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quote: Ik heb toch wel 75% gedaan hoor Ik was bij allebei de versies betrokken en heb het verder uitgewerkt en nog beetje veranderd dusja Teloorgang! --> https://youtu.be/fDebPivKw00 |
quote: Eej, reageer! Teloorgang! --> https://youtu.be/fDebPivKw00 |
waar gaat dit gedicht over? probeerden jullie een tiener te verkrachten op een van jullie kruistochten? |
quote:Hehe, het gaat heel overdreven over iemand die wij kennen. Tja.. wij hadden niks te doen tijdens scheikunde.. en Kramy thuis blijkbaar ook niet. Gelijkheid is een uitvinding van het gepeupel om wraak te nemen op de sterken. |
Het is beter als Scheikunde. best goed werk na de verbetering. [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door wladimir op 13-11-2002 18:04] |
Even wat gedichten van mij Onzekerheid door D.C. Selders De meeste lijken zo zeker en zo vastberaden Terwijl ze in een poel van onzekerheid baden Ze lijken de weg van het leven te kennen,maar dwalen Bang en onzeker om te falen Spelen ze toneel met een masker van onverschilligheid Maar achter dat masker zijn ze geestelijk de weg kwijt Als een vreemde in je eigen hoofd en hart Je gevoelens zijn een chaos,psychologisch verward Jou leven is net een sprookjesbos,Door D.C.Selders Is het de Efteling,nee het is jou leven!of zal ik het maar leugen noemen Wanneer ik je zie of spreek,zie ik nevel en narigheid opdoemen Je doet je zo zeker voor maar de zuilen van zekerheid staan bij jou op instorten Je hebt het altijd over overvloed en welvaar maar ik spreek bij jou liever van tekorten Zo geweldig ben je niet,je had stijl kunnen hebben maar je verpachte het Je sloot een pact met de duivel,Je bent zo onbetrouwbaar als Russisch roulette Je wilt liever femme fatale zijn dan betrouwbaar Omgaan met jou is niet zonder gevaar Voor je het weet zit je verstrikt in leugens en mooie vertellingen Met jou leven is een groot theater vol van schijnvertoningen Drank de zondebok van het leven door D.C.Selders Drank is de zondebok en ik de zonderaar Drank als de redder maar ook de moordenaar De moordenaar die langzaam je leven wegneemt Drank is als net als de ex die je blijdschap gaf maar na afloop je claimt Deze keer geen rechtszaak en geen gerechtshof Maar slechts een verlaten kerkhof En een graf waar mijn naam staat in gegraveerd Als elke pijn een leerproces is heb ik teveel geleerd Drank is als een glazenwasser die je leven even helder maakte maar krassen achterlaat Die krassen als de schade die drank mij deed,Ik wil stoppen maar is het al niet te laat? Te laat als een stemformulier in een stembus die al uren dicht is Elke keer die eenzaamheid en het verleden dat ik mis Het verleden waarin ik nog mezelf was Pijn is als een leraar die mij de les las De les van het leven, de moeilijkste studie die er bestaat Als je de pijn doorkomt kom je er sterker uit behalve als het niet meer verder gaat Afgestorven hersencellen als bewijs van de pijn die ik doormaak Als drank een kraker was en mijn leven het kraakpand dan was dit een geslaagde kraak Was er maar iemand die mij bijstond in de buurt die er voor me is in deze duistere tijden Nu is er niemand slechts een herinnering die mij pijn doet lijden p.s. dit laatste gedicht gaat niet over een gezellig avondje drinken maar een echt probleem want ik drink zelf ook graag op feesten enzo.Dit is dus een negatief gedicht over verslaving en niet over drank in feestelijk gebruik. |
Mn ex heeft een songtxt voor me geschreven, weet eigenlijk niet goed wat ik mee moet doen. light your candle, come out of the darkness and see our chaos. www.metalmixedup.com |
quote: Een paar muzikanten zoeken en er een liedje van maken... En als het niet meer zo vriendelijk verloopt met je ex: Ritueel verbranden natuurlijk. Teloorgang! --> https://youtu.be/fDebPivKw00 |
quote: In een lade stoppen met de rest van je geheimen. |
dat is een soort liefdesbri..email ofzo dude. zo moet je het zien, dus idd, bewaar lekker voor jezelf [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door aerodis op 13-11-2002 19:53] |
