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Topic : 16-01: Temnozor (Rus) + 2 bands @ De Azijnfabriek Vorige pagina | Volgende pagina
Usericon van Vrahk
Posted 30-12-2009 14:11 by Vrahk Wijzig reactieProfiel van VrahkQuote dit bericht

Het probleem met het uitnodigen van de pers is dat er toch altijd weer een een of ander jonchie gaat lopen sieg heilen. En dat is natuurlijk niet goed voor de naam van de zaal. Bedenk dus wel wat je doet. Op black metal feesten heb je altijd wel van die sukkels lopen. Ook al gaat alles goed, geen problemen en word zo'n jochie direct verwijderd met een zaalverbod. De kranten zullen er bol van staan, dat is algemeen bekend.

Verder is dat initiatief wel goed. Normaal in het nieuws komen en laten weten dat er niets aan de hand is. En de pers zal toch wel aanwezig zijn. En antifa ook, dus die nodigen zichzelf wel uit.

En maak een duidelijk statement dat mensen die zich misdragen meteen zonder pardon verwijderd worden ofzo.

Usericon van Rotzak
Posted 30-12-2009 14:19 by Rotzak Wijzig reactieProfiel van RotzakQuote dit bericht

Ik heb er nog weinig tot niks van gelezen in ieder geval, het zal allemaal wel los lopen denk ik.

Against God and Government

Depraved ini
Usericon van Depraved ini
Posted 30-12-2009 14:23 by Depraved ini Wijzig reactieProfiel van Depraved iniQuote dit bericht

Yep, lijkt me wel een goed gedacht.
Vorige keer in Antwerpen met het concert van Ad Hominem was er security die er op toekeek dat niemand verkeerde gebaren deed. Niet één s""g h""l die avond.

Usericon van Hypnos
Posted 30-12-2009 14:24 by Hypnos (Hoofdredacteur) Wijzig reactieProfiel van HypnosQuote dit bericht

kijken wat er in Waregem gaat gebeuren...

ahnee, das Inquisition

waor komt Temnozor?


Vampire John
alias Lord Neithan
Usericon van Vampire John
Posted 30-12-2009 14:56 by Vampire John Wijzig reactieProfiel van Vampire JohnQuote dit bericht;;

Op 30 december 2009 14:24 schreef Hypnos het volgende:
kijken wat er in Waregem gaat gebeuren...

ahnee, das Inquisition

waor komt Temnozor?

Misschien dat de topictitel iets verklapt?

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Vampire John op 30-12-2009 14:57]

Metal zonder gitaren is als een bordeel zonder hoeren, en dat is ook maar gewoon een huis...

Usericon van Hypnos
Posted 30-12-2009 15:44 by Hypnos (Hoofdredacteur) Wijzig reactieProfiel van HypnosQuote dit bericht

ze komen in België ook ergens hoor


Usericon van Vrahk
Posted 30-12-2009 15:47 by Vrahk Wijzig reactieProfiel van VrahkQuote dit bericht

Oh ik dacht dat dit de enige west-europese show was?

Usericon van Hypnos
Posted 30-12-2009 15:52 by Hypnos (Hoofdredacteur) Wijzig reactieProfiel van HypnosQuote dit bericht




Usericon van Vrahk
Posted 30-12-2009 16:30 by Vrahk Wijzig reactieProfiel van VrahkQuote dit bericht

Op 30 december 2009 15:52 schreef Hypnos het volgende:


Of het moet een geheim concer zijn tot nu toe. Want tot nu toe komen ze alleen in het oost-blok en in
Roermond. Volgende de flyers en volgens de Azijnfabriek site..

Usericon van ZelThoR
Posted 30-12-2009 16:55 by ZelThoR Wijzig reactieProfiel van ZelThoRQuote dit bericht

Op 18 december 2009 17:54 schreef Hub de Gallier het volgende:
In plaats van niet meer zo uitgesproken te zijn kun je beter zeggen dat ze goed nadenken voor ze wat zeggen om te zorgen dat het niet meteen verkeerd word opgevat (wat trouwens toch wel gebeurd haha).

