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Usericon van XPositiveX
Posted 16-07-2003 20:14 by XPositiveX Wijzig reactieProfiel van XPositiveXQuote dit bericht

Op 24 mei 2003 13:01 schreef XnegativeX het volgende:
Ik denk dat metal gewoon minder kerels nodig is *pakt slachtmes*


..see me on the street bitch yo get killed!

Sporty Voleg
Dude Nukem v2.0
Usericon van Sporty Voleg
Posted 16-07-2003 20:30 by Sporty Voleg Wijzig reactieProfiel van Sporty VolegQuote dit bericht

Op 16 juli 2003 19:31 schreef Immortella het volgende:
I need Mettuuuulll!
Da only thin' I can gives ya is meat, gall.

Jezus, wat zeg ik nou weer?

Touché, pussycat!

Usericon van XPositiveX
Posted 16-07-2003 23:06 by XPositiveX Wijzig reactieProfiel van XPositiveXQuote dit bericht

Logan van UNDYING !!

Tijd maak je!
Usericon van NolthuarII
Posted 18-07-2003 13:09 by NolthuarII Wijzig reactieProfiel van NolthuarIIQuote dit bericht

Op 16 juli 2003 23:06 schreef XPositiveX het volgende:
Logan van UNDYING !!

- Blood Sisters: Woman in Metal, Hardcore, Grind and Noise.

Best een toffe site alleen jammer dat het niet in genre's opgedeeld is.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 07-10-2006 23:42 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Ik heb het zelf -nog- niet gelezen, maar wellicht is het interessant:

"If It's Got A Cunt, It's Gotta Be Punished!!!" - Rapecore, Female Vocalists, and 'Are Women Possibly More Then Just Fuck Objects'?

Women. More commonly known as the female of the species, our housewives, girlfriends, our grandmothers, our daughters, the other half, total bitches, our sisters, our bosses, whores, pay as you go, bucket cunts, twat providers, tit-bearers, cock-facilitators, penis-warmers, cum-depositries, and of course the all time number one - rape vehicles. If you’re into metal, then you’ll probably have heard all of those at some point. Metal is a very liberal sub-sector of society embracing the female of the species with open arms and according them with any number of the positive adjective descriptions as reffered above. There was a time when women were not allowed in metal at all, only ever making it as far as the venue parking lot, where they would be locked in the trunk of their boyfriends car and only let out when said boyfriend had got so wasted that he needed something to fuck or beat.

Oh how times have changed, with women now actively having a place in the creation of metal music, often fronting bands in a variety of genres. The number of women in metal has definately grown over the years, and in all cases, their role in metal is due solely to their musical prowess and ability to contribute to a bands aural output. One of the leaders in this genre are Nightwish, who famously fired leader singeress Tarja Turunen last year for having her period. The band have set a leading example for how women are now seen within metal today, as their recent online request for a new vocalist proves -

We need the obvious things: Looks, charisma, courage and, of course, a big voice. Good grasp of the English language is also very helpful. We don’t necessarily need a classically trained vocalist like Tarja Turunen (the former vocalist). We welcome all kinds of styles and voices, natural and trained, from rock and pop to classical, and all that you can find in between. […] Photographs are needed as well.

At last then, it seems women finally have an equal footing in metal, no longer present simply to visually please testostertonically charged males in the audience, who like to jerk off to the idea of giving it to them up the shitter Elton John style. Gone are the days where women came to metal gigs to be nothing but groupies and wank-aids, bending themselves over for whichever metalhead had the most interesting hair style, and thus reinforcing the glorious patriarchal value system of contemporary western society. Vocalists like Christina Scabbia and Angela Gossow have recevied much critical praise for their contributions to metal, just look at some of these intellectual observations from

She sure is fucking ugly, but I’d still get on that stage and rape her for sure! If it’s got a cunt, it’s gotta be punished!!!

Female vocalists suck. Metal is a man’s thing. The only good thing Scabbia can do with that mouth is put it around my cock!!!

Angela has no talent. Get Johan back. Women have no place in metal except to keep my dick warm!!!

Women are only in metal to give you something to look at. At the end of the day, rape is the logical extension of how women should be treated in metal. This isn’t misogynism, it’s just logical.

