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Ik heb inderdaad een schurfthekel aan al dat gelimiteerde vinyl en die special editions. Breng gewoon een plaat uit op CD en als 'ie uitverkocht is dan pers je hem opnieuw voor dezelfde prijs in dezelfde hoedanigheid. Klaar. Vinyl is sowieso voor mensen die het niet snappen, net als tapes. Op 24 november 2016 16:00 schreef F.Jacobse het volgende: Ik vind het veels te plat. |
Opus IV is trouwens ook een sterke plaat. Hun meest progressieve maar die geeft z'n geheimen niet snel prijs en is een stijlbreuk met het eerste trio. Op 24 november 2016 16:00 schreef F.Jacobse het volgende: Ik vind het veels te plat. |
quote: Vind ik ook, Opus IV is een echte groeiplaat. De twee delen zijn ook goed om apart te beluisteren. Het blijft wel de laatste Abigor waar ik echt helemaal 'into' ben geraakt... |
quote: Dat geldt voor mij ook al heeft Supreme Immortal Art ook zeker nog z'n momenten maar die is niet over de gehele linie sterk. Op 24 november 2016 16:00 schreef F.Jacobse het volgende: Ik vind het veels te plat. |
quote: My thoughts exactly... |
Alleen materiaal vanaf Fractal Possession is real. Ik heb Leytmotif Luzifer nu ook beluisterd, weer wat anders en iets conservatiever (naast Time.. afgezet). Ik ben een romanticus en zo'n James Bond sigaret lijkt mij wel wat |
Abigor 6LP Box: PK – SILENIUS – TT The complete Hörnix recordings (Written by the band) : After over a year of negotiation and preparation, we can finally announce a vinyl box – presented in a form we have desired for a long time: all the ´classic´ 90s recordings at Hörnix will be released as 6 LP set. First of all, apologies to the loyal supporters who bought the various LP versions released between 2005 (Verwüstung) and 2011 (Opus IV). But ever since, we wanted to present something in original artwork and best possible quality. This hasn´t been possible due to the original layout films all being lost (at first). So we initially chose to do something ´based on the original works´. We were approached by several labels to (re)print the old recordings again, who suggested to create artworks from the CD scans or the like – but we took the emergency brake, this would have been unacceptable. And in october 2013, we could persuade Soulseller Records, who bought the licenses from Napalm, not to do individual releases but rather a 6 LP box, and let Abigor care for the artwork. At first we only had very few images and therefore, like on the already released LPs, again wanted to create something based on the original designs but ´brought into the new millennium´. But over the months, more and more bits appeard – PK found original cut-out images from magazines we used back then for lyric backgrounds, TT found more old photos, Silenius had more books with the source image used for original covers and booklets, and in the end, with the help of 2 old comrades contributing more missing images, we magically had all pieces to reconstruct the very original artworks, with the same source material as for the CDs in the 90s. Due to the huge research work of Mr. Ben Zodiazepin, we also could finally use each and every original font used in the old CD booklets. And although one or another photo may be missing, we used others from the same sessions and even additional material from the respective times that resurfaced. 2 decades after their initial manifestations, enthusiastically we will soon be presenting you a 6 LP box with the original visual and sonic material of: LP1: VERWÜSTUNG/INVOKE THE DARK AGE LP2: ORKBLUT (THE RETALIATION) including ´Shadowlord´, recorded in the same period LP3: NACHTHYMNEN – FROM THE TWILIGHT KINGDOM LP4: OPUS IV LP5: APOKALYPSE LP6: SUPREME IMMORTAL ART To be sent off to the pressing plant in a few weeks and released by Soulseller Records on black vinyl, with extensive booklet and detailed liner notes, giving insight to the formation of Abigor, the individual recording sessions, the lyrical influences and atmosphere of the times right through to the split of the ´classic´ line-up in 1998, in best visual and sonic quality exclusively. Estimated release will be in January/February. More info (limitation, pre-order) will follow soon. |
Emanations From The Twilight Kingdom First of all: ABIGOR are in the final phase of preparing the restorations for the 6 LP box. Meanwhile here is something about general vinyl sound: These random Nachthymnen (recorded early 1995) riffs are taken from master files for the 2008 version for the LP. The pressed result altered from that, as those of you who have the LP could tell. Try to compare the sound of this file, especially with the last song on side A. You will see how much the sonic result could differ from sent-in master to pressed LP. That´s why we always stress more focus and care on the vinyl production process instead of pranking the faithfuls with coloured ´limited´ editions! Ps: THIS IS NOT THE MASTER for the coming LP box, for that we´ll use the original Hörnix masters, just carefully restored for vinyl and looking for the best possible result overlooking the production. And second, about the availability of the box: ABIGOR want to keep this fully transparent and not take the loyal ones for a ride. There will be enough time to pre-order once it´s at the plant. Although the box is a limited edition piece, no one will have to play any `catch your copy only on thursday 2 o´clock´ games. The initial pressing will be 500, and another pressing of 200 - maximum 500 will be done. This should supply all interested ones, yet keep it a special and limited item. But ABIGOR won‘t do it like something that could be witnessed earlier this year: a certain vinyl box was announced as ´limited to 999 pieces´ and then, as it sold well, suddenly a ´second limited edition of 999 copies´ was done. Expect enough time to order, but no endless repressings, no ´limited - not anymore limited´, no ´in green and pink and yellow´ versions. This box will contain Black Metal on black vinyl! https://luzifer.bandcamp.com/releases |
