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Topic : Personal Lyrics Vorige pagina | Volgende pagina
De Haardos
Usericon van Nightraven
Posted 17-11-2002 19:53 by Nightraven Wijzig reactieProfiel van NightravenQuote dit bericht


Enne... Cliff!!!

''k speel zelf ook basgitaar, echt een van m'n helden.

Usericon van Orion
Posted 17-11-2002 19:56 by Orion Wijzig reactieProfiel van OrionQuote dit bericht

ik ga bass spelen speel nu gitaar en aangezien het niet erg klikt(vergeleken met anderen)ga ik maar bassen dat gaat me denk ik beter af (speel nu 2 jaar gitaar)

maar uuh nogmaals: klasse

Mezelf tegen friet! en spotten en al ut andere kansloos gedoe weest wel !?

De Haardos
Usericon van Nightraven
Posted 17-11-2002 20:08 by Nightraven Wijzig reactieProfiel van NightravenQuote dit bericht

Thanx, nogmaals .

Over dat bassen, vaak denken mensen (gitaristen, niks tegen jou hoor...) dat bas makkelijker is dan gitaar, maar ja het is zo moeilijk of makkelijk als je het je zelf maakt... Mensen zeggen wel eens dat ik gitaar speel op een bas, omdat ik met plectrum en een rij pedalen (metalzone en zo) speel, en me zelfs wel 's aan een solo waag (ik kan bijna heel aenestesia haha)...

Het moeilijke aan gitaar vind ik de juiste snaren raken en dan alleen degene die je wil aanslaan...

Het moeilijkste aan bas vindt ik je vingers snel uitrekken op een belachelijk snel thrashtempo (lees: Slayer etc.) omdat die vakjes zo ver zitten en ik ben maar 1,75 m.

Ook de manier van palm muting is net wat anders.

Maar bovenal ben ik bas gaan spelen omdat ik het toffer vind dan gitaar, en niet omdat gitaar me te moeilijk lijkt. Dan komt nu de clue, wat wil je zelf spelen, diep in je hart?
Als je bent begonnen als gitarist, dan is dat toch waarschijnlijk het instrument daT JE het liefst wil bespelen? In dat geval zeg ik, fuck the rest en doe wat je hart je ingeeft.

Maar natuurlijk zijn meer basbeulen altijd welkom, haha.

In ieder geval veel succes, en nogmaals dank je.

De Haardos
Usericon van Nightraven
Posted 17-11-2002 20:09 by Nightraven Wijzig reactieProfiel van NightravenQuote dit bericht

Erg off topic trouwens, sorry

Angela Mortis
Sinistre Française
Usericon van Angela Mortis
Posted 17-11-2002 20:14 by Angela Mortis Wijzig reactieProfiel van Angela MortisQuote dit bericht


[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Angela Mortis op 22-12-2004 10:42]


Usericon van Orion
Posted 17-11-2002 20:15 by Orion Wijzig reactieProfiel van OrionQuote dit bericht

vroeger wou ik altijd al bassen maar ja niemand vond het mooi.
Dus d8 ik ik koop wel een gitaar,ik ben altijd van plan om ervoor te gaan maar op 1 of andere manier lukt het nooit ik zet het aan de kant omdat ik denk dat het toch nooit wat word

Mezelf tegen friet! en spotten en al ut andere kansloos gedoe weest wel !?

De Haardos
Usericon van Nightraven
Posted 17-11-2002 20:29 by Nightraven Wijzig reactieProfiel van NightravenQuote dit bericht

Hee kop op

Dat dacht ik vroeger ook, dat ik dat nooit zou kunnen, (ik kon wel al nirvana spelen, zoals iedereen in die tijd)maar ik leerde toen van een vriend black magic van slayer, ik heb er echt twee dagen constant op zitten te oefenen, en toen ik m gewoon kon, was ik echt kei gelukkig
Dat gaf me meteen motivatie om steeds meer te leren.

Dat was op n gitaar trouwens.

Een tijdje later kocht ik mn bas.

Je moet er gewoon voor gaan en kei hard oefenen, tot het bloed aan je gitaar zit...

(is mij gebeurd trouwens, op de openingsdagen van de oefenruimtes hierzo, ze hadden bandjes nodig om de gemeenteraad te showen, en wij zijn wat gaan jammen, ik sloeg een beetje hard aan of palmmute verkeerd ofzo, maar ik voelde iets nats en ik deed het licht aaan en opeens zat mn gitaar onder het bloed, ik kijk naar mn had en er zat een keigroot gat in, ik -stom- doorspelen, op een gegeven moment zaten de spetters totaan mn elleboog, op heel mn gitaar op de versterker, op de vloer, echt ranzig, maar wel metal)

De Haardos
Usericon van Nightraven
Posted 17-11-2002 20:30 by Nightraven Wijzig reactieProfiel van NightravenQuote dit bericht

Wow, mooi gedicht Angela Mortiis, ik post zelf van de week nog wel een paar.

