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Topic : [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Ascendant Grotesque op 11-10-2011 6:66] Christendom topic Vorige pagina | Volgende pagina
Forever After
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Usericon van Forever After
Posted 09-12-2011 15:24 by Forever After Profiel van Forever After

Of hij snapt de topictitel niet.


Usericon van Schaep
Posted 09-12-2011 15:33 by Schaep Profiel van Schaep

Even normaal doen tegen de beste tafeltennisser van Kampen.

Usericon van Rotzak
Posted 09-12-2011 15:36 by Rotzak Profiel van Rotzak

Oja Kampen

Against God and Government

Forever After
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Usericon van Forever After
Posted 09-12-2011 15:37 by Forever After Profiel van Forever After

Daar waar men het vuur uit de schoenen bid. :')


Usericon van Schaep
Posted 09-12-2011 15:43 by Schaep Profiel van Schaep

Gelukkig ben ik een sympathieke jongen en zal ik geen Hyves-foto's van je plaatsen, Ton!

Maar je maakt het jezelf wel moeilijk op het internet, op deze manier.

Ascendant Grotesque
Usericon van Ascendant Grotesque
Posted 09-12-2011 15:45 by Ascendant Grotesque (Speciaal lid) Profiel van Ascendant Grotesque

Graag over het christendom praten, jongens

En alleen maar gespam van YouTube-filmpjes van Christelijke artiesten draagt ook niet echt bij.

No dogs, no masters.

Usericon van Hypnos
Posted 09-12-2011 16:02 by Hypnos (Hoofdredacteur) Profiel van Hypnos

bwaaaa.... ik vond het best sterk

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Hypnos op 09-12-2011 16:02]


Usericon van ProgTon777
Posted 10-12-2011 10:13 by ProgTon777 Profiel van ProgTon777http://

sterke bands he ?

Usericon van Hypnos
Posted 10-12-2011 11:07 by Hypnos (Hoofdredacteur) Profiel van Hypnos

extreem relatief sterke bands

ik ken hun achtergrond natuurlijk niet

bidden ze wel?


Usericon van ProgTon777
Posted 10-12-2011 11:37 by ProgTon777 Profiel van ProgTon777http://

Op 10 december 2011 11:07 schreef Hypnos het volgende:
extreem relatief sterke bands

ik ken hun achtergrond natuurlijk niet

bidden ze wel?


deze band sowieso voor het optreden

Usericon van G.I.R.L.
Posted 10-12-2011 11:43 by G.I.R.L. Profiel van G.I.R.L.

Ton, al die prachtige bands die je post hebben 1 ding gemeen. Het is allemaal:

Op 20 november 2012 14:13 schreef Schuurman het volgende: Bronvermelding vind je 2 berichten onder mijn bericht.

Forever After
Fading to Black
Usericon van Forever After
Posted 10-12-2011 11:54 by Forever After Profiel van Forever After

En als ik nou mod was werd het eerstvolgende youtube or whatever filmpje beloond met een weekje bezinningsban.


Usericon van G.I.R.L.
Posted 10-12-2011 11:57 by G.I.R.L. Profiel van G.I.R.L.

Op 10 december 2011 11:54 schreef Forever After het volgende:
En als ik nou mod was werd het eerstvolgende youtube or whatever filmpje beloond met een weekje bezinningsban.

Op 20 november 2012 14:13 schreef Schuurman het volgende: Bronvermelding vind je 2 berichten onder mijn bericht.

Usericon van ProgTon777
Posted 10-12-2011 16:06 by ProgTon777 Profiel van ProgTon777http://

vanwaar al die frustraties toch altijd?

Ascendant Grotesque
Usericon van Ascendant Grotesque
Posted 10-12-2011 16:09 by Ascendant Grotesque (Speciaal lid) Profiel van Ascendant Grotesque

Boeien, graag ontopic, en als je een filmpje post zet daar dan wat bij hoe het tot het Christendom relateert ofzo. Het topic verwatert anders gigantisch zo

No dogs, no masters.

Usericon van bastianus
Posted 10-12-2011 16:10 by bastianus Profiel van bastianus

Op 10 december 2011 16:06 schreef ProgTon777 het volgende:
vanwaar al die frustraties toch altijd?

Misschien afgunst?

Het radicale feminisme is niet eens een lachnummer meer: het is een karikatuur van een parodie op een klucht.

