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Topic : Krachttraining/Bodybuilding 2nd edition Vorige pagina
Usericon van Rotzak
Posted 09-11-2007 21:15 by Rotzak Profiel van Rotzak

Vandaag ook weer geweest, heerlijk.

Against God and Government

Say It With Jb.
Usericon van jbassist
Posted 09-11-2007 21:20 by jbassist Profiel van jbassist

Vooral voor het weekend even

"BONKE! next time you fuck in my bathroom, fucking throw the condoms into the toilet! not in or on top of the goddamn sink...."

Usericon van Rotzak
Posted 12-11-2007 8:32 by Rotzak Profiel van Rotzak

Ik zoek eigenlijk nog een soort van voedingschema, voedsel dat helpt de spiermassa te vergroten, iemand een idee?

Against God and Government

Usericon van spectre
Posted 12-11-2007 8:47 by spectre Profiel van spectre

Dat is al tig keer voorbij gekomen in dit topic

Usericon van Rotzak
Posted 12-11-2007 8:48 by Rotzak Profiel van Rotzak

Op 12 november 2007 8:47 schreef spectre het volgende:
Dat is al tig keer voorbij gekomen in dit topic


Against God and Government

Usericon van Jällö
Posted 12-11-2007 8:51 by Jällö Profiel van Jällö

Ja, streef naar 5 flinke maaltijden per dag. Eiwitshakes zijn handig om je kaken te besparen en chlosterol binnen de perken te houden.

Zo nu en dan een mega maaltijd zet geen zoden aan de dijk, één weekje flink eten evenmin en een diepvriespizza is geen maaltijd.

Information is not knowledge is not wisdom is not truth

Usericon van M.
Posted 12-11-2007 8:51 by M. Profiel van M.

Boekweitgrutten en zure zult, wat ik je brom.

Fickt nicht mit dem Raketemensch!!

Farðu í rassgat andskotans auminginn þinn!
Usericon van Vikingblood
Posted 12-11-2007 8:52 by Vikingblood Profiel van Vikingblood

en vreet wat CLA.. groei je ook wel van..

Some people are like clouds! It will be a glorious day when they fuck off.

Usericon van Rotzak
Posted 13-11-2007 15:12 by Rotzak Profiel van Rotzak

En hoe zit het met soja producten? Ik lees hier veel over eiwit shakes, maar als ik het goed heb kan ik toch ook gewoon een sojamelk gebruiken?

Against God and Government

Say It With Jb.
Usericon van jbassist
Posted 21-11-2007 16:02 by jbassist Profiel van jbassist

IRON, from Details Magazine

By Henry Rollins

Posted on on May 21, 2001

I believe that the definition of definition is reinvention. To not be like your parents. To not be like your friends. To be yourself.

When I was young I had no sense of myself. All I was, was a product of all the fear and humiliation I suffered. Fear of my parents. The humiliation of teachers calling me "garbage can" and telling me I'd be mowing lawns for a living. And the very real terror of my fellow students. I was threatened and beaten up for the color of my skin and my size. I was skinny and clumsy, and when others would tease me I didn't run home crying, wondering why. I knew all too well. I was there to be antagonized. In sports I was laughed at. A spaz. I was pretty good at boxing but only because the rage that filled my every waking moment made me wild and unpredictable. I fought with some strange fury. The other boys thought I was crazy.

I hated myself all the time. As stupid at it seems now, I wanted to talk like them, dress like them, carry myself with the ease of knowing that I wasn't going to get pounded in the hallway between classes. Years passed and I learned to keep it all inside. I only talked to a few boys in my grade. Other losers. Some of them are to this day the greatest people I have ever known. Hang out with a guy who has had his head flushed down a toilet a few times, treat him with respect, and you'll find a faithful friend forever. But even with friends, school sucked. Teachers gave me hard time. I didn't think much of them either.

Then came Mr. Pepperman, my advisor. He was a powerfully built Vietnam veteran, and he was scary. No one ever talked out of turn in his class.Once one kid did and Mr. P. lifted him off the ground and pinned him to the blackboard. Mr. P. could see that I was in bad shape, and one Friday in October he asked me if I had ever worked out with weights. I told him no. He told me that I was going to take some of the money that I had saved and buy a hundred-pound set of weights at Sears. As I left his office, I started to think of things I would say to him on Monday when he asked about the weights that I was not going to buy. Still, it made me feel special. My father never really got that close to caring. On Saturday I bought the weights, but I couldn't even drag them to my mom's car. An attendant laughed at me as he put them on a dolly.

