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quote: Goh Jenje, subtiel! Leven aan het verbeteren? ![]() ![]() Bazzio Attacks!!! ![]() |
Ik probeer ook eens war afwisselends ![]() ![]() |
The 'Original' IRON MAIDEN Resurfaces! - Feb. 17, 2006 Luke David of the U.K. newspaper Metro has issued the following report: For 30 years they kept quiet while one of the most influential heavy metal bands enjoyed a meteoric rise to fame. But now, in a story that resembles a sketch from rock spoof "Spinal Tap", a group claiming to be the original IRON MAIDEN has released its first album. "Maiden Voyage" is collection blood-boiling songs recorded on a beaten-up tape recorder in the 1970s. Left in an attic for three decades, the songs were all but forgotten until a fan found them and sent them to former lead singer, Paul O'Neill. Mr. O'Neill, 54, was so impressed he digitally remastered the tracks and pressed the album with £2,500 of savings. The father-of-three now hopes the CD will re-launch their rock careers. Mr O'Neill claims IRON MAIDEN pinched their name — conjured up by a cleaner — after meeting their guitarist at a gig in London. He said: "We were all sat around one day, desperately trying to think up a name, and this old lady cleaner walked past us and said, 'What about IRON MAIDEN? That's a good name,' and we looked at each other and said, 'Yeah! The rest is history." Mr. O'Neill, now a Cambridge office worker, said: "We didn't want to kick up a fuss about the name because we felt proud they were using it. They even looked like us." The more famous IRON MAIDEN, of Leytonstone, East London, gave their blessing to the CD, providing they change their name to THE BOLTON IRON MAIDEN. Proceeds from "Maiden Voyage" will go to cancer charities in memory of the band's guitarist, Beak, who died of the disease in 1976. http://photobucket.com/albums/y160/BlabberPhotos/Original%20MAIDEN/?action=view¤t=OriginalIronMaiden.jpg A scan of the original Metro newspaper article (original publication date: January 30, 2006). [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 18-02-2006 0:47] The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
Iemand al wat meer info over de nieuwe DVD? Zo te zien is hij hier nog niet uit. ![]() Bazzio Attacks!!! ![]() |
quote: Ik heb em al een paar weken in huis. Maar er zit een misdruk in ze hebben alles terug gehaald ![]() |
Oke thanks, had ff rondgekeken maar zag hem nergens staan. Bazzio Attacks!!! ![]() |
quote: Ja inderdaad godverdomme. Koop je als trouwe fan die dvd, kan je eerst weer gaan puzzelen op welke dvd wat staat. Erg stom. Dat ze dat niet even gecontroleerd hadden zeg. ![]() ![]() |
Hmmm dit belooft ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Producer: New IRON MAIDEN Songs Are 'Very Progressive With Catchy Choruses' - Mar. 24, 2006 The first of the IRON MAIDEN studio updates from producer Kevin Shirley has been posted on the IronMaidenOnlineClub.com forums (accessible to registered members only). An excerpt from the report follows: "After our first week of knuckling down and beginning to cut basic tracks, we had a very interesting second week. We've cut 10 long songs for the new album, as well as four songs for B sides, which show quite an interesting side to the band. Don't worry, there's nothing like the 'interesting-or-maybe-not' B sides which were all that were left over for the Dance of Death singles. These are great cover versions with a terrific and humourous spirit! "Anyhoo, the spirit in the band is as high as I've ever seen. Wing Commander Biggles (as I call Bruce [Dickinson]) is running around like a chicken with its head cut off, singing every take live, like it was his last — 'Arry, or Steve [Harris] is sounding better than I've ever heard since I began producing the band, galloping along very strongly — and the material is definitely the 'groovingest' in a decade. The songs are very progressive, with catchy choruses and I have to confess to being VERY optimistic about the material." IRON MAIDEN recently confirmed a full European leg of their world tour for this coming winter 2006. The trek will start in Scandinavia on November 9 and will include new album material which will be released prior to the tour. They are currently considering album artwork and the production for the tour, which of course will be in true MAIDEN tradition with spectacular stage production and massive sound and lights ... and, of course, Eddie!! The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
Hmmmz, dat klinkt veel belovend... ![]() Bazzio Attacks!!! ![]() |
