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Usericon van karnivoor
Posted 12-10-2009 11:12 by karnivoor Profiel van karnivoor

Rock out with your cock out.

Je moeder.

Usericon van ghoulliette
Posted 12-10-2009 11:17 by ghoulliette Profiel van ghoulliette

cock(s) in denk ik!

Usericon van spectre
Posted 12-10-2009 11:45 by spectre Profiel van spectre

Op 12 oktober 2009 10:52 schreef karnivoor het volgende:
geen reet kan uitvoeren

Black Jew
Metallic Blond
Usericon van Black Jew
Posted 12-10-2009 11:47 by Black Jew Profiel van Black Jewhttp://050



Man Is But a Worm
Usericon van ElitE
Posted 12-10-2009 14:08 by ElitE Profiel van ElitE

Op 12 oktober 2009 11:11 schreef bastianus het volgende:
Best rock 'n roll eigenlijk.

Maar wat is nu meer rock n roll, stikken in je kots of levers kapot zuipen?

♂ <o((((>< <o((((>< <o((((><
♀<o(((>< <o(((><

Black Jew
Metallic Blond
Usericon van Black Jew
Posted 12-10-2009 14:28 by Black Jew Profiel van Black Jewhttp://050

cock & roll


Usericon van spectre
Posted 12-10-2009 15:37 by spectre Profiel van spectre

Op 12 oktober 2009 14:08 schreef ElitE het volgende:
Maar wat is nu meer rock n roll, stikken in je kots of levers kapot zuipen?
Meer dan één lever kapot zuipen is ruiger

Man Is But a Worm
Usericon van ElitE
Posted 12-10-2009 15:40 by ElitE Profiel van ElitE

hmm dat is wel waar, en in het bericht staat ook niet dat die andere meer keeltjes heeft verstopt met zn kots.

♂ <o((((>< <o((((>< <o((((><
♀<o(((>< <o(((><

Usericon van spectre
Posted 12-10-2009 15:50 by spectre Profiel van spectre

Niet met kots nee...

Man Is But a Worm
Usericon van ElitE
Posted 12-10-2009 15:52 by ElitE Profiel van ElitE

wel met zn knots

♂ <o((((>< <o((((>< <o((((><
♀<o(((>< <o(((><

Judge M.
Lord of Metal
Usericon van Judge M.
Posted 12-10-2009 16:01 by Judge M. Profiel van Judge M.

Op 12 oktober 2009 14:08 schreef ElitE het volgende:
Maar wat is nu meer rock n roll, stikken in je kots of levers kapot zuipen?
Goede muziek maken . Toch jammer dat alcoholisme als heldendaad gezien wordt..

Black Jew
Metallic Blond
Usericon van Black Jew
Posted 12-10-2009 16:47 by Black Jew Profiel van Black Jewhttp://050

Op 12 oktober 2009 16:01 schreef Judge M. het volgende:
Goede muziek maken . Toch jammer dat alcoholisme als heldendaad gezien wordt..

anders neem je teh internet ff serieus.


Xenofobe analfabeet.
Usericon van XXL
Posted 12-10-2009 17:16 by XXL Profiel van XXL

Blues Guitarist Freddy Robinson Dies at 70

Chicago bluesman Abu Talib, who performed under his given name, Freddy Robinson, has lost his battle with cancer. Robinson -- who played alongside the likes of Ray Charles, Little Walter, Howlin' Wolf, John Mayall, Jimmy Rogers, Monk Higgins, Bobby "Blue" Bland and Mighty Joe Young -- died last Thursday, Oct. 8, in a Lancaster, Calif. hospital at the age of 70.

Born in Memphis, Tenn. in 1939, Robinson recorded and wrote several songs including 'Black Fox,' 'At the Drive-In,' 'Bluesology' and the instrumental 'After Hours,' before changing his name to Abu Talib in the 1970s upon his conversion to Islam. His daughter, Linda Chaplin, told the Kansas City Star that her father first heard the blues when her grandfather Otis Robinson took him to a juke joint. Although he was too young for entry, he'd watch the musicians through a window.

Chaplin said her dad was so inspired, he built his own instrument out of bailing wire attached to the wall of a barn when he was just nine years old. He bought his first real guitar from the Sears catalog at age 13.

"He had that guitar his whole life and still played it. It was called Bessie," his former manager Vernell Jennings added. Talib -- who was always in demand in blues venues -- played by ear until he moved to the Windy City , where he went to school to learn to read music. He fathered seven children with his first wife, Mary Robinson, and a daughter with his second wife, Zakiyyah Talib.

Complete tokkie die lijdt aan zware zelfoverschatting.

Man Is But a Worm
Usericon van ElitE
Posted 12-10-2009 17:31 by ElitE Profiel van ElitE

Op 12 oktober 2009 16:01 schreef Judge M. het volgende:
Goede muziek maken . Toch jammer dat alcoholisme als heldendaad gezien wordt..

Wat is er mis met alcoholisme dan?

♂ <o((((>< <o((((>< <o((((><
♀<o(((>< <o(((><

Forever After
Fading to Black
Usericon van Forever After
Posted 12-10-2009 17:33 by Forever After Profiel van Forever After

Rekening houdend met dat er te veel mensen op deze aardkloot zijn weinig...

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Forever After op 12-10-2009 17:34]


Man Is But a Worm
Usericon van ElitE
Posted 12-10-2009 17:38 by ElitE Profiel van ElitE

In dat opzicht zou je spiritus met methanol moeten promoten, en niet dat trage alcohol.

