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In deze topic is enorm veel gezeikt, shiiiiiiit. Aan al de zeikerds: "Dat denk jij ervan". Ik ga geen namen noemen want ik heb momenteel niet echt tijd om deze erbarmlijke discussie aan te gaan (laat staan zin ). En idd. je doet alsof er regels zijn om muziek te maken?? Whaaaaaat?! Dit denk ik ervan: Voor mij gaat het om de MUZIEK. Voor velen van jullie gaat het duidelijk eerder om het (IMHO schamelijke, kinderachtige, wie is er het meest TRUE, wie heeft er de grootste piet) IMAGO. nuff said "I think he looks like a bird who swallowed a plate, Mylord" |
quote: als we dan toch zeiken op de eerste release staat het logo van death afgedrukt met een t, welke afgebeeld word als een omgekeerd kruis. door de releases heen is de middenbalk van de t steeds meer omhoog gegaan en bleef het op een vreemde + , maar dan met de verticale lijnen wat langer. bij mijn weten heeft een omgekeerd kruis toch wel degelijk iets van doen met de satanische wereld. dus toch niet alleen horror-invloeden Oud Vuil. |
quote:Volgens mij heb jij niet helemaal goed gelezen. |
quote: Hmmm dat logo is ontworpen door Kam Lee en niet door Chuck. http://www.voicesfromthedarkside.de/interviews/kamlee.htm Maar verder klopt het qua optiek wel wat je zegt, maar verder ging het bij hen dus niet. The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. |
dit is wel aardig: Check de Fuck off's. (staat ondersteboven) Ik realiseer me nu wie Chuck allemaal bedoelde als hij zei: "this next song is about revenge" waarna Mutilation volgde... ..en dan te bedenken dat ze het nummer ook speelden tijdens de Leprosy tour The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. |
quote: Het kruis brandt ook dus als je toch aan het zeiken bent kan het tegendeel makkelijk bewezen worden. Het is me vanavond wel weer duidelijk geworden hoe ik Chuck en Death mis. Twee bands die Death-covers spelen en ik sloeg voornamelijk bij "Evil Dead" volledig op tilt! |
geweldige flyers en hoesjes!!! Oud Vuil. |
wow, Slaughter tussen de Fuck off's! Zou Slaughter's "Fuck off death" dan toch over Chuck etc gaan??? |
quote: Cool bedacht! Alleen een kanttekeningetje; ik heb een opname van fuck of death waar Chuck de vocals op doet. Kam Lee & Rick Rozz staan er ook bij; Mutilation slaat dus ook op hén; dat nummers speelden ze gewoon tijdens de Leprosy tour met de line up van dát album...!!! The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. |
...Erik Rutan (Hate Eternal) wants to let everybody know that he denies any involvement with any Death or Control Denied record coming out in the near future or ever and that all rumors are totally false with no validity to it what so ever, he just wanted to clear that up out of respect for Chuck and everyone that knew him. DAMN! Ik dacht dat hij nog een gastsolo enzo zou doen... The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. |
Former DEATH guitarist finishes work for his solo-debut Former DEATH touring guitarist and current MILLENIUM axeman Ralph Santolla has completed work on his debut solo album, entitled Shaolin Monks In The Temple Of Metal. Completely based on his guitar skills, "the CD is expected to please not only all the fans of the Florida-based guitar player, but generally all fans of Satriani, Tony McAlpine and the likes." The final track listing for the album is as follows: 01. Red Baron 02. Hot Rik's 03. The Creme De la Menthe Incident 04. Starlight 05. Mightiness (Part 1) 06. Sartori 07. Echelon 08. What Might Have Been Among the guests featured on the CD are DREAMTIDE guitar player Helge Engelke and former TEN lead guitarist Vinny Burns (both of whom appear on "Starlight"). Shaolin Monks In The Temple Of Metal is scheduled for release on August 5th through Frontiers Records/Now & Then Productions The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. |
Chuck heeft erg veel betekend voor de metalscene. Die man kreeg het voor elkaar om riffs aan elkaar te zetten die niet in één nummer paste. Mensen die ouwehoeren over satan en dat soort shit moeten nog maar eens achter hun oren krabben want het gaat om de muziek en niet om een satan of een God. HET GAAT OM HET GEVOEL DAT IEMAND ZIJN/HAAR MUZIEK MEEGEEFT!!! En dat is in iedere plaat duidelijk te horen. Deze man geloofde in de kracht van muziek en had geen andere dingen nodig om zijn muziek te verspreiden!! Chuck rest in peace |
STEVE DIGIORGIO Offers Update On SUICIDE SHIFT, CONTROL DENIED - Nov. 6, 2002 Former DEATH/CONTROL DENIED and current TESTAMENT/SADUS bassist Steve DiGiorgio has released an update on his official web site on the status of the much-anticipated SUICIDE SHIFT project (featuring DiGiorgio, SADUS guitarist Darren Travis, and TESTAMENT frontman Chuck Billy) and the possibility of a second CONTROL DENIED album ever seeing the light of day. "I know there has been a lot of questions regarding the SUICIDE SHIFT album," writes DiGiorgio. "Well, here's the circumstances that are effecting that. First, SADUS decided to wake up, we did a small tour of Europe. I must say it was a total success, thanks to all the old-school metal heads that came out again after all these years and made our trip a blast. Then when we got back, TESTAMENT decided to go show crazy! We played the Bone Bash at the Concord Pavilion a couple days ago. And we're getting ready for a lot more live action, including Dec 29th in Las Vegas with Rob Halford (holy shit!) and VIO-LENCE and EXODUS or somebody. There'll be a lot more shows around the