'k Heb sinds kort WinXP geinstalleerd op deze pc, maar het loopt te kutten met mn code als ik een webpagina van mezelf opsla op mn pc..
Check :
<a href="http://www.controlhumandelete.com" target="blank"><img src="http://members.home.nl/frnk/Images/CHD_banner.jpg" border="0"></a>
<p>Cool news; I will be the new live-guitarist for Control Human Delete. Click banner to enter the site and take a look and a listen.</p>
<p>Cheers. Frank, December 12, 2006.</p>
<p><font color="#33ff33" size="3">Hi there!</font></p>
<p><font color="#33ff33" size="3">Next Saturday and Sunday I'll be at the <a href="http://www.mile2006.nl/" target="_blank">M.I.L.E.</a>-event with <a href="http://www.huubboel.nl/" target="_blank">Bo~El Guitars</a>. Sunday I'll play some songs there. Mostly together with my friend <a href="http://www.marcelcoenen.com/" target="_blank">Marcel Coenen</a>. He will do clinics too at the Bo~El stand. Be sure to come along and enjoy a great <i>Musical Instruments Live Event</i>.</font></p>
<p><font color="#33ff33" size="3">Furthermore I had a gig again with
Marcel Coenen & Friends last Sunday at the DVD-release party. We've
played most of the songs again, and ofcourse it was a lot of fun! You
can check out some previews from the DVD (with me playing 2nd guitars) <a href="http://lionmusic.com/marcel_dvd.htm" target="_blank">Marcel Coenen - A Live Time Journey</a> here (right click and save as) :</font></p>
<p><font color="#33ff33" size="3"><a href="http://www.marcelcoenen.com/dvdpreview/marcelcoenen-alivetimejourney-preview.wmv">A Live Time Journey DVD Preview Clip 01 (WMV)</a></font></p>
<p><font color="#33ff33" size="3"><a href="http://www.marcelcoenen.com/dvdpreview/marcelcoenen-alivetimejourney-preview2.wmv">A Live Time Journey DVD Preview Clip 02 (WMV)</a></font></p>
<p><font color="#33ff33" size="3">Besides that, I've put a demoversion of a new song for my tech/deathmetal-project with my friend <a href="http://www.daholygoat.com/" target="_blank">Leendert Brouwer</a> at my <a href="http://www.myspace.com/frnk" target="_blank">MySpace</a>.
It's the first song. Only 2 guitars, a hint of synth, and programmed
drums. When we've finished writing all songs for the upcoming album, we
will re-record with a real drummer and other musicians (including 2
grunters!!). Go check it out! Now! Yeah! m/</font></p>
<p><font color="#33ff33" size="3">Enjoy!</font></p>
<p><font color="#33ff33" size="3">Cheers, Frank. October 26, 2006.</font></p>
<p><font color="#33ff33" size="3">Going jazzy... Next Friday, June 9, I will accompany <a href="http://www.www.paulvangeldrop.nl/" target="_blank">Paul van Geldrop</a>
on guitar for his musical exam on the piano. That following monday I'll
play along again for his admission for Jazz Music at the Conservatory
of Utrecht (NL).
And next Saturday it's Extreme Aggression time! Be there! Cheerz.
Frank, June 8, 2006.</font></p>
<hr><font color="#33ff33" size="3">
</font><p><font color="#33ff33" size="3">Full Extreme Aggression line-up :</font></p>
<font color="#33ff33" size="3"><img src="news_bestanden/EA2006.jpg">
</font><p><font color="#33ff33" size="3">This will be my last gig with
them, because I quit Enraged to fully concentrate on my project with
Leendert (it's going to be killer!). So just be there!
m/. Frank. April 25, 2006.</font></p>
<p><font color="#33ff33" size="3">Another show added with Enraged :</font></p>
<font color="#33ff33" size="3"><img src="news_bestanden/Mukkes_Flyer.jpg">
Bovenaan staat
<img src="http://members.home.nl/frnk/Images/CHD_banner.jpg" border="0"></a>
Dat heb ik er net op gezet.
Maar daaronder is mn code veranderd..
<img src="news_bestanden/Mukkes_Flyer.jpg">
Ipv news_bestanden had ik daar een "/" of "http://members.home.nl/frnk/" gezet. Maar dat past ie dus aan.
Hoe sloop ik dat probleem er uit?

[edit]sorry voor layoutverneuking
[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door FRNK op 19-12-2006 21:03]