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Topic : Control Human Delete [deel 2] Vorige pagina | Volgende pagina
Usericon van Ethereal
Posted 02-11-2007 12:22 by Ethereal Wijzig reactieProfiel van EtherealQuote dit bericht

Alleen maar slim.. Liefhebbers en mensen die de band kennen zullen de CD vaak toch wel kopen, en op deze manier kun je alleen maar "nieuwe zieltjes" winnen!

Hi! I'm a signature virus. Please copy me into your sig to help me spread.

Usericon van spectre
Posted 02-12-2007 17:28 by spectre Wijzig reactieProfiel van spectreQuote dit bericht

Op 2 november 2007 9:39 schreef hellhun het volgende:
Waarom zet je je eigen album op het net? gewoon voor de reclame of zo?
Heb ik niet gedaan, als je een beetje zoekt vind je hem op verschillende torrent-sites. En het is puur bedoeld om mensen de mogelijkheid te bieden om te luisteren.. ook al is het illegaal natuurlijk. Ons label is er vast niet blij mee .

Maar even voor de duidelijkheid, hopelijk kan ik een aantal mensen overtuigen.. misschien zitten daar weer wat kopers tussen .

OT: Een interview met Spark Mag, Czech republic.
Dit geeft een duidelijker beeld wat we werkelijk proberen te doen met CHD.

Once again greetings from the historical city of Prague. And my congratulations for your new and very cool (freezing :-), interesting album Terminal World Perspective. Here is a bunch of questions for you.

Thank you very much!

Your lyrics are describe a complex cycle of genesis, evolution, destruction, reshaping etc. Your music is a perfect soundtrack for this. And your artwork is a perfect illustration for all the ideas and feelings coming out of your songs. Do you take your way of creation as conceptual? I mean not a „standard“ concept album, but an overwhelming concept penetrating and pervading all that you are doing.

I see our, or I would rather say CHD's way of creation, indeed as a conceptual one. The individuals who work for CHD share their passion for the dark sides of history, myths, science and art. Those themes have formed and will always form the backbone of CHD's concepts that are indeed penetrating and pervading everything that she is doing. Therefore I would rather speak of CHD as an organism on it self, fed by everything that is surrounding her. The translation and machinery is respectively done and made by us; the human characters employed by CHD.

If I take your album, your lyrics and its time axis (also represented in your website) as a basic scale, we can say that just now we are in the middle of this evolution. Do you think it is a “one-way” process? We have yet overstepped the point of no return? Or we have still some possibilities of choice and different scenarios?

I think there is always plenty of choice for every single one of us. Nothing is already doomed nor determined. Although I must admit that I like the idea, fact is that we've got pretty much rid of it thanks to quantum physics. The idea of the time axis is that we as humans are just a little life cycle with patterns emerging again and again surrounded by this vast universe. Birth and dead, build and demolished; There are enough metaphors that can be found in it, which is the beauty of it in my opinion. As for the storyboard as a whole I feel the need to say a bit more about CHD's points of view; To begin with the storyboard describes several stages that the inhabitants of the earth undergo on their planet, subdivided into the 9 soundtracks that the listener will undergo. Through those stages of “development” (which could or maybe should be redefined in this context) mankind wonders about the nature of their own existence and the wonders of what they call “reality”. It represents mankind’s timeline from beginning to end according to a somewhat altered world view, adopted by CHD and inspired by philosophies and ideas that treat some subjects from out a different perspective… a different world perspective, terminal if you like. Now, this would be one of the most important and underlying motives behind the ‘TWP’ concept: It is not meant to destroy believes of any nature whatsoever or to convince people of some other. On the contrary it shows how important and fascinating all those religions are, that have been altered and/or evolved during the whole process, and moreover how they relate to each other. It is about looking at things using a different perspective and to open minds represented by the storyboard given to you. This is just one scenario. Containing more scenario's? As for it, I think there is an infinite amount of scenario's, maybe already here or somewhere out there, who knows.

The theme of your new album is so global (regarding the time, space, points of view, synthesis of ideas...). Is there a room for the next time? Do you have an idea, how to move or expand it? Or you will take another?

You are asking for a possible concept or idea for a next album? We've been working out some ideas the last couple of months, but there is nothing concrete to say about that in this stage. What I can say is that we are going to take the idea of concept a few steps further and that it is going to be a CHD one.