Usericon van aerodis
Posted 17-11-2002 20:31 by aerodis Wijzig reactieProfiel van aerodisQuote dit bericht

je moet idd dingen spelen die je zelf gaaf vind om te spelen!!

ik begon met de intro van One, helemaal gaaf toen ik dat kon spelen.
daarna, heel erg voorzichtig Master of Puppets, en dat steeds opvoeren.

en nu speel ik um (na opwarmen op 220

Moraal: Begin met dingen spelen die je gaaf vind om te spelen, en niet al te moeilijk zijn. Gouden Tip: Metallica.

Angela Mortis
Sinistre Française
Usericon van Angela Mortis
Posted 17-11-2002 20:32 by Angela Mortis Wijzig reactieProfiel van Angela MortisQuote dit bericht

Dank je

Ben benieuwd naar je schrijfsels

edit: @ Nightraven

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Angela Mortis op 17-11-2002 20:33]


Usericon van Orion
Posted 17-11-2002 20:34 by Orion Wijzig reactieProfiel van OrionQuote dit bericht

Bang your head against the stage Like you never did before Make it ring Make it bleed Make it really sore METAL!!!

nou ja ik zou er binnekort 1 kopen en dan zou ik er speciaal voor jou voor gaan ok
en voor mezelf natuurlijk ook

in iedergeval heel erg bedankt

Mezelf tegen friet! en spotten en al ut andere kansloos gedoe weest wel !?

De Haardos
Usericon van Nightraven
Posted 17-11-2002 20:34 by Nightraven Wijzig reactieProfiel van NightravenQuote dit bericht

Op 17 november 2002 20:32 schreef Angela Mortis het volgende:
Dank je

Ben benieuwd naar je schrijfsels

edit: @ Nightraven

Oh, er staan er al een paar op de vorige pagina.

Usericon van Orion
Posted 17-11-2002 20:35 by Orion Wijzig reactieProfiel van OrionQuote dit bericht

wat vond je van de mijne trouwens

Mezelf tegen friet! en spotten en al ut andere kansloos gedoe weest wel !?

Angela Mortis
Sinistre Française
Usericon van Angela Mortis
Posted 17-11-2002 20:38 by Angela Mortis Wijzig reactieProfiel van Angela MortisQuote dit bericht

Op 17 november 2002 20:34 schreef Nightraven het volgende:
Oh, er staan er al een paar op de vorige pagina.
weet ik, heb ze allemaal gelezen, vandaar dat ik benieuwd ben naar je andere werk. D'r zitten echt een aantal hele mooie beeldspraken in


De Haardos
Usericon van Nightraven
Posted 17-11-2002 20:39 by Nightraven Wijzig reactieProfiel van NightravenQuote dit bericht

Op 14 november 2002 0:07 schreef Orion het volgende:
ik had er 1 voor Dennis(XnegiX) gemaakt en Bas(SQT)en rose

ben het orgineel ff kwijt (zou morgen me best doen om hem tezoeken)

maar ja hier is een stukje ervan

zoveel stelt het niet voor maar het komt uit je hart en daar gaat het om.

Thank you for all your help
Thank you for lisening to me
Thank you for being a friend
Thank you for helping me out

(hier moet nog een stuk )

I'm so sorry for giving you the feeling i don't care.
i'm so sorry for the fact that i'm to scared
I'm so sorry for the saying things i don't do
But remember that i fight not only for me,but also for YOU!

ik schrijf wel meer teksten maar ik weet niet of ze de moeite waard zijn op hier te posten.
als ik ze vergelijk met andere stellen die voor mij niks voor.

Voor een vriend geschreven? Echt recht uit het hart ja, da's altijd mooi

En dat het niks voorstelt is natuurlijk bullshit he, je beschrijft toch wat JIJ voelt?

De Haardos
Usericon van Nightraven
Posted 17-11-2002 20:50 by Nightraven Wijzig reactieProfiel van NightravenQuote dit bericht

Ok nog een paar dan:

* Come out *

Make me bleed in every way
hell I need you every day
Suck the venom from my veins
if its loss will kill the pain
I wish for more of less
even your kiss it tore my flesh

Bleed again
I need a friend
I would die for you
if only I knew you

Share with me every breath
you don't take
Care for my broken head
when I'm awake

Where are you
when you're not in my dreams
I want to
let you out of my dreams
I wil tear at my skin
until you come out
I shall feel no more pain
when you have come out
Never again
fade away into nothingness
To be nothing
is to feel nothing


C 1994

* Mourninglight *

The profound lonely nights
gnaw at me deep inside
The useless endless wait
the cruel ways of fate

Pain was never meant to be
a tool to kill the time
Between tears of agony
and self inflicted destiny

A scarlet razor's melody
glistens in the moonlight
When death mourns at my side
and waits for me to die (again)
And honestly I try
but never hard enough
Come on play it rough
broken on my knees
Make me pull the leash
Make me tie the noose
come on make me lose

