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Topic : Rotzooi zoals CD's, LP's en tapes te koop, of juist gezocht. (Deel 11) [Gevraagd/aangeboden] Vorige pagina | Volgende pagina
Usericon van Disgusting-noise
Posted 20-03-2011 1:06 by Disgusting-noise Profiel van Disgusting-noise

Nochtans ooit demo van de maand in Aardschok geweest! Je zou denken dat ze er zo wel wat verkocht hebben gekregen.

Edit: Swazafix dus

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Disgusting-noise op 20-03-2011 1:06]

Defleshed by flieS
Usericon van Defleshed by flieS
Posted 20-03-2011 11:35 by Defleshed by flieS Profiel van Defleshed by flieS

Op 20 maart 2011 1:06 schreef Disgusting-noise het volgende:
Nochtans ooit demo van de maand in Aardschok geweest! Je zou denken dat ze er zo wel wat verkocht hebben gekregen.

Edit: Swazafix dus

je zou zeggen van wel ja. Heb demo 92 met zeer veel moeite weten te bemachtigen, zoek nog de promo versie.

Heb overigens enkele demo's die je zoekt wel, dus kan mocht je dat willen wel een kopietje maken. Maar je zoekt vast alleen het origineel. Wel een erg mooi zoek lijstje, ik zou er daar graag een boel ook nog origineel van vinden.

als je nog tips hebt met gave nl death bands uit jaren 90. ben altijd opzoek naar meer

Usericon van Disgusting-noise
Posted 21-03-2011 3:46 by Disgusting-noise Profiel van Disgusting-noise

Origineel über alles inderdaad!

Ik heb wel een paar dozijn Nederlandse demo's maar niets wat iemand met wat interesse in het democircuit uit die tijd niet zou kennen. Of toch misschien deze: Mortmain. Band met voor zover ik weet één demo (staan ook op de oude Belgische compilatietape Def noise). Typische death/thrash zoals je dat verwacht van een demo uit 1990 maar zeker niet slecht.

Usericon van Maurosis
Posted 22-03-2011 23:53 by Maurosis Profiel van Maurosis

Death By Stereo - If Looks Could Kill, I'd Watch You Die (295 clear orange vinyl (european tour pressing) offer

Addactionlistenerthis - Speakermouth 4 euro
Backstabbers Inc. - Bare as Bones 5 euro
Backstabbers Inc. - Kamikaze Sessions promo 1 euro
Deathbed/Kolt - Split - 2 euro

Usericon van NecRomantica
Posted 24-03-2011 8:50 by NecRomantica Profiel van NecRomantica


[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door NecRomantica op 01-04-2011 16:08]

Jolly Roger 666
Usericon van Jolly Roger 666
Posted 24-03-2011 8:55 by Jolly Roger 666 Profiel van Jolly Roger 666

Op 22 maart 2011 23:53 schreef Maurosis het volgende:
Death By Stereo - If Looks Could Kill, I'd Watch You Die

Te gekke titel. Scherp gevonden. Ken de muziek niet.

Ja hoor...

De Demoon
Usericon van De Demoon
Posted 26-03-2011 14:52 by De Demoon Profiel van De Demoon

mail: Mart_kwakkel [at]

Abigor - Satanized CD [Napalm Records] €6
Abruptum - Vi Sonus Veris... =rerelease= CD Full [Moon Productions] €6
Ancient - The Cainian Chronicle [Metal Blade Records] €6
Asphyx - Embrace The Death CD €6
Asphyx - God Cries CD €6
Azaghal - Of beasts and vultures CD [Evil Horde Records] €6
Bathory - Bathory CD €6
Behemoth - Thelema.6 DIGI CD [Avantgarde Music] €6
Besatt - Hail Lucifer CD [Hell Attacks Productions] €6
Blut Aus Nord - The Mystical Beast Of Rebellion CD [Oaken Shield / Adipocere] €6
Diaboli - Anthems Of Sorrow CD [Full Moon Productions] €6
Diabolicum - The Dark Blood Rising DIGI CD [Code666] €6
Enthroned - The Apocalypse Manifesto [Blackend] €6
Front Beast - Black Spells of the Damned CD [Isengard Productions] €6
Gehenna - Adimiron Black CD [Moonfog Productions] €6
Horna - Hiidentorni / Kothi.. / Perimä.. / Ordo.. 2CD [Woodcut Records] €12
Immortal - At the Heart of Winter CD €6
Immortal - Damned in Black CD €6
Judas Iscariot - The Cold Earth Slept Below CD €6
Krieg - The Church CD [Cicatrix] €6
Mactätus - Provenance of Cruelty [Napalm Records] €6
Malign - Fireborn / Divine Facing [Norma Evangelium Diaboli] €6
Marduk - Panzer Division Marduk CD [Osmose Productions] €8
N.I.L. (KRIEG!) - N.I.L. CD [Battle Kommand Records] €6
Naglfar - Ex Inferis CD [New Hawen Records] €6
Nav (Old Wainds) - Halls of Death CD [Miriquidi Productions] €6
Samael - Ceremony of the Opposites CD €6
Seth - The Excellence digi CD €6
Slaughter - Strappado digi CD [Metal Mind Productions] €6
Sodom - In The Sign Of Evil / Obsessed By Cruelty CD €6
VA - Primitive Finland (Clandestine Blaze, etc) - kartonnen hoesje CD €6
Zyklon - World OV Worms CD €6
Zyklon - Aeon CD €6

