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Topic : De \"dit is/zijn mn favoriete quotes\" post!!! Volgende pagina
Volthor Kahn
Wolf among sheep
Usericon van Volthor Kahn
Posted 16-08-2001 22:18 by Volthor Kahn Profiel van Volthor Kahn

er zijn zoveel geweldige quotes zoals:

if you aren't living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space.

There's nothing wrong with building dream castles as long as you don't try to move in.

deze is denk ik mn favoriet (tot ik weer een betere tegenkom):

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 10-11-2005 2:39]

Eyes the mirror of the soul, in mine the reflection of the world in my head. A world where everything is ancient, where all weak things die. Cursed are all who look into these eyes

Myth of Fury
Usericon van Myth of Fury
Posted 16-08-2001 23:54 by Myth of Fury Profiel van Myth of Fury

Ik vind deze wel leuk (helaas in het Nederlands):
"Helaas heeft de bassist de groep om gezondheidsredenen moeten verlaten.

Ik werd kotsmisselijk van hem"
Ozzy Osbourne

Chuck Schuldiner (Death, Control Denied):"Ik ben een erg positief ingesteld mens. Je weet wel: iemand die houdt van bloemen, kleine katjes, jonge hondjes..."

Glen Benton (Deicide):"Ik hou niet zo van vliegen, het brengt me te dicht bij de hemel"

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Myth of Fury op 16-08-2001 23:56]

Usericon van Bintmeister
Posted 17-08-2001 0:30 by Bintmeister Profiel van Bintmeister

"Go away, or i shall taunt you a second time" Franse soldaat in Holy Grail

Ogetfer De Onreine
Usericon van ro=zizboos
Posted 17-08-2001 14:17 by ro=zizboos Profiel van ro=zizboos

Cogito, ergo sum.

-Ik denk, dus ik ben.-

wat ik zo mooi vind eraan, is dat, "ik denk" 1 woord is.

Ik vergiet als zeef hebben

Usericon van skullfuck
Posted 17-08-2001 15:02 by skullfuck Profiel van skullfuckhttp://

Op 16 augustus 2001 23:54 schreef Myth of Fury het volgende:

Glen Benton (Deicide):"Ik hou niet zo van vliegen, het brengt me te dicht bij de hemel"

Suck my piss

stfu Donny
Usericon van Dunne_Hein
Posted 17-08-2001 15:11 by Dunne_Hein Profiel van Dunne_Hein

Give up all hope of peace as long as your mother-in-law is alive.
Juvenal, Satire 6

I can't shoot straight unless I've had a pint!

stfu Donny
Usericon van Dunne_Hein
Posted 17-08-2001 15:12 by Dunne_Hein Profiel van Dunne_Hein

To take a good woman as your wife is a marvellous thing - or at least it would be if there was anywhere on earth you could find one.
Plautus, Miles Gloriosus

I can't shoot straight unless I've had a pint!

stfu Donny
Usericon van Dunne_Hein
Posted 17-08-2001 15:13 by Dunne_Hein Profiel van Dunne_Hein

Women are one and all an evil breed.
Petronius - Satyricon

I can't shoot straight unless I've had a pint!

Usericon van |MoRGaN|
Posted 17-08-2001 16:03 by |MoRGaN| Profiel van |MoRGaN|

Ben lekker zwartgallig opgestaan vandaag, dus zwartgallig blijven we:

Do you ever get that funny feeling, that itch right below the skin? That itch down by your wrists that only a razor blade will itch?

Tot zover mijn inbreng.

Vampire Ricardo
Usericon van Vampire Ricardo
Posted 17-08-2001 16:09 by Vampire Ricardo Profiel van Vampire Ricardo

"Beter schuin erin, dan recht ernaast"

"Als klootzakken konden vliegen, dan was hier het vliegveld!"

"Dat was nog uit de tijd dat koei met lange oei werd geschreven"

Deze zijn geboren tijdens de repetities van Opacity of Evil (RIP)

Usericon van |MoRGaN|
Posted 17-08-2001 16:10 by |MoRGaN| Profiel van |MoRGaN|

Op 17 augustus 2001 16:09 schreef Vampire Ricardo het volgende:
"Dat was nog uit de tijd dat koei met lange oei werd geschreven"

Is da geen spreekwoord?