C 2001

* Imprisoned In Me (Passion=Obsolete) *

This empty place I locked you in
was once my blackened sickened heart
Don't ask me where my thoughts have been
when I ripped all of it apart
Made myself into a dungeon
that even I cannot escape
These hallways of oblivion
this perfect inner hell I shaped

Only one star in the darkness
let it be you
Forever near your soft caress
let it be true

You can't leave me
You can't leave me
You can't leave me
You can't leave me
Please don't leave me
No don't leave me
Please believe me
I can't leave you
I won't leave you
I don't leave you here
Torn apart by all your fears
Like you left me
I'm too naive to see
You will never miss me

C 1994

* Downtune *

You try living with my label
being mentally unstable
Heavy the burden I can't bear
so sick that I don't even care
Wether I live or die tonight
this razor blade who knows I might

Down tune
my strings are downtuned
On a fucking bass
it all seems out of place

Where do I hide my tears today
I can't dig up the words to say
When bleeding dry internally
I hate the piece that's left of me
Wanting to dream forever more
I'll step right trough the exit door

Down tune
my life is downtuned
It's a fucking maze
I long to leave this place

When love is lost then life is lost
leaving daggers in me to rust
I hate everything that I see
when my reflection stares at me
When your reflection stares at me
I want to dream eternally
I want to end all agony
You'll never hear this melody

C 1997/1998

* Shattered Glass (Stains Me) *

My hope is a substitute for loneliness
I fear no I know it to be meaningless
Everything I live for has gone up in flames
all that I know wish for is another name

I'm a lowlife getting high on my dreams
dreams that will never come true
Do you know that you are my only hope
if the days become empty too

Sometimes I still dream of my escape from here
those days when my pillow drinks up all my tears
And everything I feel makes me sick again
I can't clearly recall who the fuck I am

I'm a lowlife getting high in my dreams
dreams far too good to be true
I could wish that you were my only hope
my days have become empty too

My smile seems so pointless on a tearstained face
without all my angels I'm a big disgrace
My smile burns so pointless on my tearstained face
without all you angels I'm a total waste

C 1998

Deze is echt erg...

* Broken Mirror *

I'm holding my escape plan
glistening sharpened steel
I'm locked up in your bathtub
and wish I could not feel
The memories of razors
slicing through jaded veins
Like hope was severed last night
just nothingness remains
Confused and broken hearted
I dream of my next life
For faerytales sound better
when I have plunged the knife
Into my stained memories
I wish they went away
And I had no emotions
they hurt me every day

C 1996

* Dayscream *

Dreaming of the daylight
wishing nevermore
My head's filled with twilight
rotten to the core

Symphony of razors
dancing on wet skin
All the hope I live for
lies shattered witin

Deep inside I wish for
pulsing waterfalls
Lying on the cold floor
broken lifeless doll

Everything has withered
my time fades away
All my thoughts embittered
lead my heart astray

C 2001

* Lost *

"Withering some more each day
slowly fading with the passing of time
Rotting away until all is gone
Lately I've become invisible"

In the freezing lonely night
always awake
A fire sears me from inside
all my dreams they seem so far.....

Lost the will to find my home
out in the dark
Don't leave me wandering alone
I have always been unstable.....

Will I ever see the eyes
of an angel
Does someone hear my hollow cries
with these wings I want to fly away.....

C 2001

* The Dreamscape *

"In the barren wastelands of my soul
filled with desperate moments of vain glory
Pathetic obsessions haunt my dreams forever
will my kingdom never come?
I can hear the wind whispering
a name over and over again
Your name again and again
but I know the damned never reach the angels"

I can barely dream anymore
I cannot catch my own
Help me I don't want to be
forever so alone

Only my dreams keep me alive
to see the light of day
Never release me from your spell
my hope drifts far away

This doubt shatters my aching head
it fills me with despair
That dreams never come true for me
I wonder if you care

C 2001

* Skyrider *

"Sitting in the darkest corner of the earth
alone and out of reach from all the hands
The hands trying to pull me out
out of the depths out of the dark
But bands of steel hold me tight in their grasp
and I seek comfort in the shivering embrace
When I sense all the colours of this world are real
and not some far away dream
Closing on me more near than ever before
so I can feel the warmth of her heart
Never to let it go again
never let go"

Hold me down into my own dream
keep drowning me
In the safety of your embrace
so I can be
The hero that you think I am
I need to know
How far I'm still under control
to let it go

Let it go
and never let go again
Let it go
and never look back again

Screaming from the depths of my heart
I want it all
Living fast to hear it at last
the angel's call
Riding on celestial wings
I dive at you
I'm so unaware and naive
everything's new

Let it go
and never let go again
Let it go
and never look back again
Let it go
and never come down again
Let it go
to never look back again

