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SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 15-01-2008 19:01 by Mutilator (Moderator) Profiel van Mutilator

Grote kans ook dat David Vincent de Steve Tucker nummers kent

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Usericon van mokka
Posted 15-01-2008 22:29 by mokka Profiel van mokka

Op 15 januari 2008 19:01 schreef Mutilator het volgende:
Grote kans ook dat David Vincent de Steve Tucker nummers kent

ik hoop het niet!

Gebroeders Grey
Usericon van Greycloak
Posted 15-01-2008 22:41 by Greycloak (Speciaal lid) Profiel van Greycloak

Op 15 januari 2008 18:53 schreef MetalJan het volgende:
Grote kans dus dat ze ook op Graspop staan

What a day, what a day If you can look it in the face and hold your vomit

Usericon van Aaaarco
Posted 15-01-2008 22:48 by Aaaarco Profiel van Aaaarco

Op 15 januari 2008 19:01 schreef Mutilator het volgende:
Grote kans ook dat David Vincent de Steve Tucker nummers kent

grote kans dat ze daar weinig van spelen

In black metal maakt men grapjes over religie... aldus pindakaasruud

Usericon van Monstroaxe
Posted 16-01-2008 11:15 by Monstroaxe Profiel van Monstroaxe

haha David kent idd de nummers van Steve wel. Vorige tour riep hij nog heeel hard dat hij meer oude nummers van Steve wil doen (nee dus geen Heretic) dus we will see.
als ie maar zijn laktruitje tuus laat haha.
ik ben al lang blij dat ze weer iets bevestigd hebben..jeuuuuuu

"Every day is the beginning of a Recreation Day"

Usericon van MetalJan
Posted 16-01-2008 18:34 by MetalJan Profiel van MetalJan

Op 15 januari 2008 19:01 schreef Mutilator het volgende:
Grote kans ook dat David Vincent de Steve Tucker nummers kent

Mooi, mogen ze gelijk ff wat nummers van Formulas Fatal To The Flesh spelen, die cd heerst!

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door MetalJan op 16-01-2008 18:34]

Usericon van karnivoor
Posted 16-01-2008 18:36 by karnivoor Profiel van karnivoor

nu zit iedereen te miepen over david vincent maar steve tucker is ook best veranderd trouwens

Je moeder.

|"| |''| |"| >')
Usericon van Lionheart
Posted 16-01-2008 18:39 by Lionheart Profiel van Lionheart

Is boerenhumor nu in, omdat Boer zoekt vrouw een tv hit is?

Usericon van karnivoor
Posted 16-01-2008 18:39 by karnivoor Profiel van karnivoor

boerendating wel!

Je moeder.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 16-01-2008 18:48 by Mutilator (Moderator) Profiel van Mutilator

Op 16 januari 2008 11:15 schreef Monstroaxe het volgende:
haha David kent idd de nummers van Steve wel. Vorige tour riep hij nog heeel hard dat hij meer oude nummers van Steve wil doen (nee dus geen Heretic) dus we will see.
als ie maar zijn laktruitje tuus laat haha.
ik ben al lang blij dat ze weer iets bevestigd hebben..jeuuuuuu

Je had er een hard hoofd in toch?; volgend jaar het 25 jarige jubileum alweer voor deze veteranen...

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 22-04-2008 21:32 by Mutilator (Moderator) Profiel van Mutilator

Gitaristen en labels kunnen toehappen...

MORBID ANGEL Seeking Guitarist For Upcoming Tour

Legendary Florida death metallers MORBID ANGEL are currently auditioning guitar players for their upcoming tour. Interested parties should contact "Pros only" need apply.

MORBID ANGEL is currently in the studio working on material for its first studio album since 2003's "Heretic". The upcoming CD will mark the group's first release to feature frontman David Vincent since 1995's "Domination".

MORBID ANGEL is presently unsigned, having parted ways with Earache Records following "Heretic"'s release.


MORBID ANGEL Announces New Guitarist - May 20, 2008

Metal Hammer writer Joel McIver reports that the new guitarist in Florida death metal legends MORBID ANGEL is none other than ZYKLON's longtime axemeister Destructhor (a.k.a. Thor Anders Myhren).

Frontman David Vincent told Metal Hammer in a recent interview, "The hunt for another guitarist to play alongside Trey (Azagthoth, the band's primary songwriter) was long and difficult. Man, I tell you, we had tapes sent to us from all over the world from guys who wanted to play in our band, and many of them were extremely talented — but Thor was the right choice for us. He's a fantastic guitarist and fits right in with the band. Also, ZYKLON have supported MORBID ANGEL in the past, so the guys knew each other already."

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 21-05-2008 18:45]

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

good person but bad musician....
Usericon van attila_de_hun
Posted 01-07-2008 13:27 by attila_de_hun Profiel van attila_de_hun

Op 22 april 2008 21:32 schreef Mutilator het volgende:

MORBID ANGEL Seeking Guitarist For Upcoming Tour

R.Brunelle is weer op vrije voeten.......

Pictures and stories
Usericon van attematic
Posted 02-07-2008 9:57 by attematic Profiel van attematic

tsss....14 maanden cel voor cocaine bezit. Volgens mij zat hij in 1992 ook al aan de poedersuiker:

VLNR: Danny Lilker (armpje), Dave V., Richard B.

10.10.1942 - 20.11.2011

Usericon van ZelThoR
Posted 02-07-2008 10:09 by ZelThoR Profiel van ZelThoR

Morbid Angel (c) Hendrik Attema (although David kindly asked me not to publish this, I did)

Foei, Attema, foei!

