Torture Killer - for maggots to devour
6.00 - VA - 3 way grindcore knockout round 1 (Regurgitate/Entrails Massacre/Suppository)
6.00 - VA - dutch assault (Suppository/L.D.O.H./S.M.E.S./Inhume)
6.00 - VA - gorezoo (Tekken/Suppository/Sergent Slaughter/Fate)
6.00 - VA - swedish assault (Sayyadina/Gadget/Disfear enz)
6.00 - VA - this comp kills fascists vol 1
4.00 - Venom - a tribute to venom - in the name of satan (cutup digipack)
6.00 - Venom - cast in stone (2cd)
6.00 - Venom - resurrection
4.00 - Viking Crown - innocence from hell
8.00 - Waltari - space avenue + yeah yeah die die death metal symphony in deep c
4.00 - Winds - of entity and mind
6.00 - Woods Of Belial - deimos xiii (+bonus tracks)


4.00 - Abominable Iron Sloth, The - st
5.00 - Acid Tiger - acid tiger (digipack)
4.00 - Adamantium - when it rains, it pours
4.00 - All Else Failed - this never happened
6.00 - Back When - in the presence
6.00 - Backstabbers Incorporated - bare as bones
6.00 - Backstabbers Incorporated - while you were sleeping
3.00 - Bird Of Ill Omen - self dare you still breathe
3.00 - Bird Of Ill Omen - when love would've shown interest in us both
4.00 - Bitter End - mind in chains
6.00 - Bitter And - guilty as charged (digipack)
6.00 - Blood Has Been Shed - novella of uriel
4.00 - Bloodlet - eclectic
4.00 - Bloodlet - entheogen
4.00 - Bloodlet - the seraphim fall
9.00 - Botch - 061502 (cd+dvd)
4.00 - Circle Storm - character assassin
6.00 - Cold World - dedicated to babies who came feet first (digipack)
4.00 - Crestfallen - streaks of terror
4.00 - Crestfallen - crestfallen (digipack)
6.00 - Crowpath - red on chrome
4.00 - Dead And Gone - tv baby
4.00 - Dead To Fall - everything i touch falls to pieces (geperforeerde inlay)
4.00 - Dead To Fall - the phoenix throne (geperforeerde inlay)
6.00 - Defeater - travels (digipack)
3.00 - Denied Reality - leviathan
6.00 - Ed Gein - it's a shame (digipack)
5.00 - Embrace Today - we are the enemy (slipcase)
6.00 - End Of A Year - you are beneath me (digipack)
4.00 - End Of Six Thousand Years, The - isolation (geperforeerde inlay)
4.00 - Fall Of Troy, The - doppelganger (digipack)
6.00 - Focused - bow
6.00 - Gantz + Cleaner - split (digipack)
4.00 - Get F*cked - get f*cked
4.00 - Hamartia - to play the part (geperforeerde inlay)
4.00 - Haram - haram (digipack)
4.00 - Hope And Suicide - razorblade smile
4.00 - Indecision - a hard rain's gonna fall (+gratis to live and die in new york city (kras))
5.00 - Learn - life and...
6.00 - Lewd Acts - black eye blues (digipack)
4.00 - Martyr AD - the human condition in twelve fractions
4.00 - Mass Movement Of The Moth - finale
5.00 - Meltdown - demolition
6.00 - Narrows - new distances (digipack)
6.00 - Norma Jean - bless the martyr and kiss the child
6.00 - Norma Jean - o god, the aftermath
4.00 - Number Twelve Looks Like You, The - put on your rosy red glasses
6.00 - Parasitic Skies - the descent (digipack)
6.00 - Paria - misanthropos
6.00 - Phoenix Bodies - raise the bullshit flag (digipack)
3.00 - Planes Mistaken For Stars - knife in the marathon
4.00 - Psyke Project, The - daikini
6.00 - Psyke Project, The - samara
6.00 - Raised Fist - dedication
4.00 - Rapider Than Horsepower - rapider than horsepower
4.00 - Rapider Than Horsepower - stage fright, stage fright
4.00 - Rapider Than Horsepower - this is my big night (geperforeerde inlay)
7.00 - Ressurection - i am not: the discography (digipack)
5.00 - Right On - reality vacation
9.00 - Scarlet - cult classic (japanese edition)
6.00 - Shai Hulud - a profound hatred of man (firstpress missprint)
5.00 - Some Girls - all my friends are going death
3.00 - Steel Pole Bath Tub - some cocktail suggestions
4.00 - Stella Dawes - contrasts (marked as promo)
6.00 - Suicide Nation - a requiem for all that ever mattered
3.00 - Transistor Transistor - st (digipack)
6.00 - Trap Them - seizures in barren praise (digipack)
3.00 - Ultra Dolphins - mar (digipack)
3.00 - Ultra Dolphins - why are you laugh
3.00 - VA - amsterdam hardcore compilation 1997 (Driven-Retch e.a.)
3.00 - VA - godmoney (Strife-Pennywise-Afi-Blink 182-Descendents e.a.)
6.00 - Voorhees - crystal lake legacy
X.XX - Welcome The Plague Year - welcome the plague year (booklet is verknipt, vraag naar staat)
3.00 - Where Fear And Weapons Meet - st
3.00 - Where Fear And Weapons Meet - the weapon
6.00 - Will Haven - will haven
6.00 - Will Haven - el diablo
4.00 - Zao - legendary
4.00 - Zao - the fear is what keeps us here