Bedoel je nu dat wat ze vroeger dachten en uitdroegen nog steeds geldt maar dat ze het nu alleen voorzichtiger uitdrukken? Of dat én hun gedachtegoed én de manier van uitdragen veranderd is?

Voor mij is het hoe dan ook geen reden om het concert te (laten) verbieden, lekker belangrijk


(bovenste post is herhaling)

Nu blijf ik me nog steeds afvragen wat hun gedachtegoed nou is. Zijn ze racisten, anti-semieten, nazi's, fascisten of gewoon provocateurs?

Van mij mogen ze vinden dat elke jood een stelend vet varken der kwaadaardige overheersing is, zolang ze maar niet daadwerkelijk aanzetten* tot geweld of andere zaken die niet door de beugel kunnen.

*wat dus verder moet gaan dan 'Christians to the Lions' -achtige teksten.

Deze account is precies 8 jaar gebruikt, om precies 20.000 posts te maken en (uiteindelijk) precies 1 ban te krijgen.

Hub de Gallier
Usericon van Hub de Gallier
Posted 30-12-2009 18:32 by Hub de Gallier Wijzig reactieProfiel van Hub de GallierQuote dit bericht

Op 30 december 2009 15:44 schreef Hypnos het volgende:
ze komen in België ook ergens hoor
Dat klopt niet, ze komen hier in Roermond net voor de show aan en na de show gaan de meeste bandleden terug naar Moskou en blijven er maar 3 achter voor enkele dagen vakantie in Roermond.

Hub de Gallier RIP 17-03-2013

Die Födzenjäger
Usericon van HEUY
Posted 31-12-2009 1:42 by HEUY Wijzig reactieProfiel van HEUYQuote dit bericht

Reactie van het bestuur van De Azijnfabriek:

De bands hebben we laten screenen door officiele instanties (lees politie en provincie/bestuur), er zijn geen aanwijzingen dat de bands extreem-rechtse opvattingen hebben of dit verwerken in de muziek.

Het optreden zal doorgaan en we hebben maatregelen genomen om de sfeer te bewaken.

Het bestuur distantieert zich volledig van iedere vorm van extremisme in welke vorm dan ook.

Dit hebben we ook vermeld richting de media en aan de autoriteiten.

Mochten er vragen zijn, neem dan contact op met het bestuur van De Azijnfabriek.

++ Bericht van HEUY ++

We geven iedereen de gelegenheid om interviews af te nemen van de bands (pers, personen, antifa, wie dan ook). Verder eisen we van de bands dat ze ook daadwerkelijk afstand doen van iedere vorm van extremisme.

De reden dat we het topic op De Azijnfabriek hebben gesloten is dat we via internet / forums geen echte discussie aan kunnen gaan. We willen open en met iedereen discussieren en dat gaat alleen als je echt met elkaar aan tafel zit.

Voor diegenen die een groot debat willen vormen, mogen De Azijnfabriek gebruiken voor een open politiek jongeren debat. Mail mij en we zorgen ervoor. Open discussie face-to-face is veel beter dan maar vanuit je luie stoel iets schrijven.

We leven in een land waar iedereen met welke afkomst, opvatting, mening of geloofsovertuiging recht van spreken heeft, dat is ook het moeie aan dit land. Er is plaats voor iedereen! Diegenen die daar tegen zijn moeten eens goed nadenken. Graag wil ik dit zo houden. Iedereen die wilt praten nodig ik van harte uit om met ons of mij in gesprek te gaan. Mail mij op mijn privé mailadres: of kom even een pilsje drinken aan de bar op BUDT-Bal (dan betaal ik je pilsje ook) en dan maken we een afspraak.

Verder wil ik zeggen dat ik met velen van jullie al jarenlang vaak een pilsje heb gedronken en dat jullie weten dat ik niet extremistisch ben. Praat gewoon met mij!

