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SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 09-08-2006 20:30 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Gaaf, maar kan Florence 1993 eerder aanraden en is niet zo moeilijk te vinden.

Interviewtje met de zanger van Control Denied:

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 10-12-2006 0:24 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Zouden er ook -video-bootlegs bestaan van de Spiritual healing tour met Paul Masvidal op gitaar?

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 03-01-2007 20:32 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Het conflict over het laatste Control Denied album laait weer op:

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Judge M.
Lord of Metal
Usericon van Judge M.
Posted 04-01-2007 12:15 by Judge M. Wijzig reactieProfiel van Judge M.Quote dit bericht

Op 3 januari 2007 20:32 schreef Mutilator het volgende:
Het conflict over het laatste Control Denied album laait weer op:

Godsamme wat een stelletje kleine kinderen zeg

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 05-01-2007 21:43 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Idd: en hier is het antwoord:

CHUCK SCHULDINER's Sister: CONTROL DENIED's Second Album Will be Released This Year - Jan. 5, 2007

After reading Guido's rant on the pages of this web site, Beth Schuldiner sent the following response to BLABBERMOUTH.NET addressing the points made in Heijnens' statement:

"I agree, the whole bullshit with ALL of the lawyers sucks. It is, however, a part of our culture that while out of control, is an evil necessity. When ANYONE enters into a contract, individual, corporation, band etc. there is always the chance of a dispute. Unfortunately, the courts are the only way to resolve a contract dispute. Shakespeare said it best: 'First, kill all the lawyers.'

"As for me taking Chuck's masters within a few days of Chuck's death — this is a vicious lie. I will not disclose the last days of Chuck's life, other than to say he was brave, still wanting and struggling to survive — to play his music, love his dogs and cats, go to the beach with his family and many, many other things. There is nothing — I repeat, NOTHING — worse than watching someone who means EVERYTHING to you slip away.

"I am profoundly affected by the loss of my brother, Chuckie. I weep each and every day of my life. I know his fans see him as a wonderful musician — he was 1,000 times that as a brother, uncle and son.

"Chuck's biggest loss was our older brother's passing — his name was Frankie. Little did he know this legacy of grief would be passed to me.

"As for the 70,000 euros — our attorney, Mark Lippman (prior to him, Berry Walker), asked multiple times for cancelled checks where Chuck and/or the band received these funds. All that was ever given to us was a computer printout of these funds, generated by Hammerheart. Not ONE cancelled check, not ONE wire transfer confirmation. Guido (Hammerheart), in the contract with Chuck, committed to advertising in certain publications PRIOR to the album's release, some half-page [ads], some full-page [ads]. Bands that had signed on with Hammerheart prior to and during can attest to the fact that Guido's company was UNABLE financially to fulfill their contractual obligations, thus entering into a contract that they could NEVER fulfill. This is FRAUD. Bands go through it every day — you're out there, you know I speak the truth. Bands are forever screwed by the 'industry'; we all know it. The fans shouldn't have to know it. Their whole mindset should be, 'I just want to hear the music I love' — not the whole legal, 'screw' bullshit that it takes to release an album and tour.

"We live in the United States of America. In the United States, we have something called probate. We have to wait until the estate is settled through probate to continue with anything.

"As for me or my family offering Chuck's last work to another label — damn straight I did — WITH THE CONDITION THEY PAY GUIDO OFF THE FUNDS HE THINKS HE'S OWED — so that a 'reputable' label (if one exists) could put CONTROL DENIED's last work out.

"In closing, the music and the fans meant EVERYTHING to Chuck. I wish he were here to guide me through this bullshit. Chuckie always did his best by me not only as a brother, but as my best friend — I don't want to let him down.

"The band's [CONTROL DENIED] last work will come out this year, that I promise. Guido can sue me for everything and anything — I have already lost my brother. Have at it, Guido.

"As for OUR mother, Chuck would shit on ANYONE that disparaged her in ANY way. She was a warrior in her care for him, tirelessly caring for him while all the time her heart was breaking; the possibility of losing a second son.


"His nephew, Christopher, was Chuck's world. The thought of leaving Christopher with unfinished adventures, dreams to fulfill, was beyond Chuck's comprehension. He so loved him, not only as a nephew, but as a friend and a brother. He wept at the thought of leaving him.

