Rensykdom |
Het leven is...... Naar de kloten gaan. |
Posted 11-06-2005 18:18 by Rensykdom |
Because a few of us arent sure about what to do with our Ele at the moment..
Elementalists - High Damage, For a reason .They can do a lot of damage quickly. His guild takes up to 3 Air Eles with Lightning Strike, Orb, Chain Lightning, Elemental+Air Attunment , Arcane Echo, Rez Sig and any other spell to do hard damage or regen Energy so they can constanty do damage.
Strike, Orb and Javelin all recharge in 5 secs, Enervating charge in 8. Spamming this combo then moving onto a bigger spells such as chain lightning mean that theres a constant damage output and energy remaining for the next combo. He also approves greatly of AoE spells such as meteor strike as you know how hard it is to move when youre being pounded by that. Wards are always brilliant and should be thrown in somewhere.
Monks- 2 healing and a Protector. Makes sense. Plenty of healing going on, Protector making sure the job of the healers is a little bit easier. Also with three always close by, theres gonna be less chance you'll be pounded by the opposing team targetting you. Shield of Regeneration = Sehr Gut.
His guild have a thing for throwing a Necro into the Build too. Apparently theyre great for conditioning and summoning Minions, and generally causing the enemy a bad time.. They also double up nicely in the Sacrificial Minion Spamming technique going around. 20+ minions at the start of the match.. InstaGib on the first team you rush.
Warriors- Just for Beating on the little kids and helping them go down. Hammer for knockdown is helpful and Bleeding skills just makes killing that target a lot less stressful. Sprint always helpful for chasing the runners down.
Rangers- Always great to have. apparently theyve gotta focus on Pin-downs, Interruptions and Poison. Everyone hates poison, so you might as well use it if you can! Trapping is also great if you can get some quick traps in whilst wards are going on so the poor warriors charging in are given a hard time.
Mesmers Unfortunately, He didnt have enough time to tell me about.. but i'll edit this post when I can get hold of him again!
Targetting - "Whos Gonna Target?"
Hes a damn good targetter. Pimp, Its that Mesmer that we were playing with the other day.. ^^
Make sure its someone who knows where your first enemy is going to be.. Hold down the Show All Key.. - (mines Alt, not sure about yours), when you get a glimpse on screen of enemy names, press C, then Tab Tab Tab Tab to Cycle through the opposing team members for a quick analysis. Choose a soft target thats not RIGHT at the back (on the minimap) ... [Soft Being anything But Warriors- in order of Mo .Me .Ele .N. R.] and Ctrl+Space it a few times to get people acknowledging it and heading in the right direction.
Everyone else whos job it is to DO damage, when the target is called, Whack your "T" key and lay out everything youve got on them.
The Caller will have to assess the situation every now and then. Are they getting healed too much? Do they seem to be taking a while to die? If YES, Tab Tab Tab Tab until you find another close soft target and give the Ctrl+Space Call!
Everyone Else - When another target is called , Spam T and hammer space a few times to automatically attack .
**ONLY keep the same target if youre CERTAIN it will go down in the next 6-7 seconds**
More general advice-
If youve got a Rez Signet, Which you sHould.. Use it. On priest Matches, Check the time. If its close to a 2minute mark, try and resist rezzing that person in the middle of battle!
Stick together and stay close. Obvious Reasons. Spread out teams dont get healed, Healers cant be everywhere at once, And warriors cant drop everything and come to your call if youre on the outskirts of a fight where you SHOULDNT be.
If one of our team uses wards, use the ward circles as a center for battle. Try to get into the circles, theres no harm in it, only good can come of them!
Pinballing- When the target is down, and the caller is Tabbing for a new one as fast as they can.. dont just sit there!- Whack your "C" Key, Followed by Space As SOON as the target is dead. You'll start attacking the nearest foe to you... This not only means the whole team is constantly dealing out damage.. meaning more overall work for the enemy healers, but it also means that you can start to split up and get in the middle of the enemy team, thus making sure youre always close to the target that, BY NOW, would have been called for you to T > SPACE spam! =D
A quick Word on AoE.
Meteor shower hurts. A lot. Nobody wants to be in one. Nobodies team wants their monk constantly knocked down.. thus not healing. Even if they run, A running monk isnt a Healing monk, and whilst that monk is running, That team isnt getting healed. Firestorm is an annoying AOE as it doesnt do overwhelming damage, but people will STILL move out of it.. and when they move out, it means they wont be attacking you, and you wont be dying as quickly! =P Even better than Firestorm, if you have Searing Heat, That'll pis everyone RIGHT OFF. Its a nasty spell that can cause some bad damage to a lot of people at once, especially if theyre in the area when they all get toasted ^^