Blabbermouth 19/06/06 IRON MAIDEN plan to release their new studio album, entitled "A Matter of Life and Death", in early September. Says Steve Harris, "I think in many ways this has been the easiest album in terms of recording that we've ever done. The whole process of writing through to recording was very natural. I think in terms of the material we've also pushed our boundaries yet again and I think it will please our fans but also really surprise a lot of people as well. The sound we've managed to get is very powerful for a MAIDEN record and all of us have pushed ourselves in our own ways to create something that we're all immensely proud of and I think working as quickly as we did with Kevin really was part of that process. We simply can't wait to take this out on the road. We've played some great shows and had a lot fun recently introducing some of our older songs to a new generation of fans. However for us personally we're incredibly excited about getting out and performing these new tracks." Says Bruce Dickinson, "This album has to be our best since working with Kevin. There is such a wide scope of musicianship on this album and in parts this album is truly epic. I thought with the likes of 'Paschendale' from the last studio album that we could only hope to surpass that but having now heard the album back as well as sitting with a few select people and hearing their reactions as well, I truly believe we have managed it. Every one of us has put everything into this record and it's really paid off. However we've had such fun making it that it's almost difficult to believe what we've managed to achieve in the time it took." "A Matter of Life and Death" track listing: 01. Different Worlds (Smith/Harris) 4:17 02. These Colours Don't Run (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 6:52 03. Brighter Than a Thousand Suns (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 8:44 04. The Pilgrim (Gers/Harris) 5:07 05. The Longest Day (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 7:48 06. Out Of the Shadows (Dickinson/Harris) 5:36 07. The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg (Murray/Harris) 7:21 08. For The Greater Good of God (Harris) 9:24 09. Lord Of Light (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 7:23 10. The Legacy (Gers/Harris) 9:20 The band have just announced tour dates in Japan and the majority of the European dates at the end of 2006 are already sold out. ![]() |
haha, these colours don't fucking run ![]() ![]() |
Gaaf! Veel shit van Smith ![]() ![]() ![]() The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
Lange nummers ook; ik verwacht het niveau van Somewhere in time/Seventh son Ze gaan trouwens niet echt heel lang meer door helaas ![]() Regarding the future, Steve is more doubtful. "From the beginning I've said Maiden will make fifteen studio albums. In that case there's only one left and that makes me sad. There is a life after Maiden. And there's a lot I'd like to do I don't have time for now. Sure I'd miss the band, but there's no reason to live in the past. We'd probably piss off some people if we quit, but the day we don't want to do it anymore it's over." http://maidenfans.com/index.php?ACT=module&name=rwnews&area=article&nid=2070 [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 23-06-2006 11:47] The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
Zou hij echt zo krampchtig vasthouden aan wat hij in zijn jonge jaren riep? Ik denk dat ze gewoon doorgaan tot ze erbij neervallen. Ze stralen de laatste 5/6 jaar meer ballen en energie uit dan medio jaren negentig. ![]() |
ik moet bekennen dat ik iron maiden steeds beter ga vinden. ![]() Fuck the world and fuck you ![]() |
quote: Hmm, het zal mij benieuwen. Tis natuurlijk wel lekker geld verdienen met IM. Áls ze al stoppen, dan komt er vast wel weer een reunie, aldus voorspeller oud vuil. ![]() |
Dat klinkt als a la het zakeninstinct van Kiss; voordat je gaat splitten al je reunie plannen. Dit geeft al een beetje meer beeld van de muziek die we kunnen gaan verwachten; ik ben zeeeer benieuwd! IRON MAIDEN Frontman On New CD: 'This Whole Album Feels Effortless' - June 28, 2006 IRON MAIDEN recently spoke exclusively to the U.K.'s Kerrang! magazine (web site) about their upcoming 14th studio offering, "A Matter of Life and Death", due in September. The CD was recorded at Sarm West Studios in London with producer Kevin Shirley, who also worked on the last two MAIDEN albums, 2000's "Brave New World" and 2003's "Dance of Death". "'Brave New World' and 'Dance Of Death' were both good records," frontman Bruce Dickinson told Kerrang! "But they weren't anywhere near as good as this one! This one is 'Dance of Death' without the effort. This whole album feels effortless. It's like driving a big, gas-guzzling motor car. You just put your foot down and there's limitless power under the bonnet." "It's been unbelievable," added bassist/founder member Steve Harris. "We booked the studio for three months and we finished the whole thing in two. I think the preparation was good. We didn't have the rows we