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Topic : Slayer Vorige pagina | Volgende pagina
en de ladyboys
Usericon van kwelgeest
Posted 06-12-2005 17:18 by kwelgeest Profiel van kwelgeest

Op 6 december 2005 16:27 schreef attila_de_hun het volgende:
Kijk, dit is nu een goed voorbeeld waarom mensen geen drugs moeten gebruiken. Daar ga je dan allemaal rare dingen van typen.
Ik weet dat ik nu aan het happen ben maar ik heb al jaren geen heftigere drug meer gehad dan een wietje en een borrel.

Niet gehinderd door kennis over daklozen, alleenstaande moeders, minderheden en sociale achterstand.

5 o'clock, bitch raping time.
Usericon van Verval
Posted 06-12-2005 17:19 by Verval Profiel van Verval

Op 6 december 2005 17:18 schreef kwelgeest het volgende:
Ik weet dat ik nu aan het happen ben maar ik heb al jaren geen heftigere drug meer gehad dan een wietje en een borrel.


Ende dat ook gy, waard meedemensch, van deezen les leeren mag. Begeeft ge onder geen beding op den duystere hey by nacht!

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 22-12-2005 0:47 by Mutilator (Moderator) Profiel van Mutilator

Dit is pas een uberoldschool Slayer shirt:

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

good person but bad musician....
Usericon van attila_de_hun
Posted 22-12-2005 11:56 by attila_de_hun Profiel van attila_de_hun

Op 22 december 2005 0:47 schreef Mutilator het volgende:
Dit is pas een uberoldschool Slayer shirt:

maar wel lelijk (als ik zo eerlijk mag zijn)

Usericon van Animus
Posted 22-12-2005 11:57 by Animus Profiel van Animus

Ik vind het wel wat hebben. Mooier dan het nieuwe God Hates Us All shirt..

Oud Vuil
Usericon van Oud Vuil
Posted 04-03-2006 17:47 by Oud Vuil Profiel van Oud Vuil

Lombardo schijnt weer mee te rammelen op het nieuwe aankomende album. Fijns.

opa lives!
Usericon van bazzio
Posted 04-03-2006 20:58 by bazzio Profiel van bazzio

Als de muziek dan ook maar weer als vanouds is....

Bazzio Attacks!!!

Oud Vuil
Usericon van Oud Vuil
Posted 04-03-2006 21:14 by Oud Vuil Profiel van Oud Vuil

Op 4 maart 2006 20:58 schreef bazzio het volgende:
Als de muziek dan ook maar weer als vanouds is....

Hmm, zelf zeggen ze zoiets, maar dat zeiden ze eerder ook al, hehehe.

Dit kwam ik tegen op de muur:

Slayer Begin Recording Devastatingly Grim

By Newsferatu, Writer
Friday, March 3, 2006 @ 1:57 PM

Planning to Launch Tour on 6-06-06

For Slayer guitarist Kerry King, June 6th holds considerably more weight this year, a year that marks the 20th anniversary of the release of the band's trailblazing speed-metal album, Reign In Blood. With his penchant for satanic lyrical imagery, King pinpointed June 6th — 6/6/06 — as the ideal release date for Slayer's forthcoming album, the follow-up to 2001's God Hates Us All. But months of record label holdups have placed King's lofty goal in peril.

Of course, Slayer are not about to let June 6th come and go without some sort of acknowledgement on their end. Oh no — instead of releasing a record, they plan to launch a two-month U.S. tour with MASTODON, LAMB OF GOD, CHILDREN OF BODOM and THINE EYES BLEED.

Dubbed the Unholy Alliance Tour, the trek will make stops in most major cities, although the actual routing of the run is still being fleshed out. Either way King's anxious to hit the road again.

"It's been 18 months since we've toured in the States," he explained. "People are going to be chomping at the bit to see us again. Our initial thought [with Unholy Alliance] was to go up against Ozzfest, because I think that tour's getting a little bit tired and I think people are tired of going out and getting sunburned for hours every summer. Every place we play is going to be indoors, with a good-sized lineup. We're certainly not going to try to make Ozzfest go away. We're just trying to offer an alternative."