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door HEUY op 31-12-2009 2:23]

Hub de Gallier
Usericon van Hub de Gallier
Posted 31-12-2009 11:28 by Hub de Gallier Wijzig reactieProfiel van Hub de GallierQuote dit bericht

Je bent alleen een extremistische zuiplap

Hub de Gallier RIP 17-03-2013

Usericon van fightfascism
Posted 31-12-2009 11:41 by fightfascism Wijzig reactieProfiel van fightfascismQuote dit bericht

„Aryan Battle Noise“? – Neo Nazi band Temnozor is doing a concert tour through Europe in January 2010

The concert tour of the Russian NS-Black Metal band, which will be supported by other Neo Nazi bands and „unpolitical“ bands , will start on 7th of January with a show in Zabrze (Poland). On 8th of January they will play in Brno (Czech Republic), on 9th in Nitra (Slovakia), on 10th in Budapest (Hungary) and on 16th in Roermond (Netherlands). The last concert will assumedly thake place on 17th in Annaberg-Buchholz (Germany). The tour is advertised on homepages of several Neo Nazi organisations, for example by the „Stormfront“ forum and the so called „Pagan Front“ which is an alliance of „National Socialist Black Metal“ bands. The concerts of Temnozor will be supported by the following (Neo Nazi) bands:

CK Wiatrak, Zabrze, Poland: Iperyt, Abusiveness, Sekhmet

KD Svatoboj, Brno, Czech Republic: Sezarbil, Slunovrat, Diagon

RC Naozzay, Nitra, Slovakia: Aeon Winds, Imperium

Pogo Loco Club, Budapest, Hungary: Heldentod, Grimness

De Azijnfabriek, Roermond, Netherlands: Huldrefolk

Gleis 3 (?), Annaberg-Buchholz (?), Germany: ?

In the following text one can find more information about the bands which shall play on the tour with „Temnozor“.


Political views:

The Russian band „Temnozor“ was formed in 1996. It was a racist and anti-semitic band from the beginning of its existence. In an interview in 1998 the band speaks about its world view: “(…) I believe that perishment of christianity is possible at the moment, however pagan revival will stay only a dream until modern civilization based on materialism and judaism is annihilated (…)”. Furthermore the band calls for (violent) action against those who are their scape goat for the problems of the society: “(…) think about the future of our Land, our Race and our nation. If most of you will act the same way, trying to break the chains of judeo-christian slavery and consequences of it’s noxious impact (i.e. disastrous ecological, demographic and geopolitic state of the whole White Race) speaking a lot but doing nothing, then soon there will be nothing and nobody to save. We have to act now. It’s not an appeal to start demagogic debate of the detriment of judeo-christian culture (…) It’s the appeal to real, precisely planned actions. I guess, those who need it, already understood what I’m talking about… and others simply are of no interest to me. Praise Russia! Hail the White Race! Support the forthcoming War!“ (Source:

In an interview with the „Resistance Magazine“ in 2004 the band members said: „TEMNOZOR’, the spirit of the Sunrise, was born back in 1996 a.y.p.s. to revoke the Flame of the Aryan Heathen Spirit in the Hearts of the Young (…)“. With their music the members of the band try to spread the National Socialist ideology: „And the last thing to mention in concern to the already infamous “Horizons…” CD. Many comrades outside of Russia are not aware that May 5th the latest fullength album of the legendary Russian NS Pagan Metal horde TEMNOZOR’ was released on license for the local sales inside of ex-USSR by one of the biggest mainstream hard-rock/metal labels here (the label which releases mainstream crap like ozzy osbourne, yngwee malmsteen, behemoth, mayhem and marduk for Russia). Two days later, on 7th of May the first pressing of this CD was banned and withdrawn from sales. Funny enough that the most of this 1st pressing was already sold out during these 2 days, before anyone could do anything, creating a huge impact over this CD and over the band itself. This was the first mass propaganda action from TEMNOZOR’ camp and such attempts to infiltrate into the major metal scene with our Racial message will continue. We strive for the education and uprising of the White youth. And even if we don’t get a dime from all these CD releases, TEMNOZOR’ is going to try even bigger things to make our Racial Hateful message to reach our Youth everywhere. KULTURKAMPF!“ (…) TEMNOZOR’ is a cry-out of our Aryan Hearts. Grievous, yet Hateful, Hopeful and Proud. A loud cry addressed to our Aryan brothers and sisters. (…) TEMNOZOR’ is the summoning battlecry, the propaganda, yet nowhere blatant (whoever might think that the propaganda music always means primitive lyrical approach, should take the Russian dictionary and try to translate TEMNOZOR’ lyrics). It’s an inspired and inspiring call to arms, addressed to the masses of the awakening and half-awakened Aryan Youth. Thus is the music – it’s folkish, powerful and catchy, it’s the modern form of the Aryan BattleNoise.

