R. |
Posted 17-02-2008 13:52 by R. |
quote: Temple of Wotan : Holy Book of the Aryan Tribes

Book Description
The mystical and essential foundation, practice and philosophy of Wotanism, detailing a comprehensive repertoire of sacred rites and rituals, art, poetry, runes, the Havamal and C.G.Jung’s Essay on Wotan.
Out of Chaos came light,
Out of Will came life,
Without form, without time
From iron black space
Through beads of crystal flame.
Cosmic rays of light and sound,
Spinning in seas of universal ether,
Piercing the armatures of spheres.
From the Mysteries—it comes.
From Legend—it comes.
From ancestors of a thousand ages—it comes.
The Spirit,
The Will,
The Wisdom,
Holy Book of the Aryan Tribes
Learn the indigenous ceremonies, rites and customs of the Euro-Pagan tradition. Here you will discover the knowledge and spiritual inspiration that feeds the ethnic soul and bridges man to Nature and the Gods. The cosmic convergence of a dynamic past and the decaying present demands reconciliation. The inevitable response is a resurgence of Wotanism—a synthesis of folkish spirit and will—promising a future Golden Age.
Authored and Illustrated by Ron McVan
Foreword by Miguel Serrano
Introduction by Katja Lane
From the Author
TEMPLE of WOTAN is a composite source book for the complete cycle of ritual festivals, as well as oaths, rites, rituals, runes and historical mysticism. TEMPLE of WOTAN provides the framework for families and kindreds to pursue the virtually timeless Wotanist lifestyle for coming generations. We are deeply honored for this work to have been graced with a powerful foreword by the notable and distinguished ariosophist Miguel Serrano. Now in his 80’s, Mr. Serrano was a member of Jung’s Hermetic Circle and himself a dedicated Wotanist, author of over forty books translated into fourteen languages. TEMPLE of WOTAN is a vital link in the eternal chain of arcane gnostic Truth.
There is a spiritual hunger in all free-thinking Aryans that cannot be filled by alien and counterfeit religions. As more people witness the inevitable decline of our race and our culture and our societies, they will and must seek solutions. The Wotansvolk path will be an inspirational and unifying catalyst to the rectification of this decline, as well as a gateway to our most ancient and esoteric wisdom that has long been denied us. The strength of a race is fed from the roots of its indigenous religions, its mythos—its heroes and legends. Life is reduced to meaningless survival without these redeeming elements.
quote: Creed of Iron--Wotansvolk Wisdom

Book Description
The 14 Word Press team brings dynamic Wotanist art, history and inspiration to Wotansvolk worldwide. This collaboration offers a wealth of accumulated gnostic teachings, spiritual focus and ancestral pride, a folkish path for today and future generations.
The consummate guide book for the Euro-ethnic pagan.
About the Author
Ron McVan has built a life-long career in the fine arts, oil painting, sculpture, pen & ink illustration, jewelry, writing and poetry. In addition, he has done extensive research of metaphysics and Indo-european cultures. CREED OF IRON is the Wotansvolk Manifesto which serves as the foundation for modern ancestral Wotanism.
quote: Het Geheimzinnige Handschrift van de Familoe Over de Linden -- Feiten en gegevens omtrent herkomst en voorgeschiedenis van ,,Het Oera Linda Boek''

Bijzonderheden: Aardige brochure waarin E. Molenaar aan de hand van briefwisselingen en zelfstudie van het \"Oera Linda Boek\" een aantal belangrijke feiten en gegevens opdoekt. Zitten wat bruine vlekjes op, verder onbeschadigd. 76 bladzijden, zachte kaft, geïllustreerd, foto\'s
quote: RUNENTEKENS -- De geheime taal van de stenen

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