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Topic : Dimebag Darrell (Pantera) vermoord Vorige pagina | Volgende pagina
SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 11-12-2004 3:46 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Here we are reach for your gun
And you better listen well my friend, you see
It's been slow down below,
Aimed at you we're the cowboys from hell
Deed is done, again we've won
Ain't talking no tall tales my friend
'Cause high noon, your doom
Comin' for you we're the cowboys from hell

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Usericon van GRAFTAK
Posted 11-12-2004 4:57 by GRAFTAK Wijzig reactieProfiel van GRAFTAKQuote dit bericht      \m/

Tja, over iets onzinnigs is het moeilijk iets zinnigs te zeggen. Een treurig einde voor iemand die zo'n geweldige bijdrage heeft geleverd aan het metalgitaristschap.

Diamond Darrel RIP

Usericon van varanus
Posted 11-12-2004 9:28 by varanus (Speciaal lid) Wijzig reactieProfiel van varanusQuote dit bericht

De moordenaar..

spelfout weggehaald...

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 11-12-2004 12:06 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Police Search For Motive In Damageplan Shooting

Even at the tattoo parlor, 25-year-old Nathan Gale made people uneasy, staring and locking them into conversations about heavy metal music. But no one pegged the semi-pro football player who psyched himself up before games by piping thrash-rock legends Pantera into his headphones as the type to go on a shooting rampage.

Police say they may never know why Gale charged the stage at a Damageplan show in Columbus, Ohio, and gunned down four people, including former Pantera guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott.

Some witnesses said Gale began his rampage by yelling out accusations that Abbott broke up Pantera, one of the most popular heavy metal bands of the 1990s. Sgt. Brent Mull said police had not verified those reports. "We may never know a motive for this, unless he left a note," Mull said.

Abbott, 38, left Pantera with his brother, drummer Vinnie Paul Abbott, to form Damageplan. The band had just begun its first song at the club Alrosa Villa on Wednesday night when Gale dodged two band members, grabbed Darrell Abbott and shot him at least five times in the head.

"He grabbed Dimebag with one hand and shot him with the other," said Kevin Minerd, among the 500 people packed into the smoke-filled nightclub to see the band.

In less than five minutes, Gale had shot three others, including Erin Halk, 29, a club employee who loaded band equipment; fan Nathan Bray, 23, of nearby Grove City; and Jeff Thompson, 40, a bodyguard for the band.

Two people employed by the band, Chris Paluska and John Brooks, were in Riverside Hospital on Friday morning with Paluska listed in good condition and Brooks in serious condition.

Despite a drizzle and temperatures in the 40s, more than 200 people turned up for a vigil last night in the club's parking lot. Shawn Sweeney, 22, played "old-school Pantera" on an acoustic guitar and a half-dozen young men held a blue tarp over his head and sang along. "This is beautiful, this is absolutely beautiful," Sweeney said, referring to the growing crowd.

At one point, a naked young man stood in the middle of the street, arms raised, repeatedly cursing Gale. The crowd cheered boisterously, and the man took off in a full sprint across the parking lot as four police officers gave chase.

He was soon tackled and a man in the crowd yelled out, "We got your bond, dude!" as the streaker was led off in handcuffs.

An imposing figure, Gale was on the offensive line for the semi-pro Lima Thunder in northwest Ohio, coach Mark Green said. Gale listened to Pantera on headphones before games during his one season with the team. "You wouldn't look at him and think he was capable of doing something like this," Green said. "It wasn't like he was a loner."

A teammate, James Patterson, 31, said when he last spoke with Gale in October, he was laying sod for a landscaping company in Marysville, where Gale kept an apartment. "I'm just stunned," Patterson said. "I can't even describe how he could have done something like this."

Gale made workers and customers uneasy at the Bears Den Tattoo Studio in Marysville, 25 miles northwest of Columbus, where he stared at people and forced them into conversations, manager Lucas Bender said. "He comes in here and likes to hang out when he's not wanted," Bender said. "The most pointless conversations."

A tattoo artist at the studio, Bo Toler, said Gale was at the studio Wednesday between 5 and 6 p.m. Gale asked about having the studio order tattoo equipment for him and Toler said he told him no. Gale then got very angry and started yelling at him, he said.

