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Topic : Speech Collin Powel (bewijzen VS Iraq) Vorige pagina
Usericon van Jebes
Posted 09-02-2003 23:04 by Jebes Wijzig reactieProfiel van JebesQuote dit bericht

Op 9 februari 2003 21:20 schreef SQT het volgende:
Gaat er iemand nog demonstreren zaterdag?

Ik moet werken verdorie.... had graag meegedemonstreerd.

Hobsbawm: 'However strong and sincere the belief that magic would turn machine-gun bullets aside, it worked too rarely to make much difference' - -

Usericon van Oebe
Posted 10-02-2003 17:21 by Oebe Wijzig reactieProfiel van OebeQuote dit bericht

Ik wel en alleen tenzij ik dood ben ben ik in Amsterdam.

Usericon van Oebe
Posted 11-02-2003 6:36 by Oebe Wijzig reactieProfiel van OebeQuote dit bericht

Monday, February 10, 2003


FEBRUARY 10. MSNBC is now reporting that the recent "fine piece of work" released by the British government on Iraq's secret machinations was largely plagiarized from a student's paper (!) that was published in a professional journal about a year ago.

Plagiarized, spelling errors and all.

But Tony Blair maintains that "other sections" of the government report really were the result of actual intelligence work. He regrets the inadvertent error of not crediting the source of the bulk of the paper.

We all know about closing the barn door after the horse has gotten out, but this has the additional feature of tap dancing in front of the barn.

Combined with crying wolf once too often.

A nasty sight indeed.

This report was praised by Colin Powell when he addressed the UN last Wednesday. But hey, what does Powell know? He was too busy rehearsing for his big moment with a pointer and slide show to actually find out whether the Brits had their heads on straight.

And Powell was also quite involved with getting all the captions correct on those photos of secret Iraqi WMD sites that no one can interpet.

My, my.

"Did you really do your own homework, Jimmy?"


"Are you sure?"

"Well, I cheated on this part, but over here I wrote it myself."

"You know that gets you an automatic F."

"Why? That's not fair."

The dog ate his homework. The dog was eaten by a wolf. The wolf was baying at the moon. The moon was a WMD bunker. The bunker was an evaporated milk factory. The factory was a wooden model constructed at Langley. Langley is a liar's paradise. Paradise is where they told the old assassins in training they would go after they killed people.

Tony Blair is a PR man with a good haircut somebody snatched up and put in the prime minister's chair. Without adult supervision---and there seems to be a shortage of that going around these days---Blair and Bush should be kept in a pen or on a golf course.

Hit a shot, get out the thermos and have a gulp of gin, tell a lie, kick the other guy's ball off the fairway into the rough, fall down on knees and utter a prayer, get up and stagger on.

Except a million lives or more are at stake here.

That's what happens when you vote for anybody in a major party on both sides of the Atlantic. It's wall to wall liars. They were brought up that way. They learned to lie and cheat at an early age. They are so wrapped up in doing it they can't stop and contemplate the REAL consequences, even after they ascend to their cheap gold-plated thrones.

The voters' failure to recognize this pervasive pattern of deceit is called faith and innocence and good-heartedness and trust---all those wonderful qualities we are urged to embrace.

I call it stunted development. Little boys and girls who want to love something so bad or kill something so bad they can't stop.

I'm reminded of photo clips of kids who had enlisted and been drafted into Hitler's youth program. Shining faces, glowing eyes, perfect health. Then, onward, into the abyss.


Gisteren werd de eerste grote alternatieve nieuwsbron YellowTimes het zwijgen opgelegd door Washington Dictator's Capaital. Alternatieve nieuwssites die ik hoog acht of soms minder hoog acht, maar dat doet aan het principe niet af, liggen voortdurend onder attack van hackers in uniforms.

En als je het in Engeland niet meer eens bent met Blair wordt je eenvoudig op straat gezet:

Even nog weer in herinnering brengen:

Attack Iran the day Iraq war ends, demands Israel
From Stephen Farrell, Robert Thomson and Danielle Haas

ISRAEL’S Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has called on the international community to target Iran as soon as the imminent conflict with Iraq is complete.

In an interview with The Times , Mr Sharon insisted that Tehran — one of the “axis of evil” powers identified by President Bush — should be put under pressure “the day after” action against Baghdad ends because of its role as a “centre of world terror”. He also issued his clearest warning yet that Israel would strike back if attacked by Iraqi chemical or biological weapons, no matter how much Washington sought to keep its controversial Middle Eastern ally out of any war in Iraq.,,3-469972,00.html

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Oebe op 11-02-2003 6:44]

Usericon van Snaack
Posted 11-02-2003 9:53 by Snaack Wijzig reactieProfiel van SnaackQuote dit bericht

Damned.. Ik word hier echt droevig van

Sporty Voleg
Dude Nukem v2.0
Usericon van Sporty Voleg
Posted 11-02-2003 13:22 by Sporty Voleg Wijzig reactieProfiel van Sporty VolegQuote dit bericht


[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Sporty Voleg op 18-05-2014 23:15]

Touché, pussycat!