Abigor - Fractal Possession DLP [End All Life] €19
Aosoth - Aosoth LP [Ajna Offensive] €16
Arckanum - Kostogher DLP - Picture discs in klaphoes [Hammer of Hate] €20
Arckanum - The 11 Year Anniversary Album LP [Blut & Eisen] €25
Baptism - Black Ceremony Pic EP [Faustian Distribution] €50
Baptism - The Beherial Midnight LP [Northern Heritage] €80
Baptism - Wisdom & Hate LP [Northern Heritage] €80
Debauchery (Judas Iscariot) - Dead Scream Symphony EP 10" [End All Life] €25
Desolation Hymn (Judas Iscariot) - Purgatory despairing EP [Blood Fire Death] €6
Devil's Blood, The - The Graveyard Shuffle (red vinyl, 1st press) EP [Ván Records] €50
Einherjer - Far Far North PicLP [Century Media] €9
Exordium - Nihil INRI EP [Northern Heritage] €5
Exorial - Auf Leben und Tod LP [Sombre Records] €2
Forgotten Woods - As the Wolves Gather (rerelease) LP (No Colours Records) €15
Funerary Pit - Winds of Hell EP [Nuclear War Now!/Dissident Records] €5
Haat - Factum Luctisonus LP [Painiac Records] €25
Haat - Recidivus in Obscurum LP [Painiac Records] €21
Heresi - Psalm I LP ltd. #400 [W.T.C. Productions] €15
Heresi Psalm II - Infusco Ignis LP [End All Life] €15
Krieg - Rise of the Imperial Hordes LP [Zerstörungs Produktionen] €15
Krieg - Sono Lo Scherno LP [Zerstörungs Produktionen] €15
Krieg - Black plague LP [Zerstörungs Produktionen] €15
Limbonic Art - The Ultimate Death Worship DLP GF [Displeased Records] €16
Maniac Butcher - Krvestreb LP [Mutilation Records] €21
Maniac Butcher - Invaze LP [Sombre Records] €25
Maniac Butcher - Cerná Krev LP [Sombre Records] €25
Maniac Butcher - Lucan - antikrist LP [Sombre Records] €21
Maniac Butcher/Inferno Metal From Hell/Chrám Nenávisti LP [Sombre Records] €21
Mekong Delta - Mekong Delta LP [Aaarrg Records] €10
Merrimack - Hellgium Raped EP [Hearse Records] €15
Merrimack - Of Entropy and Life Denial - splatter, GF LP [Moribund Cult] €20
Mordor - Dark is the Future / Les Armées de Sauron PicEP €5
Mütiilation - Destroy your Life for Satan LP [Dark Adversary Productions, 2008] €60
Naglfar - Vittra PicLP [Wrong Again Records] €15
Ofermod - Tiamtü LP [Norma Evangelium Diaboli] €15
Orcustus - World Dirtnap EP [Southern Lord Records] €15
Pogrom - Suicide Worship EP [Sombre Records] €5
Sabbat - Karisma LP white vinyl, rerelease [Iron Pegasus] €30
Satanic Warmaster - Opferblut [No Colours Records] €40
Terrorama - Omnipotence LP [Nuclear War Now!] €13
SVEST/Inkisitor - Split 10"EP [End All Life] €20
Thurisaz - Thurisaz EP [Sombre Records] €5
Thyrfing - Vansinnesvisor LP [Hammerheart Records] €15
Torrent - Between the Stones LP [No Colours Records] €15
Trimonium - Blow the horns GF LP [Folter Records] €15
Usurper - Threshold of the Usurper (2008 rerelease) GF LP [Primitive Reaction] €15
Wolfsmond - Tollwut LP [Blut & Eisen] €15

Angelkunt (Krieg) - Satanic Inferno DEMO (self released) €6
Azaxul (Moonblood) - The Arrival of the Demonlord DEMO (Chanteloup Creations) €6
Cantus Bestiae (Svest) - The Cult of Sterility (white cover) DEMO (Gorification musixxx) €6
Galgeras - Magdenstein DEMO €4
Galgeras - Uwer ter Ere CDr €4
Galgeras - ) DEMO €4
Haatstrijd - Live on UVA 3 TAPE €4
Inkisitor - Inkisitor DEMO €4
Inkisitor - Promo 2005 CDr €4
Moonblood / Evil - Fuck Peace! We Are At War… TAPE €12
Nav (Old Wainds) - Iz Navi V Jav' DEMO €4
Nav (Old Wainds) - Hymn To Cold Silence DEMO €4
Perditor - Desecration of Recession Day Twothousandthree TAPE €4
Suicidal Winds - Aggression DEMO €5
Vothana - Chinh Sach Vu Luc Tan Bao - DEMO III €20
Vothana - Vua Quang Trung - DEMO IV €20
Weltmacht - Ancient Hatred DEMO €6
Zwartketterij - The Black Heresy CDr €4

TSHIRTS (mail voor foto)
Antaeus (Large) Originele Noevdia €12
Asphyx (Medium/Large) Originele Iron Pegasus, 2008 €8
Clandestine Blaze (Large), originele Northern Heritage €15
Dark Storm (Medium) €5
Deathspell Omega (Large) Originele Noevdia,zeer zeldzaam, 2004 €50
Hail of Bullets (Large) origineel van band €8
Judas Iscariot (Large) €10
Master (Large) €5
Necrovation (Large) origineel van band, niet gedragen €15
Old Wainds (Medium) €5

mail: Mart_kwakkel [at]