De mooiste vond ik die van White Tree (De Weg), ik kan zelf namelijk heel slecht in nederlands schrijven, bijna alle van Jenje (heb ze niet allemaal gelezen maar dit sprak me heel errug aan "Please don't leave me I was almost happy Please don't leave me I cannot face myself alone" Prachtig Ook die drie regelige van ro=zizboos was prachtig , respect okay... een paar van mezelf dan maar: *slik* Ending: Your forces spread too thin And now we must begin The end has come You once were strong But you fought too long And now the end has come You can not protect the weak From any war of pain they seek So now the end has come Once it was just a rant Now a million faithful chant: The end has come The end has come! You never thought it to be true Yet it came and Ended you Growing old: When we grow tired Wrinkled and old We should never remember The lies we were told When we were young Our passion was like a forest fire Our hearts were always and never one And we never aged until today We'll never grow tired Wrinkled and old We'll never remember The lies we are told When we are young Our passion is like a forest fire Our hearts are always and never one We will never age... Warning: Beware of a man carrying slices of cheese He does it to frighten you He does it to please Looking for babies In a field of dying daisies Somehow it seems That all life screams For something that is so close to hate Beware of a child carrying Crisis and Peace He does it to enlighten you He does it to tease Looking for veigns In a field of broken pains Somehow it appears All life fears That something so close to hate [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Phriar op 13-11-2002 20:00] "Toen hij, in plaats van groenteman, besloot bakker te worden, waren de gevolgen niet te aubergine" |
quote: Dank je |
Hier eentje die ik een tijd terug geschreven hebm, recentelijk bijgewerkt heb en deze tekst is nu gebruikt voor het nummer Ten Candles Burning van Covered in Ashes Ten candles burning One for each year befouled Ten candles burning Grim shadows of my tears Ten candles burning One for each year beloved Ten candles burning If they die, the memory remains I was not your enemy. I was not the one who tried to hurt you. Still you ran away from me. Away, away, away Leave me, you said. For there was no other way For you to keep evil away And now I wait Until the door opens again Until birds sing again I am so alone Out here in the cold Ten candles keep me warm Why are you away? Don’t my arms shelter you like the trees Doesn’t my blood feed you like the leaves? Please come back to me For life is flowing out of me Ten candles burning One for each year befouled Ten candles burning Grim shadows of my tears Ten candles burning One for each year beloved Ten candles burning If they die, the memory remains |
Ik ben weer begonnen met schrijven. Eerste pennevrucht : Pain, the living sensation of reality The burning takes away sedation of lies Through destruction of flesh it becomes apparent the relevance of truth Charred bones, disfigured limbs and hollow screams are testimony to this fatal knowledge In the eyes of horror illusions crumble fear and its outcome -- path to enlightenment Cessation of life, witness its perfection Transcendence through blood and murder The aftermath breathes ethereal whispers Serenity amidst the morbid remains The void listens |
ik had er 1 voor Dennis(XnegiX) gemaakt en Bas(SQT)en rose ben het orgineel ff kwijt (zou morgen me best doen om hem tezoeken) maar ja hier is een stukje ervan zoveel stelt het niet voor maar het komt uit je hart en daar gaat het om. Thank you for all your help Thank you for lisening to me Thank you for being a friend Thank you for helping me out (hier moet nog een stuk ) I'm so sorry for giving you the feeling i don't care. i'm so sorry for the fact that i'm to scared I'm so sorry for the saying things i don't do But remember that i fight not only for me,but also for YOU! ik schrijf wel meer teksten maar ik weet niet of ze de moeite waard zijn op hier te posten. als ik ze vergelijk met andere stellen die voor mij niks voor. Mezelf tegen friet! en spotten en al ut andere kansloos gedoe weest wel !? |
quote: bedankt voor het compliment En hierbij gelijk mijn complimenten aan de rest! This topic is alive again!!! quote: dit is vaag en fantastisch!!! Heb gelijk maar een van de vaagste dingen die ik ooit geschreven heb opgezocht: The drop that stirs the water an ocean of feelings I drown but still live The hand the hand of my father the others are stealing but the drops still give a name a sound dying The birds are angels I see them fly while I drown in the ocean and still won't die The grain that feeds the dust the desert of meanings Immortal still I die A sword stained with rust the hands are still stealing the ocean runs dry a drop a sound falling . Ik denk alleen dat het te geschift is om ook maar iets te raken... (ik heb het vage gevoel dat ik dit al eerder getypt heb??????, in dat geval mijn excuses) Helaas schrijf ik nauwelijks meer; te weinig inspiratie (waar zijn de sprookjes en de fatale vrouwen die me gebroken achterlaten zodat ik weer zware klagerige gedichten kan schrijven ) . ...the man on moon smiles and he says: www.audiovisueelontwerp.nl & www.soundclick.com/bands/5/extinguishedfire.htm |