"I look forward to completing the last works with Tim Aymar and Richard Christy [CONTROL DENIED/DEATH drummer], who remains as a dear friend and like a brother to me to this day. The other members of the band were extremely important to Chuck and I am sure they look forward to completing this work along with [producer] Jim Morris — somenone, a true friend, who also meant the world to Chuck."

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Krijg de bloemetjes
Usericon van Chelman
Posted 05-01-2007 22:05 by Chelman Wijzig reactieProfiel van ChelmanQuote dit bericht

He said, she said.

Zinloos geleuter. Ze hebben een zakelijk/contractueel verschil van mening. So fucking what? Duizenden bedrijven groot en klein hebben hier dagelijks mee te maken.

Ik begrijp werkelijk niet waarom beide partijen on een sympathy tour gaan. 'Mijn broer is dood. BUHUHU Heb medelijden met mij!' 'Nee! Heb medelijden met mij! Mijn bedrijf is failliet. BUHUHUHU'

Dit soort shit los je tijdens een gesprek of bij de rechter op en je treft. Oeverloos gezeik over fans, music they love en dat sort crap is nergens voor nodig. Beide partijen zijn een stelletje sukkels.


SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 05-01-2007 22:28 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Chelman de belerende zakenman; de rechtzaak is echter allang achter de rug.

Furthermore: het een is een reactie op het ander natuurlijk; verder heeft men te maken met een berg fans die wachten op de release van de nog af te maken cd.

Vandaar dat Beth de publiciteit zoekt; Waarom Guido de publiciteit opzoekt nav een mening van Tim Aymar is me echter een raadsel; ego wellicht? Zijn platenlabel en dus de verkoop van diens releases lijkt me de reden iig niet te zijn..

Antwoord van Tim Aymar:

After reading Guido's rant on the pages of this web site, Aymar sent the following response to BLABBERMOUTH.NET addressing the points made in Heijnens' statement:

"There have been many false conclusions drawn over these past several years in regard to the situation, but I will explain as best I can in order to clarify the reasons for CONTROL DENIED's second CD not being completed.

"Many readers have mistaken the fact that Chuck's sister took the master tapes and tried to get another company to buy the rights as an act of selfishness or greed, which is not the case at all. Nothing could be further from the truth. I knew because I was told directly from Chuck, while he was still well enough to talk to me, that Hammerheart was not a financially stable enough company to handle the bands already on their roster, and they had not been fulling their obligations as far as the promises that had been made. After researching a bit and hearing from some of the artists already on the label, Chuck wanted out of the deal. Not to take the money and run, like Guido explains it, but like a gentleman, like a fair and honest businessman, to buy his way out of the deal.

"The way Chuck explained things to me was that if he were to die, then under no circumstances did he want the band, and especially his family, to suffer the loss not only of himself, but to be stuck with a useless record deal, that would send us, his most respected friends, into a bad situation. Under no circumstances was that recording to be finished until his sister, who is his executor, Bethanne, could hand the record over to another company, who would first pay off Hammerheart everything that was owed to them, and release this record properly, and give the musicians maybe not a luxurious deal but at least something fair, and his estate would receive his royalties. He knew that it would be hard for the public to grasp, and it would all cause quite a distubance amongst the fans, that Heijnens would not be giving in easily, and his family, our bandmates, would be plagued with accusations and out-and-out attacks.

"It is unfortunate that Guido found out about Bethanne trying to bargain and get him his money, because he blew the deal for her, and fucked himself. I was told by Chuck to wait, to stand my ground, and not take any bullshit or slander from the record company, the press, or even the fans, and not to give out any information until I was told the record was absolutely safe from Hammerheart.

"Because of the stress surrounding Chuck's death, and the ordeal with Hammerheart, the bandmembers are separated, and almost completely non-communicating. I'm not sure how it was explained to them, because it is so hard to talk about. When you don't talk to someone for long periods of time, it's not the first thing you want to bring up in conversation.