Usericon van muddevil
Posted 26-03-2011 16:12 by muddevil Profiel van muddevil


ALTAR shirts...en youth against christ LP

ancient rites...oude shirts,tour-shirts,..en the diabolical serenades coloured vinyl+poster

heb wel ruilmateriaal liggen of harde centen!

denhenkens @ hotmail . com

Usericon van varanus
Posted 26-03-2011 17:59 by varanus (Speciaal lid) Profiel van varanus

Op 26 maart 2011 16:12 schreef muddevil het volgende:

ALTAR shirts...en youth against christ LP

ancient rites...oude shirts,tour-shirts,..en the diabolical serenades coloured vinyl+poster

heb wel ruilmateriaal liggen of harde centen!

denhenkens @ hotmail . com

Heb het Youth Against Christ shirt nog liggen. Wat heb je als ruilmateriaal?

spelfout weggehaald...

Usericon van RottingGrave
Posted 28-03-2011 21:44 by RottingGrave Profiel van RottingGrave

Speciale aanbieding, enkel voor deze week:

10 CD's voor €40 (exclusief verzendkosten). De CD's worden zonder jewelcases verstuurd.

De lijst met CD's kan hier gevonden worden:

Out now: GRAVE002 Obskure Torture - Spilling The Blood Of The World CD

Spirit In Black
Usericon van Spirit In Black
Posted 28-03-2011 21:46 by Spirit In Black Profiel van Spirit In Black

Rotzooi CD's

Usericon van intothevoid
Posted 28-03-2011 21:50 by intothevoid Profiel van intothevoid

Mwa, die Bongripper CD's zijn wel dik in orde. Idem voor Oceans of Sadness en Verloren. Tien haal ik echter niet.

You have time. You are doing fine.

Usericon van RottingGrave
Posted 28-03-2011 21:50 by RottingGrave Profiel van RottingGrave

Op 28 maart 2011 21:46 schreef Spirit In Black het volgende:
Rotzooi CD's

Dat heb je snel gezien.

Out now: GRAVE002 Obskure Torture - Spilling The Blood Of The World CD

Usericon van soulseller
Posted 31-03-2011 21:39 by soulseller Profiel van soulseller

Nieuw vinyl op voorraad:

Hello all,

First we have to inform you that the vinyls from Devil (Magister Mundi Xum 10”Mlp) and Imperial State Electric/Bloodlights (Second press on white vinyl) have been delayed; both titles will now ship by the end of April, instead of early April. Sorry for the inconvenience for all those who pre-ordered.

Meanwhile we loudly announce the following releases:

Black Crucifixion – Hope of retaliation Digipack cd (4 brand new tracks and 5 fresh live versions of BC classics) MID-PRICE:8,5 euros/LP(Lim.300):12 euros

Black Crucifixion – The Fallen one of Flames/Satanic Zeitgeist Digipack cd (Long time sold out demo cd + 1991 live tracks in one special edition) MID – PRICE:8,5 euros

A lot of people asked for the following killer vinyls which are in stock and ready to ship now:

Behemoth – From the pagan vastlands Gatefold lp (Black vinyl, silver stamp foiled sleeve) – 13
Behemoth – The return of the northern moon Gatefold lp (Black vinyl, silver stamp foiled sleeve) – 13
Morbid – Year of the Goat 3lp (Triple gatefold cover + booklet, black vinyl) – 35
Tiamat – Sumerian Cry lp (Black vinyl, lim.500) – 17

Expected soon:

Burzum – Fallen Gatefold lp (Black vinyl) - 18
Rotting Christ – Passage to arcturo Gatefold lp (Black vinyl + live bonus tracks) – 14

Check out a complete overview of selected vinyls against fair prices at

Maximus Ratticus
Usericon van Maximus Ratticus
Posted 02-04-2011 18:49 by Maximus Ratticus Profiel van Maximus Ratticus

Collectie-opschoning, dus veel weg. Andere genres volgen nog, onderstaande is vooral rock in allerlei gedaantes. Prijzen exclusief verzend.