STABBED IN THE THROAT As the blood begins to gush out the side of your neck I thrust my cold steel into your face, you're closer to death A twelve inch blade will help decide your ultimate fate This summons to die has been given to you for accepting my hate Stabbed in the throat For no reason but to kill, for no reason but the thrill You must die for me to survive Stabbed in the throat I believe in sacrifice, sliced open with my knife Your body is now life deprived Vocal cords twitching, esophagus severed, a hemorrhaging brain Your lacerated jugular vein is spurting away As mortality fades I am ready to flay your whole body and head Vigorously carving this fresh human flesh, I am one with the dead Stabbed in the throat For no reason but to kill, for no reason but the thrill You must die for me to survive Stabbed in the throat I believe in sacrifice, sliced open with my knife Your body is now life deprived I'm chewing bloody skin from the cadaver Consuming lifeless meat, mangled and tattered Half-eaten corpse lies skinless in the gutter I am revitalized Odium, embedded in my skull To kill and eat your prey a way of nature The taste of death must consciously be savored My cannibal existence never dangered Just look into my eyes Subjugate, intensity to blame Gnawing on the head, sliced to fucking shreds Knife to the gullet results in cessation Stabbed in the throat For no reason but to kill, for no reason but the thrill You must die for me to survive Stabbed in the throat I believe in sacrifice, sliced open with my knife Your body is now life deprived |
Dreamsleep I can not sleep, can I? My dream seems so real and yet my sleep so far, far away. Or is it my dream, that I cannot sleep and am I tired from dreaming of sleepless nights. My dreem of no sleep terrorizes me every night and I just don't want to wake up. Nightly terror, it haunts me every night. I cannot cope with it anymore It returns over and over and takes me to all places of my fear Please help... Text van dreamsleep van Vervamon wat ik nog steeds een voor een cannibal corpse achtige text wil gebruiken "she had once a perfect body, now she is all messed en bloody" |
quote: jij satan! als je moeder dit leest moet je de rest van je leven wees-gegroetjes doen! |
The leper(1990) Stone cold tears burning my disfigured face darkness my only soulmate is protecting me against panic panic has turned me into a monster- Hello-hooray-let the show begin-I've been ready |
Zeeer mooi white tree "waar zijn de sprookjes en de fatale vrouwen die me gebroken achterlaten zodat ik weer zware klagerige gedichten kan schrijven" rofl "Toen hij, in plaats van groenteman, besloot bakker te worden, waren de gevolgen niet te aubergine" |
Hmm, misschien zet ik hier van de week ook nog wat bij, ik heb zo'n 200 gedichten & songtexts geschreven. Zowel metal als ik-voel-me-klote. Wel dapper van jullie om dat allemaal te posten, die van mij mag echt bijna niemand lezen, alleen een paar van m'n beste vrienden/vriendinnen hebben er een paar gezien. Maar jullie zijn een inspiratie, dus ik ga kijken of ik iets heb wat niet al te slecht is. Jullie lezen nog van me. |
Deze is van vorig jaar toen ik kei verliefd was... Op aandringen van vrienden/vriendinnen heb ik dit opgestuurd, het resultaat was echt kut... Why has the sun gone away away from her face Never see the day never awake from this daze The fields of hope lie in ruins discoloured with grief Chain me to your tune I fall to death if I leave And all the angels on my floor still lie rotting between the doors Of my imagined fantasy please rip this feeling out of me When will my heart turn from me for still being wrong About all I see I felt deceived far too long I lie next to emptiness in spite of my dreams Until hopelessness swallows the more subtle means And every angel in my head was drowned in tears of crimson red Flying to higher pedestals which I can't ever reach at all How can I fly to new hope when I have no wings How to climb a rope if you don't see what it means The road lengthens every time I wish for a chance To show all the world I am so much more intense Only one angel still remains I do not want to bring her pain But still I tie her up to stay for I fear she will drift away Deze zijn wat ouder en meer eeevhol... *Of Frozen Hearts And Blackened Arts* I wait for the grim shadows to come I wait for the grim shadows to come I wait for the dark spirit to come to throne me in its world for I have seen The