3.00 - Burn Season - burn season
3.00 - Cold - give (maxi single)
3.00 - Deadlights, The - the deadlights
3.00 - Far - water and solutions
3.00 - Girls Against Boys - freak on ica
3.00 - Green Lizard - the nine ep
3.00 - Hopesfall - A types
3.00 - Kilgore - a search for reason
3.00 - Nothingface - everyday atrocity
3.00 - Rubik - bad conscience patrol
6.00 - Seemless -seemless
3.00 - Ultraspank - ultraspank

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Lord Ibex op 28-09-2011 20:38]

Usericon van master-rens
Posted 27-09-2011 17:46 by master-rens Profiel van master-rens


10cc – Deceptive bends 2
Accept – Best of 5
Agent Steel – Skeptics Apocalypse 5 (hoes slecht)
Alcatrazz – No parole from rock n roll 7
Alice Cooper – Goes to hell 5
Alone romantic rock ballads 2
Anthrax – Among the living 10
Assassin – Interstellar experience 11
The beatles – Help 5 (hoes slecht, kras op side A)
Bee gees – Children of the world 2
Bee gees – Here at last … live 2 (2lp)
Bee Gees – living eyes 2
Big black – Headache 5
Black nivea – Old and drunk 5
Bodine – Bold as brass 6
Bodine – Three times running 6
Bodine – Three times running
Boney M – Nightflight to venus 1
Bon jovi – 7800 fahrenheit 5
Bon Jovi – Bon jovi 2 (plaat slecht)
Bon Jovi – Never say goodbye 4
Bon Jovi – Slippery when wet 2 (plaat slecht)
Bon Jovi – Slippery when wet 3 (kras op side A)
Boston – Don’t look back 3
Candlemass – Epicus Doomicus Metallicus 8
Celtic Frost – To mega therion 15
Chart Winners 1
Cheap Trick – All shook up 4
Cloud nine – waterland 4
Cockney rebel – The human menagerie 3
Crosby, stills, nash & young – Déjà vu 5
David Bowie – Let’s dance 5 (zijkant hoes slecht)
Death Angel – The ultra-violence 10
Department S – Going left right 5
Dio – Holy diver 4 (kras side
Dio – Intermission 7
Dio – The last in line 5
Dio – Sacred heart 5
Dio – Sacred heart 5
Doe maar – Skunk 4
Don Mclean – Chain lightning 1
Dr. Mastermind – Dr. Mastermind 12 (RARE!!!)
Elton John – A Single man 2
Elton John – Blue moves 3
Elton John – Victim of love 2
Elvis presley – 20 fantastic hits 3
Ennio Morricone – De mooiste filmmelodieen 2
Fleetwood mac – Tango in the night 4
Foreigner – I want to know what love Is 2
George baker selection – A long for you 1
Het goede doel – Tempo doeloe 1 (geschreven met stift op hoes)
Golden Earring – Something heavy going down 5
Grease 2
Guns n Roses – Appetite for destruction 3 (hoes heel slecht, plaat slecht)
Hardrock ’83 4 (met o.a. kiss, black sabbath, rush, dio, plaat bekrast)
Heart – Magazine 2 (hoes slecht)
Helloïse – Cosmogony 6
Helloïse – Polarity 5
Helloween – Keeper of the seven keys part I 7
Helloween – Live in the u.k. 7
Helloween – Walls of Jericho 7
Highway chile – Storybook heroes 7
Holland’s heavy metal vol. II 4 (zonder hoes)
Iron Maiden – Iron Maiden 4 (plaat slecht)
Iron Maiden – Piece of mind 5
Iron Maiden – Live after death 5 (platen bekrast 2LP)
Iwan Rebroff – Na Sdarowje 2
Janis Joplin – Pearl 4 (zijkant hoes schade, kras op side A)
Jesus Christ Superstar (soundtracks) 1
Jimmy Cliff – The power and the glory 3
Kate Bush – The kick inside 4
Kayak – Periscope life 2
Kiss – Ace frehley 5
Kiss – Peter criss 5
Kiss – Unmasked 5
Krokus – One vice at a time 3 (zonder hoes)
Lääz rockit – Know your enemy 10
Level 42 – level 42 1 (hoes slecht)
Little Richard – Greatest hits recorded live 4
Long tall ernie & the shakers – Do you remember? 2
Los cobanos – Fiesta (zuid amerikaanse muziek) 1
Los machucambos 1
Meat loaf – Bat out of hell 3
Meat loaf – Dead ringer 4
Megadeth – Peace sells… But who’s buying? 9
Megadeth – So far, so good… so what! 8 (kras side A)
Mercyful fate – Melissa 10
Metal Church – The dark 6
Metal Church – Metal Church 6
Metallica – The $5.98 EP Garage days revisited 10