Fuck chick metal!!! Metal needs to be aggressive. Even though metal had copious amounts of melody for the first ten years of its inception, that still doesn’t change the fact that melody don’t belong in it!!! Chicks are for faggots and I sure ain’t no homo-sapien!!!

If women want to be treated like human beings, then they shouldn’t have been fucking born with a pussy should they? My solution - get em off stage, kill em, fuck em. Repeat as necessary for every female fronted band there is! Yeeee hawwwww!!!

On the other hand however, there is evidence that the pendulum has swung too far the other way. Just last week Him frontman Ville Valo was fired by the rest of the band for “not being pretty enough anymore”, thereby “resulting in us losing our hormone crazed teenage female fan base”. Evidently, the relationship between the physical attractiveness of a bands lead singer, and the music’s reception, is not just a phallo-centric issue.

Despite a supposed liberalist move towards a metal culture where tits are now seen purely as mammary glands and women are appreciated for what’s in their head rather than what’s in their underwear, disturbing developments have arisen in Scandinavia with the increasingly popular rapecore scene. Bands like Cuntophile, Roofieology, Out For The Count, and Cockfodder have proposed a different, some would say twisted, definition of gender liberalism within the metal scene. And where does this new genre of taboo crossing extremity come from? Why, Norway of course. I caught up with Cockfodder mainman and self-proclaimed uber-male Erikk Fjbthzdfthhh:

Really rapecore is about tearing apart the gender stereotyping and sexual politics of modern society. Traditionally, you’d ask a girl’s consent before fucking her, but in doing so you’re establishing a hierarchical relationship in which she has all the power. Not only that, but it’s the woman’s job to protect herself, which puts her in economic control of the situation when she buys the pill or whatever it is she wants to use. This capitalist perpetuation of social hierarchy needs to come to an end. The message we spread is simply to fuck women whether or not they want it or not, that way everybody is equal and there’s certainly no gender defined power struggle going on.

In Norway the rapecore scene has grown so rapidly, arguably thanks to the Norwegian Government’s brilliant idea to legalise rape. Area’s of Norwegian towns and Fjords have even been allocated ‘rape zones’, with seating even being installed in some of them so people can watch live rape’s being performed in front of them. The location of these rape zones is kept secret from anyone without a dick, to ensure that the process is fair and that it is entirely the woman’s fault (as always).

Cockfodder’s website even contains information on the tour-dates page saying how many women they’d raped at which venue. On the band’s official forum, end-users are invited to donate their girlfriends, wives, mothers, and even daughters to the bands moral cause. A victory for sexual liberalism? Or a step back into the mentality of the middle ages? The increasingly apathetic attitude towards rape isn’t just something metal faces. Recently, in an effort to elevate the controversy of current Reality TV to the next level in a bid to revive their plumiting ratings, the BBC announced the production of the world’s first rape-based Reality-TV show called ‘Drugged Drink Dynamo!!!’. The show, described by press-released as ‘light hearted comedic family fun’, features presenters Ant and Dec picking up girls aged eighteen to twenty five, spiking their drinks and then fucking them in a variety of hilarious locations including subway trains, theme parks, toilets, sewers, the House Of Commons, and even bird-flu ridden barnyards.

BBC director general Dave Morrison was quick to rebuke the claims of some of the shows moral detractors, stating that:

We recognise that there are sectors of society that don’t necessarily like to see rape-based entertainment shows, but the BBC does not wish to discriminate against those who do consider rape a natural and healthy hobby. We’ve tried to make the show a bit more comedic and marketable by introducing ‘rape tools’ to fuck the girls with, rather than making it totally dick centered. Some of these are established classics like the cucumber, but there’s also novelties like the monkey wrench, the cactus and even those cool hand grenade things the German’s used in World War II. All the girls who are raped in this show wanted it anyway, as you can tell by the way they’re dressed that they were clearly suggesting it. This is provable based on facts we selectively acknowledge and interpret as we see fit.

Ironically, it was in England where ‘rapecore’ bands have actually been banned outright. Roofieology became particular objects of media attention earlier on in the summer, when as soon as they stepped off the plane, lead singer Bjorn Fikzvold, was blown up in a controlled explosion for looking suspiciously like a rucksack filled with chemical weapons. Amidst the confusion and gratuitous spray of bodily organs, an angry mob, aware of Roofieology’s controversial politics, attacked the remaining band members. One eye witness stated that it “was like seeing a pride of lions attacking a confused group of penguins.” When the incident was reported on BBC news, hundreds of calls flooded in to congratulate the mob on a well planned and executed execution, or ‘justice’ as they labelled it.