Do you believe that there is a possibility to understand and recognize our reality, world and truth? From your lyrics I feel a bit a touch of agnosticism and relativism, maybe even nihilism. Do you believe in something (I mean belief not only in metaphysical or transcendental sense)? Btw, are you familiar with the books of Philip K. Dick, who dealt a lot with the impossibility of recognizing what is real and true, and what is not?

Understand or recognize our reality? Interesting indeed, but then we first have to determine for ourselves what reality means to us, which is a subject on its own. But to take it more general; I don't think it is possible for us to understand reality, we can get close but never reach it. As the universe is expanding, our reality is getting more complex as well, which is quite an ambitious thing for us humans to get grip on. Therefore I think you come pretty close with the three philosophical strands you mention there. I'm not religious in classical terms and reject all forms of institutionalized religion. Though I feel strongly attracted to science, philosophy and everything that is trying to explaining things through reasoning.

Do you take your conception also in a relative way? As one of products of post-modern way of thinking? Do you take your ideas, imprinted in your lyrics, more as an art, or as science, as philosophy, divination or so...?

Yes, I think our concept should be taken relative as I explained previously. As for the art/science/philosophy; Above everything we take our creations as art. But because of our great interest in both science and philosophy (those two strands are twins btw in my opinion) they both have great influence on our work as well. I think the best way to look at it is like reading a novel from writers like Asimov, who used to play with fiction, scientific reasoning and other philosophies.

If I am not mistaken, one of the basic themes is the incompatibility of mankind and nature. What is the reason, in your opinion? I mean the basic reason, basic mistake of this incompatibility? Is not the mankind a part of nature? Of the whole creation around? Or a wrong element? How do you imagine the aftermath of all this mess?

In a somewhat negative way we like to play with the idea of incompatibility of mankind. I mean some things that happened on this planet are so fucked up and still are; wars, religious doctrine, wars, racism, intolerance, coca cola, oil, more oil and more wars!! It makes me feel really uncomfortable and then I really think we suffer from incompetence. We are already in the aftermath, the aftermath of the mess and confusion from our ancestors. We will have to deal with it and the generations after us have to clean up the mess that WE have created. In the process of it we get a bit closer in understanding our reality. Till a point it all is going to collapse? Don't know hard to tell, sometimes you might think we truly deserve it.

Another big theme for your concept are the theories about the supernatural and extraterrestrial intelligence, controlling and intervening in the “deal” of mankind. Is it? Do you take (in this theory) the “divine” and the “extraterrestrial” (alien) as one and the same? How do you imagine this control and influence? And what do you find attractive and credible in these theories?

Yes it is. Taking the divine and extraterrestrial as one is inspired on theories from amongst others Zecharia Sitchin and Erich von Daniken. I think it is quite interesting to think about those possibilities because they study ancient cultures, religions and myths and connect them together along with our increasing knowledge about space travel. I like the idea of a god-entity of flesh and blood so to speak, which is nothing to really belief in but something to take into consideration. Along with the mystery surrounding it, it makes it quite tempting to use.

An important source for your “studies” are also the myths, divine texts and others ancient stories. Which answers do you find there, which moments or coincidences did attract your attention?
If we move a bit further (from the sacral texts) – which philosophical directions, works and ideas gave you more answers on your questions and did help you to fulfil your puzzle?

I find the similarities between several religions and above all the ancient ones with there cultures like the Maya's, Sumerians and of course Egyptians very interesting. One coincidences if you like is the Deluge or great flood, as part of the TWP concept as well, which is described in several ancient writings and seemed to had a great impact on the earth and its inhabitants. To move further I think modern science and its reasoning had a great deal of influence.

What do we (as mankind, but also as unique human entities) need to learn, to understand? How to become more conscious in your opinion? And which steps wait for us in the near future, according to your script?

That is for every individual to decide, I don't feel the need to carry out something like that, nor is the script was meant to do so.

Which scenarios for the “end of the world” do you consider as probable?

A collapsing universe would be quite wicked omega point energy... all that kind of stuff, awesome!