♂ <o((((>< <o((((>< <o((((><
♀<o(((>< <o(((><

Xenofobe analfabeet.
Usericon van XXL
Posted 12-10-2009 17:40 by XXL Profiel van XXL

Ik wou even melden dat de enige plant die ik in huis had is overleden.

Complete tokkie die lijdt aan zware zelfoverschatting.

Forever After
Fading to Black
Usericon van Forever After
Posted 12-10-2009 17:41 by Forever After Profiel van Forever After

Misschien dat een paar eetlepels zout in een glas water ook toereikend zijn...


Vampire John
alias Lord Neithan
Usericon van Vampire John
Posted 12-10-2009 17:56 by Vampire John Profiel van Vampire John;;

Op 12 oktober 2009 17:40 schreef XXL het volgende:
Ik wou even melden dat de enige plant die ik in huis had is overleden.

Ook al aan alcoholisme ofd iets daaraan gerelateerd? Tsjonge!

Metal zonder gitaren is als een bordeel zonder hoeren, en dat is ook maar gewoon een huis...

Usericon van Staalman
Posted 12-10-2009 20:07 by Staalman Profiel van Staalman

Dickie Peterson, the bassist/vocalist and founding member of BLUE CHEER, passed away this morning (Monday, October 12) at 5 a.m. in Germany. He was 61 years old.

Although the cause of Peterson's death has not been released, he had reportedly been battling cancer for the past several months.

BLUE CHEER was an American blues-rock band that initially performed and recorded in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and has been sporadically active since. Based in San Francisco, BLUE CHEER played in a psychedelic blues-rock style, and was also credited for pioneering heavy metal (their cover of "Summertime Blues" is sometimes cited as the first in the genre), punk rock, stoner rock, doom metal and grunge.

Throughout his life, Peterson's relationship to music has been all-consuming. He was quoted as saying, "I've been married twice, I've had numerous girlfriends, and they'll all tell you that if I'm not playing music I am an animal to live with. . . Music is a place where I get to deal with a lot of my emotion and displaced energy. I always only wanted to play music, and that's all I still want to do."

Despite the fact that BLUE CHEER was considered a pioneer in many different genres, Peterson downplayed the band's influence, stating in an interview, "People keep trying to say that we're heavy metal or grunge or punk, or we're this or that. The reality is we're just a power trio and we play ultra-blues, and it's rock 'n' roll. It's really simple what we do."

Peterson spent much of the past two decades based in Germany, performing with BLUE CHEER and with other groups as well. In 1998 and 1999, he played a number of dates in Germany with the HANK DAVISON BAND and as an acoustic duo with Hank Davison under the banner DOS HOMBRES.

"Life Is Much More Beautiful, When It Means Nothing At All"

Usericon van Hypnos
Posted 13-10-2009 19:21 by Hypnos (Hoofdredacteur) Profiel van Hypnos


Usericon van Metalhead22
Posted 13-10-2009 19:23 by Metalhead22 Profiel van Metalhead22

Op 12 oktober 2009 17:40 schreef XXL het volgende:
Ik wou even melden dat de enige plant die ik in huis had is overleden.
Ik had 2 weken terug een potroos gekocht.. maar deze is ook overleden

edit: Silence dus. MH doet niet aan Potrozen.

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Metalhead22 op 13-10-2009 19:23]

...the thin texture between wrong and right, mostly broken by those who saw the light...

Forever After
Fading to Black
Usericon van Forever After
Posted 13-10-2009 19:33 by Forever After Profiel van Forever After

Hoe stellen ze eigenlijk vast dat zo'n roos pot is?


Usericon van bastianus
Posted 13-10-2009 20:07 by bastianus Profiel van bastianus

Op 12 oktober 2009 20:07 schreef Staalman het volgende:
Dickie Peterson, the bassist/vocalist and founding member of BLUE CHEER, passed away this morning (Monday, October 12) at 5 a.m. in Germany. He was 61 years old.

Although the cause of Peterson's death has not been released, he had reportedly been battling cancer for the past several months.

BLUE CHEER was an American blues-rock band that initially performed and recorded in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and has been sporadically active since. Based in San Francisco, BLUE CHEER played in a psychedelic blues-rock style, and was also credited for pioneering heavy metal (their cover of "Summertime Blues" is sometimes cited as the first in the genre), punk rock, stoner rock, doom metal and grunge.

Throughout his life, Peterson's relationship to music has been all-consuming. He was quoted as saying, "I've been married twice, I've had numerous girlfriends, and they'll all tell you that if I'm not playing music I am an animal to live with. . . Music is a place where I get to deal with a lot of my emotion and displaced energy. I always only wanted to play music, and that's all I still want to do."

Despite the fact that BLUE CHEER was considered a pioneer in many different genres, Peterson downplayed the band's influence, stating in an interview, "People keep trying to say that we're heavy metal or grunge or punk, or we're this or that. The reality is we're just a power trio and we play ultra-blues, and it's rock 'n' roll. It's really simple what we do."

Peterson spent much of the past two decades based in Germany, performing with BLUE CHEER and with other groups as well. In 1998 and 1999, he played a number of dates in Germany with the HANK DAVISON BAND and as an acoustic duo with Hank Davison under the banner DOS HOMBRES.

Uiteraard werd er nog Blue Cheer gedraaid voordat Pentagram begon gisteren. Zonde.

Het radicale feminisme is niet eens een lachnummer meer: het is een karikatuur van een parodie op een klucht.

De slotenmaker
Usericon van Slotje
Posted 13-10-2009 20:07 by Slotje (Administrator) Profiel van Slotje

Maximum aantal reacties is bereikt. Dit topic is automatisch afgesloten door Slotje

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