(…)TEMNOZOR reflects certain aspects of our Aryan Weltanschauung and these are the perfect sounds of the Racial Holy War we wage. (…) A half of TEMNOZOR’s current line-up are skinheads, the other half are NS metal folks. So what do you think our attitude to this subject could be? Racially conscious Aryan folks must stand as one to survive, when we bleed and die on the streets of our own cities, who is so dumb to divide the comrades upon the style of music they listen to? Besides, there are tons of skinheads who listen and even play NSBM and there are many WP metallers who listen R.A.C. and play in R.A.C. bands. I guess the bands like NOKTURNAL FEAR (ANGRY ARYANS frontman thrash/black metal project), BEFORE GOD (BOUND FOR GLORY frontman black/death metal project), WARHEAD (Olaf of HONOR and Varggoth of NOKTURNAL MORTUM common project), not even to mention ourselves, hahahah, show the brighter examples of such unity more than perfect. TEMNOZOR’ collaborates with both WP skinhead and metal scenes,and when it comes to our relations with other Russian skinheads, I could only repeat what I already wrote in the answer to some other question of this interview – some TEMNOZOR’ members are now the part of VANDAL, which is one of the most respected Russian R.A.C. bands both locally and worldwide. All is clear here now I hope. (…) We’re inspired by racial and religious Hate, by Love and Aryan kinsmenship spirit.(…) that’s our grimness. The grimness of our Aryan European Nature, the grimness of our Spirituality.

Connections to Neo Nazi organisations, labels and bands

„Temnozor“ is a member of the so called „Pagan Front“ which is an international alliance of „National Socialist Black Metal“-bands. In the mentioned interview with the „Resistance Magazine“ the band speaks about its success in the Neo Nazi subculture and about connections to other Neo Nazi bands: „The debut demo\album „Sorcery is Strengthening the Black Glory of Rus“ (…) received tons of positive reviews from the various underground ‘zines and earned great and enthuziastic response from many authorities of Radical Black Metal and White Power scenes. Despite of the isolationist politics of the band back in the past, circa 3.000 copies of this work were sold during 3 years and some more copies were merely bootlegged… By today, this work is already labeled as „cult“ by many. (…) The band’s line-up was partly reinforced by the soldiers from other well-known NSBM hordes (NOKTURNAL MORTUM, FOREST, BRANIKALD) (…) So, one way or another all the musicians in TEMNOZOR’ are the session ones. Most of them have the projects of their own or play in other bands. Just to name a few: NOKTURNAL MORTUM, BRANIKALD, FOREST, NITBERG, VOLKOTEN’ and VANDAL (the latter being one of the 2 oldest “Blood & Honour Russia” bands).

The records of the band were released by the following Neo Nazi labels:

2002/03: „Sorcery is Strengthening the Black Glory of Rus“: „Hakenkreuz Productions“ („long-time comrades“ of „Temnozor“, see the mentioned interview with „Resistance Magazine“).

2003: „Horizons“: Ascent Records (ex-Drakkar Vinland Prod) and „East Side Records“ and „Nebelfee Klangwerke“

„Sorcery of fragments“ (Stellar Winter Rex)

2005: „Eastern Hammer“ (Hammerbolt Productions) – split release with the Neo Nazi bands „Graveland“, „Nokturnal Mortum“ and „North“.

One band member is the owner of the largest Russian NS-black metal-Label „Stellar Winter Records“. In 2007 „Temnozor“ played at the „Frey Faxi“-festival – a NS-Black Metal-festival, which took place in Romania (Source:

„Temnozor“ said about the „Pagan Front“: „THE PAGAN FRONT is the organization of musical bands, labels, distros, zines and active individuals within the scene, working for the return of the Aryan Heathen values back into the Black Metal music. The main aim of THE PAGAN FRONT is to propagate the Racial values within the masses of youth inside the metal subculture, to awaken as many Aryans to the higher struggle as possible through one of the most effective weapons ever – the Art… Though we do not limit our work to the musical scene only, the most of THE PAGAN FRONT members are taking part in political parties, Heathen / philosophical / traditionalist societies and politically active street brigades in their local places.“ Source:


Two members of the band play also in the Neo Nazi band „Infernal War“: This band is also known as „Infernal SS“. „SS“ means the german word „Schutzstaffel“. The Schutzstaffel („defense squadron“), or SS, was a large paramilitary organization that was a principal component of the Nazi party. The SS was led by Heinrich Himmler from 1929 until it was disbanded in 1945 with the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II. The Nazis regarded the SS as an elite unit, the Party’s „praetorian guard“, with all SS personnel selected on racial and ideological grounds. The SS was distinguished from the German military, Nazi Party, and German state officials by their own SS ranks, SS unit insignia, and SS uniforms. The SS played a key role in The Holocaust: SS Einsatzgruppen units massacred over one million civilians, mostly Jews, in mass shootings; SS leader Heinrich Himmler was one of the chief architects of the Final Solution; and SS units rounded up Jews and ran the concentration camps and extermination camps in which millions of Jews, Poles, and Roma were killed.

The band has produced songs like “ Czarne Legiony SS (Black Legions of SS)“, „Jewhammer“, „Genocide Command“. Following you find parts of an interview with the band „Infernal War“: „(Interviewer):… On your split-EP with Inferno is a statement saying that you have nothing to do with nazism and NS. But I don’t understand something here… On the cover of that EP is a photo from the 2nd World War presenting heaps of corpses, and one of your older tracks is about Hitler’s Schutzstaffel… I’ve also heard that some of you personally are still supporting the NS ideology. So, how is it really? (Infernal War): This statement means that we are no political band. Our lyrics deal with destruction of christianity – sometimes mixed with events from World War II (like in the song „Czarne Legiony SS“ which you mentioned). Is singing about judeo-christian genocide and annihilation of today`s degenerated, multicultural world politics? I don`t think so. It is not a matter of compromise, it is the matter of concept. We never changed our view on anything. Hail Victory!“ (Source:

„Hail Victory“ is English for the german „Sieg heil“. Sieg Heil is a German phrase, which literally means „For ensured victory“, or „For The Win“. During the Nazi era, it was a common chant at political rallies. Whenmeeting someone, it was customary in Nazi Germany to give the Hitler salute and say the words „Sieg Heil“. At political rallies such as the one atNuremburg, banners were displayed displaying the message „Sieg Heil“ along with the swastika. The NSDAP (Nazi Party) made a pin badge in 1933 displaying a victory wreath, the Swastika, and the words „Sieg Heil“ (Source:


In an interview the band speaks about one of its records: „Many people say that “Masová očista člověka” album has its roots in NS ideology, but I think that it is not true, because lyrics are against judeo-christianity. For example “Zyklon B” is our hit and it speaks just about the gas, but it has nothing to do with WW2, NS ideology or Adolf Hitler. For example “Čistá krev” is accused of being an NS song, but it is about a selection in underground. It is about black metal. Only proud and strong will remain.“

A member of the band about National Socialism: „I’d like to say that I don’t put national socialism into the music of SEKHMET. It’s just my personal opinion I believe in. Since my childhood I live in a city full of gypsies, Vietnamese and other immigrants, so my thinking has changed since my early age. I think that Adolf Hitler was an important person for this world. I support his ideology just in few aspects. I’m Slavic and I feel like a Slav. There’s nothing more to say about Adolf Hitler.“

DIAGON: The band consists of members of the Neo Nazi bands „Sekhmet“ and „Silva Nigra“

HELDENTOD: NS-Black Metal from Hungary

HULDREFOLK: On 7th of June 2008 the band „Huldrefolk“ played together with the Neo Nazi bands “Der Stürmer” and “Absurd” on a concert which was organized by the Belgium arm of the Neo Nazi movement “Blood & Honour”. On 14th of June “Huldrefolk” should play on a concert in Brno (Czech Republic) together with the Neo Nazi bands “Sunwheel” and “Kataxu” but the concert was cancelled.