Vampire Ricardo
Usericon van Vampire Ricardo
Posted 17-08-2001 16:27 by Vampire Ricardo Profiel van Vampire Ricardo

as ut goe is nie....

One RG2550EX in the pocket!
Usericon van Azagthoth
Posted 17-08-2001 16:35 by Azagthoth Profiel van Azagthoth

-Well, if Jerry Springer isn't educational TV, why does it make me feel so much smarter?

-Good judgment comes from experience. Unfortunately, the experience usually comes from bad judgment.

-Love is grand; divorce is at least a hundred grand (zou All Bundy kunnen zijn)

-Teamwork is a lot of people doing what 'I say'

-Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing toward oblivion

-Gij zult niet stelen, de overheid duld geen concurentie !!!

-=Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings -- they did it by killing all those who opposed them.

-There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved through a suitable application of high explosives.

-When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.

-If you're not part of the solution, be part of the problem!

-The key to happiness is selfdelusion. (true)

-"Sometimes the majority only means that all the fools are on the same side."

-Remember: amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.

-Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect; it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections

-It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others

madeline usher
The sow is mine!!
Usericon van madeline usher
Posted 17-08-2001 19:41 by madeline usher Profiel van madeline usher

Oeioeioei...heb zodanig veel beluisterd en gelezen dat het echt moeilijk wordt...

"Hij drinkt nog maar twee keer per week;van maandag tot donderdag en van vrijdag tot zondag"(Ma Gallagher)
"You won't hurt anyone by saying'Fuck you.'Sex is one of the best things in life,so it's better to say 'UNfuck you!'"(Lenny Bruce)
"Wendy?I'm home!"(Jack Nicholson tegen zijn film-echtgenote in 'The shining',vlak nadat hij met een bijl een gat in de deur heeft geslagen omdat hij zijn vrouw wil vermoorden)

Hello-hooray-let the show begin-I've been ready

Suicide, think about it.... consider it!
Usericon van AltMazter
Posted 17-08-2001 20:03 by AltMazter Profiel van AltMazter

Twee hele bekende die iedereen vergeet en nog een paar.

"Hmmm.... donuts!"
[Homer Simpson in The Simpsons]

[Pinky in Pinky And The Brain]

"I don't know what it is but I feel strangely drawn towards it."
[Cartoon Network commercial]

"Wie niet sterk is... moet afwassen."
[Cartoon Network commercial voor Dragonball Z]

Een hele zooi leuke quotes:

X-rated movies are all alike... the only thing they leave to the imagination is the plot.

I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.

God bless Atheism!

Sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation... the other eight are unimportant.

My life is like a porno-movie, without the sex.

Everyone needs belief in something. I believe I'll have another beer.

Quoting: the act of repeating erroneously the words of another.

I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it.

Of course you found it in the last place you looked. If you hadn't found it you'd still be looking...

Anarchists of the world, unite!

Flying is simple. You just throw yourself at the ground and miss.

100.000.000 sperm and YOU were the fastest???

Forward into the light, forward into infinity!

Usericon van TNightmare
Posted 17-08-2001 21:23 by TNightmare (Speciaal lid) Profiel van TNightmare

"I will flay the skin from your flesh and the flesh from your bones and scrape your bones dry, and still you will not have suffered anough" -HATRED-

Myth of Fury
Usericon van Myth of Fury
Posted 17-08-2001 23:52 by Myth of Fury Profiel van Myth of Fury

Ook van Cartoon Network.
Johnny Bravo: "Pain is just nature's way of saying you're in horrible agony."

"Now when I talked to God, I knew he'd understand
He said:'sit by me and I'll be your giding hand.
But don't ask me what I think of you
I might not give the answer that you'd want me to'

[edit] laatste is van Fleetwood Mack (oh Well) [/edit]

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Myth of Fury op 17-08-2001 23:54]

Usericon van Bintmeister
Posted 17-08-2001 23:59 by Bintmeister Profiel van Bintmeister

Eyes are like parachutes, they work better when open

Drillinstructor - "What do you call a mad terrorist with a gun?"
Rookie - "Sir"

"Het heeft geen zin het koude water van de logica over de hete kolen van emotie te gieten"

If you don't know where you're going, you will end up somewhere else

Socrates - "The foundation of excistence is that I think, therefore I am"
Tegenstander - "I think not!"

madeline usher
The sow is mine!!
Usericon van madeline usher
Posted 18-08-2001 0:43 by madeline usher Profiel van madeline usher

Uit 'Blackadder'

Situatie:De koning wordt naar de guillotine geleid.Om z'n hoofd te beschermen,draagt hij een enorme pompoen op z'n hoofd.Off-screen hoor je dan het mes vallen en de beul roepen:"Is this the head of a traitor?"Publiek brult terug:"Nooo,it's a giant pumpkin!!"