3 Lb. Thrill - Vulture - 4
Absynthe Minded - Acquired Taste - 4
Accidental Gap - Uhura - 3
Acda & De Munnik - Niet of nooit geweest - 2
Acda & De Munnik - Zwerf' On - 2
Acda en De Munnik - Acda en De Munnik - 5
Acda en De Munnik - Groeten Uit Maaiveld (Luxe editie) - 12,50
Acda en de Munnik - Hier Zijn - 5
Acda en De Munnik - Naar Huis - 5
Acda en De Munnik - Op Voorraad Live - 7,50
Acid Bran - Acid Bran - 4
Aemen - Fooly Dressed - 5
Alanis Morissette - Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie - 4
Alanis Morissette - Under Rug Swept - 4
Alice Cooper - Last Temptation - 4
Almighty - Just Add Life - 4
Arkus - 1914 - 4
Artificial Joy Club - Melt - 4
Ash - 1977 - 4
Ash - Nu-Clear Sounds - 4
Atom Seed - Get in Line - 4
Atomic Swing - Bossa Nova Swap Meet - 4
Atomic Swing - Car Crash in the Blue - 4
Babylon Zoo - Boy With The X-Ray Eyes - 4
Babylon Zoo - King Kong Groover - 4
Bad Brains - Black Dots - 5
Barkmarket - Gimmick - 4
Barkmarket - L. Ron - 4
Bates Motel - Toom (Tales of Ordinary Madness) - 4
Beats the Hell Out of Me - Beats the Hell Out of Me - 4
Beats the Hell Out of Me - Rolling Thunder Music - 4
Black Widow - III - 4
Blondie - Denis - Best of Blondie - 4
Blue Oyster Cult - Heaven Forbid - 4
Boghandle - Step on it - 4
Brad - Interiors - 4
Brad - Shame - 4
Burning Heads - Dive - 4
Carpe Diem - En Regardant Passer Le Temps - 4
Case, Alan - Dark Matter - 4
Choir - Speckled Bird - 4
Christian Death - Born Again Anti Christian - 4
Christian Death - Atrocities - 4
Chumbawamba - Tubthumper - 4
Claw Boys Claw - Sugar - 4
Clepsydra - More Grains of Sand - 4
Cop Shoot Cop - Release - 4
Cords - Hear! See! Feel! Taste! - 4
Cosmic Psychos - Self Totaled - 4
Counting Crows - August & Everything After - 4
Cradle of Thorns - Feed Us - 4
Crush Groove - Prizefighter - 4
Cure - Bloodflowers - 4
Curve - Cuckoo - 4
D.U.S.T. - From The Sublime To The Obscene - 4
Damned Nation - Road of Desire - 4
Dandruff - Four Fifteen-e - 4
Depeche Mode - Home - 4
Deus - Worst Case Scenario - 4
Die Cheerleader - Filth By Association - 4
Die Monster Die - Withdrawal Method - 4
Die My Darling - Virulent - 4
Die Toten Hosen - Love, Peace & Money - 4
Dislocated Styles - Pin the Tail on the Honkey - 4
DkayCom - Deeper Into the Heart of Disfunction - 4
Dog Eat Dog - Amped - 4
Dog Eat Dog - Play Games - 4
Dream Theater - When Dream and Day Unite - 5
Drowning Pool - Desensitized - 4
Drowning Pool - Sinner - 4
Dwarves, The - ...Are Young & Good Looking - 4
Everclear - Spar kle & Fade - 4
Everon - Fantasma - 5
Everon - Flesh - 5
Everon - Flood - 5
Everon - Venus - 5
Exilia - Rightside Up - 4
Facepuller - Unauthorized Volume Dealers - 4
Fetish 69 - Purge - 4
Fischer Z - Best of - 4
Fischer Z - Red Skies Over Paradise - 4
Fischer Z - Going Deaf for a Living - 4
Fishwife - Ritalin - 4
Fishwife - Snail Killer - 4
Flipper - American Grafishy - 4
Flipper - Sex Bomb Baby - 4
G.R.O.W.T.H. - For Lack of Horses They Saddle Dogs - 4
Garlic Boys - Garlicholic - 4
GB Arts - The Lake - 4
Godandtexas - Double Shot - 4
Gowan - Lost Brotherhood - 4
Grant Lee Buffalo - Copperopolis - 4
Gravity Kills - Gravity Kills - 4
Green Apple Quick Step - Reloaded - 4
Green Apple Quick Step - Wonderful Virus - 4
Guano Apes - Don't Give Me Names - 4
Guano Apes - Lords of the Noards - 2
Guano Apes - Prou d Like a God - 4
H-Blockx - Discover My Soul - 4
H-Blockx - Time to Move - 4
Handsome - Handsome - 4
Hanniball - Uncut Supersnuff - 4
Hater - Hater - 4
Haunted Garage - Possession Park - 4
Havana Black - Indian Warrior - 4
Head Like A Hole - 13 - 4
Hell No - Adios Armegeddon - 4
Helmet - Born Annoying - 4
Highlander - See You Later Harleygator - 4
Hollyfaith - Purrrr - 4
Hydrotoxin - Oceans - 4
Incubus - Enjoy Incubus - 4
Incubus - Make Yourself - 5
Incubus - Morning View - 4
Incubus - S.C.I.E.N.C.E. - 4
Innerstate - Protest to the Signs - 4
IQ - Lost Attic: A Collection of Rarities (1983-1999) - 5
Isabelle's Gift - Soundtrack to Domestic Violence - 4
Jane Doe - Behind Bars - 4
Jeff Buckley - Grace - 6
Jeff Buckley - Sketches For My Sweetheart The Drunk - 8
Jesus Lizard - Down - 4
Jesus Lizard - Shot - 4
Jethro Tull - Be nefit - 4
Jethro Tull - Catfish Rising - 4
Jethro Tull - Crest of a Knave - 4
Jethro Tull - J-Tull Dot Com - 4
Jethro Tull - Original Masters - 4
Jethro Tull - Rock Island - 4
Jethro Tull - Through the Years - 4
Jethro Tull - Warchild - 4
JJ72 - I to Sky - 4
JJ72 - JJ72 - 4
Jolly Mon - Sailing - 4
Joykiller - The Joykiller - 4
Juicemen - Meta luna - 4
K's Choice - Extra Cocoon - All Access - 4
Karlsmark - Karlsmark - 3
Keaton - Intravenous - 4
King's X - Faith Hope Love - 5
Kiss My Poodle's Donkey - New Hope for the Dead - 4
Krezip - Nothing Less - 4
L7 - Bricks Are Heavy - 4
Latimer - Live From Sour City - 4
Lemonheads - Creator - 4
Linoleum - Dissent - 4
Lions Share - Lions Share - 4
Liquid Tension Experiment - Liquid Tension Experiment - 5
Live - Distance to Here - 5
Love Like Blood - Enslaved & Condemned - 4
Love Li ke Blood - Exposure - 4
Love Like Blood - Sword Lilies - 4
Lucyfire - This Dollar Saved My Live at Whitehorse - 5
Magellan - Impending Ascension - 4
Magnapop - Hot Boxing - 4
Magnapop - Magnapop - 4
Magnapop - Rubbing Doesn't Help - 4
Mansun - Attack of the Grey Lantern - 4
Mansun - Six - 4
Massappeal - The Mechanic - 4
Masters of Reality - Welcome to the Western Lodge - 4
Meatfly - Fatness - 4