"Last night was actually the first time I noticed his temper," Toler said. "After the argument we had he kind of walked out with an attitude. He didn't even say goodbye."

Gale had red hair cut very close, often wore a winter hat and was always wearing a Columbus Blue Jackets hockey jersey, said Mandi Dellinger, who works at a cell phone store on the same block where Gale lives. Police said Gale was wearing the jersey during the shooting.

Dellinger said she used to say hello to Gale but they never had a conversation. "He seemed like a nice guy. He just seemed shy," Dellinger said.

Gale had several minor run-ins with police since 1997, but wasn't considered a troublemaker, Marysville assistant police chief Glenn Nicol said.

Gale ate two or three times a week at Maggie's Restaurant across an alley from his apartment, waitress Emi Walden said. He would stay to chat after eating and seemed lonely, Walden said. "There was something odd about him, not like he would be dangerous to you, just something about him that wasn't right," she said.

Gale mentioned he was in the Marines but wouldn't talk specifics, Walden said. Messages left with several military public affairs offices trying to confirm his service were not immediately returned.

No one answered the door yesterday (Dec. 9) at the Marysville home of Gale's mother, Mary Clark. A message left on her cell phone was not immediately returned.

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 11-12-2004 12:06]

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 11-12-2004 16:22 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Vinnie Paul, Damageplan Issue Statements About Dimebag, Tragedy

Two days after Dimebag Darrell was shot and killed onstage, his brother and bandmate Vinnie Paul has issued a statement to the press.

Like many of Dime's friends, Paul said that the guitarist will be remembered for his playing but missed most for his giving personality.

"With all his greatness and accomplishments on the guitar, DIME will be missed more for his giving personality, charisma, caring for others, love and most of all his HEART!! Twice as big as the state of TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!" the statement read. "DIME gave it all every day to each and every one of us and our lives have forever been hollowed without him...

"Thanks to all of you for reaching out to us in this time of our immeasurable loss. REST IN PEACE BROTHER DIME!!!!!!"

The surviving members of Damageplan also issued a statement revealing that Chris Paluska, who worked with Damageplan's management and was their acting tour manager, was also shot and is in critical but stable condition. The band's drum tech, John "Kat" Brooks, was hit with a bullet but will be released from the hospital Friday (December 10). The band's head of security, Jeffrey "Mayhem" Thompson, was also killed in the tragedy.

"Jeffrey 'Mayhem' Thompson was not just a true part of the Damageplan family, but part of the whole Dallas music scene," the statement said. "He was friend to all, with a great personality. He bent over backward to help us all with his trademark phrases like 'What can I do for you sir?' and 'Coming up!'"

In the statement, the band thanks Thompson for his extreme loyalty and credits him for helping save the surviving members' lives. "He stated his willingness to protect us, saying, 'I'd take a bullet for ya,' and unfortunately did in defense of our lives," they said. "He truly lived and died for his friends and made the ultimate sacrifice, giving his life to save ours. For this we will never forget. You will be missed, big man."

The band's label, Atlantic Records, issued a statement as well, which reads in part, "Dimebag Darrell was an exceptional musician and an extraordinary person. Along with his brother and bandmate, Vinnie Paul, he was a member of the Elektra/Atlantic family for the past 14 years, and he will be deeply missed. The bravery displayed by Damageplan, their crew, their fans, and the local police will never be forgotten."

Indirecte reactie van Phil

I just saw Phil last night at the Machine Shop in Flint. I don't remember everything he said, but the jist of it was that when he heard what had happened, it "crushed my soul." That is a direct quote.

He said he was at a show 45 minutes away, and when he got off stage is when he heard what happened. He then thanked all of the people that showed up to the show for not giving up on rock. He sang for Saliva all night last night.

Also, he has some new tattoos. They're on the backs of his hands. On his right hand it says "DIME", and on his left it says "BAG".

He had no mention of the venom between himself and the brothers, but I could tell by his body language and the expressions on his face that he was on the verge of bawling like a little girl whenever he mentioned Dime.