C 2001

* Choke *

I can't take the blistering heat
the waiting for the chance
Choking on the thought of defeat
it's searing in my throuat
I embrace the hope and the fear
of passion under siege
I sense eternity draws near
towards my trembling heart

Choke on feathers
Angel shine
Now I'm better
Now it's time

I hold my breath until I'm dead
but just figurative
I fear for things I never had
that all will crumble down
All of the colours gather now
september afternoon
I don't know when I don't care how
I'm breaking through the dusk

Choke on feathers
Angel shine
Now I'm better
Now it's time

To dream of burning distant stars
is not enough for me
I want to outshine every star
in all the galaxy
I feel a genie leave its flask
full throttle towards me
I don't know if you ever ask
what is your deepest wish

Choke on feathers
Angel shine
Now I'm better
Now it's time
Now it's time
Angel shine
Angel shine
Angel shine

C 2001

* Gold *

just as you said
Don't disguise
bring it all on
Golden crown
rose without thorns
Come on down
only for me
Brightest face
that I have owned
And not a trace
of all the scars
the gift of wings
Orange rush
the dawn of me

August is gold majesty
August is gold majesty
August is gold majesty
August is gold majesty

C 2001

* Beyond The Call Of Death *

I call on thy presence which slumbers beneath
amidst lavish moonlight once more thou shalt breathe

Beyond the call of death

Death's clarion call sounds through Hell's paradise
invoking the blight of the sleeping princess
It shatters the stained glass whereunder she lies
revealing the ancient frost filled menace
An angel awakes six feet under the floor
enshrouding baroque vaults with frail innocence
It's swirling red mist tells sad stories of yore
where wyld Samhain nights sprout their scarlet seance
Exhuming lost secrets through black satin gloves
inviting the graceless from cathedral ruins
To wander the night where scythes ring from alcoves
and bleed molten wax on the face of the moon
To drown in caresses carved in fragile skin
craving the new life ripped from breached arteries
Vast treasures unspoken lie buried within
awaiting release by the knife's melodies
She lusts for new tears like carotid perfume
unveiling the grace of her ignoble strain
As death's fog draws veils on pale beauty in bloom
so razors draw crevasses through offered veins
With life's blood bespattered she writhes in blessed earth
the igneous soil soaks up passions dark red
Awaiting the time of her sanguine rebirth
my frozen queen bathes in twilight's icy breath

Now let the earth pour forth it's undying bride
let her haunt once more the forests at midnight

Beyond the call of death

C 2001

* Symphony in D(Formity) *

Cast thyself from thy pedestal
into the gruesome depths
Undaunted by its nothingness
the maelstrom it beckons thee

Thy tangibility has long since kissed thee farewell

On that ill-omened lonely night
when thy beauty was ripped from thee
Gilded mirrors shattered in unison
their frames still resonate with thy cries

Infused with thy bereavement

Under glass did thee smother
not unlike a wilted rose
Marbled cheeks shone frozen
with crystallized tears

Falling into abeyance

Emeralds now blaze inward
shut with the cruelty of despair
No need to open them again
eternity shall be thy final resting place

Always thy antediluvian dream.....

C 1997/1998

* The Moon She Bleeds Onto My Heart (Enshadowed) *

I am as an angel of darkness
riding on wings of the frozen skies
A shadow of blasphemous glory
ancient as the fell breath of winter
Enthroned on the souls of the fallen
withered by blasting storms are they now
And through the snowfall I seek my prey
and no one shall deny my conquest
Death's blessing shall I rain upon them
cold and unforgiving as the night
Under the spell of the crescent moon
the fog holds me in its icy grasp
And leads me to the freezing forest
where the new Order shall claim the earth

C 1994

* Impressed With Darkness' Blessed Caress *

Daggers lick my swollen veins
cast thy majestic spell
When nightfall reigns and still retains
the echo of death's bells

With sharpened endearments I taste
the sweet laryngeal wine in thee
A languid kiss mocks cruelly
thy overruled obituary

Sister to slaughter's reverie.....


Hast thou not etched into my skin
jugular phantasies?
The silken line twixt love and lust
has never been so thin

Share tender sips with frozen lips
from roseate passion falls
On necropoli in which we lie
we writhe and bite in dormant halls

The raven sky impaled by belfries
screaming out our secret names
Its nascent cry reaches like ivy
towards the night from which we came

Throned on the vermillion eclipse
by heathen Craft entwined

Obfuscated by the veils of time
wereth thou in Babylon?
In bastions of sin divine
to bless the threnodies we spun

Lay me to rest my black temptress
my essence drips away
On callous breasts thy sweet caress
enshadows all the light of day

Eternity it calls.....

C 2000/2001

* Ravensoul And Shadowheart *

The malicious call of darkness
in her raven scented dress
Threw grave demands of whoreship
on the eve of Candlemas

Bless me sweet satin temptress.....

So to thee I do arise
from my splattered hecatomb
And tear centuries of lethargy
from cruel unblinking eyes

By the night again enticed
to the savour of reprise

To the charred overtone of chateau
I aspire once more to thee
Rising to fiery heights below
through dancing razors' melodies

Pale malady.....
death's parody.....