Megaton - ...Superior - 4
Melanie C - Northern Star - 4
Midnight Oil - 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - 4
Midnight Oil - Bird Noises - 4
Mindgames - International Daylight - 4
Miranda Sex Garden - Fairytales of Slavery - 5
Miranda Sex Garden - Suspiria - 5
Miscellaneous, The - She walks alone with me - 4
Mission, The (UK) - Blue - 4
Mission, The (UK) - Carved in Sand - 4
Mission, The (UK) - Masque - 4
Mission, The (UK) - Neverland - 4
Moby - Animal Rights - 5
Moby - Play - 5
Monster Magnet - Powertrip - 6
Monster Magnet - Dopes to Infinity - 5
Monster Magnet - Superjudge - 5
Morphine - Cure for Pain - 4
Morphine - The Night - 4
Motörhead - Another Perfect Day/Overkill - 5
Motörhead - Snake Bite Love - 4
Mouth - Hole of Your Head - 4
Murderdolls - Beyond the Valley of the Murderdolls - 5
Muzza Chunka - Fishy Pants - 4
Nada Surf - High/Low - 4
Naked Apes - Naked Apes - 4
Nerve - Blood & Gold - 5
Nerve - Cancer of Choice - 5
Neurotica - Neurotica - 5
New Bomb Turks - Scared Straight - 4
Night Watch - Twilight - 4
Nocturnal Rites - Sacred Talisman - 3
Noordkaap - Een Heel Klein Beetje Oorlog - 4
Noordkaap - Gigant - 4
Noordkaap - Massis - 4
NšsferŠtu - Legend - 4
Oblivians - Soul Food - 4
Oblivians - Sympathy Sessions - 4
Oblivion - Stop Thief - 4
Offspring, The - Conspiracy of One - 4< br />Offspring, The - Splinter - 5
Overbodige Luxe - Links de zon, rechts de maan - 4
Ozric Tentacles - Afterwish - 7
Ozric Tentacles - Arborescence - 5
Ozric Tentacles - Become the Other - 5
Ozric Tentacles - Curious Corn - 5
Ozric Tentacles - Erpland - 5
Ozric Tentacles - Jurassic Shift - 5
Ozric Tentacles - Pungent Effulgent - 5
Ozric Tentacles - Strangeitude - 5
Ozzy Osbourne - Ozzmosis - 5
Painting Over Picasso - Hello - 4
Peach - Dead Soldier's Coat - 4
Pendragon - Not of This World - 5
Phunk Junkeez - Injected - 4
PIL (Public Image Ltd) - Live in Tokyo - 4
PIL (Public Image Ltd) - That What Is Not - 4
Platypus - When Pus Comes to Shove - 5
Porno for Pyros - Good Gods Urge - 4
Posies - Frosting on the Beater - 4
Psycho Motel - State of Mind - 4
PTS - Campaign - 4
R.E.M. - Automatic for the People - 5
R.E.M. - Document - 5
R.E.M. - Green - 5
R.E.M . - Monster - 5
R.E.M. - Murmur - 5
R.E.M. - New Adventures in Hi-Fi - 5
R.E.M. - Out of Time - 5
R.E.M. - Up - 5
Rainbow - On Stage - 4
Raise Cain - Stench - 4
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication - 5
Resurrection Band - Lament - 4
Rocket from the Crypt - Scream, Dracula, Scream! - 4
Rocking Dildos - Horny Hit Parade - 4
RPWL - God Has Failed - 4
Santana - Supernatural - 5
Scabs - Dog Days Are Over - 4
Scabs - Live Dog - 4
Scene - Romantiek [Single-CD] - 2
Scratch - Scratch - 4
Scudiero - Walking Through Mirrors - 4
Sevendust - Home - 5
Sinister Footwear - Be Me You - 4
Sisters of Mercy - First and Last and Always - 4
Sisters Of Mercy - Floodland - 4
Sisters of Mercy - Greatest Hits Volume One: A Slight Case of Overbombing - 4
Skin - Hasta La Vista Baby - 5
Skintrade - Roach Powder - 4
Skintrade - Same - 4
Skyscraper - Superstate - 4
Sla ve Unit - Slave Unit - 4
Smashing Pumpkins - Machina: The Machines of God - 4
Sona Fariq - Sona Fariq - 4
Sonic Youth - Screaming Fields of Sonic Love - 4
Soul Asylum - Candy From a Stranger - 5
Soul Asylum - Grave Dancers Union - 4
Soul Asylum - Hang Time - 4
Soul Asylum - Insomniac's Dream - 3
Soul Asylum - Let Your Dim Light Shine - 4
Soul Asylum - Made to Be Broken - 4
Soul Asylum - Say What You Will, Clarence... Karl Sold the Truck - 4
Soul Coughing - Irresistible Bliss - 4
Stabbing Westward - Darkest Days - 4
Stabbing Westward - Ungod - 4
Stabbing Westward - Wither Blister Burn & Peel - 4
Staind - Break the Cycle - 4
Staind - Dysfunction - 4
Stoneflow - Scullpture - 4
Supertramp - The Very Best of Supertramp - 4
Taal - Mister Green - 4
Tamas Szekeres - Dreamlake - 4
Tamas Szekeres - Guitartales - 4
Tanner - Ill-Gotten Gains - 4
Tattoo Rodeo - Skin - 4
Tenacious D - Tenacious D - 5
These Animal Men - (Come on, Join) the High Society - 4
Think About Mutation - Housebastards - 4
Think About Mutation - Virus - 4
Timelock - The Dawn - 4
Transatlantic - Smpte - 4
Transister - Transister - 4
Transport League - Superevil - 4
Travis - The Invisible Band - 4
Tulips - Jack Mag - 4
Tupelo Honey - Out Of The Nursery, Into The Night - 4
Tupelo Honey - Tupelo Honey - 4
Ugly Kid Joe - Menace to Sobriety - 4
Ultravox - U-Vox - 4
Union Underground - An Education in Rebellion - 4
Untame - Bring Me Down - 4
Vanilla Ice - Hard to Swallow - 4
Various Artists - God Save the Punks - 4
Various Artists - Airheads Soundtrack - 3
Various Artists - Free the West Memphis 3 - 3
Various Artists - Freddy vs. Jason Soundtrack - 3
Vital - No Redemption - 4
Vlad - After Death - 4
Wakeland - Magnetic - 4
Walt Mink - Bareback Ride - 4
Walt Mink - Miss Happiness - 4
Waltari - Big Bang - 4
Waltari - Radium Round - 4
Waltari - So Fine! - 4
Waltari - Torcha! - 4
Waltons - Cock's Crow - 4
Wardance - We're all niggs.. but not your boys - 4
WC Experience - De Beste Voile Shitzooi - 3
WC Experience - Faktor 183 - 3
Whale - We Care - 4
Whistler Courbois Whistler - Whistler Courbois Whistler - 4
Wrong, The - Inbred - 4
Ywis - Ywis - 4
Z - Shampoohorn - 4
Zappa, Frank - Cheap Thrills - 5
Zappa, Frank - Son of Cheap Thrills - 5
Zappa, Frank - You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore - Vol. 5 - 7