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 11-12-2004 16:42]

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Usericon van CoenV
Posted 11-12-2004 18:00 by CoenV Wijzig reactieProfiel van CoenVQuote dit bericht

Ik had zo'n reactie nooit van Anselmo verwacht! Goeie zaak, dat wel!

Usericon van Spreeuwtje
Posted 11-12-2004 18:12 by Spreeuwtje Wijzig reactieProfiel van SpreeuwtjeQuote dit bericht

Op 11 december 2004 9:28 schreef varanus het volgende:
De moordenaar..

wat een loser..

Usericon van aerodis
Posted 11-12-2004 18:13 by aerodis Wijzig reactieProfiel van aerodisQuote dit bericht


Usericon van Spreeuwtje
Posted 11-12-2004 18:28 by Spreeuwtje Wijzig reactieProfiel van SpreeuwtjeQuote dit bericht

Op 11 december 2004 18:13 schreef aerodis het volgende:

die kop moet je om lachen jah..
dom figuur..

Usericon van VodeVilicious
Posted 11-12-2004 18:33 by VodeVilicious Wijzig reactieProfiel van VodeViliciousQuote dit bericht

iemand typte ergens dat het de zanger van anal cunt niet geweest kon zijn omdat phil anselmo samen met anal cunt heeft gewerkt aan een nummer oid, maar iemand wel eens gehoord van varg en euronymous en het album de mysteriis dom sathanas?

Erotisch is met een veertje, kinky is met de hele kip

Usericon van VodeVilicious
Posted 11-12-2004 18:33 by VodeVilicious Wijzig reactieProfiel van VodeViliciousQuote dit bericht

ik loop achter zie ik

Erotisch is met een veertje, kinky is met de hele kip

Usericon van aerodis
Posted 11-12-2004 18:37 by aerodis Wijzig reactieProfiel van aerodisQuote dit bericht

Op 11 december 2004 9:28 schreef varanus het volgende:
De moordenaar..


Usericon van DecomposingBitch
Posted 11-12-2004 18:42 by DecomposingBitch Wijzig reactieProfiel van DecomposingBitchQuote dit bericht

Ik schrok behoorlijk van het nieuws. Hoorde het net voordat we naar Disection gingen dat het om ex-leden van Pantera ging... Bij Dissection zag ik een paar mensen met een Pantera shirt aan... Hulde... Een van de beste metal-gitaristen is niet meer...

"Victimize me, vilify me. Vilipend and amend the sins you condign. You are nothing and you speak for all that never was."

On the turning away
Usericon van arrebar
Posted 11-12-2004 23:49 by arrebar (Speciaal lid) Wijzig reactieProfiel van arrebarQuote dit bericht

Op 11 december 2004 9:28 schreef varanus het volgende:
De moordenaar..

Aha, de schuld ligt bij extreem rechts. Immers had de man een s.s. nummer.

"Een vrouw als jou, heb ik nooit gekend. Sterker nog, ik zou niet weten wie je bent" Herman Finkers

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 13-12-2004 2:13 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 13-12-2004 2:29 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Message from Phil Anselmo

I don't have a big official statement. I do have a lot of inside knowledge on the Pantera feud from Philip's side and tonight he gave me the green light to let everyone else in on what I know. He trusts me to do this, and I take 100% responsibility for anything that is inaccurate, but I'm confident you all know I'm not going to touch on this subject unless it's from the heart. He didn't even give me any specifics except for the final part of this post... he just wants me to tell people what I know to be true.

Philip loved Darrell like a brother, always. They accomplished things together that most wouldn't even dare to dream. None of us can know what it's like to be riding such a big machine, it changes the face of music and brings joy millions of people's lives around the globe. The rewards are big, but the stress is unimaginable if things don't go perfectly. Yes Pantera broke up and there was a lot of shit talking through the media. There are two people on this board (WOLVIE and NGJ) who would periodically ask me about what's going to happen with Pantera in the future. I told them each time that I don't know when, but I'm 100% sure that we will see Pantera together again. I told them that when Pantera does get back together, you will know somebody who never lost faith, not for a second. Why did I tell them this? Because I know Philip loves those guys and when he was ready, he would reach out to them and try to make it work again. I had the feeling that one morning (afternoon maybe), all the CFH boys would just roll out of the rack and say "let's go!".