Usericon van ProgTon777
Posted 10-12-2011 16:17 by ProgTon777 Profiel van ProgTon777http://

Oke ontopic

Genesis 1: 31
God keek naar alles wat hij had gemaakt en zag dat het zeer goed was. Het werd avond en het werd morgen.

Is satan ook oorspronkelijk goed geschapen?

Ik geloof overigens van wel, ook de engelen hadden een vrije wil, benieuwd hoe jullie daarover denken

Usericon van ProgTon777
Posted 10-12-2011 16:18 by ProgTon777 Profiel van ProgTon777http://

Op 10 december 2011 16:10 schreef bastianus het volgende:
Misschien afgunst?

Wellicht, dat is dan niet wederzijds

Usericon van G.I.R.L.
Posted 10-12-2011 16:19 by G.I.R.L. Profiel van G.I.R.L.

Op 10 december 2011 16:17 schreef ProgTon777 het volgende:
Is satan ook oorspronkelijk goed geschapen?

Dat moet jij z'n vriend/vriendin vragen.

Op 20 november 2012 14:13 schreef Schuurman het volgende: Bronvermelding vind je 2 berichten onder mijn bericht.

Usericon van ProgTon777
Posted 10-12-2011 16:25 by ProgTon777 Profiel van ProgTon777http://

Op 9 december 2011 15:33 schreef Schaep het volgende:
Even normaal doen tegen de beste tafeltennisser van Kampen.

lol, dat is Gerben Last ik niet

Sonic Titan
Binkelator.. ಠ_ಠ
Usericon van Sonic Titan
Posted 16-12-2011 13:04 by Sonic Titan Profiel van Sonic Titan

Nog iemand die wilt blijven beweren dat het 'incidenten' zijn? Bah, bah, bah.

Op 26 mei 2011 23:34 schreef Pit Beast het volgende: "Sonic titan kan hier wel steeds de held uithangen maar ook voor hem is er ooit een gevalletje wrong time wrong place."

The power of the riff compels me
Usericon van Jenje
Posted 16-12-2011 13:17 by Jenje (Speciaal lid) Profiel van Jenje

Maar ik heb het even gemist, hoeveel daders zijn er inmiddels gearresteerd of veroordeeld?

Sonic Titan
Binkelator.. ಠ_ಠ
Usericon van Sonic Titan
Posted 16-12-2011 13:25 by Sonic Titan Profiel van Sonic Titan

Op 16 december 2011 13:17 schreef Jenje het volgende:
Maar ik heb het even gemist, hoeveel daders zijn er inmiddels gearresteerd of veroordeeld?

Euhm, eentje?

Veel van die gevalletjes zijn 'verjaard', of de daders zijn overleden. Er wordt in het volgende bericht gesproken van minstens 800 daders, van wie er 105 nog in leven zijn:

Op 26 mei 2011 23:34 schreef Pit Beast het volgende: "Sonic titan kan hier wel steeds de held uithangen maar ook voor hem is er ooit een gevalletje wrong time wrong place."

Usericon van Rotzak
Posted 16-12-2011 15:41 by Rotzak Profiel van Rotzak

Het is een grap, 1 april dikke katholieke piemel in je bil

Against God and Government

The Dude? Meer De Forum Clown
Usericon van Fusion
Posted 18-12-2011 20:11 by Fusion Profiel van Fusion

Ben bezig me n beetje in Martin Luther King Jr. aan t verdiepen. Erg inspirerend!! Ik vind deze wel mooi:

First, we must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. It is impossible even to begin the act of loving one's enemies without the prior acceptance of the necessity, over and over again, of forgiving those who inflict evil and injury upon us. It is also necessary to realize that the forgiving act must always be initiated by the person who has been wronged, the victim of some great hurt, the recipient of some tortuous injustice, the absorber of some terrible act of oppression. The wrongdoer may request forgiveness. He may come to himself, and, like the prodigal son, move up some dusty road, his heart palpitating with the desire for forgiveness. But only the injured neighbor, the loving father back home, can really pour out the warm waters of forgiveness.

Forgiveness does not mean ignoring what has been done or putting a false label on an evil act. It means, rather, that the evil act no longer remains as a barrier to the relationship. Forgiveness is a catalyst creating the atmosphere necessary for a fresh start and a new beginning. It is the lifting of a burden or the canceling of a debt. The words "I will forgive you, but I'll never forget what you've done" never explain the real nature of forgiveness. Certainly one can never forget, if that means erasing it totally from his mind. But when we forgive, we forget in the sense that the evil deed is no longer a mental block impeding a new relationship. Likewise, we can never say, "I will forgive you, but I won't have anything further to do with you." Forgiveness means reconciliation, a coming together again.