Ablaze with dead and buried bloodlust
the ebon throne calls out my name
The Herd shall cower once again
before the whims of tyranny

Empowered by crowned blasphemy.....

C 1998

* Icicles *

I am cold eternity
where I walk winter follows
The twilight and I are as one
Throned am I upon the frozen plains
where the blizzard reigns supreme
Blasting all with uncompromising violence
a blasphemous dirge of destruction
I yearn for the frozen landscape
where I shall conquer and emerge victorious

C 1994

Angela Mortis
Sinistre Française
Usericon van Angela Mortis
Posted 17-11-2002 20:55 by Angela Mortis Wijzig reactieProfiel van Angela MortisQuote dit bericht

* Broken Mirror *

I'm holding my escape plan
glistening sharpened steel
I'm locked up in your bathtub
and wish I could not feel
The memories of razors
slicing through jaded veins
Like hope was severed last night
just nothingness remains
Confused and broken hearted
I dream of my next life
For faerytales sound better
when I have plunged the knife
Into my stained memories
I wish they went away
And I had no emotions
they hurt me every day

C 1996

*valt stil*


Usericon van Dwaallicht
Posted 17-11-2002 20:57 by Dwaallicht Wijzig reactieProfiel van DwaallichtQuote dit bericht

Hey Nightraven, je schrijft echt ontzettend soepel. Knap hoor.

De Haardos
Usericon van Nightraven
Posted 17-11-2002 20:58 by Nightraven Wijzig reactieProfiel van NightravenQuote dit bericht

* Heathen Fury *

Serrated storms carry the scent
of broken vessels on thy lips
My shattered heart with madness barbed
still longs for thy ensanguined sips

Where art thou now my frozen enchantress?

Etched in my alabaster skin
scars of desire and thy sins

Committed to the leering pyres
blasted when its searing fires
Gutted the dream that thou had been
my malificent queen.....

Enslave the Lamb for it has been
the coming of my wrath

That night when they ripped thee from my love
I truly learned to hate
This Carcass of Jerusalem I vow to show what's truly damned
I spit upon Its faith

A tumor that I shall cut out with spite and wicked blades
I lie in wait.....

C 1995

* The Whisper Thornment *

I unveil your neon halo
and reveal its hidden truth
When I feel the dagger rusting
a chameleon like your mood
Now I dare not look upon you
but I cry the other way
Still you rip me open again
you've found yet another way
To pretend you could still take me
to the shores of paradise
But they tell me I must let go
of your most beautiful lies

C 1998

* Dreaming Of The Stars *

I watch the setting sun
and I am floating on its warmth
Across the rainbow to the skies
where dreams are woven
In castles made of joy
I roam the halls of grief
Where the call of the earth pervades
even the tall spires of glass
And they amplify it to the point
that even history can hear it
Whispering my name
unto the stars
So I will join
to carve my own

C 1996/1997

* Angel At Dawn *

I watch the sunrise at dawn
It's been night all day long
Should I make you or break you
I feel like I don't belong
In your heart in your dreams
I am not what it seems
Wipe the gloss off my face
Can I still have your embrace
To survive the next day
Lest I blow me away
With just the thought of you smile
I cannot reconcile
I just want you to shine
Crystal angel of mine

C 2000

* The Nightingale *

I ride the endless waves
every night
In emptiness I drown
unless I hide
Between the shallow graves
to stem the tide
They too will bring me down
but I have tried
I need you to enchant
what I have brought
I need you to pour forth
what I have sought
I'm helpless I have spent
the dreams you wrought
Don't let the windchimes hoard
the thought I'm caught
Stealing the summer sky
to fill my head
It helps me feeling great
when I am sad
Before my feelings died
I played with death
I want to turn my hate
inwards instead
My vale of tears it fills
some more each time
You look at me this way
and feed my crime
Dreams of oblivion chill
my senseless spine
My willingness to stay
again declines
And every night you come
to meet my gaze
And take some of the pain
with your embrace
Your voice a siren sun
by oceans graced
Pours honey in my veins
by sharp steel grazed
Your dark red playful waves
engulf my soul
They curl around my face
to make me whole
The tear that you have saved
now starts to roll
It leaves a sparkling trace
I let it fall

I let it fall.....