Police chief Roy McFarthing spoke of the incident in a press meeting yesterday:

Someone had phoned in a bomb threat, telling us that the lead singer of ‘Roofieology’ was actually a terrorist’s rucksack filled with explosives. This in fact turned out to be a hoax, perpetrated by a group of vigilantes, out for mob justice against the self-proclaimed neo-rapists. The controlled explosion was just the diversionary tactic they needed to be able to sneak up to the band members, and choke them to death with dildos. Whilst the mob may have successfully seen their vision of justice enacted upon the band, they did not escape the eye of the law and we have indeed arrested everyone who took part in this barbaric ritual.

What with Britain’s current ‘blow up anything that looks like a suspicious rucksack’ mentality, and the sensitive issue of mob attitudes towards rapists, this was one press conference that soon got out of control. Just look at this excerpt from one particularly angry press reporter writing for ‘The Daily Mail’.

You arrested a so-called ‘mob’ after the controlled explosion, who were in-fact doing nothing more than seeing that moral justice was enacted upon a group of men who were the scum of the Earth. Whose interests are you serving?

* The fact that Roofieology were rapists does not give people the right to take the law into their own hands. It is illegal which ever way you look at it. *

Yeah, but just because it’s illegal doesn’t mean it’s against the law too does it?

* Mob justice cannot be permitted in a democratic society under any circumstances. When that happens, rationality itself is a victim, without which, the death sentence of any society is effective immediately. *

Hang on a minute, you’re talking about a democratic society, and then at the same time denying the majority what they want. If the so-called ‘mob’ represent a majority of people, then they must be correct. What’s popular has to be right, unless you’re implying that democracy itself is a shambles.

* We do listen to the needs of the majority, but sometimes people react erratically and animalistically to sensitive topics like this, in effect making their decision making processes void. This is why we have the authority powers in place. *

Hold on. What you seem to be saying is that a democracy only works if people are intelligent and critical, which is monumentally delusional. Are you trying to tell us a majority isn’t always necessarily correct?

* Not in certain circumstances no. *

Mob justice towards rapists isn’t just an issue for the shitbags/artists in the rapecore scene however. Last year, Tim Raper (34) was stabbed to death outside his New York flat in front of his two daughters that he’d taken to do Christmas shopping, just because he had the word ‘rape’ in his surname. In Manchester England, a mother ran over a man with a steam roller for allegedly raping her daughter over the internet. The girl, whose name cannot be revealed for privacy issues but fortunately we can tell you her age just to stir a reaction out of you, no more than fourteen years old, claimed:

He forced cyber-sex on me. He was disgusting. He forced me to stick my USB pen up my muff by abusing me with smilies. I was too helpless to do anything. I’d never seen a penis before, even though I’ve been sleeping with my boyfriend since I was twelve. I hope the thousands of pounds I get in compensation for this will help me overcome my deep psychological trauma.

It seems then, that the issue of chicks fronting metal bands reflects a much wider issue about sexual politics, gender domination, and attitudes towards women that is worldwide. In Sweden, girls are now given hormone treatment as young as the age of six in order to make them look more masculine, so as to put off any rapists from interfering with them later on in life. Former porn star and B-movie queen Christina Lindberg famously underwent surgery over the summer to make her look like Brian Blessed. This is one of a series of rape-prevention measures that the Swedish government have legislated in recent years. Their first of these, which got considerable press coverage around Europe, was the castration of all incarcerated rapists. Unfortunately, this only removed half of the problem. Whilst rapists could no longer violate women sexually, they could still beat them and direct verbal abuse towards them, thus violating them in more socially acceptable ways. Castration, it seems, is no cure for male stupidity.

Feminists have predictably lambasted the rapecore movement, denouncing it as “the misogynist hegemony of metal sub-culture taken to a point of zenith”. I caught up with Australian neo-feminist Claire Chapman, whose organised protests earlier this year actually prevented Cuntophile from appearing at the British Download festival.

Is the rapecore scene an extreme exaggeration of a masculinist-come-misogynist attitude in metal culture, or do you think women are still seen primarily as nothing more than fuck objects?