Of all the time I've spent with Rex and Philip, I never badgered them about Pantera, but the subject did come up every once in a while. As for Rex, he would refer to the state of things simply as "silly nonsense". All I ever got out of Philip was something like "nyaaaa... I just don't feel like sitting down and writing Pantera riffs right now."... and that's it! No crazy accusations, name calling, or carrying on. As a matter of fact, in the middle of all the heat, Philip described Vinnie as "the perfect drummer" and that Vinnie could drum more perfect than a drum machine if he so chose. What he said of Dime, he also repeated tonight. "The best of the best".

It's sad that the media would irritate the situation so much. Countless times, Kate and I would listen in on Phil doing interviews. Always, always, always, the jackals wanted Pantera dirt. Sometimes Philip would give it to them, sometimes he would not. However every single time I was there, he expressed his love for, and wished luck to Vinnie and Dime but that was somehow left out of the final print more times than not. I was at Philip's house a few weeks ago and I informed him that I handle the Official Pantera site now, and he asked me if I talked to Dime. I said "No, when was the last time YOU talked to him?" with a sigh, he said "three years". Not a "fuckin right 3 years" not a "yeah three years and it's gonna be three more"... but the dude was genuinely disappointed about the situation. I could tell... the time to patch things up was drawing near.

There's more I want to share, but it's almost 5AM right now, and I just managed to hold myself together long enough to get that out.

Philip isn't hiding out or waiting for the right moment to speak, he's in Texas right now searching for answers to this tragedy the best he can. There was one thing he asked of me, that I humbly bring to you all:

Darrell my brother. The best of the best.
-Philip H Anselmo

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Usericon van CoenV
Posted 13-12-2004 10:24 by CoenV Wijzig reactieProfiel van CoenVQuote dit bericht

Van de frontpage:
Voormalig Iron Maiden zanger Paul Di'Anno is afgelopen vrijdag aangevallen tijdens een optreden in Tel Aviv. Een fan klom het podium op, en haalde uit naar de zanger. De security wist de man af te voeren, waarna Di'Anno zijn optreden kon afmaken.

Kanker, het gaat toch geen trend worden?

Usericon van helmet
Posted 13-12-2004 10:39 by helmet Wijzig reactieProfiel van helmetQuote dit bericht

Op 13 december 2004 10:24 schreef CoenV het volgende:
Kanker, het gaat toch geen trend worden?
Jij gelooft ook alles wat in de Story staat?

Di'Anno: No Israeli Attack -- The promoters of the Paul Di'Anno's recent show in Tel Aviv have contacted TotalRock, strong denying the story we ran recently that the singer had been attacked while onstage. We are delighted to be able to correct this story and, of course, apologise to the promoters for suggesting this might have happened.

I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.

Usericon van ouwe
Posted 13-12-2004 17:01 by ouwe Wijzig reactieProfiel van ouweQuote dit bericht

Hier een audio gesprek tussen een paar mensen en de politie. Hier wordt het gemeld, terwijl hij nog aan het schieten is:


SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 16-12-2004 13:02 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

De kist:

Cemetary gates:

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Usericon van Zenial
Posted 16-12-2004 15:23 by Zenial Wijzig reactieProfiel van ZenialQuote dit bericht


Krek wat!
Usericon van NecRobert
Posted 16-12-2004 17:35 by NecRobert (Hoofdredacteur) Wijzig reactieProfiel van NecRobertQuote dit bericht

Deze foto is de middag voor het fatale optreden genomen.

Zelfmoord plegen is wel het laatste wat ik zou doen.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 16-12-2004 18:58 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

En het echte verhaal:

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Gebroeders Grey
Usericon van Lainedil
Posted 16-12-2004 20:03 by Lainedil (Speciaal lid) Wijzig reactieProfiel van LainedilQuote dit bericht


Bruce Banner

Usericon van natassja
Posted 16-12-2004 22:18 by natassja Wijzig reactieProfiel van natassjaQuote dit bericht

het was wel een lachen gast eingelijk
toevallig vorige week een box met 3 videobanden gekregen

al is de muziek vreselijk kut

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