Snaack |
Posted 12-06-2003 13:27 by Snaack |
Asherah, al eens van CARNIVORE gehoord? Een leuk tooltje van de FBI..
1. What is Carnivore?
Carnivore helps the FBI conduct wiretaps on Internet connections.
The Red Pill: Carnivore is an FBI assistance program that helps ISP overcome technical difficulties when complying with court orders. The FBI is not allowed to put Carnivore on the network unless the ISP claims it cannot (or will not) comply with the court order. The Internet is not run by the government, so can only place Carnivore boxes on the Internet without permission from an ISP (which rarely gives permission without a court order).
The Blue Pill: Carnivore is a sophisticated new wiretapping/eavesdropping program that scans people's e-mail. There is a widespread
The FBI's story: "Carnivore is a computer-based system that is designed to allow the FBI, in cooperation with an Internet Service Provider (ISP), to comply with court orders requiring the collection of certain information about emails or other electronic communications to or from a specific user targeted in an investigation."
The FBI explains the origin of the codename: "Carnivore chews all the data on the network, but it only actually eats the information authorized by a court order."
1.2. What does Carnivore intercept?
Carnivore is used in two ways: as a "content-wiretap" and a "trap-and-trace/pen-register". It is most often used in the second mode.
A telephone "content wiretap" is where law enforcement eavesdrops on the suspect's telephone calls, recording the oral communications on tape. Carnivore can do similar things for Internet communication:
capture all e-mail messages to and from a specific user's account
capture all the network traffic to and from a specific user or IP address
A less invasive style of wiretapping is the telephone "trap-and-trace," where police tracks all the caller IDs of inbound telephone calls. For example, if your child has been kidnapped, the FBI will put a trap and trace on your phone in hopes of discovering the telephone number of the kidnappers when they call your for ransom. There is a similar feature known as a "pen-register" that tracks all outbound telephone numbers dialed. If you are a suspected drug dealer, the FBI might perform a virtual stake out where they put a trap-and-trace plus pen-register on your phone in order to discover everyone you call, and everyone who calls you. Similar functionality for the Internet consists of:
capture all the e-mail headers (including e-mail addresses) going to and from an e-mail account, but not the actual contents (or Subject: line)
list all the servers (web servers, FTP servers) that the suspect accesses, but don't capture the content of this communication
track everyone who accesses a specific web page or FTP file
track all web pages or FTP files that a suspect accesses
You'll notice that the trap-and-trace/pen-register functionality is mostly a subset of the content-wiretap interception. This is because the legal standards are more relaxed. A full content-wiretap can only be authorized by a federal district court judge, and only in cases of clear probable cause when certain crimes have been committed. The purpose of a full content-wiretap is to gather evidence to use during prosecution. In contrast, a pen-register can be authorized by lower judges. It is often used during the course of a criminal investigation in order to find out background information. This information is not considered "hard evidence" and may not stand up in court. Instead, it is often simply part of the background investigation.
Therefore, if the FBI suspects you of a crime for which you are using e-mail, they will do their best to get a court order to grab the full contents. If they cannot do that, they will back off and try to get a court order for all the e-mail addresses of people you correspond with (for example).
Welcome to the real world
CARNIVORE is dus een netwerk-sniffer en kan 24/7 volledig automatisch dataverkeer (Internet/ FTP/ newsgroups/ email etc) monitoren.
De geruchten gaan zelfs dat een dergelijk systeem ook voor telefonie ontwikkeld is