According to Rick Sales, Slayer's manager of 18 years, the idea's to make the Unholy Alliance Tour an annual event "with the best bands out there." During the fall of 2004, Slayer, SLIPKNOT, Mastodon and HATEBREED toured Europe under the Unholy Alliance tag. Sales also wants to take the tour global and said following its U.S. run, the Alliance will return to Europe, followed by stints in Japan and Australia — although, he noted the lineups would be different on each leg.

"I think we're in a different spot than Ozzfest," Sales continued. "This is more extreme and it's not involving any sort of 'radio bands.' It's a no-compromise lineup, the best of the breed. We think this is a great live event and that the tour will become bigger than the lineup. I think Ozzfest has proven that."

Slayer, who Sales said declined an Ozzfest 2006 invite, will deliver an hour-plus set to close out each night of the Unholy Alliance; Thine Eyes Bleed will open on all dates, followed by Bodom and Mastodon (who'll be rotating slots) and then Lamb of God. King said Slayer will debut some new material from the stage.

On Tuesday Slayer entered a Los Angeles studio, where they started recording the 11 songs that'll comprise their yet-untitled album. Rick Rubin (Jay-Z, Red Hot Chili Peppers) will executive-produce the disc, while Josh Abraham (Velvet Revolver, Staind) will turn the knobs. One of the songs has an official title ('Cult'), but all of them, King promised, will be devastatingly grim.

"There are definitely things you can't write about in Slayer, and there are definitely things people expect you to write about," he said. "Everybody expects war, Satanism or anti-religious stuff — and this record's chock-full of that."

The LP, which the band hopes to finish in time for a late June release, will be the first to feature original drummer Dave Lombardo in more than 15 years. Their last outing together was 1990's Seasons In The Abyss.

"[Drummer] Paul [Bostaph], who we did God Hates Us All with, kind of had an elbow problem, and now he's with Exodus," King said. "When Paul left us ... it was brought to our attention that Dave was available. And we figured if anybody should be doing this, it should be him."

Most of the 11 songs Slayer will record were written more than two years ago, the guitarist said. "We're hoping to do it old-school and record everything in like four weeks," he added. "We're ready. This is probably the most ready we've been since Seasons. We've been spinning our wheels in rehearsals, just waiting for the green light on this thing. Now that we've got it, we're ready to go.

"It's definitely going to be a riff-fest," King continued. "There's riffs all over the place. As much time as we've had to work on it, there better be riffs on it. I think anybody who likes Slayer, musically, is going to love it."

While Sales said Slayer's studio LP probably won't be in stores by June 6th, he says the band will release a digital download, EP or something else to coincide with the tour launch.

On Saturday, MTV2's Headbangers Ball will feature an exclusive interview with bassist Tom Araya regarding the forthcoming album and the Unholy Alliance run.

opa lives!
Usericon van bazzio
Posted 04-03-2006 21:28 by bazzio Profiel van bazzio

Hmzz, "We're hoping to do it old-school"...afwachten maar.

Bazzio Attacks!!!

Usericon van Metalhead22
Posted 04-03-2006 22:42 by Metalhead22 Profiel van Metalhead22

Zeer benieuwd

...the thin texture between wrong and right, mostly broken by those who saw the light...

Usericon van Mies
Posted 05-03-2006 14:37 by Mies Profiel van Mies

als Lombardo drumt als op The Gathering van Testament zit het wel goed

Bro's before Ho's
Usericon van mental
Posted 05-03-2006 22:55 by mental Profiel van mental

Slayer heerst en zal godverdomme altyd blijven heersen ook.

Fuck the world and fuck you

Usericon van Burzum
Posted 05-03-2006 23:49 by Burzum Profiel van Burzum

Op 5 maart 2006 22:55 schreef mental het volgende:
Slayer heerst en zal godverdomme altyd blijven heersen ook.