How did you invent your name Control Human Delete? Was it a difficult and wise process, or by chance? Was it for you intentional that (beside “ctrl+al+del allusion”) there is also CHD as common abbreviation for Coronary Heart Disease? It offers interesting parallels with your concept...

Spectre came up with it one day if I remember correctly. We were at the starting point of forming and creating CHD as it is right now and we found the name Control Human Delete quite fitting for how our ideas and musical directions where evolving. The Coronary Heart Disease is mere coincidence as far as I know, but it does offer interesting parallels indeed... then again so do a lot of other things.

I have read in some biographical notes, that in the beginning you had different opinions about your style and direction, so it was a reason of some delay in releasing music. How did you reach this result? What did help you to accord on something and to create all this complex and complicated musical and ideological “building”?

I think it is purely a logical process for a band, or the creation that CHD is. A process is taking you somewhere it is willing to go and with it you will have the work out some issues. That is what is making CHD what it is and what makes the music and intentions really strong. We constantly criticize everything what happens around CHD and the music that is emerging, which is typically for CHD and a really important quality.

How and where do you want to push the borders of music? Do you take yourself as extreme in extreme? (Not only in the sense of heaviness of course...) Which kind of experiments do you like and try in your musical laboratory? Do you want also to provoke or shock a bit?

CHD is all about pushing musical borders and provocation. Extreme in a sense of using more non-traditional metal influences to achieve a stronger atmosphere that is so typical for the roots of black metal. We like to experiment with everything that comes to mind when composing for CHD, from Jazz, triphop, Electronic and new age to Breakcore, Death and Black Metal.

How do you see the role and position of this post-black wave on the extreme scene? I mean the evolution started by bands like Dodheimsgard, Thorns and Satyricon, continued by Aborym, Axis Of Perdition, Blut Aus Nord or Spektr etc.? And what is in your opinion your personal contribution to this genre? Do you feel also a connection to the older bands like Nocturnus, Pestilence, Death? I feel sometimes some sounds and riffs to be near.

I think it is a highly interesting musical evolution where CHD did start off with. It is interesting to see how from a really minimalistic kind of music, what Black Metal is essentially, an exponent like Post-black is emerging with more complex arrangements and modern influences. That is for me the most interesting part of music in general, no matter what kind of music. Dodheimsgard, Thorns and Satyricon are all important influences for CHD and we are aware of the fact that we sometimes sound-alike. In our opinion it is a starting point for CHD from which she will evolve according her own will. Nocturnus, Pestilence, Death? I don't feel a special connection, they are all metal so in that way yes. Nocturnus maybe because they were fascinated about science-fiction as well.

Do you feel strongly connected to the Dutch metal tradition? Your scene always offered some interesting and unclassifiable bands, like Phlebotomized, Pestilence, Gorefest, Orphanage or Textures. Which kind of spirit provides this amount of creativity and forward thinking?

Not really to be honest. I always felt to be a bit of an outcast in the Dutch metal scene when we first started off, some are a bit conservative in a way, which I regret sometimes. I don't think the bands you mention have had influence on CHD, as in being creative or such. Maybe I can identify a bit more with something like The Gathering, also emerged from the Dutch metal scene.

Which non-metal influences were for you crucial? Some of the sounds reminded me “Spiral” from Vangelis, or the atmosphere of “Blade Runner”, maybe also older J. M. Jarre. What do you prefer from the nowadays ambient and industrial scene?

This part is always my favourite, thank you . Both Vangelis and Jarre as well as Mike Oldfield and Alan Parsons have influenced our music, especially the ambient and electronic parts, Spectre listens to their music a lot. As for other non-metal influences; things like Biosphere, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Massive Attack, Venetian Snares (and other breakcore), maybe things like VNV Nation and Apoptygma Berzerk. Other music for me personally would be old Jazz stuff, raw rock 'n roll and actually everything which is honest, raw, pure and intense.

Would you like to try it once again with the “living” drummer? Or you are yet so used on software drums that you cannot imagine a normal drum kit in your music? How would you describe the special touch and feeling given by the artificial drumming? Btw (if I jump a bit), isn’t this also a mark of your tendency to the “inhuman” view on the world? A little piece of misanthropy?:-) What is your relation to humans – pro-social, or anti-social?