maximusratticus gmail

Watch and weep, you furry fucker.

Usericon van deadhead
Posted 02-04-2011 22:20 by deadhead Profiel van deadhead

Still searching for some demo tape/CD stuff...

PS: Sorry guys, I don't speak Dutch, so if it's not so hard, please, contact me by email[__at__] (replace [__at__] with @)

Achael - Beyond All Nightmares
Achael - As The Sun Sets Forever
Amethist - Last Flight Of The Guardian Angels
Asphyx - Crush the Cenotaph (mCD)
Awakening - Morte Aeterna

Blessing M.M. - Demo I
Blessing M.M. - Origo Mali

Castle - Chasing Unicorns
Castle - In Purple Visions
Cauteror - To Atonement I am Owed
Cerebral Death - Live
The Circle - Symphony no. 1
The Circle - Promo 1993
Covered in Ashes - Grim Shadows

Deinonychus - A Blaze Over Darkland
Deinonychus - Amphetamine Machine
Deinonychus - Live at the Hippodrome
Delirium - Delirium
Delirium - Amputation

Erector Spinae - Erector Spinae
Erector Spinae - Dopaminium
Eria d'Or - Songs of Sorrow and Agony
Eria d'Or - The Black Well
Eria d'Or - Memories
Etherial Winds - Tragedy
Evisceration - Eclipse
Evisceration - Pure
Evoker - Insurrection of Doom

Hills of Eternity - In Between

Internal Putrefaction - What Prophets Foretold

Kurb Saatus - Rehearsal
Kurb Saatus - Demo '95
Kurb Saatus - Promo 2002
Kurb Saatus - Unreleased Tracks
Kurb Saatus - Live 1996 2000

Lethargy - Cold
Lords of the Stone - The Rhymes of Bitterness (Polish version of demo)
Lords of the Stone - Sweet Revenge
Lords of the Stone - Rictus Grin Promo

Molestiah - Here at Last
Morthar - Possessed
Mystic Charm - Endless Sickness
Mystic Charm - Hell Did Freeze Over

Octagon - The Eve of the Battle
Octagon - The Spring Of The Tragical Black

Perpetual Demise - When Fear Becomes...
Prey - Fly to...
Prey - Unplugged
Prey - Heartfelt
Prey - Astray

Rune - Dreamtime Interlude

Sad Whisperings - Sad Whisperings
Sad Whisperings - Promo demo 1995
Sad Whisperings - Promo cd 1998
Sad Whisperings - Promo cd 2003
Sempiternal Deathreign - Creepshow
Sentient - Scarlet Afterglow
Spiritual Dissolvent - Transgressions in Doom

Throne - Promo 95
Throne - Taking The Throne
Throne - The Ultimate Blasphemy
Thy Withering Orchard - Promo 1997

Unshrouded Bitterness - Medieval Crystals
Unshrouded Bitterness - Promo 1996
Unshrouded Bitterness - Promo 1998
Unshrouded Bitterness - For Centuries
Unshrouded Bitterness - The Dawn of Unreleased Bitterness

Voyage - Embrace

Weakillsick - Rehearsal
Whispering Gallery - Gallery of Dreams

PS: Some other doomy demotapes will be great to get too, so mail the lists of the stuf for sale.

