MR. N |
Envy is the ulcer of the soul. |
Posted 11-09-2009 16:20 by MR. N |
Oeh, kwam nog een leuke review van de eersteling tegen op
quote: Grindbashers
Songs Of Suicide, Words Of Death
Herrie Records 2008
There are twenty songs on this album, yet it's not a full length. The explanation? Old school, earcrushing grind. Some amazing fast and brutal songs written with the purpose to destroy.
If that does not appeal to you, if you prefer something with more complexity or melody, Grindbashers is probably not your thing. However if you are into skullsplitting riffs and sick drumming, topped by guttural grunting, check this baby out!
This album really goes back to the grind basics, it's not filled with political statements or stuffed with gore of all sorts, just in your face metal that surpasses the brutalness of the death metal genre. It's unbelievably heavy, but keeps it's listener entertained. Each of these twenty songs is completely different, due to variations in tempo, structure and length. For example, "Die" only lasts a couple of seconds, and has a one word lyric(guess which one!) but when you hear it in between some lengthier songs, it not only amuses, but gives the listener a chance to regain full concentration.
This album has a suiting production but I find that the drums take up a bit to much of the spectrum. Due to a killer guitar tone and great vocal tones, the overal sound is excellent. A must for every band that tries to sound old school. The sound is also clear enough to distinguish some details, also very nice.
I hope the fans of the more brutal work are convinced to give this one a shot, you will not be dissapointed and have a great time.
En een live review van de Dynamo Grindnight door
quote: Up next was the Agathocles clone Grindbashers. A trio of grinding maniacs that does not know how to play tight but know how to play some straightforward crusty squat-grind. With each song having a political statement explained by the vocalist/bassist, these dudes expressed their opinions though violent music. Although they were far from tight or anywhere professional it was a fun show to watch. Also because the bassist has just one string on his guitar, haha! Grindbashers do not thrive on musicality, but they have enough energy and spirit to convince.
[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door MR. N op 11-09-2009 16:23]