Pre-orders for the 6lp slipcase box set are taken now! Pre-order by emailing your order + address to mailorder@soulsellerrecords.com and we’ll get back to you with the total. |
Zo, de box is binnen. Schitterend werkje!!! "Life Is Much More Beautiful, When It Means Nothing At All" |
quote: Hoeveel mocht dit kosten? |
90 euro exclusief verzendkosten. Wat je op zich - puur op basis van de info op deze pagina - na slechts twee muisklikken had kunnen achterhalen. Op 26 mei 2011 23:34 schreef Pit Beast het volgende: "Sonic titan kan hier wel steeds de held uithangen maar ook voor hem is er ooit een gevalletje wrong time wrong place." |
quote: Dank! Ik twijfel nog... De eerste drie al op CD en vinyl apart bijeen verzameld, de andere drie op CD. Maar zo een box is wel verleidelijk natuurlijk. |
Alternatieve instrumentale versie van Supreme Immortal Art te koop op bandcamp voor 1 euro. https://luzifer.bandcamp.com/album/supreme-immortal-art-instrumental-1997 |
Ne smulbox is ook verleidelijk. En nu gaan we vegen |
Volgende maand de nieuwe Abigor - Höllenzwang (Chronicles of Perdition) Pre-order is inmiddels begonnen en een nieuw nummer is ook te horen @ https://avantgardemusic.bandcamp.com/album/h-llenzwang-chronicles-of-perdition De elpee heb ik zojuist besteld. De nieuwe is dan ook te downloaden als .wav en mp3 en unlimited stream. Toffe plaat. Aangepaste quote van hun vleesboek aangezien er 9 nieuwe nummers op de cd/lp verschijnen en niet 11 zoals eerder vernoemd. Black Metal may still be excellent, and the pool of „occult“ or post-DSO bands is huge. But where´s the pounding greatness of Natten´s Madrigal, Apokalypsens Ängel, Det Som Engang Var or the Strid 7“ today? Not that we would or could fill this gap, but in Abigor´s very own stubborn way and with the old-school execution of mentioned masterpieces, our new album was recorded without a single „blastbeat“, without multi-guitar madness or downtuned disharmonic riffing. String wise, minimalism was the law - only one guitar left, one guitar right, and a bass in the middle. Not one single additional guitar-track to add soli, melodies or double-tracks. Lyrically, all hokuspokus and theological pondering was avoided. It´s not an album of a seeker, or about one´s initiation, or to lecture, but about the Devil and the Devil only! An impulsive work stripped down to the very basics that maybe could have been released in the 1990s. This technical restriction as well as a focus on the the evil force that sparked Black Metal ablaze at the beginning of the 90s also torched our work again. 1. All Hail Darkness And Evil 2. Sword Of Silence 3. Black Death Sathanas - Our Lord's Arrival 4. The Cold Breath Of Satan. 5. None Before Him 6. Olden Days 7. Hymn To The Flaming Void 8. Christ´s Descent Into Hell 9. Ancient Fog Of Evil [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Bub op 08-01-2018 11:03] bub |
Er is nog een shaped picture disc met de 2 andere nummers. Gelimiteerd tot 200 stuks en ook inmiddels uitverkocht. Jammer dat die 2 nummers dan weer niet bij de online stream / download zitten. 'Black Icarus / Metamorphosis' Voor de die hard collector zit deze nog wel in de Höllenzwang (Chronicles of Perdition - Maniac Pack: Elpee, de picture disc, t-shirt en de cd versie. http://avantgardemusic.bigcartel.com/product/hollenzwang-chronicles-of-perdition-maniac-pack-preorder bub |
Hij valt me mee, ietsjes eentonig, maar wel goed. Hafgufa |
Meh... Klinkt als een getalenteerde band die op halve kracht staat te spelen. Back to the roots? Het zullen dan toch hun eigen roots niet zijn, want die klonken spannender. Of waren mijn verwachtingen te hoog na de vorige? When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself. |
Er zou in de komende dagen een nieuw album van deze machtige band uitkomen. De nieuwe plaat noemt 'Totschläger (A Saintslayer's Songbook)'. Is hier al te beluisteren: https://wtcproductions.bandcamp.com/album/pre-sale-totschl-ger-a-saintslayers-songbook |
quote: Schijt de plaat haalt me steeds uit de zelf gecreëerde vibe, de stukken dat ze gas geven en met geniale riffs dus.... Life of Brian was banned for a while in Norway, due to blasphemy. The Swedes promoted it as "The film that is so funny it was banned in Norway"... |
Bevalt mij een stuk beter dan de vorige. Pre-order gedaan. [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Count Usher op 09-12-2020 9:11] When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself. |
quote: Ik hoor voor het eerst sinds lang riffs die doen terugdenken aan het oud(st)e werk, met ook qua titels referenties (Orkblut). Ga het zeker meer luisteren |
Nice. Vanavond even luisteren. bub |
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