Metallica – Kill ‘em all 6 (kras side
Metallica – Master of puppets 5 (plaat slecht)
Metallica – Ride the lightning 10
Mike Oldfield – Tubular bells 5
Milli Vanilli – Girl you know it’s true 2
Mucky Pup – Can’t you take a joke? 7
Nat King cole and the nat king cole trio 3 (kras side A)
Neil Young – Comes a time 5
Nena –Nena (hoes en plaat slecht) 1
Nik Kershaw – The riddle 4
Normaal – Oerend hard 3 (hoes en plaat slecht)
Overkill – Feel the fire 5 (side B slecht)
Overkill – Fuck you 7
Overkill – Taking over 5 (plaat slecht)
Overkill – Taking over 5 (hoes en plaat slecht)
Overkill – Under the influence 8
Overkill – The years of decay 5 (plaat slecht)
Ozzy Osbourne – Randy Rhoads tribute 6 (2lp, hoes slecht)
Ozzy Osbourne – The ultimate sin 6
Pat benatar – In the heat of the night 2
Pat benatar – Live from earth 3
Patti Smith Group – Radio Ethiopia 1 (hoes en plaat slecht)
Picture – Diamond dreamer 7 (spaanse druk 2lp, alternatieve albumart)
The Police – Outlandos d’Amour 3
The Pretenders – The pretenders II 4
Queen – A night at the opera 6
Queen – Hot space 4
Queen – The game 5
Queen – The game 5
Queen – Grootste hits 5
Queen – Jazz 5
Queen – Live magic 5
Queen – Queen 15 (mexicaanse druk, RARE!!!)
Queen – Radio gaga 4
Queen – Sheer heart attack 5
Queen – The Works 3 (side A bekrast)
Queensrÿche – Rage for order 5 (plaat bekrast)
Quiet Riot – Condition critical 6 (mexicaanse druk)
Rage – Reign of fear 5 (side B kras)
Raven – All for one 5 (hoes waterschade)
Ray Charles – A man and his soul vol.1 2 (kras op side A)
Rock ballads 2 (2lp)
Roger Taylor (drummer van Queen) – Fun in space 5
Roger Taylor – Strange frontier 5
Rolling stones – Undercover 5 (ex bieb)
Romantic rock ballads 2
Sabbat – Dreamweaver 10
Sacred Reich – Alive at dynamo 10
Sanctuary – Refuge denied 10
Santana – 3 5
Santana – Santana 5
Santana – Welcome 5
Saxon – The eagle has landed live 4 (hoes slecht)
Saxon – The eagle has landed live 3 (ex bieb)
Saxon – The eagle has landed live 5
Saxon – Power & the glory 4 (kras side
Saxon – Saxon 5
Scorpions – Blackout 5
Scorpions – In trance 5
Sinéad O’connor – The lion and the cobra 1 (plaat bekrast)
Spear of destiny – World service 3
Stars on thrash’ 6 (met o.a. flotsam & jetsam, d.r.i., pestilence, toxik, slayer, hades)
Status Quo – On the level 2
Steeler – Rulin’ the earth 7
The steve miller band – Book of dreams 4
Stryper – Soldiers under command 6
Styx – Crystal ball 4
Styx – The grand illusion 4
Supertramp – Crisis? What crisis? 3
T.N.T. – Knights of the new thunder 7
Talking Heads – Speaking in tongues 4
Talking heads – Stop making sense 4
Tanita Tikaram – Ancient heart 2
Testament – Live at Eindhoven 8
Together – Playing games 10 (RARE!!! 12’’)
Toto – Hold the line 3
Toto – The seventh one 3
Trillion – Trillion 4
Twisted Sister – Come out and play 6 (pop up album hoes!!!)
Twisted Sister – Stay Hungry 6
Twisted Sister – Stay Hungry 6
U2 – Under a blood red sky live 2
UB40 – Labour of love II 1 (zonder hoes)
Uriah Heep – Demons and wizards 7
Vandale – Stale Verhale 7
Vandale – Schandale 7
Vandenberg – Alibi 5
Vandenberg – Heading for a storm 4 (plaat bekrast)
Van Halen – Diver down 5
Van Halen – Diver down
Van Halen – Van Halen II 5
Vengeance – Arabia 5
Vengeance – Vengeance 5
Vengeance – We have ways to make you rock 5 (getekend met stift op hoes)
Venom – Warhead 11 (RARE 12’’)
Vinnie moore – Mind’s eye 4 (hoes slecht)
Warlock – Burning the witches 6
Warlock – Hellbound 6
Warlock – True as steel 4 (hoes en plaat slecht)
W.A.S.P. – Inside the electric circus 6
Yes – 90125 3
Yes – Close to the edge 5
Y&T – Black tiger 5
Y&T – Earthshaker 4 (plakschade hoes)
Y&T – In rock we trust 5
Zeno – Zeno 4
Zinatra – Zinatra 5
ZZ top – Eliminator 6
ZZ top – Fandango! 6