Monday came and I was called into Mr. P.'s office after school. He said that he was going to show me how to work out. He was going to put me on a program and start hitting me in the solar plexus in the hallway when I wasn't looking. When I could take the punch we would
know that we were getting somewhere. At no time was I to look at myself in the mirror or tell anyone at school what I was doing.
In the gym he showed me ten basic exercises. I paid more attention than I ever did in any of my classes. I didn't want to blow it. I went home that night and started right in.

Weeks passed, and every once in a while Mr. P. would give me a shot and drop me in the hallway, sending my books flying. The other students didn't know what to think. More weeks passed, and I was steadily adding new weights to the bar. I could sense the power inside my body growing. I could feel it.

Right before Christmas break I was walking to class, and from out of nowhere Mr. Pepperman appeared and gave me a shot in the chest. I laughed and kept going. He said I could look at myself now. I got home and ran to the bathroom and pulled off my shirt. I saw a body, not just the shell that housed my stomach and my heart. My biceps bulged. My chest had definition. I felt strong. It was the first time I can remember having a sense of myself. I had done something and no one could ever take it away. You couldn't say shit to me.

It took me years to fully appreciate the value of the lessons I have
learned from the Iron. I used to think that it was my adversary, that I was trying to lift that which does not want to be lifted. I was
When the Iron doesn't want to come off the mat, it's the kindest thing it can do for you. If it flew up and went through the ceiling, it wouldn't teach you anything. That's the way the Iron talks to you. It tells you that the material you work with is that which you will come to resemble. That which you work against will always work against you.

It wasn't until my late twenties that I learned that by working out I had given myself a great gift. I learned that nothing good comes without work and a certain amount of pain. When I finish a set that leaves me shaking, I know more about myself. When something gets bad, I know it can't be as bad as that workout.

I used to fight the pain, but recently this became clear to me: pain is not my enemy; it is my call to greatness. But when dealing with the Iron, one must be careful to interpret the pain correctly. Most injuries involving the Iron come from ego. I once spent a few weeks lifting weight that my body wasn't ready for and spent a few months not picking up anything heavier than a fork. Try to lift what you're not prepared to and the Iron will teach you a little lesson in restraint and self-control.

I have never met a truly strong person who didn't have self-respect. I think a lot of inwardly and outwardly directed contempt passes itself off as self-respect: the idea of raising yourself by stepping on someone's shoulders instead of doing it yourself. When I see guys working out for cosmetic reasons, I see vanity exposing them in the worst way, as cartoon characters, billboards for imbalance and insecurity. Strength reveals itself through character. It is the difference between bouncers who get off strong-arming people and Mr.Pepperman.

Muscle mass does not always equal strength. Strength is kindness and sensitivity. Strength is understanding that your power is both physical and emotional. That it comes from the body and the mind. And the heart.

Yukio Mishima said that he could not entertain the idea of romance if he was not strong. Romance is such a strong and overwhelming passion, a weakened body cannot sustain it for long. I have some of my most romantic thoughts when I am with the Iron. Once I was in love with a woman. I thought about her the most when the pain from a workout was racing through my body.

Everything in me wanted her. So much so that sex was only a fraction of my total desire. It was the single most intense love I have ever felt, but she lived far away and I didn't see her very often. Working out was a healthy way of dealing with the loneliness. To this day, when I work out I usually listen to ballads.

I prefer to work out alone. It enables me to concentrate on the lessons that the Iron has for me. Learning about what you're made of is always time well spent, and I have found no better teacher. The Iron had taught me how to live. Life is capable of driving you out of your mind. The way it all comes down these days, it's some kind of miracle if you're not insane. People have become separated from their bodies. They are no longer whole.

I see them move from their offices to their cars and on to their suburban homes. They stress out constantly, they lose sleep, they eat badly. And they behave badly. Their egos run wild; they become motivated by that which will eventually give them a massive stroke. They need the Iron Mind.

Through the years, I have combined meditation, action, and the Iron into a single strength. I believe that when the body is strong, the mind thinks strong thoughts. Time spent away from the Iron makes my mind degenerate. I wallow in a thick depression. My body shuts down my mind.

The Iron is the best antidepressant I have ever found. There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength. Once the mind and body have been awakened to their true potential, it's impossible to turn back.

The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you're a god or a total bastard. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds.

Tegek stuk, ik snap nu ook enigsinds waarom het voor mezelf mischien zo verslavend werkt.

"BONKE! next time you fuck in my bathroom, fucking throw the condoms into the toilet! not in or on top of the goddamn sink...."

Usericon van Kramy
Posted 21-11-2007 16:24 by Kramy Profiel van Kramyhttp://

Hahaha, wat gay!

|"| |''| |"| >')
Usericon van Lionheart
Posted 21-11-2007 16:26 by Lionheart Profiel van Lionheart

Wist niet dat je het vroeger moeilijk had jbassist. :')

Say It With Jb.
Usericon van jbassist
Posted 21-11-2007 21:01 by jbassist Profiel van jbassist

Ghehe, don't worry, ik niet.
had het meer over de rest.. en henry rollins gay noemen kan natuurlijk niet he?