Usericon van Oebe
Posted 12-02-2003 7:19 by Oebe Wijzig reactieProfiel van OebeQuote dit bericht

Ja hoor, Colin Powell nog geen week nadat zijn "irrefutable evidence" tot het laatste draadje is afgeslacht en werkelijk niemand meer durft te beweren (oh, de schaamte) dat ze er ooit waarde aan hebben gehecht (normaal gesproken duurt dit toch een aantal jaren) draait een band van OBL weer door de propagandiseermachine:

"Hiermee zijn de banden tussen Al Qaida en Saddam Hussein bewezen, - OBL is in partnership with Iraq - " kraait een uitzinnige Colin door de Senaat en tikt met zijn wijsvinger op de kansel om het woord kracht bij te zetten. (never mind that I so totally fucked up last week, zweet.), de meesterlijke Justin Raimondo:

We received the following email from an alert reader, who noted:

"I've been keeping an eye on the bin Laden tape story on via the link on, and something interesting has happened. When the link was first posted, the part about overthrowing Saddam Hussein was not included in the story. Later, around 3:50 PM Eastern, the site contained this paragraph: 'At the same time, the message also called on Iraqis to rise up and oust Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, who is a secular leader.' When I checked back with the link on around 4:35 PM Eastern, it said that this had not become part of the story, so I clicked on the link again, and sure enough, it had been removed. I'm glad I copied the story with the 'overthrow Saddam' part onto my PC. It appears this part of the story, since it's inconvenient for the War Party, is being buried."

Een screen-capture van de verloren MSNBC rapportage:

Usericon van Oebe
Posted 12-02-2003 16:51 by Oebe Wijzig reactieProfiel van OebeQuote dit bericht

Ik maar denken en denken, waarom duwt die enge JeePee (Balkenende) toch aldoor zijn tongetje bruut door Bushies kringspier?

Maar het antwoord ligt gewoon voor de hand, keurig verslagen in de Washington Post:

Bush Links Faith and Agenda In Speech to Broadcast Group

By Dana Milbank
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, February 11, 2003; Page A02

NASHVILLE, Feb. 10 -- President Bush has addressed countless audiences as commander in chief. Today, he was introduced as "our friend and brother in Christ."

Appearing at the National Religious Broadcasters convention, before a backdrop that read "Advancing Christian Communications," the president was hailed as a man who "unapologetically proclaims his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ." Bush, in a strikingly religious address even for a president long comfortable with such speech, cast the full range of his agenda -- foreign, domestic and economic -- in spiritual terms.

"I welcome faith," Bush said after he was greeted with rock star adulation. "I welcome faith to help solve the nation's deepest problems." Attendees called out "amen" as Bush spoke, and some waved rhythmically as they did during the hymns that preceded his speech.

About the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Bush said: "We're being challenged. We're meeting those challenges because of our faith. . . . We carried our grief to the Lord Almighty in prayer." Bush assigned religion a role in the economy ("There are some needs that prosperity can never meet"), in a possible attack on Iraq ("Liberty is God's gift to every human being in the world"), and in coping with the Columbia space shuttle accident ("Faith assures us that death and suffering are not the final word").

Statements of faith are standard for presidents, and Bush, who found religion in the 1980s after a struggle with excessive drinking, thanked Jesus during the presidential primaries for changing his life. Still, the nation's modern secular leaders have generally been understated in their public expressions of faith, a tone set by Jimmy Carter, a born-again Christian. And Bush, through much of his presidency, has spoken of his faith subtly.

But with war in Iraq looming, and much of the world opposed to his position, the president in recent weeks has adopted a strongly devotional tone. In a series of speeches -- a pair of remembrances for the Columbia victims, last week's National Prayer Breakfast and today's address to the religious broadcasters -- Bush has far more openly embraced Christian theology. Today's speech brought the most thorough linkage yet between Bush's worldly policies and Christian faith -- including a pronouncement that an American attack on Iraq would be "in the highest moral traditions of our country."

On poverty programs, Bush observed that "welfare policy will not solve the deepest problems of the spirit. . . . You don't fix the crack on the wall until you fix the foundation." On justice programs, he said, "building more prisons will not substitute for responsibility and order in our souls. . . . That happens when someone puts an arm around a neighbor and says, 'God loves you, I love you, and you can count on us both.' " Turning to matters overseas, the president said America's enemies "hate the thought [that] . . . we can worship the Almighty God the way we see fit."