* How many ‘ugly’ women do you see fronting metal bands? How many girls haven’t been encouraged to ‘get their tits out’ at a gig? How many girls do you see at a venue who’ve gone there independently, and not just tagged along as their boyfriend’s possession? *

Well, answering a question with ten other questions is all very well, but what if bands like Cuntophile promoted male rape as well, would that re-address the balance?

* Well, male rape doesn’t ever feature in the news or elsewhere in the media so I think that would be perfectly okay. The fact that it isn’t reported as commonly as sexual abuse towards women means we can empirically prove that it’s not really that bad a crime. In fact, it’s actually quite ironic. *

So, female rape bad. Male rape, potentially comedic?

* I don’t think anyone would object to ‘Drugged Drink Dynamo!!!’ if it specialised in male rape. I think people would enjoy the fact that it’s being original and creative, as men are never been raped. Ever. What could be more hilarious than seeing some brain dead alpha male receiving extreme anal trauma, or any male for that matter, being as they’re all just the sameanyway? They’re obviously asking for it, just look at the way they’re dressed! *laughs* There’s good rape and then there’s bad rape you know? *

Surely the issue of rape and sexual discrimination is too complex to be reduced to just a good/bad bi-polar division?

* You’re a man. You would say that. You think with your dick and nothing else. I can prove this with my bitterness. Baaaah, Baaaah, *sheep noises*, Baaaah *

It seems then, that the only solution to the gender inequality problem in metal is to redirect the gender focus by legalising and even encouraging male rape. So gents, next time your thinking of jerking yourself off to a candid piccie of Scarlett Johansen, remember, an equally practical solution to the problem presented by your sex drive might be to rape one of your gym buddies. Perhaps you have a nephew, or a son in law whose arse may provide adequate pussy substitute? Unborn foetuses are not recognised by law as fully developed human beings, so it’s perfectly acceptable to fuck a pre-born whilst it’s still in some whore’s womb. As long as it’s male that is.

Remember, male rape isn’t a crime. It’s ironic. If it’s not on TV, then it doesn’t exist as a problem. FACT.

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Usericon van M.
Posted 07-10-2006 23:43 by M. Wijzig reactieProfiel van M.Quote dit bericht

Vrouwen hebben iig minder metal nodig, dat weet ik wel!

Fickt nicht mit dem Raketemensch!!

Oud Vuil
Usericon van Oud Vuil
Posted 07-10-2006 23:43 by Oud Vuil Wijzig reactieProfiel van Oud VuilQuote dit bericht

Ja zeg, je hebt het zelf niet gelezen. En ik heb er geen zin in. Waar moet dat heen?

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 07-10-2006 23:45 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Geduldig wachten tot iemand het hier samenvat

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Oud Vuil
Usericon van Oud Vuil
Posted 07-10-2006 23:46 by Oud Vuil Wijzig reactieProfiel van Oud VuilQuote dit bericht

* tap tap tap*

watery black
Usericon van watery black
Posted 08-10-2006 0:00 by watery black Wijzig reactieProfiel van watery blackQuote dit bericht

ik las "mental heeft meer vrouwen nodig" ...

"There will come a time when you'll have the chance to do something courageous, to do the right thing." "I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by."

Bro's before Ho's
Usericon van mental
Posted 08-10-2006 0:02 by mental Wijzig reactieProfiel van mentalQuote dit bericht

Op 8 oktober 2006 0:00 schreef watery black het volgende:
ik las "mental heeft meer vrouwen nodig" ...

Fuck the world and fuck you

Bro's before Ho's
Usericon van mental
Posted 08-10-2006 0:02 by mental Wijzig reactieProfiel van mentalQuote dit bericht

maar aan 1 glaedr heb ik ook genoeg hoor.

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door mental op 08-10-2006 0:02]

Fuck the world and fuck you

Usericon van M.
Posted 08-10-2006 0:03 by M. Wijzig reactieProfiel van M.Quote dit bericht

Op 8 oktober 2006 0:02 schreef mental het volgende:
maar aan 1 glaedr heb ik ook genoeg hoor.

+1!!! I feel your pain man, I really do.

Fickt nicht mit dem Raketemensch!!

Bro's before Ho's
Usericon van mental
Posted 08-10-2006 0:06 by mental Wijzig reactieProfiel van mentalQuote dit bericht

toch heeft ze wel wat.