whole western side of The States, but nothing is confirmed enough right now for me to divulge. But you can tell with that amount of traveling and rehearsing we just locked up the SS recording machine for now and when we find some cracks in this wall of projects we've made for ourselves, we'll get back to it. "CONTROL DENIED: Nothing yet. Still, and to clear up the rumor mill. [Late DEATH/CONTROL DENIED mastermind] Chuck [Schuldiner] has recorded guitar. How much, we don't know exactly. On a guess based on our conversations when he was recording, there is a significant amount he got to finish. But I'll repeat, no one knows how much he managed to finish because he was the last one to shut off his recording machine and now it's in the possession of his family. If there happens to be something left he wanted to put on there, [CONTROL DENIED guitarist] Shannon [Hamm] is more than competent. The drums are the only thing that are done. We'll see how much Chuck finished when we can. Shannon has all his guitar to do, I still have all the bass to do and Tim still has all the vocals to do. When his family clears up details on when and how we can finish all of that, we will. But all this speculating on if Chuck finished the guitars, if he did his solos, if Shannon has to do all Chuck's unfinished parts...it's useless because we don't even know for sure yet what we're going to do. You should just know that we're going to keep as much as we can that Chuck did (duh!) and that when we get the word to proceed, we will. Other than that, there's nothing to say. Makes me start to understand why Chuck hated this medium that allows such rapid wildfire of false information." The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. |
Zoals de frontpage al aangeeft beginnen de opnames in januari, en 2de gitarist Shannon wordt niet meer genoemd. Alle gitaarpartijen zullen kennelijk dus van Chuck zijn The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. |
We kennen de vele gastmuzikanten op de Death albums, maar welke muzikanten speelden mee op tour? (met name de latere Amerikaanse Spiritual healing, de Individual thought patterns en de Symbolic tour?) Ralph Santolla is er dus 1; weet iemand welke tour? Scott Carino is een ander (ITP tour?) Weet iemand meer over deze gitaristen? The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. |
quote: Shannon wordt wel genoemd, hoor. When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself. |
quote: Full Of Hate easter-festivals, EUR '93 ITP US-tour, zomer '93 mogelijk nog enkele euro-dates hierna Z'n eigen band destijds was EyeWitness (sp?) quote: Bassist op de Human-tour, in ieder geval in Europa. [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Pazuzu op 26-11-2002 11:27] "If visible identification is not possible, the pathologist may be able to take fingerprints from the body, but if decay has set in, things become more complicated." |
quote:Yeah! Een vriend van me had dat patroon ook al eens ontdekt en kwam met de theorie dat Chuck's bijnaam in de toekomst nog wel eens kon gaan veranderen in "Holy Chuck!" Touché, pussycat! |
*hint* |
Wie is die vierde gast op de foto? The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. |
CHUCK SCHULDINER's Mother Refutes HAMMERHEART RECORDS' 'False Statements' - Sep. 7, 2003 Jane Schuldiner, mother of late DEATH/CONTROL DENIED frontman Chuck Schuldiner, has posted the following message to DEATH/CONTROL DENIED's official web site: "Dear fans and friends, since there are too many emails to answer personally, I am writing a short message to all the friends and fans of Chuck who have written to me of [Hammerheart Records/Karmageddon Media co-owner] Guido [Heijnens]'s comments ( http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=14907 ) to Blabbermouth. Since I was attacked by Guido through his attorneys to desist from truthful comments I had made, I am surprised he would make false comments of his own. I refute his statement. "Chuck's sister and I received such a multitude of telephone calls from Guido concerning Chuck's last CONTROL DENIED album, that, in self-defense, we finally stopped taking them and let our answering machine record those messages. After saying the same thing over and over again to him, our position on Chuck's work is firm and he knows what that position is and why. There is no need for any more contact with Guido, that is why we each have attorneys. "We wanted as much, probably more, than anyone for Chuck's final album to be released as soon as possible, but we have our last promises to Chuck to fulfill. And we will do that to the best of our ability. Chuck deserves that. I will keep you all posted on the emptywords.org site. "Just remember to please do not react in a negative way to these statements of Guido, and if there are rumors you want to ask me about, you know where to reach me. I have always been truthful with you. Also remember, as Chuck always says, Support Music, Not Rumors. Take care." The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. |
quote: Dus de Ku KLux Klan is toch niet Christelijk? one who puts salt in the sugarbowl is a misantrophe |
... [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door invictis op 22-03-2004 2:25] Zo hé, is dit topic toch maar mooi getransformeerd van eenzijdig gebral van Invictus in een ware echte op ervaringen en feiten gebaseerde discussie. |
Twee minuten stilte voor chuck -May he rest in peace- Born to grind |
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