"I know noh-thinng"(Manuel in "Fawlty Towers")

"Okay,guys,harmonies,now"(Cliff Richard tegen de Young Ones in de opnamestudio,waarop ze zeer onsamenhangend en behoorlijk vals het refrein van "Living doll"brullen)

Een journalist vroeg ooit aan Trent Reznor van NIN hoe hij aan dat mooie kapsel kwam.Zijn antwoord:"Stil!Straks wil iedereen er zo één!"

Hello-hooray-let the show begin-I've been ready

Ach Welnee
Usericon van Aragorn
Posted 18-08-2001 11:12 by Aragorn Profiel van Aragorn

Hannibal smith, A team:

" I love it when a plan comes together"

I love the smell of painted miniatures in the morning

Out of the maze with clearsight
Usericon van Ishtar
Posted 18-08-2001 13:17 by Ishtar Profiel van Ishtar

Wat grote religies over 'shit' zeggen:
Confucianisme: Confucius zegt: Shit is.
Boeddhisme: Deze shit is slechts schijn.
Hindoeisme: Deze shit heb je uit een vorig leven.
Islam: Als je in de shit zit, is dat Allah's wil.
Judaismeaarom krijgen wij altijd alle shit?
Stoicisme: Shit laat mij koud.
Osho: Alleen leuke shit is echt.
Hare Krishna: Shit, shit, hare rama.
Hippies: Shit zit in jezelf.
New Age: Visualiseer een shitloze situatie.
Katholisisme: Je zit in de shit omdat je zondig bent.
Protestantisme: Geef de shit maar aan een ander.
Calvinisme: Als je in de shit raakt, werk je niet hard genoeg.
Gereformeerde kerk: Geen shit op zondag.
Christenfndamentalisme: God stuurt U spoedig GROTE SHIT!
Jehova's Getuigen: Laat U door ons uit Uw shit redden.

~ By the fallen one I shall arise ~

Usericon van Ringwraith
Posted 18-08-2001 13:50 by Ringwraith Profiel van Ringwraith

Aardschok Bal-Sagoth interview :

"De Bijbel is het meest gelezen fantasy-boek ooit."

Volthor Kahn
Wolf among sheep
Usericon van Volthor Kahn
Posted 18-08-2001 14:43 by Volthor Kahn Profiel van Volthor Kahn

You can trust the Americans to do the right thing, after they have tried every other alternative.
-Winston Churchill, 1941

The difference between reality and fiction? Fiction has to make sense.
-Tom Clancy

Adults are obsolete children.
-Dr. Seuss

Why is it hard for women to find men who are sensitive, caring, and
good looking? Because those men already have boyfriends.

Engineering: "How will this work?"
Science: "Why will this work?"
Management: "When will this work?"
Liberal Arts: "Do you want fries with that?"

Eyes the mirror of the soul, in mine the reflection of the world in my head. A world where everything is ancient, where all weak things die. Cursed are all who look into these eyes

Suicide, think about it.... consider it!
Usericon van AltMazter
Posted 19-08-2001 16:02 by AltMazter Profiel van AltMazter

"When does the hurting stop?"
[Bill in The Thunderlizards (uit Eek! the Cat)]

Forward into the light, forward into infinity!

Usericon van TNightmare
Posted 19-08-2001 21:50 by TNightmare (Speciaal lid) Profiel van TNightmare

Eek! / Thunderlizards zijn gewoon geweldig

"something tells me that is a bad thing"
"yes, being blown up above your own city would fit nicely in the bad things category!"

"I guess saying sorry doens't give you back the feeling in your eye..."

Wat kan er nou gebeuren?
Usericon van Valorian
Posted 06-01-2002 21:56 by Valorian (Redacteur) Profiel van Valorian

Hier nog een paar leuke:

"Tourists are terrorists with cameras. Terrorists are tourists with guns."

"Half the world is composed of idiots, the other half of people clever enough to take indecent advantage of them."
-Walter Kerr

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."

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