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The user formerly known as EINDBAAS
Posted 10-03-2024 0:37 by OPPEREINDBAAS Wijzig reactieProfiel van OPPEREINDBAASQuote dit bericht

Uitleg over deze statistiek vanaf 7:20

Dwazen die menen wijs te zijn, zijn de ergste dwazen.

Usericon van Dypfrys
Posted 10-03-2024 10:03 by Dypfrys Wijzig reactieProfiel van DypfrysQuote dit bericht

Echt fascinerend hoe na zo ongelofelijk veel fouten en misstappen mensen nog steeds niet in staat zijn om hun eigen onderzoek te doen. Ik zeg het nog maar eens. Mensen, doe je eigen onderzoek, en doe het goed. Je kan natuurlijk ook een grafiekje zonder context ergens vandaan halen en er een filmpje van youtube onder plakken. Je kan ook gewoon wat statistiek leren, de context leren begrijpen (dit is heel moeilijk, geef ik toe, maar het begint met objectief de feiten bekijken en en je verdiepen in de longread van het CBS hier Maarja, mensen weigeren dus stelselmatig om hun eigen gedegen onderzoek te doen. Fascinerend.

"The riffs are great but this album would be a whole lot better if it were racist."

The user formerly known as EINDBAAS
Posted 10-03-2024 11:25 by OPPEREINDBAAS Wijzig reactieProfiel van OPPEREINDBAASQuote dit bericht

Ja want een slager hoort zijn eigen vleesch te keuren. Fascinerend.

Dwazen die menen wijs te zijn, zijn de ergste dwazen.

The user formerly known as EINDBAAS
Posted 21-04-2024 17:38 by OPPEREINDBAAS Wijzig reactieProfiel van OPPEREINDBAASQuote dit bericht

Krijg nou de kanker.

Evidence is provided that adding 100 % of N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) to the mRNA vaccine in a melanoma model stimulated cancer growth and metastasis, while non-modified mRNA vaccines induced opposite results, thus suggesting that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could aid cancer development. Based on this compelling evidence, we suggest that future clinical trials for cancers or infectious diseases should not use mRNA vaccines with a 100 % m1Ψ modification, but rather ones with the lower percentage of m1Ψ modification to avoid immune suppression.

Dwazen die menen wijs te zijn, zijn de ergste dwazen.

The user formerly known as EINDBAAS
Posted 21-04-2024 17:55 by OPPEREINDBAAS Wijzig reactieProfiel van OPPEREINDBAASQuote dit bericht

Je verwacht het niet.!/

Cancer development by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine

In our study, the AMRs of ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate, lip/oral/pharyngeal, pancreatic, and breast cancers increased significantly beyond the predicted rates, especially in 2022. All of these cancers are known as estrogen and estrogen receptor alpha (ERα)-sensitive cancers [78-83]. Recent research by Solis et al. on the binding ability of S-protein of SARS-CoV-2 against over 9,000 human proteins has shown that S-protein specifically binds to ERα and upregulates the transcriptional activity of ERα. The addition of estradiol (E2) to human breast cancer cells causes proliferation of the cancer cells, whereas the addition of raloxifene, a selective ERα modulator, inhibits proliferation. Breast cancer cells grow when S is added instead of E2, and the addition of raloxifene inhibits their growth. Solis et al. also mentioned that the finding of S-ERα cytosolic colocalization may lead to a potentiation of membrane-bound ERα signaling [84]. Membrane-bound ERα has been implicated in many pathways, including the activation of c-Myc, which promotes the cell cycle and impacts cancer development [85].

ERα-mediated transcription may induce endogenous DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in ER-sensitive cancers [86]. Studies have shown that transcriptionally activated ERα induces DSBs by topoisomerase II and the recently known R-loop/G-quadruplex structures formation, significantly increasing the need for BRCA1 for their repair in breast cancer cells [87-89]. One study showed nuclear translocation of mRNA and S protein with the nuclear localization signal [90], and an in silico bioinformatic analysis showed interactions between the S2 subunit of S-protein and BRCA1, BRCA2, and P53 [91], possibly resulting in their sequestration and dysfunction. The possible co-occurrence of high BRCA1 demand to repair DNA damage caused by activated transcription via ERα bound with S-protein along with dysfunction of BRCA1 sequestrated by S-protein raises concerns about increased cancer risk in ERα-sensitive cells in mRNA-LNP SARS-CoV-2 vaccine recipients.

As mentioned above, there is also great concern about the risk of dysfunction in the crucial cancer suppressor genes, brca2 and P53, as well as BRCA1, through mechanisms involving downregulation of IRF9 through interference by specific miRNA in exosomes [26] and the possible sequestration by the S2 subunit of S-protein in the vaccine [91]. Impaired BRCA1 activity is associated with higher risk of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer in women and prostate cancer in men, as well as moderately higher risk of pancreatic cancer in both men and women [92]. BRCA2-associated cancers include breast and ovarian cancer in women, prostate and breast cancer in men, and acute myeloid leukemia in children [26]. These findings are highly consistent with our results.

Additional factors that may contribute to the development of cancer are being investigated. Since endogenous ROS causes oxidative DNA damage [93], excessive oxidative stress resulting from the downregulation of ACE2 by S-protein [57] may contribute to cancer development. One study showed that the downregulation of the Mas receptor promotes the metastasis of epithelial ovarian cancer [94]. ACE2 receptor, bound by S-protein after mRNA-LNP vaccination, may directly cause downregulation and subsequent dysfunction of the Mas receptor, possibly leading to an increased risk of metastasis in vaccinated women with ovarian cancer. The observation that injected LNPs accumulate particularly in the ovaries and bone marrow [38] could better explain our findings of excess mortalities from ovarian cancer and leukemia in 2022. According to an analysis of scientific literature about sex hormone receptors in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), ERα plays various roles in the biopathology of HNSCC, particularly oropharyngeal cancer. These include promoting DNA hypermutation, facilitating HPV integration, and cooperating with epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR) [82]. This may explain the increased mortality of lip/oral/pharyngeal cancer in our study.

A recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNA could be reverse-transcribed to DNA and integrated into the human cell genome in vitro [95]. Another study reported that transfected mRNA in the human cells exposed to BNT162b2 leads to unsilencing of the endogenous retrotransposon long interspersed element-1 (LINE-1) and reverse transcription of vaccine mRNA sequences to DNA in the nucleus [96]. Accumulation of vaccine mRNA and reverse-transcribed DNA molecules in the cytoplasm could be expected to induce chronic autoinflammation, autoimmunity, DNA damage, and cancer risk in susceptible individuals [97].

Dwazen die menen wijs te zijn, zijn de ergste dwazen.

Usericon van Freduk
Posted 22-04-2024 19:14 by Freduk Wijzig reactieProfiel van FredukQuote dit bericht

In Nederland was de situatie precies hetzelfde, de pieken in oversterfte lagen ook consistent in de periode 0-5 weken na vaccinatie.

Maar verhoogde kans op kanker dat had ik niet verwacht. Daarbij aangemerkt dat het onderzoek nog wel kreten hanteert als 'may increase' en 'there is a great concern that'.
Dus echt heel stellig is het nog niet.

Follow the freezing moon...

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