ElitE |
Man Is But a Worm |
Posted 26-04-2024 11:52 by ElitE |
quote: Op 5 maart 2024 8:52 schreef KwelgeestIV het volgende:
Nooit over de bandnaam Limbonic Art nagedacht. Het bekt wel lekker. Hun muziek is gedegen. Niet meer dan dat. De naam.. acht, ja, tja.. ik denk dat mijn limbisch systeem hier verder weinig mee bezig gaat zijn.
oh juist wel:
quote: The following structures are, or have been considered, part of the limbic system:[10][11]
Cortical areas:
Limbic lobe
Orbitofrontal cortex: a region in the frontal lobe involved in the process of decision-making
Piriform cortex: part of the olfactory system
Entorhinal cortex: related to memory and associative components
Fornix: a white matter structure connecting the hippocampus with other brain structures, particularly the mammillary bodies and septal nuclei
Subcortical areas:
Septal nuclei: a set of structures that lie in front of the lamina terminalis, considered a pleasure zone
Hippocampus and associated structures: play a central role in the consolidation of new memories
Amygdala: located deep within the temporal lobes and related with a number of emotional processes
Nucleus accumbens: involved in reward, pleasure, and addiction
Diencephalic structures:
Hypothalamus: a center for the limbic system, connected with the frontal lobes, septal nuclei, and the brain stem reticular formation via the medial forebrain bundle, with the hippocampus via the fornix, and with the thalamus via the mammillothalamic fasciculus; regulates many autonomic processes
Mammillary bodies: part of the hypothalamus that receives signals from the hippocampus via the fornix and projects them to the thalamus
Anterior nuclei of thalamus: receive input from the mammillary bodies and involved in memory processing
Vrij basale emotionele processen gaan door het limbische systeem, dus juist ook de emoties die bij (alle) muziek horen.
♂ <o((((>< <o((((>< <o((((>< ♀<o(((>< <o(((><