Bee gees – How deep is your love 0,25 (zonder hoes)
Foreigner – Hot blooded 1
John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John – you’re the one that I want 0,25 (zonder hoes)
Michael Jackson – Wanna be startin something 2
Scorpions – Still loving you 2
Spandau ballet – True 0,50
Vof de kunst – Waar heb ik jou eerder gezien 0,50
Wings – Mull of kintyre 1 (met paul mccartney)


Anouk - Graduated Fool 3,-
Anthrax - Madhouse: The very best of Anthrax 3,50
Beethoven - Symphony No.3 ''Eroica'' Coriolan Overture 2,-
Outkast/Speakerboxxx - The Love Below 3,50
Six Feet Under - Bringer of blood (met dvd) 3,50
Six Feet under - Alive and Dead 3,-
Bruce Springsteen - Greatest Hits 3,-
Cliteater - Clitt em all 5,-
Depeche Mode - Exciter 3,-
Pearl Jam - Yield 3,-
Soundgarden - Down on the upside 3,-
The Chemical Brothers - Dig your own hole 3,-
Elton John - The Captain and the kid 3,-
Eagles - One of these nights 2,50
Faith no more - Album of the year 3,-
George Michael and Queen - Five live 2,50
Deicide - Scars of the crucifix 3,50
Aborted - Slaughter & Apparatus A methodical overture 3,50
Marduk - La grande danse macabre 3,-
Live - Throwing Copper 3,-
Michael Jackson - Dangerous 3,50
Crosby, stills, nash & young - american dream 3,-
Van Morrison - The collection 3,-
Verra Cruz - Emancipation day 3,-
Ray Charles Betty Carter - Just you just me 3,-
Bleeding Through - Declaration 3,50
Sydney Youngblood - Feeling free 3,-
Music from the motion picture picture - Tomb raider 2,-
Weird al yankovic - off the deep end (zonder boekje) 1,-
Van halen - 3 3,-
Crowded House - woodface 3,-
Buffalo Tom - let me come over 3,-

Bij interesse mail naar rensvandersluis apenstaartje hotmail punt com

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door master-rens op 27-09-2011 17:48]

Mortis Rex
Feed Me A Stray Cat
Usericon van Mortis Rex
Posted 28-09-2011 1:59 by Mortis Rex Profiel van Mortis Rex

Op 27 september 2011 17:46 schreef master-rens het volgende:
Milli Vanilli – Girl you know it’s true 2

Het Leven Gaat Door, Tenzij Het Ophoudt...