Without this, no man can love his enemies. The degree to which we are able to forgive determines the degree to which we are able to love our enemies.

Second, we must recognize that the evil deed of the enemy-neighbor, the thing that hurts, never quite expresses all that he is. An element of goodness may be found even in our worst enemy. Each of us has something of a schizophrenic personality, tragically divided against ourselves. A persistent civil war rages within all of our lives. Something within us causes us to lament with Ovid, the Latin poet, "I see and approve the better things, but follow worse," or to agree with Plato that human personality is like a charioteer having two headstrong horses, each wanting to go in a different direction, or to repeat with the Apostle Paul, "The good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do."

This simply means that there is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies. When we look beneath the surface, beneath. the impulsive evil deed, we see within our enemy-neighbor a measure of goodness and know that the viciousness and evilness of his acts are not quite representative of all that he is. We see him in a new light. We recognize that his hate grows out of fear, pride, ignorance, prejudice, and misunderstanding, but in spite of this, we know God's image is ineffably etched in being. Then we love our enemies by realizing that they are not totally bad and that they are not beyond the reach of God's redemptive love.

Third, we must not seek to defeat or humiliate the enemy but to win his friendship and understanding. At times we are able to humiliate our worst enemy. Inevitably, his weak moments come and we are able to thrust in his side the spear of defeat. But this we must not do. Every word and deed must contribute to an understanding with the enemy and release those vast reservoirs of goodwill which have been blocked by impenetrable walls of hate.

Let us move now from the practical how to the theoretical why: Why should we love our enemies? The first reason is fairly obvious. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multi# plies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction.

So when Jesus says "Love your enemies," he is setting forth a profound and ultimately inescapable admonition. Have we not come to such an impasse in the modern world that we must love our enemies-or else? The chain reaction of evil-hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars-must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation.

Another reason why we must love our enemies is that hate scars the soul and distorts the personality. Mindful that hate is an evil and dangerous force, we too often think of what it does to the person hated. This is understandable, for hate brings irreparable damage to its victims. We have seen its ugly consequences in the ignominious deaths brought to six million Jews by hate-obsessed madman named Hitler, in the unspeakable violence inflicted upon Negroes by bloodthirsty mobs, in the dark horrors of war, and in the terrible indignities and injustices perpetrated against millions of God's children by unconscionable oppressors.

But there is another side which we must never overlook. Hate is just as injurious to the person who hates. Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.

A third reason why we should love our enemies is that love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend. We never get rid of an enemy by meeting hate with hate; we get rid of an enemy by getting rid of enmity. By its very nature, hate destroys and tears down; by its very nature, love creates and builds up. Love transforms with redemptive power.

The relevance of what I have said to the crisis in race relations should be readily apparent. There will be no permanent solution to the, race problem until oppressed men develop the capacity to love their enemies. The darkness of racial injustice will be dispelled only by the light of forgiving love. For more than three centuries American Negroes have been battered by the iron rod of oppression, frustrated by day and bewildered by night by unbearable injustice and burdened with the ugly weight of discrimination. Forced to live with these shameful conditions, we are tempted to become bitter and to retaliate with a corresponding hate. But if this happens, the new order we seek will be little more than a duplicate of the old order. We must in strength and humility meet hate with love.

My friends, we have followed the so-called practical way for too long a time now, and it has led inexorably to deeper confusion and chaos. Time is cluttered with the wreckage of communities which surrendered to hatred and violence. For the salvation of our nation and the salvation of mankind, we must follow another way.

While abhorring segregation, we shall love the segregationist. This is the only way to create the beloved community.

To our most bitter opponents we say: "We shall match your capacity to inflict suffering by our capacity to endure suffering. We shall meet your physical force with soul force. Do to us what you will, and we shall continue to love you. We cannot in all good conscience obey your unjust laws because noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good. Throw us in jail and we shall still love you. Bomb our homes and threaten our children, and we shall still love you. Send your hooded perpetrators of violence into our community at the midnight hour and beat us and leave us half dead, and we shall still love you. But be ye assured that we will wear you down by our capacity to suffer. One day we shall win freedom but not only for ourselves. We shall so appeal to your heart and conscience that we shall win you in the process and our victory will be a double victory."

When your people matter, menstrual health matters

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