misty valley open for me to battle The bloodrunes twist into a sentence of death Ride through the frozen blackwoods Ride under mystic moonlight Scythe through majestic midnight Raven death squads I wait for the scarlet moon to rise I wait for the scarlet moon to rise I call for the black legions to rise summoned by the cold Arts With battlerage and cold hearts forever under ice Necromancy by grim darkness enspelled Enshrined in these darkening times Ride through the frozen blackwoods Ride under mystic moonlight Scythe through majestic midnight Raven deathsquads Eternally one with the stormwind fury Raven death on the poisoned gale Raven death C 1995 * Takedown * Full throttle crash into the barricade All forward join the stygian parade Relentless Christ's assault on human flesh Die splattered on the walls when you confess The sins of the father was it a takedown When he raped your mother screaming and dying Amen Amen Immortal sybarite or holy ghost Addictive the transgressive path you chose Invasion of the superstitious mind Meaningless in these depths you'll only find The sins of your father was it a takedown When he raped yur mother screaming and dying Embittered disentombed iconoclast Decrepit holy corpse your time has passed Malignant saviour-self I end your reign Rejoin us you'll ultimately reclaim The sins of our father was it a takedown When he raped your mother screaming and dying Amen Amen Betray man.....kind C 1996 Hier was ik ook kei verliefd, ook vorig jaar * Concrete Slam * "Even though there was an apocalypse today I'm still happy As happy as I can imagine to be possible for someone else someone not as..... Not as..... whatever" I feel like tearing it all down I want to rip it all apart I want to smash the ebon crown driving its thorns right through my heart I'm dying every fucking night when dreaming of my fallen star All of my thoughts they seem to scythe into my mind the burning scars Of pain-filled passion overdose a new obsession overthrows The walls around my heart I live just to destroy myself I don't want to reclaim myself I keep breaking apart I need to crash into the bricks to feel nothing forevermore I'm sick of all my fucking tricks I am not human anymore And every time I hear your name I'm flooding with adrenaline All of the others are the same to be unique is it a sin? Of pain-filled passion overdose a new obsession overthrows The walls around my heart I live just to destroy myself I don't want to reclaim myself I keep breaking apart No month supply of lithium can soothe the burning pain Of loveless ad infinitum feeding needles into my brain And all is crashing down again a fucking axeblade through my head I drown in poisoned medicine I wish that I was fucking dead Sit down and watch me burn sit down and watch me bleed Watch me burn watch me bleed C 2001 De Raven Anthem, haha (ode aan de swarte raef) * Moonraven * With my wings I eclipse the skies throned Raven of eternal night Howling my ancient battlecries through shadows under blessed moonlight Soaring on deathwind's frozen blight beware of the impending doom I am the chosen of midnight screeching apocalyptic tunes Crowned Lunar midnight bird of prey Moonraven..... Harbinger of death and dismay Moonraven..... Prepare for a frontal assault when I descend from blackened skies The plague from prophecies foretold a new era of darkness nighs Talons of steel scythe through your kin enforced ignorance takes its toll When all is lost and burns within the fire of my Ravensoul Crowned Lunar midnight bird of prey Moonraven..... Harbinger of death and dismay Moonraven..... C 1997 Ook van het vorig jaar incident: * Blue Incense * "Sometimes when you stare into nothing and you cry alone Watching the roses on your imaginary grave deepfrozen You think of her again time and time again Reliving the pain the doubt the veil of insecurity clouding your mind since then And you try to imagine she thinks of you too but you don't know and it kills you Does she know it's killing you? does she know this at all? The tears the loneliness the hope the sleepless nights weeks months The long days of nothing of endless waiting Would she know? would she care?" Bloody roses drifting on the soft midsummer breeze As I forever wander through the stormwind melodies Can't you see I'm dying here my heart feels so alone These scars have bled all of my life longer even than I have known The pain..... the absence of passion..... I barely sense the death throes of my heart now I feel nothing anymore forevermore With everything I feel I die again I don't seem to feel my thoughts anymore "I