Oud Vuil
Usericon van Oud Vuil
Posted 20-04-2006 15:33 by Oud Vuil Profiel van Oud Vuil

SLAYER frontman Tom Araya spoke to about the group's follow-up to 2001's "God hates Us All", tentatively due late July. Songtitles set to appear on the CD include "Cult", "Catalyst", "Catatonic" and "Jihad". At this stage, seven weeks into recording, five of the album's 11 tracks are finished and about to be put through the mixing process. SLAYER still need to put the finishing touches on the remaining songs, but Araya expects the band will be finished with everything in the next week or so.

"This album is actually like a culmination of everything we've done," Araya said. "There's one song that I'm thinking will surprise everybody, because of the song itself. I'm not going to say why, because you have to keep that element of surprise, dude. Musically, it's going to blow everybody away. It's going to trip everyone out. It has all the elements of everything we've done. No one's going to be disappointed with this record. It's fast, heavy — maybe faster than anything we've done before. It's going to be brutal. It's what everyone expects from a SLAYER record."

Usericon van spectre
Posted 20-04-2006 15:48 by spectre Profiel van spectre

toe maar

Usericon van Disciple
Posted 20-04-2006 16:06 by Disciple Profiel van Disciple

maybe faster than anything we've done before

o mijn god dat kan nog wel eens HEEL vet worden! SLEJUR!!!!!!

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Disciple op 20-04-2006 16:06]

Usericon van Argh
Posted 20-04-2006 17:00 by Argh Profiel van Argh

ja of het zijn "metallica back to the roots" (verkoop) praatjes.

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Argh op 20-04-2006 17:00]

Over Pagan/Viking metal en aanverwanten: "Kan je wel janken over je voorvaderen die draaien zich 2x om in het graf als ze die tyfus fluit horen" - © Burzum 2010

Usericon van 0Tolerence
Posted 20-04-2006 18:51 by 0Tolerence Profiel van 0Tolerence

misschien na 10+ jaar brengen ze weer een thrashcd uit. Tot die tijd, slayer -> ovens

"This one is older than shit, heavier than time!"

Usericon van Disciple
Posted 20-04-2006 19:30 by Disciple Profiel van Disciple

Slayer is goede albums blijven maken, dus ga ze niet vergelijken met Metallica. Er stonden echt mega thrash songs op God Hates us All. Als ze nou een heel album van dat soort shit maken, komt 't wel goed.

Usericon van Snaack
Posted 20-04-2006 19:46 by Snaack Profiel van Snaack

Op 20 april 2006 18:51 schreef 0Tolerence het volgende:
misschien na 10+ jaar brengen ze weer een thrashcd uit. Tot die tijd, slayer -> ovens

Nerd, ik hoorde dat Flo wat fills in zal spelen!

Mister MetallicA
Usericon van Mister MetallicA
Posted 20-04-2006 21:35 by Mister MetallicA Profiel van Mister MetallicA

Metallica blijft de shit vergeleken met slayer. Slayer heerscht ook maar ze kunnen niet tippen aan het oudere werk van metallica. Nieuwe werk MetallicA vs. Slayer, dat wint slayer met gemak idd.

Bro's before Ho's
Usericon van mental
Posted 20-04-2006 21:43 by mental Profiel van mental

Op 20 april 2006 21:35 schreef Mister MetallicA het volgende:
Metallica blijft de shit vergeleken met slayer. Slayer heerscht ook maar ze kunnen niet tippen aan het oudere werk van metallica. Nieuwe werk MetallicA vs. Slayer, dat wint slayer met gemak idd.

Weten je ouders ook dat je gek bent, idioot ???

Fuck the world and fuck you

Usericon van Snaack
Posted 20-04-2006 21:43 by Snaack Profiel van Snaack

Maar CoF rost ze er beiden uit. Het oude werk dan.

Usericon van Burzum
Posted 20-04-2006 21:51 by Burzum Profiel van Burzum

Mindscan rost ze allemaal omver.

Bro's before Ho's
Usericon van mental
Posted 20-04-2006 21:52 by mental Profiel van mental

wou jij een gratis demo ?

Fuck the world and fuck you

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