C 1997/1998

* The Beauty Of Frailty *

You haunted my dreams last night
and again you denied
I only saw you two times
but I knew you were inside

Clouding my mind
with the thought I might find

A clue to your emptiness
if each day was the last
You are wanting to take
don't you fake it has passed

Please try to smile for a while
and you will see that you're blessed

C 1999/2000

*Reflection (Without Mirrors)*

We met on blackened earth
the dreamlike sun it shone anew
Swallowing every word
I would have spoken but did not
And years did pass me by
the wind blew colder every day
So silently I cried
for all my world it crumbled down
Whenever I awake
I feel regret my dreams were false
Leaving me here to choke
on soft feathers which fell from you
Even the blind could see
that angels always flew away
So far away from me
and with scorched wings I wither here

C 2001


Alone in the dark
afraid in the light
Might be a phase
taking all night

I only want
the things I can't get
I'm not naive
what have I just said

I only wonder
about everything
Sometimes I'm happy
about everything

Where is my hope
it's lost in my head
I am so lonely
and so very sad

Taking all the best of me and throw it all away
hiding all the rest of me I shake alone all day
All the sunshine in my heart was beaten out of me
did you ever wonder why you have spoken to me

You destroyed me before I destroyed myself
I'd destroy myself only for you
have I failed you just like I failed myself
stupid writings what else could I do

C 2001

*Inside Out Upside Down*

this can't be comprehended
I only know of coloured shapes
and they mean things to me
So if I open my mouth
they will float to you
And you can crush them
oh yes you might
But I can make them electric
and spiky and mean
And I will crush you
if you let me please
I eat my pencils and my sketchbook
just to draw wires inside you see?
I'm wired I'm a bomb
let me explode when you don't look
No not through the holes in your wrists
not even through the eyes in your back
Won't you push the big red button
who doesn't need to destroy?
Now everything is gold and triangular
I don't think it's alright
It must be purple
start over


*Make It Summer*

I feel you here tonight
even if you're not
Forever at my side
wish I was someone
If only I could dream
of angels in love
Sounds better than it seems
hope makes me so sick

I need to feel again
confusion reigns in me
Since this wingless flight began
why can't I feel again

No matter how I think
I cannot escape
The crevasse that I'm in
always in the dark
The sharpest knife could not
let my true heart out
To tell what I have sought
somehow all this time

Why are my dreams tonight
all so desolate
And filled with broken pride
scarred for all my life
Where is my angel now
when I need you most
Sometimes I don't know how
to break through your wall

I need to feel again
Confusion reigns in me
Since this wingless flight began
why can't I feel again

And when I close my eyes
always I see yours
Each time again I die
drowning in these lakes
Never to reach your shores
please stick out a hand
The days are getting worse
golden majesty

I need to feel again
Confusion reigns in me
Since this wingless flight began
why can't I feel again

August gold majesty
winter is killing me


*Away From Here*

The water is ugly
it's filled with my blood
My mirror has broken
so long has it fought
The gaze into nothing
oblivion is here
A withering sunray
I've nothing to fear

This is not alright
this is not alright
Going nowhere
could be anywhere
Could be anywhere

The summer tastes awful
though it's winter here
The hailstorm is freezing
my feelings so dear
I cannot escape from
the pain in my heart
A million incisions
have torn me apart

This is not alright
this is not alright
Going nowhere
could be anywhere
I think myself away
far away from here
Could be anywhere
fucking anywhere


*Heartfelt oblivion*

Passion is always
so far from here
All that I need is
someone to hear
Every pathetic
word that I say
Do me a favor
blow me away

As I die for you again
please remember me
Take my body to your sky
which I dreamt to see

Where is my heart when
I need it the most
Think I was dumped for
a better host
One with more feelings
one not as cold
Someone too lovely
for me to hold

As I die for you again
will you die with me
In my dreams I fly with you
don't think they're meant for me

Am I an angel
I think I'm not
Am I an angel
I think I'm not


Shatter Me My Dear*

All my dreams are empty
everything I want
Seems so distanced from me
I hate all of this
Hope was broken tonight
next day it will rise
Feeling hollow inside
looking down this hole

Drowning all the time
bleeding all the time

I could wish I wasn't here today
I would leave it all for you
But you make me strong enough to stay
drowning in the hope for you
Scatter all the roses
on my broken soul
Shatter all my forlorn dreams
never to be whole

Fucking drowning all the time
fucking bleeding all the time


*Break Me*

I always feel alone in here
the centre of all suffering
I run in circles made of fear
don't know what is more menacing

My own reflection in the pool
or those that dwell around my heart
Somehow I let the others rule
the meaning of my thoughts and live

But those that breed darkness
will face it
And those that like torture
will taste it

Like everyone hates me I hold all your hate
now tremble in fear at the monster you made
My world lies in ruins there's nothing to lose
just feel your own fire that burnt out my fuse

Death by my hands
lonely hands made by you

You just keep crawling into me
and rip all of my heart away
I don't feel nothing anymore
I think I always felt that way

It's better this way

Destroying is what I do best
the only thing I'm good at
I'm glad I'm not like all the rest
of wannabe's around me
Fuck you all

Now those that want darkness
may face me
Better let another
erase me

Break me down batter me
spike me and splatter me
Against the walls of your belief
I'm waiting for the last relief


Veel leesplezier...hopelijk, als je het iets vindt.