"I love my bandmates all so dearly that I'm fucking devastated, and I can't go on without bringing this to light. Chuck gave his entire life to his fans and his bands, and took very little for himself except for the mighty crown on his head for being brave enough to do it. He ordered that CD to be postponed until we could all reap the benefits. Every one of us, fans, publications, the musicians themselves rely on something that Chuck gave to us, left here for us, and all we can seem to do is fight and call each other names and blame each other for not having? He died making sure we would benefit from it in our hearts.

"[The second CONTROL DENIED album] will be finished, it will be released, but only when we can be certain nobody else will destroy it before we can do the way Chuck planned it. That's all, nobody on our side is trying to steal anything from anyone, we all just want to make sure it's done according to Chuck's last wish.

"Today I live five blocks away from Chuck's mother. Bethanne isn't far away either, and her son Chris lives the closest to me. The day I did the interview that Guido Heijnens is shaking his fist and screaming that I'm an idiot making all these things up was Thanksgiving evening, 30 minutes after I got home from dinner at Jane Schuldiner's home. Knowing I had this interview, I spoke with her and Christopher for several hours about the facts surrounding this mess that won't seem to ever go away, even after it had been settled in court.

"Chuck's last wish was to release the CD on a label that would not harm the band or his family, and would promote the record well enough assure that our fans would be completely and forever satisfied with every aspect of the release.

"You only get to do one last record. He wanted the advertising done in a timely manner and with high-quality ads, the distribution to reach every fan possible, and everything all the way down the line to be just right. He knew Hammerheart was way too small and way too broke, and way too unorganized. And now you can see by the display of Mr. Heijnens' demeanor in his letter just what kind of relationship we would have had in business.

"And directly to you Mr. Heijnens, my problem was never that you were too small; it was that you were not big enough to say you were sorry. When you 'accidentally' called me on the phone, you never asked how I was, you asked how I thought the record was. Well, sir, no matter how good it sounds, it will never sound the same."

Respons van Guido weer:

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 07-01-2007 22:51]

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Usericon van Wansmaak
Posted 13-07-2007 23:00 by Wansmaak Wijzig reactieProfiel van WansmaakQuote dit berichthttp://www,

Ach daarom.

En nu is het tijd voor een fijn stukje muziek.

“Leef met vlag en wimpel, maar houd het simpel’

Usericon van 0Tolerence
Posted 15-07-2007 15:02 by 0Tolerence Wijzig reactieProfiel van 0TolerenceQuote dit bericht

Op 13 juli 2007 23:00 schreef Wansmaak het volgende:
Ach daarom.

En nu is het tijd voor een fijn stukje muziek.

Nog een fijn stukje muziek

"This one is older than shit, heavier than time!"

Usericon van Wansmaak
Posted 15-07-2007 15:12 by Wansmaak Wijzig reactieProfiel van WansmaakQuote dit berichthttp://www,

En dát, lieve mensen, is nou deathmetal.

“Leef met vlag en wimpel, maar houd het simpel’

Usericon van 0Tolerence
Posted 15-07-2007 15:21 by 0Tolerence Wijzig reactieProfiel van 0TolerenceQuote dit bericht

Die andere ultimate revenge video's op youtube zijn ook vet. o.a. Dark Angel, Forbidden

"This one is older than shit, heavier than time!"

Usericon van axegrinder
Posted 15-07-2007 16:18 by axegrinder Wijzig reactieProfiel van axegrinderQuote dit bericht

Ja, zo moet het klinken, ieder muzikaal onderdeel perfekt uitgeschreven.

Myth of Fury
Usericon van Myth of Fury
Posted 16-07-2007 14:57 by Myth of Fury Wijzig reactieProfiel van Myth of FuryQuote dit bericht

Op 15 juli 2007 15:02 schreef 0Tolerence het volgende:
Nog een fijn stukje muziek


SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 10-09-2007 22:33 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Ik kijk nu een show uit 1988 opgenomen in ene Anthrax club:

"This song is about being hung on your tits; TORN TO PIECES!!"