Bush advocated vouchers for drug addicts, "especially" for programs of a spiritual nature. He said religious charities should not "compromise their prophetic role." He addressed the faith of the religious broadcasters in the hall. "I am honored to be with so many of you all who have dedicated your lives to sharing the Good News," he said.

The gratitude was mutual. "We pray for you -- in fact, we pray for you daily," Glenn Plummer, the broadcasters' chairman, said in his introduction. "The United States of America has been blessed by God Himself to have George W. Bush as president."

In 1995, the group announced that President Bill Clinton was not invited to its meetings because of his views on abortion and homosexuality. By contrast, many attendees today said Bush was divinely chosen to lead the country during its trials. "At certain times and at certain hours in our country, God has had a certain man to hear his testimony," said Steve Clark, of Faith Baptist Tabernacle in Jamestown, Tenn.

Bush noted that the Christian pianist who performed for the broadcasters, Michael W. Smith, had played at the White House days earlier. During the program, which began with a Bush speech blending into Christian hymns, Karl Rove, Bush's top political aide, worked the crowd.

In recent speeches, Bush has read passages from Isaiah and from the hymn "How Great Thou Art." At last week's prayer breakfast, he said that when he is told by citizens that they are praying for him, he tells them "it is the greatest gift you can give anybody, is to pray on their behalf." Today, Bush thanked his listeners for their prayers, suggesting he would need them in the days ahead. "Let us pray for strength equal to our tasks," he said.

J. Mark Horst, who has a radio ministry in Breezewood, Pa., said faith is what makes Bush propose seemingly unreachable goals and defy odds to reach them. "As Christians, we're commanded to be of strong courage," Horst said. "He's taking what he reads in the Word and saying, 'This is what I believe, and I'm going to go for it.' "

© 2003 The Washington Post Company

Usericon van Snaack
Posted 12-02-2003 17:03 by Snaack Wijzig reactieProfiel van SnaackQuote dit bericht


Usericon van wladimir
Posted 12-02-2003 17:09 by wladimir Wijzig reactieProfiel van wladimirQuote dit bericht

En de kruistochten beginnen weer.

Usericon van Snaack
Posted 12-02-2003 17:13 by Snaack Wijzig reactieProfiel van SnaackQuote dit bericht

en die fukking malloot is blijkbaar cHRISTEN geworden omdat hij moeite had van de drank af te blijven

Van wie zou zijn dochter die verslavingsdrang toch hebben

Bush zijn incompetentie is zo overduidelijk dat het feit dat hij president is zelfs te ongeloofwaardig voor het plot van een hele slechte B-film is.. Dus laat iemand mij please even wakker maken!

Sporty Voleg
Dude Nukem v2.0
Usericon van Sporty Voleg
Posted 12-02-2003 21:28 by Sporty Voleg Wijzig reactieProfiel van Sporty VolegQuote dit bericht


[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Sporty Voleg op 18-05-2014 23:16]

Touché, pussycat!

Sporty Voleg
Dude Nukem v2.0
Usericon van Sporty Voleg
Posted 13-02-2003 15:03 by Sporty Voleg Wijzig reactieProfiel van Sporty VolegQuote dit bericht

De 'rechten op de oorlog' zijn ook al verkocht.

Touché, pussycat!

Usericon van Oebe
Posted 13-02-2003 22:09 by Oebe Wijzig reactieProfiel van OebeQuote dit bericht

Rice, Blix Confer On Iraq Briefing
Acknowledgment Of Violation Urged

By Colum Lynch
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, February 12, 2003; Page A01

UNITED NATIONS, Feb. 11 -- National security adviser Condoleezza Rice flew to New York this morning to press chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix to acknowledge in a Security Council briefing Friday that Iraq has failed to voluntarily scrap its prohibited chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs, according to U.S. and U.N. diplomats.


Rice's unannounced meeting with Blix underscored the Bush administration's concern that the Swedish diplomat's report to the council on Friday, while critical of Iraq, may not be decisive enough to persuade wavering Security Council members to support an immediate move to war.

M.a.w. Rice schrijft Blix voor wat hij in zijn rapport moet zetten. De alarmbellen gingen in Washington af, stel je voor dat de Veiligheidsraad besluit dat het zijn geloofwaardigheid niet op een goedkope manier te grabbel wil gooien:

Sources said Blix's report will be much briefer than the one he gave to the council on Jan. 27 and that, as of today, will not contain a declaration that Iraq is in clear violation of its obligations, which the United States has sought.

Usericon van Oebe
Posted 17-02-2003 6:59 by Oebe Wijzig reactieProfiel van OebeQuote dit bericht

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