Count Usher |
"The Beige Sisters of Premenstrual Agony." |
Posted 11-02-2006 17:04 by Count Usher (Redacteur) |
Was dit al bekend?
Statement 07.02.2006
Greetings to you all!
Erik, the drummer of Aeternus decided to quit the band a while after the Production of “HeXaeon” was completed. He was with Aeternus from the same year as I started the band which was 1993.
His reasons were honest and understandable as we all respect his ways and opinions regarding his musical path and so forth.
Erik said he simply had no more to give the style of extreme metal-music, he felt he had done enough and his passion and fire towards this type of metal style were no longer with him to the extent where it would give him something as a musician and a drummer to proceed.
Erik meant a lot to Aeternus’ music and his drumming was always a part of what makes Aeternus what it is today.
I will personally always be glad and honored for the time he spent in Aeternus.
His skills and dedication were at 100% at all times. The way it should be.
He will be missed and remembered as one of the greatest musicians I have personally ever worked with.
I am glad to know that his drumming on ALL of Aeternus’ released material will always be there, reminding me of a tremendously great musical Era, but first and foremost an Era that has given me SO much inspiration as a composer of extreme music.
Growing as a musician with him over a period of 13 years was something very, very special that I wouldn’t trade for anything.
To Erik: We’ll miss you brother, as a highly skilled and dedicated drummer.
The future of Aeternus is a bit on stand-by due to his departure, but Aeternus will continue and we are looking for a replacement.
This leads to the fact that gigs and whatnot are not really “around the corner” anywhere to put it that way. Replacing Erik will take time and preparing a new drummer can take time as well. Be patient.
We WILL get the wheels rolling again regarding live shows.
When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself.