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Topic : Belachelijke Metal teksten / lyrics Vorige pagina | Volgende pagina
Usericon van MetalTuupLimburg
Posted 12-06-2003 23:23 by MetalTuupLimburg Wijzig reactieProfiel van MetalTuupLimburgQuote dit bericht

Maffe tekst, maar toch wel ruig:
System of a Down - Chick'n Stew:

The ballgames in the refrigerator
The doors are closed
The lights are out
And the butter's getting hard!
What a spledid pie,
Pizza-Pizza Pie,
Every Minute Every Second
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What a spledid pie,
Pizza-Pizza Pie,
Every Minute Every Second
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Pepperoni and green peppers
mushrooms, olives, chives.
Pepperoni and green peppers
mushrooms, olives, chives.
Need Therapy, Therapy
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Therapy, Therapy
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What a spledid pie,
Pizza-Pizza Pie,
Every Minute Every Second
Buy buy buy buy buy
What a spledid pie,
Pizza-Pizza Pie,
Every Minute Every Second
Buy buy buy buy buy
Pepperoni and green peppers
mushrooms, olives, chives.
Pepperoni and green peppers
mushrooms, olives, chives.
Need Therapy, Therapy
Advertising Causes Need,
Therapy, Therapy
Advertising causes, Need,
Therapy, Therapy
Advertising Causes
Therapy, Therapy
Advertising causes,
Therapy, Therapy
Advertising Causes
Therapy, Therapy
Advertising causes,
Well advertisings got you on the run
Need therapy, Therepy advertising causes
Well advertisings got you on the run
Need therapy, Therepy advertising causes
Well advertisings got you on the run
Advertisings got you on the run
Advertisings got you on the run
Advertisings got you on the run
Advertisings got you on the run
Advertisings got you on the run
What a spledid pie,
Pizza-Pizza Pie,
Every Minute Every Second
Buy buy buy buy buy
What a spledid pie,
Pizza-Pizza Pie,
Every Minute Every Second
Buy buy buy buy buy
Pepperoni and green peppers
mushrooms, olives, chives.
Pepperoni and green peppers
mushrooms, olives, chives.
Need Therapy, Therapy
Advertising Causes Need,
Therapy, Therapy
Advertising causes Need,
Therapy, Therapy
Advertising Causes Need,
Therapy, Therapy
Advertising Causes Need

- Der Meisterbär -
Usericon van Lothar
Posted 13-06-2003 1:37 by Lothar Wijzig reactieProfiel van LotharQuote dit bericht


(Music: A.Gutjahr/O.Zissel/F.Thorwarth)
(Lyrics: M.Kipness/A.Geremia)

Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, butt mayonaise
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, it seems it´s not my day
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, I passed some gas
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, and blew chunks out my ass

I drank lots of apple wine last night
And now my bowels, they don´t feel so right
Wet fart ! something don´t feel right
Wet fart ! soiled my pants tonight

Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, butt mayonaise
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, it seems it´s not my day
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, I passed some gas
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, and blew chunks out my ass

Lack of control, what else can I say ?
My rectal dribble leaves a spot that stays
Wet fart ! no reason or rhyme
Wet fart ! dingleberry time

Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, butt mayonaise
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, it seems it´s not my day
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, I passed some gas
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, and blew chunks out my ass

Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, butt mayonaise
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, it seems it´s not my day
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, I passed some gas
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, and blew chunks out my ass

Now a lessen for you all to hear
Don´t trust that feeling knocking at your rear
Wet fart ! I´m not that perplexed
Wet fart ! You just might be next

Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, butt mayonaise
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, it seems it´s not my day
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, I passed some gas
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, and blew chunks out my ass
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, butt mayonaise
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, it seems it´s not my day
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, I passed some gas
Flirtin´ with desaster, Flirtin´, and blew chunks out my ass

Afgezien van de tekst, wel een vet nummer

Unholy pimply scrotum boy
Usericon van AmmAr_GGedoN
Posted 13-06-2003 9:02 by AmmAr_GGedoN Wijzig reactieProfiel van AmmAr_GGedoNQuote dit bericht

nee man, die tekst is geweldig! echte Alcholic metal ..

some come here to sit and think, some come here to ponder ... I come here to shit and stink and fart like fuckin' THUNDER!!!

Usericon van 1i1ith
Posted 13-06-2003 10:35 by 1i1ith Wijzig reactieProfiel van 1i1ithQuote dit bericht

Ergens in een nummer op de plaat Soulless zingt de zanger van Grave "But after all it's a beautiful weather".....