Not at this point. We are quite happy with our artificial drum kit from hell. And I think it fits us very well, it delivers that extra vibe the music wants to express, cold, harsh, and indeed inhuman. My relation to humans is quite pro-social, I try to haha, but sometimes it is a bit difficult as I explained previously, which makes me want to scream. I guess that is why I ended up in CHD in the first place.

Despite all this machinery and artificialism, your music is also full of strong and extreme feelings and emotions. Which ones are for you and your art the most important and how are they executed or expressed?
Is there some strong mutual interference between the atmosphere of your music and the mood / temperament of the band members?

I think there has to be a connection to the mood and temperament of the creators and the music they create. If we were feeling happy all time, we would make happy music. There is something in every member of CHD that has the urge to create music with strong dark, hateful and other twisted emotions. Maybe there is some kind of bitterness in the way we look at things and end up in something that is called Control Human Delete.

Many thanx for your answers, if I forgot to ask to something important, here is your place...

Thank you very much as well. It was a pleasure answering your highly interesting questions, maybe we can discuss it a bit more one day, who knows!

Wish you good luck with CHD and looking forward to see you live on stage one day.
All the best!!!
Martin (Spark mag., Czech republic)

Good luck with Spark Mag.

Void (Control Human Delete)

Ancient Times
Usericon van Ancient Times
Posted 02-12-2007 18:34 by Ancient Times Wijzig reactieProfiel van Ancient TimesQuote dit bericht

Goed en interessant interview

Ascension Whore
Usericon van Borthulaz
Posted 02-12-2007 20:37 by Borthulaz Wijzig reactieProfiel van BorthulazQuote dit bericht

Usericon van spectre
Posted 04-12-2007 16:48 by spectre Wijzig reactieProfiel van spectreQuote dit bericht

Nog wat live plaatjes:

- Der Meisterbär -
Usericon van Lothar
Posted 04-12-2007 17:02 by Lothar Wijzig reactieProfiel van LotharQuote dit bericht

Zeker een interessant interview, behoorlijk diepgaand, en alles behalve oppervlakkige vragen.

Thin out the numbers!
Usericon van FRNK
Posted 18-12-2007 18:58 by FRNK Wijzig reactieProfiel van FRNKQuote dit bericht


from ELEGY IBERICA nr. 8

rate: 8/10
Control Human Delete
“Terminal World Perspective” CD
Avantgarde/Post-Black Metal

A Code666 tem vindo indiscutivelmente a demarcar-se dentro do metal. A descoberta de bandas como Negura Bunget, Ephel Duath, Aborym ou TMK, tem vindo paulatinamente a marcar um ponto de viragem no mundo do metal, tornando esta editora italiana numa das mais importantes no que toca ao metal de vanguarda. Os holandeses Control Human Delete são mais uma prova cabal destas afirmações, um exemplo vivo da criteriosidade e rigor na escolha de cada uma das bandas do catálogo desta editora, onde de facto impera a qualidade. Torna-se claro que este tipo de sonoridade não é para todos. O experimentalismo inerente a bandas como Control Human Delete obedece a critérios de selecção de público, num processo de escolha quase natural. “Terminal World Perspective” aparece como uma combinação bizarramente perfeita entre o post-black metal, industrial e música ambiental. O conceptualismo do álbum ficou entregue a uma problemática metafísica diária e sempre actual: a ligação entre o Homem e o seu carácter destrutivo por influência de entidades divinas superiores. Um álbum intemporal e desafiador.

José de Almeida

van ELEGIE IBERICA nr. 8 tarief: 8/10 Mens van de Controle schrapt de Avantgarde van de COMPACT DISC van het "Eindperspectief van de Wereld"/het Metaal van de post-Zwarte (Code666) Code666 indiscutivelmente is gekomen om binnen van het metaal af te bakenen. De ontdekking van banden als Negura Bunget, Ephel Duath, Aborym of TMK, is geleidelijk aan gekomen om een punt van viragem in de wereld van het metaal te merken dat, dit Italiaanse uitgeversbedrijf in één van het belangrijkst is geworden in zoverre dat het aan het voorhoedemetaal raakt. Dutches controleren Mens schrappen zijn plus een nauwkeurige test van deze bevestigingen, een levend voorbeeld van criteriosidade en strengheid in de keus van elke één van de banden van de catalogus van dit uitgeversbedrijf, waar van feit de kwaliteit regeert. Één wordt duidelijk dat dit type van lawaai niet voor allen is. Inherente experimentalismo de banden aangezien de Mens van de Controle schrapt voert de criteria van selecção van publiek, in een proces van bijna natuurlijke keus uit. Het "eindperspectief van de Wereld" verschijnt als bizarramente perfecte combinatie tussen post-zwart metaal, industriële en omringende muziek. Conceptualismo van het album was levert aan een problematische dagelijkse en altijd huidige metafysica: de aaneenschakeling tussen de Man en zijn carácter vernietigend voor invloed van superieure goddelijke entiteiten. Een intemporal en uitdagingsalbum. Jose de Almeida