Usericon van Vrahk
Posted 31-12-2009 11:50 by Vrahk Wijzig reactieProfiel van VrahkQuote dit bericht


Wat wil je nou bereiken hier mee? Alleen maar een zogenaamd "weetje" dat een een of andere knakker op het internet hebt gezet. En antifa kan ontzettend overdrijven wat dit betreft. Niet alles op het internet is waar. Ik kan nu schrijven rode sokken aan te hebben, maar dat is niet waar. Overigens is het weer zo'n kinderachtige post die nu overal word ge-copy-paste...

! Metalized Blood !
Usericon van Regeer
Posted 31-12-2009 11:53 by Regeer Wijzig reactieProfiel van RegeerQuote dit bericht

Toch dapper dat er voor die hele lap tekst snel even een accountje bij ZM is aangemaakt (volgens de info wel 1 post gedaan )

Gemene Lepel
Usericon van Gemene Lepel
Posted 31-12-2009 11:58 by Gemene Lepel Wijzig reactieProfiel van Gemene LepelQuote dit bericht

Op 31 december 2009 11:41 schreef fightfascism het volgende: HUURRRR



Kansloos om zo'n copypasta te posten nadat de organisatoren hebben gezegd een gewoon gesprek over eventuele bezwaren te hebben. Maar ok, antifascisme staat dan ook niet voor dialoog.

Grey over Kristalnacht: "Als de Joden destijds ook aanslagen hadden gepleegd dan had ik de nazi's misschien wel begrepen."

Hub de Gallier
Usericon van Hub de Gallier
Posted 31-12-2009 12:02 by Hub de Gallier Wijzig reactieProfiel van Hub de GallierQuote dit bericht

Beetje kansloze actie om die lap tekst te posten. Zoals Heuy heeft gezegd zijn beide bands gescreened door de politie (en die weten heus wel waar ze mee bezig zijn) en hun conclusie is dat er niks illegaals is aan zowel Temnozor' alsook Huldrefolk. En let op, om misverstanden te voorkomen.....die screening is NIET in opdracht van ons gedaan maar is reeds uitgevoerd lang voordat er uberhaupt "problemen" waren met de antifa (dus zonder ons mede-weten!!). Mocht er iets illegaals zijn geweest aan beide bands dan waren Xander en ik allang een halt toegeroepen om deze bands te cancellen!!!

Hub de Gallier RIP 17-03-2013

Staaay brrrbrrrr!
Usericon van Ziona
Posted 31-12-2009 12:32 by Ziona Wijzig reactieProfiel van ZionaQuote dit bericht

Op 31 december 2009 12:02 schreef Hub de Gallier het volgende:
waren Xander en ik allang een halt toegeroepen om deze bands te cancellen!!!

Hey, ik roep jullie een halt toe om deze bands te cancellen!

Usericon van Tyfus
Posted 31-12-2009 15:11 by Tyfus Wijzig reactieProfiel van TyfusQuote dit bericht

Hub de Gallier
Usericon van Hub de Gallier
Posted 31-12-2009 15:20 by Hub de Gallier Wijzig reactieProfiel van Hub de GallierQuote dit bericht

Van de Huldrefolk Myspace:

We were wandering how much drama is made for a gig we will do in Roermond, together with Temnozor. Therefore this message.
Actually for the sake of security, Dutch police already screened us and we are NOT GUILTY of any extreme politic view.

1. We are a non-political band. The first guy who proves that HULDREFOLK is political, can have free candy and milkshake.

- To prove we are not political, I will soon publish ALL OUR LYRICS. Very much people also ask for it, so you can have it.

- You have NO POINT AT ALL to say we're political because we played with NSBM-bands. If you do so, start calling every pagan metal band satanic because they played with satanic bands. It's not if you play with them, you respect their ideology.