Usericon van Orion
Posted 17-11-2002 21:01 by Orion Wijzig reactieProfiel van OrionQuote dit bericht

* brok in me keel

echt goed man

Mezelf tegen friet! en spotten en al ut andere kansloos gedoe weest wel !?

De Haardos
Usericon van Nightraven
Posted 17-11-2002 21:08 by Nightraven Wijzig reactieProfiel van NightravenQuote dit bericht

Thanx, kei geweldig allemaal

En dat brokje spoel je maar weg haha


Usericon van wladimir
Posted 17-11-2002 21:17 by wladimir Wijzig reactieProfiel van wladimirQuote dit bericht

The coming curse

The most grievous plague which infests our world today.
I hear your cry, wanderers of the earth.
Those weaklings of the humankind.
They are diseased and leprous with so many ills, be they ills of the flesh, the mind or the spirit.
Their spirits are fading, one day the curse of the earth will come. He will arise, he will awake! The son of death!

We will salute him. We will hail him!
He will cut out the wound of the earth.
Murder, kill, destroy them all!!

We will wait for the next suneclips. He will fight the so called paradise.
Curse those fools.

After years we have waited and the moment is there.
We now all watch above and stare!
Darkness is descending and the sun fades away.
The lands become dark and the ground moves.
Lighting came out of the sky. GREAT ONE! HEAR OUR CRY!

Now he is unleashed, he will slay out the wounds of the earth!
He will cause a new rebirth!

The curse: now, I shall find the weak. They betray the earth.
The must feel my rage. Ablaze the sky.

Suddenly a tidal wave rises and the storm comes.
People shiver of fear and the moment is near.

There is the rich men high upon his big house.
Suddenly he sees that the wind is blowing very hard.
And trees fall down and his garden is torned apart.
The window breaks and he can see nothing.

The curse have spoken, thou weakling are punished!
You have lived in wealth, you have hurt the earth, you are the ones that has envoken the curse!
Now the rage of the Earth falls upon you! DIE!

The rich men tries to run away, but you can’t hide for the power of the earth.
Death is upon his way. The lightning strikes him and he falls down.

Death is near.

De Haardos
Usericon van Nightraven
Posted 21-11-2002 19:23 by Nightraven Wijzig reactieProfiel van NightravenQuote dit bericht

Gegroet medemetalmenschen, gaan we weer:

* ...Of Bloodlust And The Ancient Throne... *

I stand alone in the frozen wastelands
awaiting the coming of storms
Preluding the dawn of the Order
from angelic predators born
My crusade has led me to this blight
a blasphemous valley of frost
Well hidden from my legions of darkness
grasping magick secrets long lost
Seizing the Grail from the corpse that is Christ
I sipped from the chalice of life
Blood is the key to eternity
where forbidden Arts again thrive
The ancient curse upon my lineage
shall now be a blessing instead
After aeons avoiding the light
eternal night now grasps my breath
Coalescing with my marble form
enshrining me upon my throne
Amidst the icy constellations
of frozen stars I reign alone

C 1994

* Sanguinary *

When the twilight set in and the moon came in sight
when the day was enchained by the veil of midnight
I was lost on the crossroads of madness and blight
in the woods I was trapped by thy denizen's might

There was a tunnel of light and then came the dark.....

Thou hast made me thy brother aeons ago
in the night out of sight suddenly on my trail
Yes since then the red rivers have started to flow
as my eyes turned to black and my skin became pale
And I fled for the light then the dark took me in
and I stalked with thee too through the forests of sin

I abhor thee for what I have become.....

We will rise from the grave to find souls to enslave
I detest those that live but their blood is the gift
That I take heartlessly cruelty I still crave
for the blood of the dead that will make the curse lift

I crave for the blood of my undead brothers.....

The red thirst will not cease and it covers my mind
brings desire to feast on the blood of my kind
I revel in the thought that this day I might find
my black vengeance forfilled and thy unlife declined
I shall scathe now the bounds of thy immortal husk
let me drain thy life forces to sate my dark lust

I can already sense thy warm blood pulsing.....

C 2001


In the wake of paradise blackened angels rise
to avenge their fall from grace
And as they eclipse the skies sundered through their lies
heaven's clouds are set ablaze
In the distance strangled screams mark their newborn dreams
it's the promise of fresh blood
The Goat's Pentacle redeems them of what they've been
now they dwell with those that rot
Necranonymous in death forged in Satan's breath
crimson cravings were forfilled
On black wings like Baphomet scores of mortals bled
absolved of predestined guilt
Immaculately Conceived carcass wombs were cleaved
to lick tears from Mary's breasts
From her sad sweet salty treats Golconda received
by her holy menses blessed
Lucifertile scarlet whore obscenely adored
by caresses of the night
Like the Father did before settle now the score
raped and with our thrusts she cried
When the pentagram was carved and religion starved
then again Hellfire shone
When the scorched and worthless shards of a God were dwarfed
the Unholy claimed His throne