Fuck the world and fuck you

Usericon van M.
Posted 08-10-2006 0:07 by M. Wijzig reactieProfiel van M.Quote dit bericht


Fickt nicht mit dem Raketemensch!!

Bro's before Ho's
Usericon van mental
Posted 08-10-2006 0:09 by mental Wijzig reactieProfiel van mentalQuote dit bericht

hehehe. pindakaaaaaaassssssss

Fuck the world and fuck you

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 08-10-2006 0:13 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Op 7 oktober 2006 23:46 schreef Oud Vuil het volgende:
* tap tap tap*

Het gaat over de 'rapecore' scene in Noorwegen; nooit geweten dat het al zó ver is, what's next?

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Reality is only a Rorschach ink-blot, you know.
Usericon van waterfiets
Posted 08-10-2006 3:37 by waterfiets Wijzig reactieProfiel van waterfietsQuote dit bericht

Als het nog niet gezegd is: Metal is een mannensport

Unholy Mary
Anno domini MMXIII
Usericon van Unholy Mary
Posted 08-10-2006 9:52 by Unholy Mary Wijzig reactieProfiel van Unholy MaryQuote dit bericht

Op 7 oktober 2006 23:42 schreef Mutilator het volgende:
Ik heb het zelf -nog- niet gelezen, maar wellicht is het interessant:

*lang verhaal*

Is dit van dezelfde website als waar dat verhaal op staat waarin Lemmy van Moterhead bekende bi-seksueel te zijn?

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Unholy Mary op 08-10-2006 9:53]


...So what's zsie problem?
Usericon van AngelOfDeath
Posted 08-10-2006 10:58 by AngelOfDeath Wijzig reactieProfiel van AngelOfDeathQuote dit bericht

Op 8 oktober 2006 3:37 schreef waterfiets het volgende:
Als het nog niet gezegd is: Metal is een mannensport

Kutschurft ja

"Metal gaat nooit dood; zélfs als er een bom valt speelt er nog ergens een kakkerlak een riff"

Thin out the numbers!
Usericon van FRNK
Posted 08-10-2006 12:07 by FRNK Wijzig reactieProfiel van FRNKQuote dit bericht

Op 8 oktober 2006 0:00 schreef watery black het volgende:
ik las "mental heeft meer vrouwen nodig" ...
ik ook ja

Xenofobe analfabeet.
Usericon van XXL
Posted 08-10-2006 12:08 by XXL Wijzig reactieProfiel van XXLQuote dit bericht

Jij hebt er al 1. Denk eerst eens aan mij, egoïst.

Complete tokkie die lijdt aan zware zelfoverschatting.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 08-10-2006 12:15 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Op 8 oktober 2006 9:52 schreef Unholy Mary het volgende:
Is dit van dezelfde website als waar dat verhaal op staat waarin Lemmy van Moterhead bekende bi-seksueel te zijn?

Ik heb het van een forum, dus het zou best kunnen, maar ik ken die site zelf niet; welke bedoel je precies?

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Usericon van Daops
Posted 08-10-2006 12:54 by Daops Wijzig reactieProfiel van DaopsQuote dit bericht

Heb het stuk maar tot de helft gelezen, maar lijkt me toch overduidelijk een trollen-aktie om te kijken wie er zwaar verontwaardigd hapt. Aktie ongetwijfeld geslaagd "Ik woon zelf buitenaf maar van mensen uit plaatsen waar wel Moslims wonen proef je de angst. Sommigen durven geen karbonade of schnitzel op de BBQ te gooien uit angst voor ruzies."

Unholy Mary
Anno domini MMXIII
Usericon van Unholy Mary
Posted 08-10-2006 14:15 by Unholy Mary Wijzig reactieProfiel van Unholy MaryQuote dit bericht

Op 8 oktober 2006 12:54 schreef Daops het volgende:
Heb het stuk maar tot de helft gelezen, maar lijkt me toch overduidelijk een trollen-aktie om te kijken wie er zwaar verontwaardigd hapt. Aktie ongetwijfeld geslaagd

Hahaha 'trollenactie'...mooi woord

@Mutilator: geen idee, maar het staat hier ergens op het forum gepost, ik vermoed in het Motorhead topic (jij bent vast beter met zoeken... )


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