- Our concept is about bad medieval times and plague. Start reading a historybook, nazi's lived +500 years after.

- We all have different visions and thoughts in our band, like any other band. We live in a society with freedom of speech, I thought, so there's nothing wrong with that. Although, NOT ONE opinion is shared into the band and concept of HULDREFOLK. Also not any political view of us is promoted by interviews or lyrics consciously.


- Especially if they want to shut mouths of people who think different. There MUST be freedom of speech without any exception, respect it!

- This situations makes me think to Germany early thirties. Where gatherings of people who have other opinions were brutally offended by nazi's. Stop acting like this, you're fighting against your own principles (you should have these of course). You like the fact that people starting to hate you when you do that? What will be next?

- The more you complain about nazi-ghosts, the more nazi's you create. Think about it, get a life and a shower if possible.


- It's a human right, I'm sorry if I say you're offending it.


- Views on MySpace are going up again by your actions, thanks!

Also we would like to show our respect and courage to Azijnfabriek, Xander and Marcel. The show will go on and this would be a turning point in Metal Underground. For once organisors are not shitting their pants for some so-called "actions" of fascists!
Sorry, I meant "anti"-fascists.

Hub de Gallier RIP 17-03-2013

Count Usher
"The Beige Sisters of Premenstrual Agony."
Usericon van Count Usher
Posted 31-12-2009 15:23 by Count Usher (Redacteur) Wijzig reactieProfiel van Count UsherQuote dit bericht

Zo, dat Engels kan wel beter.
Ze hebben natuurlijk voor de rest wel gelijk.

When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself.

Staaay brrrbrrrr!
Usericon van Ziona
Posted 31-12-2009 16:29 by Ziona Wijzig reactieProfiel van ZionaQuote dit bericht

- The more you complain about nazi-ghosts, the more nazi's you create. Think about it, get a life and a shower if possible.

Verder slecht Engels maar wel goed punt.

Vampire John
alias Lord Neithan
Usericon van Vampire John
Posted 31-12-2009 16:30 by Vampire John Wijzig reactieProfiel van Vampire JohnQuote dit bericht;;

Huldrefolk een NSBM-band? Dat is wel een heel slechte belgenmop...

Metal zonder gitaren is als een bordeel zonder hoeren, en dat is ook maar gewoon een huis...

Usericon van fightfascism
Posted 31-12-2009 18:32 by fightfascism Wijzig reactieProfiel van fightfascismQuote dit bericht


1. We are a non-political band. The first guy who proves that HULDREFOLK is political, can have free candy and milkshake.
and because they are sooooooooo non-political, they play with neo-nazi-bands for neo-nazi-people at neo-nazi-concerts. very non-political!


- To prove we are not political, I will soon publish ALL OUR LYRICS. Very much people also ask for it, so you can have it.
a band can be political without having any political lyrics


- You have NO POINT AT ALL to say we're political because we played with NSBM-bands. If you do so, start calling every pagan metal band satanic because they played with satanic bands. It's not if you play with them, you respect their ideology.
it is not the same to play with satanic bands as with neo-nazi-bands. to play with neo-nazi-bands is already showing a specific opinion.


- We all have different visions and thoughts in our band, like any other band. We live in a society with freedom of speech, I thought, so there's nothing wrong with that. Although, NOT ONE opinion is shared into the band and concept of HULDREFOLK. Also not any political view of us is promoted by interviews or lyrics consciously.
it is nothing new that neo-nazis abuse the "freedom of speach" to promote their anti-freedom-of-speach opinion.


why are you doing concerts with them then?????


- This situations makes me think to Germany early thirties. Where gatherings of people who have other opinions were brutally offended by nazi's.

you are comparing antifascist criticism with nazi terror in the 1930s? should that be a joke?


- It's a human right, I'm sorry if I say you're offending it.
no, it is not a human right to spread hate messages like temnozor does is. temnozor, the band which plays with you and also other neo-nazi-bands which have played with you, spread hate and intolerance. and you are supporting them. that has nothing to do with human rights!

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