Usericon van blackstar666
Posted 28-09-2011 20:41 by blackstar666 Profiel van blackstar666

Cds te ruil / te koop:

Aeternus – Ascension of Terror 6
Behemoth – And the Forests Dream Eternally 8
Ceremonial Embrace – Oblivion 3
Coffins – The Other Side of Blasphemy
Crematory – Early Years (3CD BOX) 10
Crimson Black – demo 2
Death – Scream Bloody Gore 7
Defleshed – Royal Straight Flesh (slipcase) 6
Deranged – Rated X 6
Emperor – In the Nightside Eclipse (slipcase) 7
Entombed – Left Hand Path 7
Glorior Belli – Manifesting the Raging Beast 8
Gorelord – Norwegian Chainsaw Massacre 5
Gorgoroth – Under The Sign of Hell DIGI 8
Hate Eternal – I, Monarch (slipcase) 8
Hate Forest – To Twilight Thickets 8
Hypocrisy – Abducted DIGI 8
Iron Maiden – Somewhere in Time (Enhanced CD) 8
Mactatus – Provenance of Cruelty 5
Massacre – Promise 5
Mayhem – Mediolanum Capta Est 7
Mgla – Mdlosci / Further Down the Nest 8
Netherealm – The Occultist Omnibus 3
Requiem Aeternam – Eternally Dying 3
Rhadamantys – Labyrint of Thoughts 2
Svartnar – Failure of Mankind 7
Usurper – Visions from the Gods 6
Wykked Witch – Nefret 2
Zargof – Departure for the Cosmic Twilight 3

Kleine wantlist, sta voor alles open (nouja, grofweg)
Ascension - Consolamentum
Aosoth - Aosoth
Aosoth – Ashes of Angels
Archgoat – The Light Devouring Darkness
Baptism – Wisdom and Hate
Blut Aus Nord – Fathers of the Icy Age
Edge of Sanity – Crimson
Electric Wizard - Dopethrone
Fimbulwinter – Servants of Sorcery
Fluisterwoud – Laat Alle Hoop Varen
Helrunar - Sol
Inhume – Chaos Dissection Order
Nasum – Shift
Orlog - Elysion
Panzerchrist - Roomservice
Urfaust – Verrätischer Nichtswürdiger Geist
V/A - Crushing the Holy Trinity
V/A – Obscene Extreme 2006 DVD
Yawgmoth – Macabre

mail: wobbe_m AT hotmail PUNT com

Usericon van zekdempel
Posted 30-09-2011 10:03 by zekdempel Profiel van zekdempel

Enkele demo's te koop op ebay. ... 4340.l2562

Necromantia/Iscariot/Officium triste/Adetar etc,etc

verzendkosten binnen nederland zijn natuurlijk goedkoper dan op ebay aangegeven.

Usericon van HHG
Posted 02-10-2011 20:56 by HHG Profiel van HHG



Bathory - Twilight of the Gods .. reissue clear vinyl
Bathory - Under the Sign ...reissue clear vinyl
Bathory - Blood, fire, death .... reissue on clear vinyl
Bathory - The return reissue clear vinyl
Bathory - s/t reissue
Burzum - Filosofem re-release
Carnivore - Retaliation (roadrunner)
Death - Leprosy
Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising
Deströyer 666 - Cold Steel... For an Iron Age
Guns n' Roses - Appetite for Destruction (with the filthy sleeve)
Macabre - Nightstalker 7"
Megadeth - So far ... So good ... So what
Motley Crue - Dr. Feelgood
Motorhead - No Remorse
NAOS - The Final Harvest (222/1000)
Night Must Fall - Dissonance of Thought
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Gimme Back My Bullets
Lynyrd Skynyrd's First and Last
Sheer Terror - Rev. Paul Bearer from .... - No Really, Go Fuck Yourself
Sick of it All - Blood, Sweat and No Tears (lim. Pic LP 009/500)
Sick of it All - Just look around (Lim. Pic Lp 316/500)
Slapshot - Greatest Hits, .... (Lim. Pic LP 324/500)
Slapshot - Tear it Down (Lim. Pic LP 007/500)
S.O.D. - Speak English or Die!
Tartaros - Darkened Destiny (078/500)
Ted Nugent - Weekend Warriors
Ted Nugent - Double Live - Gonzo!
Ted Nugent - Great Gonzo's
Venom - At War with Satan
Yes - Yessongs (3lp)