usually have! We really focused on each song and it was a very positive experience." "The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg", which will be the first single to be taken from the record, is described by Kerrang! as "an intricate seven-minute epic that starts with a creepy, ominous intro before erupting into a crushing, almost LED ZEPPELIN-esque riff and a powerful, emotive chorus." "It's very different for us." admitted Harris. "It's very riffy. The intro has an almost nursery rhyme eeriness. Sometimes you try to create a mood and sometimes it's just there. Everyone's going to ask who Benjamin Breeg is, but you'll just have to find out for yourself!" With regards to whether "A Matter Of Life And Death" marks a fresh lease of life for MAIDEN, Harris said, "Five years ago we were thinking about possibly retiring at this point, but now we're at this stage there's no way! Why should we? I don't know why, but I always had it in my head that we'd do fifteen studio albums, so we've got at least one more to go!" (Thanks: Maiden Fans United) The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
Jee! Eindelijk weer een mod die wat post! Ik voelde me zo onveilig ![]() Deze account is precies 8 jaar gebruikt, om precies 20.000 posts te maken en (uiteindelijk) precies 1 ban te krijgen. ![]() |
quote: Was iemand je aan het bedreigen dan? Anyway; wie weet wie die Benjamin Breeg van de nieuwe single is? The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
quote: Haha, helaas, dat ben ik hier nog nooit ![]() quote: Klinkt als een hobbit. Deze account is precies 8 jaar gebruikt, om precies 20.000 posts te maken en (uiteindelijk) precies 1 ban te krijgen. ![]() |
Sjongejonge, als nou iedereen die vraag had gesteld, of de tracklist overal online stond, was het ook een stuk makkelijker zoeken. Deze account is precies 8 jaar gebruikt, om precies 20.000 posts te maken en (uiteindelijk) precies 1 ban te krijgen. ![]() |
las ergens een gerucht dat dat een bijnaam van Di'Anno zou zijn. Er wordt op Franse maidenfora gesuggereerd dat met Benjamin Breeg eigenlijk "Benjamin Briggs" bedoeld zou worden. Als dat klopt zou het een typisch onderwerp voor een Maiden tekst zijn. Ga maar naar de engelse wikipedia en zoek naar Benjamin Briggs en het verhaal van de 'Mary Celeste' ![]() |
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The album's first single, "The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg", will precede the album on August 14. Said bassist Steve Harris, "This is a very intense album in many ways, and we really wanted to go with a lead track that demonstrated that in the best way rather than going for a shorter track on the album just to please the chart rules. 'Benjamin Breeg' is a great example of the feel of the album in its really heavy riff and lyrically it's a very dark, atmospheric and powerful song which really epitomizes what the album is all about for us. So it made a natural choice for us." In true MAIDEN style, the single will be released in two special limited-edition formats, which by content will not be eligible for the U.K. singles chart. Manager Rod Smallwood explained: "There are various chart rules compliant to number of tracks, the maximum running time, price structure and all the rest of it. As for the new MAIDEN single, it's simple: we're putting out a two-track CD — 'The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg' and 'Hallowed Be Thy Name' (Legends Session) and if it's too long to qualify for the charts, then so be it. We have no problem with it being non-chart-eligible." EMI will also release a special 7" picture disc with collectable sticker of the "Crossed Guns" logo. B sides to both formats are from last year's amazing BBC Radio 1 "Legends" session recorded especially for the Zane Lowe show. "The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg", which will be the first single to be taken from the record, is described by Kerrang! as "an intricate seven-minute epic that starts with a creepy, ominous intro before erupting into a crushing, almost LED ZEPPELIN-esque riff and a powerful, emotive chorus." "It's very different for us." admitted Harris. "It's very riffy. The intro has an almost nursery rhyme eeriness. Sometimes you try to create a mood and sometimes it's just there. Everyone's going to ask who Benjamin Breeg is, but you'll just have to find out for yourself!" Limited-Edition Two-Track CD: 01. The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg 02. Hallowed be thy Name (Radio 1 "Legends" Session) Limited-Edition 7" Picture Disc (To Include "Crossed Gun Logo" Sticker): 01. The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg 02. Run to the Hills (Radio 1 "Legends" Session) 03. The Trooper (Radio 1 "Legends" Session) ![]() |
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