Hypnos |
Godmadeself |
Posted 21-03-2010 2:11 by Hypnos (Hoofdredacteur) |
Neviews for Necrophagist's Epitaph
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complete and total shit. - 0%
Written by alexlovestheredchord on March 7th, 2010
With it’s roots in with the likes of Gorguts, Cynic, and Atheist, technical death metal wasn’t the complete farce it is today. Somewhere along the line maybe it was Cynic something went terribly wrong, and the aims of the bands changed from creating good songs to complete wankery. Which is where I sit today writing this review for Necrophagist, who are the crème de la crème of modern technical death. Everyone is so enamored with his skills as a guitarist, yet can’t account for his inability to write a memorable song. I could care less how masterful of a guitarist he is, the songs on this album are his means of showing off.
“Stabwound” which is the song everyone has heard by the band, is treated by the weakest guitar tone I’ve ever heard. It even beats out Death’s on “Sound of Perseverance” as the most pussified tone ever, and right away Suicimez is already wanking about with a useless solo. Just a few seconds into the song he already interjects with a solo, it’s like someone cutting in on you in an important conversation not necessary. The entire song sets the stage for the rest of this shitty album everything is crystalline, the bass is annoyingly overpowering in the mix and the album starts!
The following track is abominably slow and plods onward, why is it so goddamn slow I ask myself and useless! The drummer does some weak rhythmic garbage and Christian and Suicimez do tradeoffs, yes the riffs are complex just not inherently interesting. The drummer is also guilty of the sin of overinflated musicianship, hills fills are plentiful and indeed skilled yet what purpose do they serve? “The stillborn one” ends with one of the longest and boring solos I’ve ever heard. “Epitaph” is indeed as the album title suggests, the band’s deservedly ignominious descent into the grave to be forgotten.
What pisses me off most about Suicimez and Christian are the solos, they are so long and done just for showmanship purposes. What the fuck is the purpose of fifty second long solos see “Ignominious and pale”? I can tolerate the complex riffage and even the amateurishly odd time signatures, but the solos reek of a charlatan attempting to be a virtuoso. The leadwork too reeks of purposelessness and nonfunctioning songwriting ability, tell me Suicimez whose genius idea was the intro riff of “Diminished to B”? The three tracks after “Stabwound” are so mind-bogglingly awful, that no amount of Suicimezs’ solos can save them.
The band however devoid collectively of musical memorability manage a few catchy riffs, the titletrack starts off much like “Stabwound” did rapidly and a nice break from the wankery. The drummer blasts rapidly then just shifts tempo, and does so more excellent blastwork and still beats his hi-hats to pieces. I’ve seen the man’s drumming capabilities on Youtube for “Stabwound”, and the man is certainly a masterful drummer. The titlerack is the final good moment of the album before it collides into rock bottom, “Only Ash remain” starts off with a bass solo that the tech kiddies will cream their pants to. Then it’s back to the needless ego trips, I mean songs whatever you call them.
In all honesty once you’ve heard “Only Ash remains” feel free to crush the album, the final two songs summarize the band’s capabilities. “Seven” is easily the worst song on the album with those annoying pinch harmonics, and that terribly high bass noise that the loser does so well on “Epitaph”. I encourage the open purchasing of this album, and much like what protesters did to Sinead O’ Connor’s albums maybe “Epitaph” will meet the same fate. Necrophagist are one of the worst technical death bands out there, not because of their musicianship but because they supplant traditional songs with technical filler. The entire bad deserves to be crushed to death with “Epitaph”, forever sparing the world of their evil!