dreamt my wish came true but when the morning came I laid here shivering all alone drowning in the delusions of my mind So sick of everything but as happy as I could pretend I was" I had this dream again and again I felt different And I was different again I feel something is imminent For one time one time in this bleak world called life C 2001 Oudje: * Awaken (Eternal Shall Be The Bliss Of Possession) * Fiery eyes in the frozen pentagram golden blood spilling from the chalice Immortality opens the gardens of sin enchained to the archangels malice To the roar of ancient Baphomet crystallized circles erupt into flames With the slaughter of purestrain man and the laughter of royal disdain Corpsecandle winds howl with hate and despair and the flickering candles die out in my hands Blessing all with glorious darkness and death on a winter night in the frozen wastelands The passion of midnight amidst fallen stars invading the massacred bodies of priests Mocking the weakening powers of Christ divine omnipotence of Baal be unleashed Under the malignant hate filled skies I summon thy ancient soul to arise C 1995 Nog een: * Darkening Of Times * As the violent storms gather at the midwinter solstice night So gather the hordes of the ebon twilight assembled on wastelands' frost blight Awaiting the call of the deepfrozen winds on the cliffs by the black citadel Aroused by the clamour of undying souls the sounding of blasphemous bells Arise from the ashes of mankind's torment entwined in the ruins of sin As a plague scything through your cities with madness serrated blades sing Glorious damnation is mine to behold and I saw prophecies come to life Immortal remains of the ancient ways through blood and through fire revived The vacant throne of frozen bone cries out for my chilling caress A midnight raven flight through time with darkness to be blessed No thorned crown unseen stigmata to linger in my way Bloodlust calls from golden halls I am the only way C 1995 Zelfde jonckvrouw van vorig jaar, maar nu geschreven toen ik 'r voor 't eerst zag op Dynamo 99 * Canvas Blues * "Sometimes when you wake up in the middle of the night, crying shivering all alone Shaking feeling the absence of warmth the cold space by your side you die and die again Each night more painful bleeding dry from the inside Waiting pleading it will ever stop will it ever stop? Help me lead me from the ruins of my life To the rosegarden of your dreams I have cut myself again Why is there no rose without thorns just for me....." Shivering cover golden dawn with a veil of pain Withering like a dying rose wishing for the rain Whispering of midnight dreams which devastate all doubt Promising eternity awaits beneath your shroud Entwine me and enshrine me in your introspective dreams a burning kiss yet on a gilded mirror frame Waiting for your far away embrace my heart feels broken still the pieces stay ablaze With your searing avalanche will distance grant a second chance To make me feel again C 1999 Oh the horror... Apotheosis * "Only one star shines in the darkness of my heart Where painted clouds.....black allow only a single sunray To reluctantly illuminate the flooding valley of tears Only dreams pin me to the nightmares of this world" Cut them out of me Rip it out of me Strip it off of me Get me out of here Sear me in your arms you've taken all my lucky charms And eat away from me this heartfelt malady I drown in my own fear that everything that I hold dear Will wither with despair for tragedies are never fair I've drawn your blackened veil over all my dreams I've killed And already regret my fate awaiting just ahead This pain from thousand knives I have been feeling all my life Yet only know I start to see what lies beyond this agony Broken and fraught with grief just death can grant me the relief I need from all of this that has led me to my final wish Each night since I have prayed for everything to fade away Into the night from which I came I haven't ever been the same Amen C 2001 Ook van vorig jaar *Permafrost* (I lie emotionless and naked in the freezing hailstorm) I turn away can't you see that I'm dying here Nothing to say have I become what I always feared Stab me again cut me with your cold steel cold heart Can't remember when I felt whole and not ripped all apart Always on the opposite side of the river never cross the stream Always the water stays cold and I shiver another shattered dream Heaven seems so far away when you can't scale the clouds And don't know to whom to pray when lost in endless doubt Dreams are so real that I don't want to wake up this time How can I feel anything with my lack of knowledge What can you say to heal all the scars and slashes Burn me away and we'll see if my life's so precious Rusted were the autumn leaves just like the dagger in my chest Maybe I can make believe that I'm as happy as the rest You were my light and in your darkness I have fallen Forever denied all my mind suddenly so sullen You turn away empty handed I stay to find That all fades away again my heart leaves me behind C2001 Evhol oudje *...Unto The Gates Of Eternity...