"BONKE! next time you fuck in my bathroom, fucking throw the condoms into the toilet! not in or on top of the goddamn sink...."

creature of the nigh
Usericon van creature of the nigh
Posted 21-11-2007 21:19 by creature of the nigh Profiel van creature of the nigh

Morgen weer

Man Is But a Worm
Usericon van ElitE
Posted 12-03-2008 15:50 by ElitE Profiel van ElitE

haah ik wist niet dat het nog zoveel gedaan werd

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door ElitE op 12-03-2008 15:53]

♂ <o((((>< <o((((>< <o((((><
♀<o(((>< <o(((><

Usericon van WhiteRider
Posted 12-03-2008 16:14 by WhiteRider Profiel van WhiteRider

ben gerrit 24. train ong 3 jaar ben nu bezig met een test only kuur
maar heb ong 8 uur na het zetten fucking veel last van m`n reet
hoop dat jullie me kunnen helpen
heb gister m`n 3e prik gehad en heb nu weer zwaar veel last van m`n reet
dus ben gaan twijffelen of het wel goeie test. is
want in mijn vorige kuur heb ik nergens last van gehad
een beetje last ok maar dit gaat echt nergens over..

Say It With Jb.
Usericon van jbassist
Posted 12-03-2008 17:38 by jbassist Profiel van jbassist

Ghehehe, even een spuitje sinterklaas

Je merkt het ook meteen als iemand er weer aanzit
SUPERdruk en ze drukken meteen 30 kilo meer in een week :')

"BONKE! next time you fuck in my bathroom, fucking throw the condoms into the toilet! not in or on top of the goddamn sink...."

Usericon van Dentz
Posted 12-03-2008 17:47 by Dentz Profiel van Dentz

Op 12 maart 2008 17:38 schreef jbassist het volgende:

SUPERdruk en ze drukken meteen 30 kilo meer in een week :')

WTF, kan toch nooit goed zijn ...

... Ik houd niet zo van metal door mijn grindcore.

Say It With Jb.
Usericon van jbassist
Posted 12-03-2008 18:41 by jbassist Profiel van jbassist

Nee, goed is het nooit eigenlijk.
Maar als je op een doodpunt zit, dit neemt voor erg korte tijd, over je dodepunt heenkomt en door goeie voeding en genoeg training naderhand toch genoeg van je "vooruitgang" vasthoudt.

Tja, als het echt snoeihard je enige passie is en je al jaren traint, dan is het iets anders als dat je een jaartje bezigbent en de man wil zijn op het strand in je blote bast

"BONKE! next time you fuck in my bathroom, fucking throw the condoms into the toilet! not in or on top of the goddamn sink...."

Usericon van Rotzak
Posted 12-03-2008 20:43 by Rotzak Profiel van Rotzak

Ik baal er van dat ik minder kan ivm stage etc.

Against God and Government

Usericon van Bash
Posted 12-03-2008 22:38 by Bash Profiel van Bash

Gewoon lomp sjouw werk doen voor je beroep en dat een paar jaar vol houden. Maar wel je grenzen weten en er telkens aan gaan zitten... Anders helpt het niet.
Dat werkt voor mij het beste.
Heb ook een tijdje als verhuizer gewerkt en ik liep in mijn eentje met koelkasten en wasmachines te sjouwen... Heb maar 1 keer echt last gehad van mijn rug. Maar dat was gewoon dom. Dat was een accu van 300 kilo. Maar ik word dus eigenlijk betaald om te trainen.

Usericon van Dentz
Posted 12-03-2008 22:42 by Dentz Profiel van Dentz


... Ik houd niet zo van metal door mijn grindcore.

Say It With Jb.
Usericon van jbassist
Posted 12-03-2008 22:58 by jbassist Profiel van jbassist

Ghehehe, daarom ben je ook zo breed ghehehe (niet dat ik het ben though hehe)

"BONKE! next time you fuck in my bathroom, fucking throw the condoms into the toilet! not in or on top of the goddamn sink...."

Usericon van Dentz
Posted 12-03-2008 22:59 by Dentz Profiel van Dentz

Ik ben heel breed.

... Ik houd niet zo van metal door mijn grindcore.

De slotenmaker
Usericon van Slotje
Posted 12-03-2008 22:59 by Slotje (Administrator) Profiel van Slotje

Maximum aantal reacties is bereikt. Dit topic is automatisch afgesloten door Slotje

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