Gemene Lepel
Usericon van Gemene Lepel
Posted 18-12-2007 19:08 by Gemene Lepel Wijzig reactieProfiel van Gemene LepelQuote dit bericht

Leuk altijd die vertalingen .

Even de track op myspace geluisterd, klinkt lekker. Enige kritiekpunt, wat hier waarschijnlijk al vaker naar voren is gebracht is dat de drumcomputer soms zo een hoog tempo aanneemt dat het voor mij storend is. Ook in de langzamere stukken blijft die drum maar doorgaan met onmenselijke snelheden, wat ik jammer vind. Voor de rest, vooral complimenten aan de gitaristen .

Grey over Kristalnacht: "Als de Joden destijds ook aanslagen hadden gepleegd dan had ik de nazi's misschien wel begrepen."

Usericon van Aaaarco
Posted 18-12-2007 19:08 by Aaaarco Wijzig reactieProfiel van AaaarcoQuote dit bericht

Op 18 december 2007 18:58 schreef FRNK het volgende:


door een belg?

In black metal maakt men grapjes over religie... aldus pindakaasruud

Usericon van spectre
Posted 18-12-2007 19:52 by spectre Wijzig reactieProfiel van spectreQuote dit bericht

Op 18 december 2007 19:08 schreef Gemene Lepel het volgende:
Ook in de langzamere stukken blijft die drum maar doorgaan met onmenselijke snelheden, wat ik jammer vind.
Dat is apart zeg

Gemene Lepel
Usericon van Gemene Lepel
Posted 18-12-2007 19:57 by Gemene Lepel Wijzig reactieProfiel van Gemene LepelQuote dit bericht

Doe maar niet zo onwetend, je begrijpt best wat ik bedoel!

Grey over Kristalnacht: "Als de Joden destijds ook aanslagen hadden gepleegd dan had ik de nazi's misschien wel begrepen."

Thin out the numbers!
Usericon van FRNK
Posted 18-12-2007 19:58 by FRNK Wijzig reactieProfiel van FRNKQuote dit bericht

Op 18 december 2007 19:08 schreef Aaaarco het volgende:
door een belg?

kan die jongen ook niets aan doen.;

Usericon van spectre
Posted 18-12-2007 20:03 by spectre Wijzig reactieProfiel van spectreQuote dit bericht

Op 18 december 2007 19:57 schreef Gemene Lepel het volgende:
Doe maar niet zo onwetend, je begrijpt best wat ik bedoel!
Maar er zijn genoeg delen waar de drums ook vrij rustig zijn hoor. Maar ik snap je kritiek.

Ascension Whore
Usericon van Borthulaz
Posted 18-12-2007 20:59 by Borthulaz Wijzig reactieProfiel van BorthulazQuote dit bericht

Op 18 december 2007 20:03 schreef spectre het volgende:
Maar er zijn genoeg delen waar de drums ook vrij rustig zijn hoor. Maar ik snap je kritiek.

Hey antwoord mijn mails eens

OT: Oja CHD, goeie band ja

Usericon van ZelThoR
Posted 19-12-2007 12:24 by ZelThoR Wijzig reactieProfiel van ZelThoRQuote dit bericht

Op 18 december 2007 19:52 schreef spectre het volgende:
Dat is apart zeg

Niks apart aan!

Er zijn telkens meer verhalen over dit soort robots die maar niet willen luisteren naar hun menselijke meesters! Nu blijven ze dan nog net binnen de grenzen met hun misdragingen, maar het einde is nabij! Prepare for robot war!