Usericon van Maurosis
Posted 06-04-2011 23:10 by Maurosis Profiel van Maurosis

Death By Stereo - If Looks Could Kill, I'd Watch You Die (295 clear orange vinyl (european tour pressing) offer

Backstabbers Inc. - Bare as Bones 5 euro
Deathbed/Kolt - Split - 2 euro
Total Fucking Destruction - Hater 6 euro

Maximus Ratticus
Usericon van Maximus Ratticus
Posted 08-04-2011 0:23 by Maximus Ratticus Profiel van Maximus Ratticus

Te koop, prijzen exclusief verzenden.

(hed) pe (Hed Planet Earth) - Blackout - 4
(hed) pe (Hed Planet Earth) - Broke - 4
(hed) pe (Hed Planet Earth) - Hed Pe - 4
69 Eyes - Blessed Be - 4
69 Eyes - Wasting the Dawn - 4
Abighor - Anticlockwise - 4
Amen Corner - Jachol Ve Tehila - 5
Ancient - God Loves the Dead - 4
Ancient - Proxima Centauri - 4
Angus McDeth - Evil Empire - 3
Anthrax - Only (single/2cd) - 3
Anthrax - Stomp 442 - 4
Anyone - Anyone - 4
Atrocity - Blut - 4
Atrocity - Willenskraft - 4
Backslash - Insanity - 4
Bludgeon - Crucify the Priest - 4
Bruce Dickinson - Balls to Picasso - 4
Bruce Dickinson - Tattooed Millionaire - 4
Centurion - Arise of the Empire - 4
Centurion - Hyper Martyrium - 4
Chimaira - Chimaira - 8
Chimaira - Impossiblity of Reason - 6
Chimaira - Pass Out of Existence - 6
Chimaira - Resurrection - 8
Chinchilla - Madness - 4
Clawfinger - A Whole Lot of Nothing - 4
Coal Chamber - Chamber Music - 4
Coal Chamber - Coal Chamber - 4
Colourtrip - Colourtrip - 4
DGM - Change Direction - 4
Dimension Seven - Infinite Madness - 4
Dionysos - Such is Life... - 4
Disgust - A World of No Beauty - 4
Divided Multitude - Inner Self - 4
Dub War - Wrong Side of Beautiful - 4
Eidolon - Nightmare World - 5
Engorge - Awaiting To Subside - 3
Eternal Oath - Righteous - 5
Genitorturers - 120 Days of Genitorture - 4
Genitorturers - Sin City - 4
Gods of Fire - Wrath of the Gods - 5
Gospel of the Horns - Satanist's Dream - 4
Green Jelly - Cereal Killer Soundtrack - 4
Gurd - Bedlam - 4
Gurd - Down the Drain - 4
Gust of Anger - Natural Hostility - 4
Halford - Resurrection - 10
Headstone Epitaph - Headstone Epitaph - 4
Hydrotoxin - Oceans - 4
Imago Mortis - Vida: The Play Of Change - 4
Ironlung - Chasing Salvation - 4
Jesus Christ - Jesus Christ - 4
Korn - Issues - 5
Korn - Life Is Peachy - 5
Korn - Take a Look in the Mirror - 5
Korn - Untouchables - 5
Kult Ov Azazel - Triumph of Fire - 4
Last Days of Humanity - Hymns of Indigestible Suppuration - 4
Lethal - Poison Seed - 4
Magane - Mortes Saltantes - 5
Magellan - Impending Ascension - 4
Massappeal - The Mechanic - 4
Melancholy Pessimism - Recompense To Saints - 4
Mid Autumn Nights - And I Entitled It: "A Dirge..." - 4
Ministry - Houses of the MolŽ - 4
Mithra - Unghie Come Lame - 4
Monster Magnet - Powertrip - 6
Mucupurulent - Horny Like Hell - 5
Naked Rhythm - Fatbox - 4
Neck - Should My Fist Eye - 4
Neophobia - Fear of the Future - 4
Neurotica - Neurotica - 5
Nine Inch Nails - Further Down the Spiral - 5
Odyssey - Speak No Evil - 4
Oomph! - Ego - 4
Out - X-Position - 4
Postmortem - Storm Force - 4
Power Symphony - Lightbringer - 4
Powerman 5000 - Tonight the Stars Revolt - 4
Primal Fear - Nuclear Fire - 4
Product of Society - Schizophrenagenic - 4
Pulkas - Greed - 4
Q-Squad - Psyched - 4
Rammstein - Mutter - 5
Rotten Cold/Human Mastication - Anthems for a Collapsing New World Order - 4
Scat Opera - About Time - 4
Schubert - Toilet Songs - 4
Sentenced - Cold White Light - 4
Shadowseeds - Dream of Lillith - 5
Shotgun Messiah - Violent New Breed - 4
Sinner - End of Sanctuary - 5
Skatenigs - Stupid People Shouldn't Breed - 5
Skatenigs - What a Mangled Web We Leave - 5
Skin - Hasta La Vista Baby - 5
Skrew - Shadow of Doubt - 5
Skyfire - Timeless Departure - 4
Slayer - Diabolus in Musica - 5
Soulquake System - Angry By Nature Ugly By Choice - 4
Soulquake System - Firm Statement - 4
Static-X - Machine - 5
Stoneflow - Scullpture - 4
Stuck Mojo - Snappin' Necks - 4
Syrinx - Crystal Cliff - 5
Tamas Szekeres - Dreamlake - 4
Tamas Szekeres - Guitartales - 4
Theatre Of The Macabre - A Paradise In Flesh & Blood - 4
To Elysium - Dearest Vile - 4
Tomsen - Stahl & Eisen - 4
Transport League - Superevil - 4
Ugly Kid Joe - Menace to Sobriety - 4
Umbra Et Imago - Dunkle Energie - 4
Umbra Et Imago - Machina Mundi - 4
Umbra Et Imago - Mea Culpa - 4
Union Underground - An Education in Rebellion - 4
Vanity 4 - Unsolicited Material - 4
Various Artists - Am I metal? Yes I am!!! - 3
Various Artists - Download - 3
Various Artists - Extreme Rock 'N' Roll Series Vol. 1: A New Age Of Excitement - 3
Various Artists - Freddy vs. Jason Soundtrack - 3
Various Artists - Fuck You We're From Denmark - 3
Various Artists - Heavy Metal Palace Vol. 1 - 3
Various Artists - Serial Killer Volume 1 - 3
Various Artists - Taking in the Trash - 3
Various Artists - A Tribute to the Priest - 5
Various Artists - Under the Banner of Darkness - 3
Virus 7 - Sick in the Head - 4