Bain Wolfkind - Wasteland EP
Bain Wolfkind - Music for Lovers and gangsters
Big Red Goad - Truck Drivin'Psycho
Boyd Rice - The Way I feel
Boyd Rice & Friends - Wolfpact
Cathedral - Forest of Equilibrium
Ceremony of Opposites - Death's Dominion
Diabolical Masquerade - Death's Design
Fields of the Nephilim - The Nephilim
Fields of the Nephilim - Elizium
GGFH - the Very Beast of...
Goethes Erben - Die Brut
Goethes Erben - Das Sterben ist asthetisch bunt
Goethes Erben - Die Traum an die Erinnerung
Goethes Erben - Tote Augen sehen Leben
Joy Division - Closer
Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures
Joy Division - Still
Katatonia - Brave Yester Days
Macabre - Morbid Campfire Songs
Peter (of Laibach) - Paracelsus
RaHoWa - The Cult of the Holy War
S.W.A.T. - Deep inside a cop's mind
Ungod - Circle of the seven infernal pacts (merciless 1994)


The Fire from Within, vol I - Nemo on Satanism (RARE/OOP)
James D. Sass - Essays in Satanism (paperback)
Michael Rose - Infernalia (paperback)
Jim Goad - The Redneck Manifesto (paperback)
Oswald Mosely - Policy and Debate (RARE)
Weilgart - Language of Space (RARE)
Julius Evola - Men Among the Ruins (paperback)
Oswald Spengler - Decline of the West (paperback)

More to come in time when I have sorted out on what stays and what might leave for my wants......




Rotting Christ / Monumentum split (Obscure Plasma 1991 + pic. disk LP)
Satanas Tedeum (Kyrck Productions DIE HARD edition)
Passage to Arcturo (Decapitated Records 2nd edition, not the gatefold)
Thy Mighty Contract (Osmose Productions 1993)
Non Serviam (Unisound Records 1994)
Non Serviam (Black Vomit Records 2009)
The Mystical Meeting (Century Media 10")
Triarchy of the Lost Lovers (Century Media 1996)
Triarchy of the Lost Lovers (Floga Records 2010 green vinyl)
Triarchy of the Lost Lovers (Floga Records 2010 splatter vinyl incl. a T-shirt)
A Dead Poem (Century Media 1997)
A Dead Poem (Floga Records 2010 red vinyl)
Sleep of the Angels (Century Media 1999)
Khronos (Century Media 2000 Picture Disc LP)
Genesis (Limited Edition Black Vinyl LP released on Night of the Vinyl Dead Cat # NIGHT033)
Sanctus Diavolos (Night of the Vinyl Dead Cat #NIGHT041)
Theogonia (??)
Aealo (SoM double LP red vinyl)
Aealo (Som double LP blue vinyl)

Compact Disc

Passage to Arcturo (Decapitated 1993)
Passage to Arcturo (1995 with original cover)
Thy Mighty Contract (Century Black reissue)
Non Serviam / Passage to Arcturo (remaster/reissue Season of Mist)
Triarchy of the Lost Lovers (digipack EU version) + (both US versions)
Sleep of the Angels (US version)

And if there are other pressings beside the regular EU or US version I am interested, if they have different artwork or other bonus material to it. Furthermore I have interest in other forms of merchandise, especially tour-shirts and hoodies (size L/XL)


Compact disc only; digipack

Temple of the Lost Race EP
Mystic Places of Dawn
Ophidian Wheel
The Eldest Cosmonaut EP
A Fallen Temple
Revolution DNA
Sumerian Daemons
The Vampire from Nazareth
The Great Mass

contact via ojf_1976 (at) hotmail (dot) com

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door HHG op 02-10-2011 21:00]

Zwarte Kruisiging
Usericon van Zwarte Kruisiging
Posted 02-10-2011 22:55 by Zwarte Kruisiging Profiel van Zwarte Kruisiging

Weer een kruiwagen vinyl op eBay gezet.
o.a. Acheron
Horned Almighty
Mercyful Fate
Genocide Superstars
The Rocking Dildos
Bestial Mockery

En een zeer zeldzame DVD van Necros Christos

Crappy days

Binkelator ಠ_ರೃ
Usericon van Kvelgeest
Posted 03-10-2011 9:05 by Kvelgeest Profiel van Kvelgeest

Er staat zowaar iets tussen waar ik al jaren naar opzoek ben. *volg*

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the death of Dimebag it’s this, making shitty music can get you killed.