Verder heerscht Grave.

Usericon van EvilPietje
Posted 13-06-2003 10:46 by EvilPietje Wijzig reactieProfiel van EvilPietjeQuote dit bericht

Alle teksten van Manowar !!!


BC Rich fansite
Usericon van grevdrake
Posted 13-06-2003 12:21 by grevdrake Wijzig reactieProfiel van grevdrakeQuote dit bericht

Op 12 juni 2003 22:53 schreef Vampire John het volgende:
Ehm, Helloween heeft er een paar fantastische bijzitten; Duitsers die proberen leuk te zijn. Het is toch veelzeggend dat Rudi Carrell dara de nationale komiek is

Rudi Carrell is helemaal niet grappig, er zijn echt leuke duitse komieken, maar die kan niemand in Nederland ontvangen.

...only dead people are cool...

Usericon van Pazuzu
Posted 13-06-2003 12:40 by Pazuzu Wijzig reactieProfiel van PazuzuQuote dit bericht

Op 13 juni 2003 12:21 schreef grevdrake het volgende: zijn echt leuke duitse komieken...

Je bent er zelf ook één?

"If visible identification is not possible, the pathologist may be able to take fingerprints from the body, but if decay has set in, things become more complicated."

Usericon van DarknessThere
Posted 13-06-2003 12:59 by DarknessThere Wijzig reactieProfiel van DarknessThereQuote dit bericht

Hammerfall, we will prevaaaaiiiill!

Of zoiets.

- Der Meisterbär -
Usericon van Lothar
Posted 13-06-2003 15:09 by Lothar Wijzig reactieProfiel van LotharQuote dit bericht

Pungent Stench
Diary of A Nurse

Daddy’s gone
left his spawn
he won’t return before dawn
she’s the nurse
she’s perverse
by the end of night you’ll need a hearse

trapped with this furious hag
the children start to cry
no rescue anywhere
they know they have to die

as she scents
she smears the shit with her hands
in their eyes
on their thighs
sharing that feast with the flies

their screams increase her lust
excite her hideous greed
the aspect of disgust
the pleasure to stampede

this is how the story goes
in it’s entire glory
she takes off all her clothes
first she spreads her flabby butt
and makes them lick her twat

When her juices start to flow
she’s reaching for her bag
to get her whetted hoe
ruthless is the attack
as the nanny begins to hack

children’s blood got spilled tonight
body parts adorn the room
what a vision of delight
with her long finger nails
she rips out their entrails

now that her work is done
there’s no more screaming
she had a lot of fun
now comes the cleaning

she picks the children up
slowly and placid
dissolves their corpses in
sulfuric acid

the sun comes up and she has to scoot
before the cops embark the pursuit
inside her head the memories remain
of all these naughty kids she had slain


Usericon van aerodis
Posted 13-06-2003 17:32 by aerodis Wijzig reactieProfiel van aerodisQuote dit bericht

Tja, dat vind ik dan wel weer okay, omdat PS zo belachelijk sarcastisch/cynisch is. Al die andere bandjes in dat genre met dat soort teksten worden snel zo afgezaagd.

De nieuwe muziek van PS is btw. geen fukk aan, behalve die bassloop aan het begin van een nummer op MoM-SoS

Dark Lord
Usericon van Mortanius
Posted 13-06-2003 17:47 by Mortanius Wijzig reactieProfiel van MortaniusQuote dit bericht

Dark Funeral teksten.

Muziek is wel de max

Leading My Soul into dark and Ancient Times where everything was pure and man was in harmony with Nature, where pride and respect were the values of time in opposite with the time now of false values. True are the Ancient Souls, The Past is Alive!

Usericon van aerodis
Posted 13-06-2003 17:48 by aerodis Wijzig reactieProfiel van aerodisQuote dit bericht

bij DF weet ik niet wat ik slechter vind.