Deze account is precies 8 jaar gebruikt, om precies 20.000 posts te maken en (uiteindelijk) precies 1 ban te krijgen.

Pictures and stories
Usericon van attematic
Posted 02-07-2008 13:07 by attematic Profiel van attematic

16 jaar geleden vond hij het niet "metal" genoeg om lurkend aan een flesje water op de pictuur te komen.

Die opmerking is inmiddels verjaard

10.10.1942 - 20.11.2011

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 02-07-2008 18:40 by Mutilator (Moderator) Profiel van Mutilator

Gave fotosite en wat was dat een gave affiche van Waldrock zeg; daar had ik wel bij willen zijn!

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Pictures and stories
Usericon van attematic
Posted 02-07-2008 18:49 by attematic Profiel van attematic

Ja, dat waren nog eens tijden....en dat voor 25 gulden(!)

10.10.1942 - 20.11.2011

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 04-07-2008 21:14 by Mutilator (Moderator) Profiel van Mutilator

MORBID ANGEL Performs New Song 'Nevermore' At GODS OF METAL; Video Available - July 4, 2008

Musica Metal has posted video footage of legendary Florida death metallers MORBID ANGEL performing a brand new song, "Nevermore", at the Gods of Metal festival on June 29, 2008 in Bologna, Italy. Watch the clip below.

MORBID ANGEL played its first show with new touring guitarist, ZYKLON's longtime axemeister Destructhor (a.k.a. Thor Anders Myhren), on June 22 at the Hellfest in Clisson, France.

"Obviously the urgency to get a [new second] guitar player in the band working with us kind of put the writing [for the upcoming MORBID ANGEL album] on hold," the group's frontman, David Vincent, revealed to Norway's "Tinitus" radio show in an interview that aired last month. "But we're looking forward to getting right back to it as soon as we're finished with these European festivals in July."

Although MORBID ANGEL's upcoming album does not currently have a name, its title will likely begin with the letter "I", in keeping with the band's tradition of titling their albums in alphabetical order beginning with 1989's "Altars of Madness", and continuing through "Heretic".

"A lot of people around the world have come up with titles that they thought it would be," Vincent told "Tinitus". "There is no title yet — we've not decided on it. We've not decided whether it's going to continue following the alphabet or not. So anything that you hear or read on the Internet is totally speculation by anyone."

MORBID ANGEL's follow-up to 2003's "Heretic" will mark the group's first release to feature David Vincent since 1995's "Domination".

MORBID ANGEL is presently unsigned, having parted ways with Earache Records following "Heretic"'s release.

Regarding Destructhor's addition to the band's touring lineup, Vincent said, "We had a fairly long audition process. We looked long and hard at this. We decided when we began this process that it was gonna be a unanimous decision. We had several people [apply for the job] — very good players from, really, all over the world — and we got a video from Thor — the same video that we asked from all the different players; the same two songs — and some people didn't get past the initial discussion stage, and then some people went on to the next stage and it ended up that the band unanimously felt that Thor would be the best guitarist for the band."

MORBID ANGEL's current lineup is rounded out by guitarist Trey Azagthoth and drummer Pete Sandoval.

Upcoming MORBID ANGEL shows:

July 04 - Leipzig, GER @ With Full Force
July 05 - Bergum, NETH @ Waldrock
July 07 - Tolmin, SLO @ Metalcamp
July 09 - Athens, GRE @ Rockwave


[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 04-07-2008 21:27]

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Splattermaniac Gore
Usericon van meatgrinder
Posted 05-07-2008 12:01 by meatgrinder Profiel van meatgrinder

Dat nieuwe nummer klinkt best lekker. Thanx for the share.

Usericon van MetalJan
Posted 05-07-2008 13:59 by MetalJan Profiel van MetalJan

Speelden ze dat nieuwe nummer nou ook al op Graspop? Ik weet het niet meer

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 05-07-2008 14:06 by Mutilator (Moderator) Profiel van Mutilator

Op 5 juli 2008 13:59 schreef MetalJan het volgende:
Speelden ze dat nieuwe nummer nou ook al op Graspop? Ik weet het niet meer

Yep als derde nr

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Usericon van MetalJan
Posted 05-07-2008 14:10 by MetalJan Profiel van MetalJan

Oh oke

Pictures and stories
Usericon van attematic
Posted 07-07-2008 13:41 by attematic Profiel van attematic

Op Waldrock ook present.

Maar de uitvoering van Maze Of Torment was ronduit geniaal! Het geluid in de foto-pit was namelijk om door een ringetje te halen.

Slecht tentgeluid? FTW!

10.10.1942 - 20.11.2011

TMDC wordfuhrer
Usericon van TMDC wordfuhrer
Posted 07-07-2008 23:06 by TMDC wordfuhrer Profiel van TMDC wordfuhrer

geluid in bij Morbid Angel was prima

De Tegenpartij
Usericon van De Tegenpartij
Posted 07-07-2008 23:09 by De Tegenpartij Profiel van De Tegenpartij

Solo's werden lekker hard gezet, slaggitaren vond ik wat minder duidelijk klinken.

Dat die ouwe mannen, met name pete, nog zo snel kunnen rammen, gezien hun conditie en leeftijd vond ik vrij opmerkelijk.

Dat nieuwe nummer klonk btw idd erg lekker.

En dat, als ik 'em dan in m'n mond stop en ik bijt, doorbijt, dattie dan zo ineens bwehlehlee whe. Zo loopt, in m'n mond. Dus dat het nat wordt en zoet, in m'n mond. Dát wil ik.

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