Deze account is precies 8 jaar gebruikt, om precies 20.000 posts te maken en (uiteindelijk) precies 1 ban te krijgen.

Usericon van spectre
Posted 12-02-2008 20:26 by spectre Wijzig reactieProfiel van spectreQuote dit bericht

CHD heeft getekend bij Emerald Bookings, Emerald gaat voor CHD de Nederlandse shows regelen.

Andere bands die bij Emerald onderdak hebben:
Gorath (BE)
Thurisaz (BE)
Ghost Brigade (FI)

Usericon van ZelThoR
Posted 03-04-2008 10:05 by ZelThoR Wijzig reactieProfiel van ZelThoRQuote dit bericht

Via vet koopje:

Diabolicum "The dark blood rising" +
AboryM "With no human intervention" +
Control Human Delete "Terminal world perspective" = 14,99 euro only

Ook nog een paar andere, maar ja, dan geen CHD, ha:

"Tesla" (new album) +
"Architects of the humanicide" (debut mcd) = 14,99 euro only

"New era viral order" +
"A clockwork highway" +
"Pilot (Man with the meat machine)" = 14,99 euro only

"[View]" mcd+
"Vilosophe" = 9,99 euro only

Deze account is precies 8 jaar gebruikt, om precies 20.000 posts te maken en (uiteindelijk) precies 1 ban te krijgen.

Thin out the numbers!
Usericon van FRNK
Posted 03-04-2008 17:32 by FRNK Wijzig reactieProfiel van FRNKQuote dit bericht

Op 3 april 2008 10:05 schreef ZelThoR het volgende:
Via vet koopje:

Diabolicum "The dark blood rising" +
AboryM "With no human intervention" +
Control Human Delete "Terminal world perspective" = 14,99 euro only

och jongens, ze kunnen zeker niet van de diabolicum- en aborym-platen af komen

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door FRNK op 03-04-2008 17:32]

Usericon van Aaaarco
Posted 03-04-2008 17:33 by Aaaarco Wijzig reactieProfiel van AaaarcoQuote dit bericht

nee t is omdat iedereen die hoort te hebben...

In black metal maakt men grapjes over religie... aldus pindakaasruud

Thin out the numbers!
Usericon van FRNK
Posted 03-04-2008 17:34 by FRNK Wijzig reactieProfiel van FRNKQuote dit bericht

Usericon van Aaaarco
Posted 03-04-2008 17:51 by Aaaarco Wijzig reactieProfiel van AaaarcoQuote dit bericht

Op 3 april 2008 17:34 schreef FRNK het volgende:

ik had t over aborym en diabolicum hah... chd is leuk maar aan die twee cd's kan je niet zomaar effe tippen...

In black metal maakt men grapjes over religie... aldus pindakaasruud

Thin out the numbers!
Usericon van FRNK
Posted 03-04-2008 21:16 by FRNK Wijzig reactieProfiel van FRNKQuote dit bericht

ja dat snapte ik, maar ik heb ze niet, vandaar die reactie

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door FRNK op 03-04-2008 21:16]

Usericon van valfar
Posted 03-04-2008 21:36 by valfar Wijzig reactieProfiel van valfarQuote dit bericht

Op 3 april 2008 10:05 schreef ZelThoR het volgende:
Via vet koopje:

Diabolicum "The dark blood rising" +
AboryM "With no human intervention" +
Control Human Delete "Terminal world perspective" = 14,99 euro only


Dark incarnation
First I was a cruel dark beast until i became.....
Usericon van Dark incarnation
Posted 03-04-2008 21:37 by Dark incarnation (Redacteur) Wijzig reactieProfiel van Dark incarnationQuote dit bericht

Op 3 april 2008 21:36 schreef valfar het volgende:

Dat zijn alle 3 vette albums

an evil incarnation of DEATH!

Usericon van valfar
Posted 18-04-2008 19:06 by valfar Wijzig reactieProfiel van valfarQuote dit bericht

Op 3 april 2008 21:36 schreef valfar het volgende:

Wat een ontzettend gaaf album mannen! Hij is al twee weken niet uit m'n laptop geweest. Mijn complimenten! Binnekort maar eens een keer live gaan checken als jullie in de buurt zijn!

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