maximusratticus at gmail

Watch and weep, you furry fucker.

Usericon van Nefarian
Posted 11-04-2011 11:23 by Nefarian Profiel van Nefarian

Ben nog op zoek naar de volgende cd's:

Burzum - Det som engang var
Gorgoroth - Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam
Immortal - At the Heart of Winter
Immortal - Battles in the North
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Samael - Above
Tristania - Widow's Weeds
Tristania - Beyond the Veil
Tristania - World of Glass

Verder heb ik altijd interesse in speciale uitgaves van cd's of elpees van Moonspell, Paradise Lost, Dimmu Borgir, Immortal en Dissection.

Heb je iets dan ontvang ik graag een mailtje van je op:

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Nefarian op 11-04-2011 11:38]

Sonic Titan
Binkelator.. ಠ_ಠ
Usericon van Sonic Titan
Posted 11-04-2011 11:27 by Sonic Titan Profiel van Sonic Titan

Op 11 april 2011 11:23 schreef Nefarian het volgende:

Heb je iets dan ontvang ik graag een pm van je.

Dat kan ik me voorstellen, alleen is hier geen PM-functie.

Op 26 mei 2011 23:34 schreef Pit Beast het volgende: "Sonic titan kan hier wel steeds de held uithangen maar ook voor hem is er ooit een gevalletje wrong time wrong place."

Jolly Roger 666
Usericon van Jolly Roger 666
Posted 11-04-2011 11:31 by Jolly Roger 666 Profiel van Jolly Roger 666

Op 26 maart 2011 16:12 schreef muddevil het volgende:
youth against christ LP

Jeetje, nooit gedacht dat daar ooit iemand om zou vragen. Die dingen werden vroeger gratis het publiek ingeslingerd. Heb er een liggen hier, ook op die manier verkregen.

Ja hoor...

Den Bruut'n boerke
Usericon van Den Bruut'n boerke
Posted 11-04-2011 22:49 by Den Bruut'n boerke Profiel van Den Bruut'n boerke

Op 11 april 2011 11:31 schreef Jolly Roger 666 het volgende:
Jeetje, nooit gedacht dat daar ooit iemand om zou vragen. Die dingen werden vroeger gratis het publiek ingeslingerd. Heb er een liggen hier, ook op die manier verkregen.

Prima!. Heb er wel interesse in als je deze kwijt wilt!

Usericon van muddevil
Posted 12-04-2011 22:41 by muddevil Profiel van muddevil

Op 11 april 2011 11:31 schreef Jolly Roger 666 het volgende:
Jeetje, nooit gedacht dat daar ooit iemand om zou vragen. Die dingen werden vroeger gratis het publiek ingeslingerd. Heb er een liggen hier, ook op die manier verkregen.

mail me ff als je wil....
heb ruilmateriaal

Usericon van Hypnos
Posted 12-04-2011 22:42 by Hypnos (Hoofdredacteur) Profiel van Hypnos

Op 11 april 2011 11:27 schreef Sonic Titan het volgende:
Dat kan ik me voorstellen, alleen is hier geen PM-functie.

wijven genoeg met een PM-functie hier hoor


Usericon van muddevil
Posted 12-04-2011 22:43 by muddevil Profiel van muddevil

ff wat stuff op ebay...burzum,destroyer 666,EW,.....

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