4 stringed axe
Usericon van 4 stringed axe
Posted 13-06-2003 18:34 by 4 stringed axe Wijzig reactieProfiel van 4 stringed axeQuote dit bericht

Op 13 juni 2003 15:09 schreef Lothar het volgende:
Pungent Stench
Diary of A Nurse

Daddy’s gone
left his spawn
he won’t return before dawn
she’s the nurse
she’s perverse
by the end of night you’ll need a hearse

trapped with this furious hag
the children start to cry
no rescue anywhere
they know they have to die

as she scents
she smears the shit with her hands
in their eyes
on their thighs
sharing that feast with the flies

their screams increase her lust
excite her hideous greed
the aspect of disgust
the pleasure to stampede

this is how the story goes
in it’s entire glory
she takes off all her clothes
first she spreads her flabby butt
and makes them lick her twat

When her juices start to flow
she’s reaching for her bag
to get her whetted hoe
ruthless is the attack
as the nanny begins to hack

children’s blood got spilled tonight
body parts adorn the room
what a vision of delight
with her long finger nails
she rips out their entrails

now that her work is done
there’s no more screaming
she had a lot of fun
now comes the cleaning

she picks the children up
slowly and placid
dissolves their corpses in
sulfuric acid

the sun comes up and she has to scoot
before the cops embark the pursuit
inside her head the memories remain
of all these naughty kids she had slain


Pungent stench is koning

Wat ik zelf een zuigende tekst vind is dat van COF. Dat aarschangel darkangel gedram.

Koanus khuppen en anders drie vingers je poeperke in...

Usericon van Orion
Posted 13-06-2003 21:08 by Orion Wijzig reactieProfiel van OrionQuote dit bericht

alle grindcore porngrind weet ik veel wat er nog meer is.
gewoon sneu zulke lyrics

Mezelf tegen friet! en spotten en al ut andere kansloos gedoe weest wel !?

webblaster wim
Usericon van webblaster wim
Posted 13-06-2003 22:59 by webblaster wim Wijzig reactieProfiel van webblaster wimQuote dit bericht

over het algemeen lees ik geen teksten, dus dat scheelt enorm.

en degene die je kan verstaan, ach, rotting christ vond ik altijd wel lachen, maar dat kwam meer door de uitspraak, net zoals de oude kreator enzo.

Oud Vuil.

Usericon van Rasputin
Posted 13-06-2003 23:50 by Rasputin Wijzig reactieProfiel van RasputinQuote dit bericht

En destroyer 666 heeft ook weleens mooie:
"I think i'm a wolf, then again i'm fucking crazy,
I think what I need is a bitch don't you??"

Je voelt de bas in je buik trappen, je voelt de hogen in je muil klappen

Usericon van Midnight
Posted 15-06-2003 17:01 by Midnight Wijzig reactieProfiel van MidnightQuote dit bericht

Op 12 juni 2003 20:00 schreef Shadow_buildeR het volgende:
Ja, MANOWAR scoort bij mij ook erg hoog met belachelijke texten, maar de muziek is wel . Nog 1 van de koningen der metaal:

Manowar - (Selfproclaimed) Kings Of Metal

Manowar, Manowar Living On The Road
When We're In Town Speakers Explode
We Don't Attract Whimps 'Cause We're Too Loud
Just True Metal People That's Manowar's Crowd

They Wanna Keep Us Down
But They Can't Last
When We Get Up We're Gonna Kick Your Ass
Gonna Keep On Burning
We Always Will
Other Bands Play - Manowar Kill
Other Bands Play - Manowar Kill

We Like It Hard, We Like It Fast
We Got The Biggest Amps, Man They Blast
The True Metal People Wanna Rock Not Pose
Wearin' Jeans And Leather, Not Cracker Jack Clothes (De wat ? )

They Wanna Keep Us Down
But They Can't Last
When We Get Up We're Gonna Kick Your Ass
Gonna Keep On Burning
We Always Will
Other Bands Play - Manowar Kill
Other Bands Play - Manowar Kill (Juist ja)

We're The Kings Of Metal Comin' To Town
When We Light Up, Have The Roof Nailed Down
Don't Try To Tell Us That We're Too Loud
'Cause There Ain't No Way That We'll Ever Turn Down

They Wanna Keep Us Down
But They Can't Last
When We Get Up We're Gonna Kick Your Ass
Gonna Keep On Burning
We Always Will

Other Bands Play - Manowar Kill
Other Bands Play - Manowar Kill

vooral die laatste 2 regels... Mogen ze van mij veranderen in: other bands play, kill manowar!

Gå ut i världen, som en varg bland får! Och framför allt.... Var Fri och Förfärlig!

Iced Nerd
Usericon van windkracht10
Posted 15-06-2003 17:03 by windkracht10 Wijzig reactieProfiel van windkracht10Quote dit bericht

De teksten van fear factory vond ik altijd zo lullig.

I am raped, I am hate...

mvg wk10

Usericon van Elfensteen
Posted 15-06-2003 17:04 by Elfensteen Wijzig reactieProfiel van ElfensteenQuote dit bericht

Op 15 juni 2003 17:03 schreef windkracht10 het volgende:
De teksten van fear factory vond ik altijd zo lullig.

