Op 31 maart 2006 21:13 schreef Rafira het volgende:
okee hier gaat ie dan:
Curtain falls
The curtain falls as I sing my last song
Singing the words that are close to me
Singing about my feeling for this savage world
People screaming and jumping of eternal happiness
They adore me yet don’t know the meaning of my sadness
Don’t know why hiding behind a mask is necessary
Singing for them and making them smile is just one wish
One wish to furfil and give me satisfaction
Music is a my faithful friend, it can read me like an open book
The bandage for my crimson bleeding wounds
The sunlight in my world of and endless rain
Opening my eyes to see that what is clear
Will this curtain fall upon my grave?
Will it show my face to those that know me so well?
Something tells me that even if hell and heaven were together…
Their strength could not safe me
Suddenly I stand before the same people again
But with the fear of being denied of being ignored
They laugh and the words are stocked within my throat
My mouth opens but the words won’t come out
I ask myself, will this curtain fall?
Will this be the end of all?
Will they forget me and never think of my pain
Or is this the greatest agonizing fear of a singer…
The curtain falls as I sing my last song
Singing the words that are close to me
Singing about my feeling for this savage world
Curtain falls…
ik vind het wel mooi geschreven

je eerste gedicht? ik schrijf zelf ook. heb d'r nu zo'n 300.
overigens klopt je signature niet.
"forever shall the Wolf in me, desire the SHEEP in you"
nightwish - beauty and the beast
dusse, welkom n00bs!