* Murderous mist and shadows sing with the wolves tonight The curse of crimson angels has swallowed all the light Behold the freezing forest majestic kingdom mine The Order of the Dragon beckons to cross the line ...Between this life and beyond... Come to me come to me for all eternity Come to me come to me release your soul to me ...And I am immortal... Reach out to touch my power I am the twilight's scourge Walk now into the fire embrace the fallen hordes The night is growing darker you kissed the wings of death A scythe reflects with moonlight a dream engraved in red ...Between this life and beyond... Come to me worship me I am eternity Come to me drink from me prolong death's agony ...And I am immortal... Into the heart of the Oak where the spiritworld resides a dance of death and of praise to the Raven of the moon A curse of hearts blackened Arts now eternal battle starts as Heaven's crown plummets down at the shores of Hell to drown ...As life is now beyond... C1996 Kutkutkut *Stranded* The pictures in my dreams are so frightening Always looking at me Staring with painted eyes So amused with my endless fighting With all my naivity And all my heartborn lies The colours in my head turn black and white When I now think of you You only confuse me This silence all the time never feels right The scent of warmth is new But is it meant for me? The truth of my fear was confirmed tonight But I'm not sad right now I'm only dreaming this I don't have a clue which step should be right One more could make me drown Or could forfill my wish The eyes of the unseen always scrying If I am vulnerable Which I don't want to know The moment that I wake feels like dying My head feels miserable Right after last night's show One taste of your glitter just not enough My heart cries out for more And yet the crowd breathes no The shackles break and release all the doves So careless like before Looks like I'm my own foe The desert is here as far as I see In a faerytale guise I don't see what it means The angel in my sleep still enchants me You pierce me with your eyes You're haunting all my dreams C2001 *Spasm* Hello I am no one Kill me I am nothing Insufficient Out of reach and out of sight winter in my world Darkness has eclipsed your light now there's only me Hate and anger in my heart so emotionless All my life is torn apart right before my eyes Hello I am no one Kill me I am nothing Insufficient All my creativity helps me to escape Your soft voice still haunting me barely audible Kiss my face with broken glass take it out on me Just one rule in my art class we only draw in blood C 2002 *Strawberry Tea* Speak to me I haven't heard your sparkling silence lately All the fruit has rotten every love dies in my hands So topple over my porcelain swans one for every haunted wish One for every arrow missed now my bullseye paint runs out When I hang out with the freaks who cut me and I like it For I can't see you so you can't see me Tears are making things so easy and I don't need your sympathy There is no such attention here like glistening wrists in the moonlight Heavy with the sound of glass shattering my crash address Just for a while and forced to smile When thoughts drift to destruction and I've always liked that part Unconsciously I excel in it unbreakable untouchable I think I need a miracle to hear again your silent words Wherever I have touched the stars I felt cold and incapable of love So I dream a lot to see you without looking Most importantly fortunately I cut out my own eyes And never realize again all the pain I miss Way too deep in all this I am like Jesus I am dead Wannabee Jesus wannabee dead Wannabee Jesus wannabee dead C 2002 *All Radioactive Dreams* Those eyes are everywhere it hurts Ignore me throw away my words You had the perfect scars you know And I had nowhere else to go I'm so sick I can't sleep I'm so fucked I can't breathe Hanging on to destruction for a better reaction No love is here beyond these eyes Crush me to death beneath my cries Paint your repulsion here I see No magic wand has worked for me I just have heard