I am raped, I am hate...

zonder die "d" dude... I am rape, I am hate

Usericon van Gorath
Posted 15-06-2003 23:39 by Gorath Wijzig reactieProfiel van GorathQuote dit bericht

Manowar idd.

eaten from the inside by maggots
Usericon van Maggotlord
Posted 25-10-2003 15:52 by Maggotlord Wijzig reactieProfiel van MaggotlordQuote dit bericht

De teksten van Rapshody vind ik dom.
Allemaal veel te glorie en blijheid in hun teksten wat volgens mij niet echt in metal thuishoort.
Metal hoort over dood,verderf,haat,agressie,gorigheid en wraak
te gaan.

Born to grind

kleine Micha Banaan
I like my metal heavy...
Usericon van kleine Micha Banaan
Posted 25-10-2003 16:55 by kleine Micha Banaan Wijzig reactieProfiel van kleine Micha BanaanQuote dit bericht

The crown, hoe vaker ik er naar luister, hoe meer ik het idee krijg dat de teksten worden geschreven door 14 jarige zweedse schoolkinderen....

10. Total Satan

Raw power angel from Hell! Lovely as sin, this image of me!
Reality cast in a spell! Beyond all nightmares my sprit is free!

Total Satan! Total Satan!
Total Satan! Total Satan!
I want it...give me all you've got!

To live the life I love! To love the life I live!
It's all I see, all I feel, all I ever needed!
Oh so very bad!

Total Satan! Total Satan!
Total Satan! Total Satan!
Come on now! Try it out!

There are no laws...nothing is Satan anarchy!

The devil is in your soul when you come...
With the gain of the skull beneath your face...
Feed me with apples offered by women...
Blessed rapture with knowledge and lust...

Jehovah dictator! We're not your slaves!
This is for all those you've sent down to Hell!
Say what? I'm damned? I don't care 'cause I don't wanna get to heaven!

Total Satan! Total Satan!
Total Satan! Total Satan!
Total Freedom! Total Satan Revolution!

In splendorous pride and everything you like, without fear!
Total Satan reign supreme!

And my marlboro light

thou shalt suffer
Usericon van thou shalt suffer
Posted 25-10-2003 17:13 by thou shalt suffer Wijzig reactieProfiel van thou shalt sufferQuote dit bericht

al the little flowers are singing, all the little birds are too.
They are very happy and we hope you are to.

Duet Burzum and Mayhem.

Usericon van SQT
Posted 25-10-2003 17:21 by SQT Wijzig reactieProfiel van SQTQuote dit bericht

Gwar, iemand?

Fucking An Animal

Oh I am
Fuckin' an animal
I'm fuckin' an animal
I'm holding on the horns
I'm fuckin' an animal
I'm involved with porn
I'm fuckin' an animal
Sure is nice and warm in here

I'm fuckin' an animal
drinking fifty beers
I'm fuckin' an animal
blowing fifty steers
I'm fuckin' an animal
Oh, I'm a fucking queer
I'm fuckin' an animal

Didn't have to take her on a date
Just had to stand here on a crate
No talking, no torment, no long-term commitment
Just me and animal,
Getting my dick bent

I'm fuckin' an animal
Didn't have to say please
I'm fuckin' an animal
With Legionnaires disease
I'm fuckin' an animal
Damn hard on the knees...
I'm fuckin' an animal
Animal fucker, on the loose
I'm fuckin' an animal
I'll go from dog to goose
I'm fuckin' an animal
Once I fucked a moose
I'm fuckin' an animal

But now the animal is in pain!
It's in pain, it's in pain, it's in pain (terrible pain).
And now it's starting to rain....
But I'm still the same.

I'm fuckin' an animal
Not proud of what I do...
I'm fuckin' an animal
Had a great time at the zoo
I'm fuckin' an animal
Cause you won't let me fuck you...

eaten from the inside by maggots
Usericon van Maggotlord
Posted 25-10-2003 17:21 by Maggotlord Wijzig reactieProfiel van MaggotlordQuote dit bericht

Op 25 oktober 2003 17:13 schreef thou shalt suffer het volgende:
al the little flowers are singing, all the little birds are too.
They are very happy and we hope you are to.

Duet Burzum and Mayhem.

Dat is inderdaad raar voor duistere black metal zoals Burzum en Mayhem

Born to grind

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