Legatius |
The Crypt has Eyes |
Posted 23-10-2002 21:00 by Legatius |
voor de liefhebbers, maar volgens mij zal hij nu wel ergens opgenomen zijn of zo... hehe
Interview with Ravn of Mysticum
Spring, Anno 1999
Conducted by Doug and Blasphemer Magazine
Edited by Jonathan Lee/FMP
1. What's up with "Planet Satan?" Mysticum devotees have been awaiting this album for some time. Will it be in the same vein as the first album (totally original concept), or totally different?
We are working hard as Hell, and Hell will be recorded this summer in July sometime. It will be in the same vein as the first album, only more extreme. Much more extreme drummings, and sounds, more industrial. Not as much old-school industrial, like "In the Streams of Inferno". So it's basically in the same vein as our first album, only more extreme in the drummings I think. But we still got two more songs to make. So if there is going to be differences, it will be on those. So I'm pretty much sure it will be the same as our first album.
2. Have stays in a mental hospital actually delayed "Planet Satan?" If so, explain.
No. It's enough with my psychologist . He has actually recommended, a mental hospital home for me. But I'm still capable to be among this shitty society for a while more. Anyway a friend of mine is at this place called "Blakstad sykehus" which is a mental hospital, and he likes to be there. That's the problem. I would probably like it there too, but I got other things to do. Like more music, more drugs, more violence, more sex, all those things that are enjoyable in life. Yes all those things that can't be done at a place like "Blakstad sykehus". Yeah, yeah, except drugs, but those are shitty drugs compared to what's on the streets. I am working to establish my personal thing. I'm going to start up as a silver smith, making all kind of silvery stuff and occult-ish jewelry but that isn't until next year! so maybe I got time for a couple of months in the mental hospitals then, heh heh heh.
3. Are you aware that "Cerastes" is an asteroid? Will this asteroid collide with "Planet Satan?"
Oh Shit. I'm having flash back's again. Oh fuck, motherholy fuck fuck fuck. Ahh, that was just a bonus from beyond. Shit yeah! I'm back now...... I hope it will collide with planet earth some day in my life time. Yeah, than this will be the "Planet Satan". A black freezing burning planet with an atmosphere of Luciferian spectres. Like those to be felt when your tripping on LSD or mushrooms (yeah like my bonus-2 minutes ago). only much more concentrated and much more clear, crystal clear. Like a rainbow of diamonds, just covering the planet like the ozone. A planet to fool the good believing. A planet where wrong is right, rape is love, and mankind are slaughtered by the chosen ones, that are to live forever. But these are only reflections from the visions of my dreams. So let's just wait for a biochemical World War instead, heh, heh , heh.
About that asteroid. We did know about it's name of course, but not at the time Benni got his name "Cerastes" in "Sabazios" seven years ago. I remember, I read it somewhere? So that is just a coincidence. He actually named himself after the serpent "Cerastes"! You know the horned sidewinder, the desert snake.
4. This is old news, but Mysticum was to be signed by Osmose. Word is that you demanded too much...
Hmmmm. That's not true. Of course we wanted more, because Osmose are cheap with their royalties. But that is not the reason why we dropped out on them. Full Moon Productions is a much more polite company, we are also personal, good friend's with Jon. We also released our debut album there and we want to grow strong with Full Moon Prod. from the bottom of, not to join a Mega-trendy label like Osmose. So I think we did a wise thing there! We like to go slowly upwards, so slow that we won’t fall downwards again. Other's like to go straight up and then, oops? Bang, smash and crash to the ground. We simply likes it slow (all slow Oslo, yeah, that's the truth in Norway).
5. In the states, schools employ an anti-drug seminar called "D.A.R.E." How is the "Never Stop the Madness" campaign doing at the grassroots level in your area?
We hope that somebody will take the initiative to make this campaign come to life. Because we are not doing shit about it (we got too much to do)! We are only trying to inspire somebody to make this campaign a living Hell among societies world-over. We want it to make other peoples life miserable. We have done almost every kind of drug, and it is fun! You see, you have to break yourself all the way down, to grow strong! "Never Stop the Madness" yeah, we are too many people on this fucking planet. So go for the needles! Because there are better things in life! Try an overdose, that is the best way they say, heh heh heh. Anyway! Hell, we are all going there sometime.
6. Ever crushed up Ritalin and done lines out of it? Most people are oblivious to the good shit readily available with some creativity.
I done that a lot of times, snorting and eating it. Ones I ate 16 Ritalin's. My pulse and heartbeats where so fucking high, that I thought I was going to die. I really don't like it that much after that episode of 666 bpm. ha ha ha.
7. How would you say "Mega-Satanic weed" in Norwegian? Or is it universally known as kind bud?
Heh. Well I think it is known as kind bud. Anyway we got nicknames like "Grø ndt", "Gress" and " Pot" of course. "Mega-Satanic weed" would be something like "Mega-Satanisk gress".
8. If someone called you a base-head, would you take offense?
I don't know? Maybe? If I had a bad day, and especially if I had something to drink (like liquor), I would have reacted to be mad as Hell, and probably been violent. But not particular because they called me that, but because they called me something to provoke me. You know I don't like base drugs that much anymore, I only get so fucking exhausted of it. I do like normal cocaine very much, not crack! And I don't like speed or meth-amphetamine that much anymore as I said. I am actually pretty straight these days with my drug abusement, compared to how I used to be and compared to how Mean Malmberg and Cerastes are going on! they are still going on like a fucking mad men on their abusement. But Cerastes, he's a drug addict, there is no question about that! I'm sure that he is never to give up.
9. Why did you change the artwork on "In the Streams of Inferno?"
We had to change it because that front cover is the most terrible work of art-design ever done for a band in our veins. It is terrible, we hate it, and it didn't turn out to be like we wanted it to be. On our next album we have to get a professional artwork designer to do this right . So if there is somebody that think they're professional and capable to do this artwork design on "Planet Satan" then you are welcome to contact me on my E-mail address "Svartravn@excite.com". No morons, thank you!.....
10. Where did you take the photos for the "In the Streams of Inferno" booklet? It looks like a water treatment plant.
Well that explains why the water is so shitty in the states, heh heh. Water treatment plant does certainly not look like that in Norway. But a concrete/cement plant does.. We had our photo session for "In the Streams of Inferno" at this extremely cold and dusty, industrial concrete plant, which have been closed down for maybe 15 to 18 years ago or something. But this was the best place ever to take pictures for our debut album. That you can see on our expression in the pictures. Because that is exactly what the music is about. Cold, suffering, misery, hatred.
Thanks for the interview, it was fun.....Hmmm..........We are coming over this end of fall, beginning of winter. And of course we'll have to party on. I really liked that Castle place in Daytona (Tampa, ed.). Drugs, liquor, babes and Viagra, that's the way man!.............. Later.....Svartravn......Mystico........
Je kan me de bout hachelen!