these words enough That silent angels mean fuck off I'm so sick I can't sleep razors cut me so deep Hanging on to destruction nothingness a reaction Every echo every word ever bitter song I've heard In the darkness of my heart statuettes all fall apart Every fire every spark every arrow lost its mark All for nothing every dream every whisper every scream I'm so sick I can't sleep I'm so lost I can't breathe C 2001 *Celebration Of My Broken Dreams (On Foreign Grass)* Break all the bottles of wine in my head pop all the bubbles until I am dead Falling away just as hard as I climb chasing erasing your noose fits me fine Smash and oppress and destroy all around your sudden moodswings are breaking me down Forever trying to follow my dreams they are all nightmares as far as it seems In the grass in the clouds in my head on the floor I don't dream anymore I don't dream anymore Always trying and trying like never before nothing left to adore I don't dream anymore The foreign fields were made of razors kissing me with the sting of your disgust Still high from the night before now tumbling down the clouds gone to dust Do you hate me as much as I hate myself I am lost within my questions All the silence the unspoken words I hear the enchantment so disenchanting so near In the grass in the clouds in my head on the floor I don't dream anymore I don't dream anymore Always trying and trying like never before nothing left to adore I don't dream anymore Take all my writings and blow them away burn all the incoherent things that I say Make me despise you with all of my heart take all my feelings and tear them apart How can I love you when I am thin air transparent space you see through I'm nowhere Shaking from midwinter's touch that you are all that I hoped for was never so far In the grass in the clouds in my head on the floor I don't dream anymore I don't dream anymore Always trying and trying like never before nothing left to adore I don't dream anymore C 2002 *Forever never* Close my blind eyes come and lead me astray what I build up one night smashed to ruins next day Now I've fallen too far and too sudden to think pull me up but instead you just sever the link That is holding me into my dreams where I live in a bubble where I cannot be destructive Now it has popped and I only want out out of my nightmare away from my doubt How dare you to embrace the hope in me then turn it all to agony With all your silent misery now scarred into my memory You know too well how it feels to be down in the darkness of the raging sea where I drown Why do you do to me what I know you must hate all alone all for nothing cut open I wait For the world to fade out when my sun disappears all my spirit is gone now I only know fear For the next one to come and I know it will hurt just as much as today with this absence of words You always change your mood from day to day so what am I supposed to say When nothing I do is okay you've never loved me anyway C 2002 *Fucking Gone ( The Cloud Song)* I had a dream last night and want it to be true To dream and dream I died it must be all for you I wish it went away and hide it in my heart Locked up within you stay and watch me fall apart Help me Bring me to the ground I am dead when you're not around Wire all the barbs to the new confusion relive all your dreams of a new solution Try to speak the words but they never follow reaching for your hand from a heart so hollow Ingest the poisoned knives they're buried in my skin Ignite before my eyes the thought of what I've been Serve me the tainted wine and toast upon my grave Don't think that I'll be fine no luck here for the brave Help me Watch me drift away Be naive just another day Weaving all my dreams to another falsehood recreate my doubts in another fake mood Everything I say will be used against me everything I think will just only reach me C 2002 Nou, dat was best wel moeilijk om dit even te posten, zo op het metal forum. Maar het lucht wel op, hopelijk vindt iemand dit mooi, of misschien heb je er iets aan, zo van like minded spirit ofzo... Echt een kei goed idee om hier zo gedichten/lyrics te posten, ik zag hier ook al veel mooie tussen, ik heb ze bijna allemaal gelezen. Groet, Paul |
eej erg mooi gedaan ik schoot op een gegeven moment gewoon vol ik zal ze zo verder lezen maar wat ik tot nu toe gelezen heb echt klasse Vooral die over liefde gaan kan ik me goed invinden. Knap dat je dit gepost hebt ik zou hetzelf niet kunnen. nogmaals klasse Mezelf tegen friet! en spotten en al ut andere kansloos gedoe weest wel !? |
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