C 2001

* To Love Me So Bloody *

"When the full moon shone bright
on the woods suicide
On Carpathian ground
timeless tragedy found
Striding through swirling mist" Then I saw thee
a fallen star which pointed to atrocity
Like a queen of the night
when thee grieved darkness cried
For thy fate for thy life
for thy sorrow revived
And thy nocturnal grace
caught my heart in its blaze
When thy scarlet embrace
locked me tight in thy gaze
Chained to unblinking eyes
trapped in thy velvet vice
Thy malificent form
igneous and highborn
Was bedighted with thorns
"which expressed regal scorn
For the weak mortal man"
by thy stare I was damned
When thy venomous glance
yearned for cruel red romance
So with flowers I dressed thee
soft moonlight caressed me
As I broke thy frailty
silk blackness enveiled me
Thy sanguine enrapture
bedazzled my stature
When ivory scythes
pierced my soft marble hide
I shed tears from my veins
as I tore off restraints
No more slave to the earth
as thou carved my rebirth
In one whimsical stroke
thou had my essence cloaked
In thy shadow of death
which eclipsed my last breath
"She then lit candles black
and the bloodlust came back"
By the night I was blessed
with thee pale enchantress

C 2001

Hieronder de grote Cradle of Filth parodie haha, wel geschreven toen ik behoorlijk zat was...

* A Trinity: Lust, Sin, Deception..... *

Down a crevasse in the earth from prying eyes blurred
sinful carnivwhores writhe on godless shores
Across lush hills of filth and gird sanctity was spurned
unchained lust enforced lewd salacious chores
Amidst azure streams entranced by the loathful dance
as the dark temptress fled her satin dress
Her sanguinary sweet stance shot a sangfroid glance
at my marbled flesh by young Brannwen blessed
Cunting pale lithe Aphrodite fraught with Annwen's pride
tresses black as jet swaying drunk with death
Mesmerizing eyes defied like the Reaper's scythe
prudence's bonds were shed as her dewy breath
Poured forth dreams so blasphemous still so amorous
like a wilted rose silent yet verbose
Pagan bitch lascivious flared with eagerness
icy kisses froze jaded eyes she closed
When black daunting gothic spires sprang to life with fire
this decor for sin boiled her blood within
And from that dark quagmire odorous desires
sang a Naiad hymn beautiful whilst dim
To ancient belfry towers chanting witching hour
midnight serenade ebon chords were played
As the organ pipes devoured silence baying sour
at the hissing shades by the darkness draped
Nascent Khaos did cascade wrought a black parade
pestilential thirst searing Cainites cursed
Antlered dryads did invade from their woods they strayed
through their Pleasance nursed revelries rehearsed
This fiery Napaean horde with their sisters bored
left a carnal trail unto Eden's vale
And with Artemis they soared heathen hunt cast forth
naked nymphs so frail from dark faerytales
Razor teeth they set into my cold skin and drew
crimson drops of love as my hand I drove
Swiftly past pale breasts it flew twixt her thighs imbrued
in her treasure trove down her moisty grove
And like Eve that lustful witch tempting fruits I picked
reaped of innocence with her sylphs I pranced
I impaled her dripping ditch and her moaning fits
our bestial romance parasitic dance
I scathed alabaster flesh in a blinding flash
when droughty fangs cruelly fed like they never had
Sipped on a jugular gash at the blackest mass
at the altar stained with death where young virgins bled
My chimera dropped its cloak with spasms they choked
on my sweet embrace under Luna's gaze
Cunting scarlet they awoke with their hymen broke
by nocturnal grace by Persephone grazed
They became bright brides of blood weak Yahveh could not
force his stranglehold on their flesh now cold

And alas
so did it came to pass
The lewd seductresses seduced
Adam's whores with death infused
The rubies of profanity have been set unto His crown
His phallus enwreathed with silk tongues of priestesses bowed down
Praise the Lord!
Malignant infernal supremacy

C 2001

Usericon van A.D.D
Posted 06-12-2002 20:38 by A.D.D Wijzig reactieProfiel van A.D.DQuote dit bericht

fucked up feelings are buzzing inside me
flying around like some flies

people are acting like they all hate me
like they all hate me , dont cry all the time

and then you've got creatures,
they've got no feelings
they've got no feelings,yes they are nice

klein stukje van mijn eerste tekst *bloos* maarja ik post m toch maar ff

Usericon van Demogorgon
Posted 06-12-2002 20:48 by Demogorgon Wijzig reactieProfiel van DemogorgonQuote dit bericht

Op 6 december 2002 20:38 schreef A.D.D het volgende:
fucked up feelings are buzzing inside me
flying around like some flies

people are acting like they all hate me
like they all hate me , dont cry all the time

and then you've got creatures,
they've got no feelings
they've got no feelings,yes they are nice

klein stukje van mijn eerste tekst *bloos* maarja ik post m toch maar ff
hoog nirvana/korn/linkin park/paparoach/??? gehalte. maar je moet ergens beginnen

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