Usericon van Staalman
Posted 03-10-2011 9:31 by Staalman Profiel van Staalman

Op 27 september 2011 17:46 schreef master-rens het volgende:

Megadeth – So far, so good… so what! 8 (kras side A)
Metallica – Kill ‘em all 6 (kras side
Metallica – Master of puppets 5 (plaat slecht)
Nat King cole and the nat king cole trio 3 (kras side A)
Nena –Nena (hoes en plaat slecht) 1
Normaal – Oerend hard 3 (hoes en plaat slecht)
Overkill – Feel the fire 5 (side B slecht)
Overkill – Taking over 5 (plaat slecht)
Overkill – Taking over 5 (hoes en plaat slecht)
Overkill – The years of decay 5 (plaat slecht)
Ozzy Osbourne – Randy Rhoads tribute 6 (2lp, hoes slecht)
Patti Smith Group – Radio Ethiopia 1 (hoes en plaat slecht)
Queen – The Works 3 (side A bekrast)
Queensrÿche – Rage for order 5 (plaat bekrast)
Rage – Reign of fear 5 (side B kras)
Raven – All for one 5 (hoes waterschade)
Ray Charles – A man and his soul vol.1 2 (kras op side A)
Saxon – The eagle has landed live 4 (hoes slecht)
Saxon – Power & the glory 4 (kras side
Sinéad O’connor – The lion and the cobra 1 (plaat bekrast)
UB40 – Labour of love II 1 (zonder hoes)
Vandenberg – Heading for a storm 4 (plaat bekrast)
Vinnie moore – Mind’s eye 4 (hoes slecht)
Warlock – True as steel 4 (hoes en plaat slecht)

Bij interesse mail naar rensvandersluis apenstaartje hotmail punt com

Jezus, sneue jood! Flikker die troep in de prullenbak!!! Domme droeftoeter!

"Life Is Much More Beautiful, When It Means Nothing At All"

Vet Ziek
Usericon van Retardo
Posted 03-10-2011 10:25 by Retardo Profiel van Retardo |

Op 3 oktober 2011 9:31 schreef Staalman het volgende:
Jezus, sneue jood! Flikker die troep in de prullenbak!!! Domme droeftoeter!

Wel sneu dat hij hiervoor nog zoveel voor vraagt. Dit klinkt als meuk voor de eurobakken bij de kringloop

Sonic Titan
Binkelator.. ಠ_ಠ
Usericon van Sonic Titan
Posted 03-10-2011 12:37 by Sonic Titan Profiel van Sonic Titan

Op 3 oktober 2011 9:05 schreef Kvelgeest het volgende:
Er staat zowaar iets tussen waar ik al jaren naar opzoek ben. *volg*

De Nidhug picturedisc is voor jou, rekel!

Nee, ik denk het wel te weten.

Op 3 oktober 2011 9:31 schreef Staalman het volgende:
Jezus, sneue jood! Flikker die troep in de prullenbak!!! Domme droeftoeter!

:') !

Op 26 mei 2011 23:34 schreef Pit Beast het volgende: "Sonic titan kan hier wel steeds de held uithangen maar ook voor hem is er ooit een gevalletje wrong time wrong place."

Binkelator ಠ_ರೃ
Usericon van Kvelgeest
Posted 03-10-2011 12:38 by Kvelgeest Profiel van Kvelgeest

Op 3 oktober 2011 12:37 schreef Sonic Titan het volgende:
De Nidhug picturedisc is voor jou, rekel!

Dank je!

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the death of Dimebag it’s this, making shitty music can get you killed.

Alles kan stuk
Usericon van Cynatica
Posted 03-10-2011 20:49 by Cynatica Profiel van Cynatica

ik heb nog een limited edition boxset liggen van Marduk - Blackcrowned (slechts 10.000 exemplaren wereldwijd)

bevat 2 cd's en boekje en een oldschool VHS...

zie voor meer info


Usericon van voltage
Posted 03-10-2011 20:59 by voltage Profiel van voltage


SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 03-10-2011 21:46 by Mutilator (Moderator) Profiel van Mutilator

Daarom moet je altijd 't fokschaap gebruiken ipv 't kofschip: Gedraaid

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

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