The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Reality is only a Rorschach ink-blot, you know.
Usericon van waterfiets
Posted 10-09-2007 22:39 by waterfiets Wijzig reactieProfiel van waterfietsQuote dit bericht

Op 15 juli 2007 15:12 schreef Wansmaak het volgende:
En dát, lieve mensen, is nou deathmetal.
Een van de weinige deathmetal die ik echt kan waarderen

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 17-10-2007 23:23 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

'The whole universe spins around Chuck from Death' compleet met de 'Metallic grapefruit from the abysmal fires of hell' lachuh gast die Scott Burns toendertijd.

Heeft iemand toevallig de Seizure/Rigor Mortis demo van Death? Seizure schijnt een gaaf nummer te zijn.


The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 14-12-2007 19:37 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht


DEATH's Classic 'Symbolic' Album To Be Reissued With Ultra-Rare Demo Tracks - Dec. 14, 2007

DEATH's classic 1995 album "Symbolic" will be reissued in March 2008 via Roadrunner Records. The remastered LP will include the original album tracks plus a cover of KISS' "God of Thunder" (previously available as a Japanese bonus track and on the "At Death's Door II" compilation) and several previously unreleased, ultra-rare, mostly instrumental demo recordings that were completed in early 1994 with the lineup of Chuck Schuldiner (guitar), Gene Hoglan (drums) and Steve DiGiorgio (bass). The package will also come with brand new liner notes written by longtime metal journalist Don Kaye.

"Symbolic" has sold just under 50,000 copies in the United States in the 12 years since its release, according to Nielsen SoundScan.

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

blonde rockgod
Envy is the ulcer of the soul.
Usericon van blonde rockgod
Posted 14-12-2007 19:47 by blonde rockgod Wijzig reactieProfiel van blonde rockgodQuote dit bericht

Die had ik alleen nog op bandje

|"| |''| |"| >')
Usericon van Lionheart
Posted 14-12-2007 22:11 by Lionheart Wijzig reactieProfiel van LionheartQuote dit bericht

Is Symbolic wel op vinyl uitgebracht? Ben nog nooit de vinyl versie tegen gekomen.

Usericon van Staalman
Posted 14-12-2007 22:17 by Staalman Wijzig reactieProfiel van StaalmanQuote dit bericht

Op 14 december 2007 22:11 schreef Lionheart het volgende:
Is Symbolic wel op vinyl uitgebracht? Ben nog nooit de vinyl versie tegen gekomen.

Ja, maar daar ben je ± € 80,- voor kwijt... Heb hem al een vastgehad, maar dat ga ik er niet voor betalen. Ben dus wel blij met deze re-release!

"Life Is Much More Beautiful, When It Means Nothing At All"

Usericon van Hypnos
Posted 04-02-2008 19:24 by Hypnos (Hoofdredacteur) Wijzig reactieProfiel van HypnosQuote dit bericht

ja man... Illogicist al gehoord... Death reborn


Sporty Voleg
Dude Nukem v2.0
Usericon van Sporty Voleg
Posted 04-02-2008 20:05 by Sporty Voleg Wijzig reactieProfiel van Sporty VolegQuote dit bericht

Op 14 december 2007 22:17 schreef Staalman het volgende:
Ja, maar daar ben je ± € 80,- voor kwijt... Heb hem al een vastgehad, maar dat ga ik er niet voor betalen. Ben dus wel blij met deze re-release!


Die heb ik in de kast staan... Destijds op plaat gekocht omdat dat goedkoper was, hahhah!

Touché, pussycat!

Usericon van axegrinder
Posted 04-02-2008 20:25 by axegrinder Wijzig reactieProfiel van axegrinderQuote dit bericht

Een beetje veel, 80 euro, zeker een Duitse verkoper.
De verkoopwaarde ligt tussen de 20 en 40 euro.

Usericon van scotfan
Posted 09-05-2008 23:49 by scotfan Wijzig reactieProfiel van scotfanQuote dit bericht

Ha, ik vond vandaag een oud kaartje van Death terug.
Leeuwarden 1998 in Schaaf.

gitarist/vocalist Garsecg *** DJ Crusher @

lunatic jozef
een ..........
Usericon van lunatic jozef
Posted 10-05-2008 0:09 by lunatic jozef Wijzig reactieProfiel van lunatic jozefQuote dit bericht

de laatste keer dat ie in nederland was
Maar ik was er wel bij

YES WEL deeeenk!!

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